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synced 2025-03-08 20:48:24 +00:00
Renamed keyboard alt67 to alt and adjusted necessary files where alt67 appeared. CTRL keymap fixed enum structure name. usb2422 removed stray define no longer used.
183 lines
5.0 KiB
183 lines
5.0 KiB
Copyright 2018 Massdrop Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "alt.h"
#include "d51_util.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "clks.h"
#include <string.h>
matrix_row_t mlatest[MATRIX_ROWS];
matrix_row_t mlast[MATRIX_ROWS];
matrix_row_t mdebounced[MATRIX_ROWS];
uint8_t row_ports[] = { MATRIX_ROW_PORTS };
uint8_t row_pins[] = { MATRIX_ROW_PINS };
uint8_t col_ports[] = { MATRIX_COL_PORTS };
uint8_t col_pins[] = { MATRIX_COL_PINS };
uint32_t row_masks[2]; //NOTE: If more than PA PB used in the future, adjust code to accomodate
__attribute__ ((weak))
void matrix_init_kb(void) {
__attribute__ ((weak))
void matrix_scan_kb(void) {
__attribute__ ((weak))
void matrix_init_user(void) {
__attribute__ ((weak))
void matrix_scan_user(void) {
void matrix_init(void)
memset(mlatest, 0, MATRIX_ROWS * sizeof(matrix_row_t));
memset(mlast, 0, MATRIX_ROWS * sizeof(matrix_row_t));
memset(mdebounced, 0, MATRIX_ROWS * sizeof(matrix_row_t));
row_masks[PA] = 0;
row_masks[PB] = 0;
uint8_t row;
for (row = 0; row < MATRIX_ROWS; row++)
PORT->Group[row_ports[row]].DIRCLR.reg = 1 << row_pins[row]; //Input
PORT->Group[row_ports[row]].OUTCLR.reg = 1 << row_pins[row]; //Low
PORT->Group[row_ports[row]].PINCFG[row_pins[row]].bit.INEN = 1; //Input Enable,
PORT->Group[row_ports[row]].PINCFG[row_pins[row]].bit.PULLEN = 1; //Pull Enable
row_masks[row_ports[row]] |= 1 << row_pins[row]; //Add pin to proper row mask
uint8_t col;
for (col = 0; col < MATRIX_COLS; col++)
PORT->Group[col_ports[col]].DIRSET.reg = 1 << col_pins[col]; //Output
PORT->Group[col_ports[col]].OUTCLR.reg = 1 << col_pins[col]; //Low
#define MATRIX_SCAN_DELAY 10 //Delay after setting a col to output (in us)
uint64_t mdebouncing = 0;
uint8_t matrix_scan(void)
uint8_t mchanged;
uint8_t row;
uint8_t col;
uint32_t scans[2]; //PA PB
if (CLK_get_ms() < mdebouncing) return 1; //mdebouncing == 0 when no debouncing active
//m15_off; //Profiling scans
memset(mlatest, 0, MATRIX_ROWS * sizeof(matrix_row_t)); //Zero the result buffer
for (col = 0; col < MATRIX_COLS; col++)
PORT->Group[col_ports[col]].OUTSET.reg = 1 << col_pins[col]; //Set col output
CLK_delay_us(MATRIX_SCAN_DELAY); //Delay for output
scans[PA] = PORT->Group[PA].IN.reg & row_masks[PA]; //Read PA row pins data
scans[PB] = PORT->Group[PB].IN.reg & row_masks[PB]; //Read PB row pins data
PORT->Group[col_ports[col]].OUTCLR.reg = 1 << col_pins[col]; //Clear col output
for (row = 0; row < MATRIX_ROWS; row++)
//Move scan bits from scans array into proper row bit locations
if (scans[row_ports[row]] & (1 << row_pins[row]))
mlatest[row] |= 1 << col;
mchanged = 0; //Default to no matrix change since last
for (row = 0; row < MATRIX_ROWS; row++)
if (mlast[row] != mlatest[row])
mchanged = 1;
mlast[row] = mlatest[row];
if (!mchanged)
for (row = 0; row < MATRIX_ROWS; row++)
mdebounced[row] = mlatest[row];
mdebouncing = 0;
//Begin or extend debounce on change
mdebouncing = CLK_get_ms() + DEBOUNCING_DELAY;
//m15_on; //Profiling scans
return 1;
matrix_row_t matrix_get_row(uint8_t row)
return mdebounced[row];
void matrix_print(void)
char buf[(MATRIX_COLS+8)*(MATRIX_ROWS+1)] = "R C";
char *pbuf = buf+3;
uint32_t cols;
uint32_t rows;
matrix_row_t row;
for (cols = 1; cols <= MATRIX_COLS; cols++)
*pbuf = (cols%10)+48;
*pbuf = '\r'; pbuf++;
*pbuf = '\n'; pbuf++;
for (rows = 1; rows <= MATRIX_ROWS; rows++)
row = matrix_get_row(rows-1);
if (rows < 10) { *pbuf = rows+48; pbuf++; *pbuf = ' '; pbuf++; *pbuf = ' '; pbuf++; }
else { *pbuf = (rows/10)+48; pbuf++; *pbuf = (rows%10)+48; pbuf++; *pbuf = ' '; pbuf++; }
for (cols = 0; cols < MATRIX_COLS; cols++)
if (row & 1 << cols) *pbuf = 'X';
else *pbuf = '.';
*pbuf = '\r'; pbuf++;
*pbuf = '\n'; pbuf++;
*pbuf = 0;