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synced 2024-12-05 09:25:13 +00:00
* Parse headers to data * Regen headers from data
99 lines
3.5 KiB
99 lines
3.5 KiB
// Copyright 2022 QMK
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
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d88P"88b d8P Y8b 888 "88b d8P Y8b 888P" "88b 888 d8P Y8b d88" 888
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#pragma once
#include "keymap.h"
// clang-format off
// Aliases
#define CM_GRV KC_GRV // `
#define CM_1 KC_1 // 1
#define CM_2 KC_2 // 2
#define CM_3 KC_3 // 3
#define CM_4 KC_4 // 4
#define CM_5 KC_5 // 5
#define CM_6 KC_6 // 6
#define CM_7 KC_7 // 7
#define CM_8 KC_8 // 8
#define CM_9 KC_9 // 9
#define CM_0 KC_0 // 0
#define CM_MINS KC_MINS // -
#define CM_EQL KC_EQL // =
#define CM_Q KC_Q // Q
#define CM_W KC_W // W
#define CM_F KC_E // F
#define CM_P KC_R // P
#define CM_G KC_T // G
#define CM_J KC_Y // J
#define CM_L KC_U // L
#define CM_U KC_I // U
#define CM_Y KC_O // Y
#define CM_SCLN KC_P // ;
#define CM_LBRC KC_LBRC // [
#define CM_RBRC KC_RBRC // ]
#define CM_BSLS KC_BSLS // (backslash)
#define CM_A KC_A // A
#define CM_R KC_S // R
#define CM_S KC_D // S
#define CM_T KC_F // T
#define CM_D KC_G // D
#define CM_H KC_H // H
#define CM_N KC_J // N
#define CM_E KC_K // E
#define CM_I KC_L // I
#define CM_O KC_SCLN // O
#define CM_QUOT KC_QUOT // '
#define CM_Z KC_Z // Z
#define CM_X KC_X // X
#define CM_C KC_C // C
#define CM_V KC_V // V
#define CM_B KC_B // B
#define CM_K KC_N // K
#define CM_M KC_M // M
#define CM_COMM KC_COMM // ,
#define CM_DOT KC_DOT // .
#define CM_SLSH KC_SLSH // /
#define CM_TILD S(CM_GRV) // ~
#define CM_EXLM S(CM_1) // !
#define CM_AT S(CM_2) // @
#define CM_HASH S(CM_3) // #
#define CM_DLR S(CM_4) // $
#define CM_PERC S(CM_5) // %
#define CM_CIRC S(CM_6) // ^
#define CM_AMPR S(CM_7) // &
#define CM_ASTR S(CM_8) // *
#define CM_LPRN S(CM_9) // (
#define CM_RPRN S(CM_0) // )
#define CM_UNDS S(CM_MINS) // _
#define CM_PLUS S(CM_EQL) // +
#define CM_COLN S(CM_SCLN) // :
#define CM_LCBR S(CM_LBRC) // {
#define CM_RCBR S(CM_RBRC) // }
#define CM_PIPE S(CM_BSLS) // |
#define CM_DQUO S(CM_QUOT) // "
#define CM_LABK S(CM_COMM) // <
#define CM_RABK S(CM_DOT) // >
#define CM_QUES S(CM_SLSH) // ?