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# What is Uguu?
Uguu is a simple lightweight file uploading and sharing platform, with the option for files to expire.
## Features
- One click uploading, no registration required
- A minimal, modern web interface
- Drag & Drop & Paste supported
- Upload API with multiple response choices
- Text
- Supports [ShareX](https://getsharex.com/) and other screenshot tools
### Demo
See the real world example at [uguu.se](https://uguu.se).
## Requirements
Original development environment is Nginx + PHP5.3 + SQLite, but is confirmed to
work with Apache 2.4 and newer PHP versions like PHP7.3 and PHP8.0
Node is used to compile Uguu.
## Install
**Detailed installation and configuration can be found at [Uguu Documentation](https://docs.uguu.se).**
If you don't need a detailed one just follow the instructions below.
### Compiling
First you must get a copy of the uguu code. To do so, clone this git repo.
git clone https://github.com/nokonoko/uguu
**Run the following commands to do so, please configure `dist.json` before you compile.**
cd uguu/
make install
make install DESTDIR=/desired/path/for/site
After this, the uguu site is now compressed and set up inside `dist/`, or, if specified, `DESTDIR`.
## Configuring
Front-end related settings, such as the name of the site, and maximum allowable
file size, are found in `dist.json`. Changes made here will
only take effect after rebuilding the site pages. This may be done by running
`make` from the root of the site directory.
**Back-end related settings, such as database configuration, and path for uploaded files, are found in `includes/settings.inc.php`. Changes made here take effect immediately. Change the following settings:**
define('UGUU_DB_CONN', 'sqlite:/path/to/db/uguu.sq3');
define('UGUU_FILES_ROOT', '/path/to/file/');
define('UGUU_URL', 'https://subdomainforyourfiles.your.site');
**If you intend to allow uploading files larger than 2 MB, you may also need to
increase POST size limits in `php.ini` and webserver configuration. For PHP,
modify `upload_max_filesize` and `post_max_size` values. The configuration
option for nginx webserver is `client_max_body_size`.**
**Edit checkdb.sh and checkfiles.sh to the proper paths:**
sqlite3 /path/to/db/uguu.sq3 "DELETE FROM files WHERE date <= strftime('%s', datetime('now', '-1 day'));"
find /path/to/files/ -mmin +1440 -exec rm -f {} \;
**Then add them to your crontab:**
0,30 * * * * bash /path/to/checkfiles.sh
0,30 * * * * bash /path/to/checkdb.sh
These scripts check if DB entries and files are older then 24 hours and if they are deletes them.
## MIME/EXT Blocking
**Blocking certain filetypes from being uploaded can be changed by editing the following settings in `includes/settings.inc.php`:**
define('CONFIG_BLOCKED_EXTENSIONS', serialize(['exe', 'scr', 'com', 'vbs', 'bat', 'cmd', 'htm', 'html', 'jar', 'msi', 'apk', 'phtml', 'svg']));
define('CONFIG_BLOCKED_MIME', serialize(['application/msword', 'text/html', 'application/x-dosexec', 'application/java', 'application/java-archive', 'application/x-executable', 'application/x-mach-binary', 'image/svg+xml']));
By default the most common malicious filetypes are blocked.
## IP logging
This is turned off by default, but you can enable it by changing:
define('LOG_IP', 'false');
## Anti dupe
This is turned off by default, if a user uploads a file already uploaded the link to the already existing file will be returned instead.
define('ANTI_DUPE', 'false');
## Using SQLite as DB engine
We need to create the SQLite database before it may be used by uguu.
Fortunately, this is incredibly simple.
First create a directory for the database, e.g. `mkdir /var/db/uguu`.
Then, create a new SQLite database from the schema, e.g. `sqlite3 /var/db/uguu/uguu.sq3 -init /home/uguu/sqlite_schema.sql`.
Then, finally, ensure the permissions are correct, e.g.
chown www-data:www-data /var/db/uguu
chmod 0750 /var/db/uguu
chmod 0640 /var/db/uguu/uguu.sq3
Finally, edit `includes/settings.inc.php` to indicate this is the database engine you would like to use. Make the changes outlined below
define('UGUU_DB_CONN', '[stuff]'); ---> define('UGUU_DB_CONN', 'sqlite:/var/db/uguu/uguu.sq3');
define('UGUU_DB_USER', '[stuff]'); ---> define('UGUU_DB_USER', null);
define('UGUU_DB_PASS', '[stuff]'); ---> define('UGUU_DB_PASS', null);
*NOTE: The directory where the SQLite database is stored, must be writable by the web server user*
## API
To upload using curl or make a tool you can post using:
curl -i -F files[]=@yourfile.jpeg https://uguu.se/upload.php (JSON Response)
curl -i -F files[]=@yourfile.jpeg https://uguu.se/upload.php?output=text (Text Response)
curl -i -F files[]=@yourfile.jpeg https://uguu.se/upload.php?output=csv (CSV Response)
curl -i -F files[]=@yourfile.jpeg https://uguu.se/upload.php?output=html (HTML Response)
## Getting help
Hit me up at [@nekunekus](https://twitter.com/nekunekus) or email me at neku@pomf.se
## Credits
Uguu is based on [Pomf](http://github.com/pomf/pomf) which was written by Emma Lejack & Eric Johansson (nekunekus) and with help from the open source community.
## License
Uguu is free software, and is released under the terms of the Expat license. See
## To do in release v1.1.0
* Mod feature and interface
* Blacklist DB (already exists on Uguu.se, but not in this code)
* Code cleanup