mirror of https://github.com/twitter/twemoji.git synced 2024-06-15 03:35:16 +00:00
Bryan Haggerty 0dd7c46f41 Twemoj 11.0 update
Added support for new emojis included in Unicode 11.0/Emoji 11.0. We've also changed the major version numbering of the Twemoji project to align with Unicode's versioning to better communicate the level of Unicode support included in the Twemoji library.

Additions to Twemoji with this release include:
* Smiling Face With 3 Hearts
* Hot Face
* Cold Face
* Partying Face
* Woozy Face
* Pleading Face
* Superhero
* Supervillain
* Leg
* Foot
* Bone
* Tooth
* Goggles
* Lab Coat
* Hiking Boot
* Flat Shoe
* Raccoon
* Llama
* Hippopotamus
* Kangaroo
* Badger
* Swan
* Peacock
* Parrot
* Lobster
* Mosquito
* Microbe
* Mango
* Leafy Green
* Bagel
* Salt
* Moon Cake
* Cupcake
* Compass
* Brick
* Skateboard
* Luggage
* Firecracker
* Red Gift Envelope
* Softball
* Flying Disc
* Lacrosse
* Nazar Amulet
* Jigsaw
* Teddy Bear
* Abacus
* Receipt
* Toolbox
* Magnet
* Test Tube
* Petri Dish
* Fire Extinguisher
* Lotion Bottle
* Thread
* Yarn
* Safety Pin
* Broom
* Basket
* Roll of Toilet Paper
* Soap
* Sponge
* Chess pawn
* Infinity
2018-06-05 14:00:34 -07:00

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1.8 KiB

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