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synced 2024-06-15 03:35:16 +00:00
Visual changes to the following emojis: * Beer Mug * Clinking Beer Mugs * Jack-O-Lantern * Eyes * Clapping Hands * Crown * Glasses * Heart With Arrow * Man Gesturing OK * Raising Hands * Police Car Light * Clinking Glasses * Ballot Box With Check * White Heavy Check Mark * Heavy Check Mark * Radio Button * Index Pointing Up * Eagle * Microscope * Crystal Ball * Speaking Head * Waving Hand * Leaf Fluttering in Wind Major optimizations to all assets to reduce file size and simplify SVG structure.
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><path fill="#A88DC1" d="M36 2.001c0-.809-.487-1.538-1.234-1.848-.75-.31-1.607-.139-2.18.434-.61.61-2.275 1.999-4.099 2.804C25.532 1.266 21.918.001 18 .001c-3.919 0-7.535 1.267-10.491 3.393C5.71 2.601 4.069 1.237 3.414.586 2.843.014 1.981-.157 0 1.191 0 2.001c0 2.006.571 5.044 2.278 7.246C.832 11.839 0 14.821 0 18.001c0 9.941 8.059 18 18 18s18-8.059 18-18c0-3.179-.832-6.162-2.278-8.754C35.429 7.044 36 4.007 36 2.001z"/><path fill="#553986" d="M15.894 14.211l-6-3c-.988-.494-2.189-.093-2.684.895-.494.988-.093 2.189.895 2.684l4.212 2.106c-.306.533-.317 1.105-.317 1.105v2s0 2 2 2 2-2 2-2v-2s-.003-.109-.025-.263c.338-.189.628-.471.814-.843.494-.988.093-2.189-.895-2.684zm12.895-2.105c-.493-.986-1.694-1.391-2.684-.895l-6 3c-.988.494-1.389 1.695-.895 2.684.186.372.476.654.814.843-.021.154-.024.263-.024.263v2s0 2 2 2 2-2 2-2v-2s-.011-.572-.318-1.105l4.212-2.106c.989-.495 1.389-1.696.895-2.684zm-4.507 17.489c-.039-.165-.985-3.848-6.282-3.848-5.291 0-6.245 3.69-6.282 3.848-. 1.583-1.522 5.306-1.522s5.291 1.507 5.305 1.521c. 0 .199-.026.289-.079.224-.134.338-.407.275-.665z"/></svg> |