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167 lines
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Executable File
{{ constants.GPL2_HEADER_C_LIKE }}
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
// Versions and identifiers
#define XAP_BCD_VERSION UINT32_C({{ xap.version | triplet_to_bcd }})
#define QMK_BCD_VERSION UINT32_C({{ qmk_version | triplet_to_bcd }})
#define XAP_KEYBOARD_IDENTIFIER UINT32_C({{ keyboard | fnv1a_32 }})
// Response flag definitions
{% for bit,data in xap.response_flags.bits | dictsort -%}
#define {{ xap.response_flags.define_prefix }}_{{ data.define | to_snake | upper }} (UINT32_C(1) << ({{ bit }}))
{% endfor -%}
#define {{ xap.response_flags.define_prefix }}_FAILED 0x00
// Broadcast message definitions
{% for message_id,data in xap.broadcast_messages.messages | dictsort -%}
#define {{ xap.broadcast_messages.define_prefix }}_{{ data.define | to_snake | upper }} {{ message_id }}
{% if 'return_type' in data -%}
void {{ xap.broadcast_messages.define_prefix | lower }}_{{ data.define | to_snake | lower }}({{ data.return_type | type_to_c('value') }});
{% else -%}
void {{ xap.broadcast_messages.define_prefix | lower }}_{{ data.define | to_snake | lower }}(const void *data, size_t length);
{% endif %}
{% endfor -%}
// Type definitions
{% for name,data in xap.type_definitions | dictsort -%}
{% if data.type != 'struct' -%}
typedef {{ data.type | type_to_c('xap_'+(name|to_snake|lower)+'_t') }};
{% endif -%}
{% endfor %}
{%- for name,data in xap.type_definitions | dictsort %}
{% if data.type == 'struct' -%}
typedef struct {
{%- for member in data.struct_members %}
{{ member.type | type_to_c(member.name) }};
{%- endfor %}
} __attribute__((__packed__)) xap_{{ name | to_snake | lower }}_t{{ data.type | type_to_c_after }};
_Static_assert(sizeof(xap_{{ name | to_snake | lower }}_t) == {{ data.struct_length }}, "xap_{{ name | to_snake | lower }}_t needs to be {{ data.struct_length }} bytes in size");
{%- endif -%}
{% endfor %}
// Route definitions
{% macro export_route_types(prefix, container) -%}
{%- if 'routes' in container -%}
{% for route, data in container.routes | dictsort -%}
{%- set this_prefix_uc = (prefix + '_' + data.define) | upper -%}
{%- set this_prefix_lc = this_prefix_uc | lower -%}
{% if 'request_struct_members' in data -%}
typedef struct {
{%- for member in data.request_struct_members %}
{{ member.type | type_to_c(member.name|lower) }};
{%- endfor %}
} __attribute__((__packed__)) {{ this_prefix_lc | to_snake | lower }}_arg_t;
_Static_assert(sizeof({{ this_prefix_lc | to_snake | lower }}_arg_t) == {{ data.request_struct_length }}, "{{ this_prefix_lc | to_snake | lower }}_arg_t needs to be {{ data.request_struct_length }} bytes in size");
{% elif 'request_type' in data -%}
typedef {{ data.request_type | type_to_c(this_prefix_lc+'_arg_t') }};
{%- endif -%}
{%- if 'return_struct_members' in data -%}
typedef struct {
{%- for member in data.return_struct_members %}
{{ member.type | type_to_c(member.name|lower) }};
{%- endfor %}
} __attribute__((__packed__)) {{ this_prefix_lc | to_snake | lower }}_t;
_Static_assert(sizeof({{ this_prefix_lc | to_snake | lower }}_t) == {{ data.return_struct_length }}, "{{ this_prefix_lc | to_snake | lower }}_t needs to be {{ data.return_struct_length }} bytes in size");
{%- elif 'return_type' in data -%}
{%- if '[' in data.return_type %}
typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { {{ data.return_type | type_to_c('x') }}; } {{ this_prefix_lc }}_t;
{%- else -%}
typedef {{ data.return_type | type_to_c(this_prefix_lc+'_t') }};
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif %}
{{ export_route_types(this_prefix_lc, data) }}
{% endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{{ export_route_types('xap_route', xap) }}
// Capabilities IDs
{% macro export_route_ids(prefix, container) -%}
{%- if 'routes' in container -%}
{% for route, data in container.routes | dictsort -%}
{%- set this_prefix_uc = (prefix + '_' + data.define) | upper -%}
{%- set this_prefix_lc = this_prefix_uc | lower -%}
#define {{ this_prefix_uc }} {{ route }}
{{ export_route_ids(this_prefix_uc, data) }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{{ export_route_ids('XAP_ROUTE', xap) }}
// Capabilities Masks
{% macro export_route_masks(prefix, container, preprocessor_condition) -%}
{%- if 'routes' in container -%}
{% for route, data in container.routes | dictsort -%}
{%- set this_prefix_uc = (prefix + '_' + data.define) | upper -%}
{%- set this_prefix_lc = this_prefix_uc | lower -%}
{% if 'enable_if_preprocessor' in data %}
{% if preprocessor_condition == 'TRUE' %}
{%- set condition = "(" + data.enable_if_preprocessor + ")" -%}
{% else %}
{%- set condition = "(" + preprocessor_condition + " && (" + data.enable_if_preprocessor + "))" -%}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{%- set condition = preprocessor_condition -%}
{% endif %}
{% if condition == 'TRUE' %}
#define {{ this_prefix_uc }}_MASK (UINT32_C(1) << ({{ this_prefix_uc }}))
{% else %}
#if ({{ condition }})
#define {{ this_prefix_uc }}_MASK (UINT32_C(1) << ({{ this_prefix_uc }}))
#else // ({{ condition }})
#define {{ this_prefix_uc }}_MASK 0
#endif // ({{ condition }})
{% endif %}
{{ export_route_masks(this_prefix_uc, data, condition) }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{{ export_route_masks('XAP_ROUTE', xap, 'TRUE') }}
// Capabilities Values
{% macro export_route_capabilities(prefix, container) -%}
{%- if 'routes' in container -%}
#define {{ prefix }}_CAPABILITIES (0 \
{% for route, data in container.routes | dictsort -%}
{%- set this_prefix_uc = (prefix + '_' + data.define) | upper -%}
| ({{ this_prefix_uc }}_MASK) \
{% endfor -%}
{% for route, data in container.routes | dictsort -%}
{%- set this_prefix_uc = (prefix + '_' + data.define) | upper -%}
{{ export_route_capabilities(this_prefix_uc, data) }}
{% endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{{ export_route_capabilities('XAP_ROUTE', xap) }}