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Go Johansson (neku) 5205351911 1.7.0
2023-02-18 15:22:37 +01:00

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# Uguu
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# What is Uguu?
Uguu is a simple lightweight temporary file hosting and sharing platform, but can also be used as a permanent file host.
## Features
- One click uploading, no registration required.
- A minimal, modern web interface.
- Drag & Drop & Paste supported.
- Upload API with multiple response choices:
- Text
- Supports [ShareX](https://getsharex.com/) and other screenshot tools.
- File extension & MIME black/whitelisting.
- Upload rate limiting.
- File (hash) blacklisting.
- Run bare or as a container.
### Demo
See the real world site at [uguu.se](https://uguu.se).
## Requirements
Tested and working with Nginx + PHP-8.1 + SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL.
Node is used to compile Uguu, after that it runs on PHP.
## Installation
Installation and configuration can be found at [Uguu Documentation](https://docs.uguu.se).
If you need a admin panel check out [Moe Panel](https://github.com/Pomf/MoePanel).
## Getting help
Hit me up at [@nekunekus](https://twitter.com/nekunekus) or email me at neku@pomf.se
## Contributing
We'd really like if you can take some time to make sure your coding style is
consistent with the project. Uguu follows [PHP
PSR-12](https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-12/) and [Airbnb JavaScript
(ES5)](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript/tree/es5-deprecated/es5) (`airbnb/legacy`)
coding style guides. We use ESLint and PHPCS tools to enforce these standards.
You can also help by sending us feature requests or writing documentation and
## Upcoming Features
* S3 Bucket Support
* Azure File Storage Support
* Temporal/RR Support
## Credits
Uguu is based on [Pomf](http://github.com/pomf/pomf) which was written by Emma Lejack & Go Johansson (nekunekus) and with help from the open source community.
## License
Uguu is free software, and is released under the terms of the GPL-3.0 license. See