var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; import { Y as __vitePreload, j as ref, x as watch, an as unrefElement, ao as tryOnScopeDispose, d as defineComponent, G as shallowRef, ap as computedAsync, h as computed, aq as useSessionStorage, ar as useLocalStorage, y as watchEffect, as as watchDebounced, k as onMounted, S as nextTick, R as onKeyStroke, a6 as useRouter, at as useEventListener, Z as useScrollLock, V as inBrowser, au as onBeforeUnmount, o as openBlock, b as createBlock, l as createBaseVNode, a2 as withModifiers, m as unref, av as withDirectives, aw as vModelText, ax as isRef, c as createElementBlock, n as normalizeClass, e as createCommentVNode, E as renderList, F as Fragment, a as createTextVNode, t as toDisplayString, ay as Teleport, p as pushScopeId, q as popScopeId, az as markRaw, aA as createApp, ac as dataSymbol, ai as pathToFile, aB as escapeRegExp, _ as _export_sfc } from "./framework.DyMmIvSC.js"; import { u as useData, c as createSearchTranslate } from "./theme.DxFyjzZa.js"; const localSearchIndex = { "root": () => __vitePreload(() => import("./@localSearchIndexroot.DG7QvWT3.js"), true ? [] : void 0) }; /*! * tabbable 6.2.0 * @license MIT, */ var candidateSelectors = ["input:not([inert])", "select:not([inert])", "textarea:not([inert])", "a[href]:not([inert])", "button:not([inert])", "[tabindex]:not(slot):not([inert])", "audio[controls]:not([inert])", "video[controls]:not([inert])", '[contenteditable]:not([contenteditable="false"]):not([inert])', "details>summary:first-of-type:not([inert])", "details:not([inert])"]; var candidateSelector = /* @__PURE__ */ candidateSelectors.join(","); var NoElement = typeof Element === "undefined"; var matches = NoElement ? function() { } : Element.prototype.matches || Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector; var getRootNode = !NoElement && Element.prototype.getRootNode ? function(element) { var _element$getRootNode; return element === null || element === void 0 ? void 0 : (_element$getRootNode = element.getRootNode) === null || _element$getRootNode === void 0 ? void 0 : _element$; } : function(element) { return element === null || element === void 0 ? void 0 : element.ownerDocument; }; var isInert = function isInert2(node, lookUp) { var _node$getAttribute; if (lookUp === void 0) { lookUp = true; } var inertAtt = node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : (_node$getAttribute = node.getAttribute) === null || _node$getAttribute === void 0 ? void 0 : _node$, "inert"); var inert = inertAtt === "" || inertAtt === "true"; var result = inert || lookUp && node && isInert2(node.parentNode); return result; }; var isContentEditable = function isContentEditable2(node) { var _node$getAttribute2; var attValue = node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : (_node$getAttribute2 = node.getAttribute) === null || _node$getAttribute2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _node$, "contenteditable"); return attValue === "" || attValue === "true"; }; var getCandidates = function getCandidates2(el, includeContainer, filter) { if (isInert(el)) { return []; } var candidates = Array.prototype.slice.apply(el.querySelectorAll(candidateSelector)); if (includeContainer &&, candidateSelector)) { candidates.unshift(el); } candidates = candidates.filter(filter); return candidates; }; var getCandidatesIteratively = function getCandidatesIteratively2(elements, includeContainer, options) { var candidates = []; var elementsToCheck = Array.from(elements); while (elementsToCheck.length) { var element = elementsToCheck.shift(); if (isInert(element, false)) { continue; } if (element.tagName === "SLOT") { var assigned = element.assignedElements(); var content = assigned.length ? assigned : element.children; var nestedCandidates = getCandidatesIteratively2(content, true, options); if (options.flatten) { candidates.push.apply(candidates, nestedCandidates); } else { candidates.push({ scopeParent: element, candidates: nestedCandidates }); } } else { var validCandidate =, candidateSelector); if (validCandidate && options.filter(element) && (includeContainer || !elements.includes(element))) { candidates.push(element); } var shadowRoot = element.shadowRoot || // check for an undisclosed shadow typeof options.getShadowRoot === "function" && options.getShadowRoot(element); var validShadowRoot = !isInert(shadowRoot, false) && (!options.shadowRootFilter || options.shadowRootFilter(element)); if (shadowRoot && validShadowRoot) { var _nestedCandidates = getCandidatesIteratively2(shadowRoot === true ? element.children : shadowRoot.children, true, options); if (options.flatten) { candidates.push.apply(candidates, _nestedCandidates); } else { candidates.push({ scopeParent: element, candidates: _nestedCandidates }); } } else { elementsToCheck.unshift.apply(elementsToCheck, element.children); } } } return candidates; }; var hasTabIndex = function hasTabIndex2(node) { return !isNaN(parseInt(node.getAttribute("tabindex"), 10)); }; var getTabIndex = function getTabIndex2(node) { if (!node) { throw new Error("No node provided"); } if (node.tabIndex < 0) { if ((/^(AUDIO|VIDEO|DETAILS)$/.test(node.tagName) || isContentEditable(node)) && !hasTabIndex(node)) { return 0; } } return node.tabIndex; }; var getSortOrderTabIndex = function getSortOrderTabIndex2(node, isScope) { var tabIndex = getTabIndex(node); if (tabIndex < 0 && isScope && !hasTabIndex(node)) { return 0; } return tabIndex; }; var sortOrderedTabbables = function sortOrderedTabbables2(a, b) { return a.tabIndex === b.tabIndex ? a.documentOrder - b.documentOrder : a.tabIndex - b.tabIndex; }; var isInput = function isInput2(node) { return node.tagName === "INPUT"; }; var isHiddenInput = function isHiddenInput2(node) { return isInput(node) && node.type === "hidden"; }; var isDetailsWithSummary = function isDetailsWithSummary2(node) { var r = node.tagName === "DETAILS" && Array.prototype.slice.apply(node.children).some(function(child) { return child.tagName === "SUMMARY"; }); return r; }; var getCheckedRadio = function getCheckedRadio2(nodes, form) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].checked && nodes[i].form === form) { return nodes[i]; } } }; var isTabbableRadio = function isTabbableRadio2(node) { if (! { return true; } var radioScope = node.form || getRootNode(node); var queryRadios = function queryRadios2(name) { return radioScope.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"][name="' + name + '"]'); }; var radioSet; if (typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof window.CSS !== "undefined" && typeof window.CSS.escape === "function") { radioSet = queryRadios(window.CSS.escape(; } else { try { radioSet = queryRadios(; } catch (err) { console.error("Looks like you have a radio button with a name attribute containing invalid CSS selector characters and need the CSS.escape polyfill: %s", err.message); return false; } } var checked = getCheckedRadio(radioSet, node.form); return !checked || checked === node; }; var isRadio = function isRadio2(node) { return isInput(node) && node.type === "radio"; }; var isNonTabbableRadio = function isNonTabbableRadio2(node) { return isRadio(node) && !isTabbableRadio(node); }; var isNodeAttached = function isNodeAttached2(node) { var _nodeRoot; var nodeRoot = node && getRootNode(node); var nodeRootHost = (_nodeRoot = nodeRoot) === null || _nodeRoot === void 0 ? void 0 :; var attached = false; if (nodeRoot && nodeRoot !== node) { var _nodeRootHost, _nodeRootHost$ownerDo, _node$ownerDocument; attached = !!((_nodeRootHost = nodeRootHost) !== null && _nodeRootHost !== void 0 && (_nodeRootHost$ownerDo = _nodeRootHost.ownerDocument) !== null && _nodeRootHost$ownerDo !== void 0 && _nodeRootHost$ownerDo.contains(nodeRootHost) || node !== null && node !== void 0 && (_node$ownerDocument = node.ownerDocument) !== null && _node$ownerDocument !== void 0 && _node$ownerDocument.contains(node)); while (!attached && nodeRootHost) { var _nodeRoot2, _nodeRootHost2, _nodeRootHost2$ownerD; nodeRoot = getRootNode(nodeRootHost); nodeRootHost = (_nodeRoot2 = nodeRoot) === null || _nodeRoot2 === void 0 ? void 0 :; attached = !!((_nodeRootHost2 = nodeRootHost) !== null && _nodeRootHost2 !== void 0 && (_nodeRootHost2$ownerD = _nodeRootHost2.ownerDocument) !== null && _nodeRootHost2$ownerD !== void 0 && _nodeRootHost2$ownerD.contains(nodeRootHost)); } } return attached; }; var isZeroArea = function isZeroArea2(node) { var _node$getBoundingClie = node.getBoundingClientRect(), width = _node$getBoundingClie.width, height = _node$getBoundingClie.height; return width === 0 && height === 0; }; var isHidden = function isHidden2(node, _ref) { var displayCheck = _ref.displayCheck, getShadowRoot = _ref.getShadowRoot; if (getComputedStyle(node).visibility === "hidden") { return true; } var isDirectSummary =, "details>summary:first-of-type"); var nodeUnderDetails = isDirectSummary ? node.parentElement : node; if (, "details:not([open]) *")) { return true; } if (!displayCheck || displayCheck === "full" || displayCheck === "legacy-full") { if (typeof getShadowRoot === "function") { var originalNode = node; while (node) { var parentElement = node.parentElement; var rootNode = getRootNode(node); if (parentElement && !parentElement.shadowRoot && getShadowRoot(parentElement) === true) { return isZeroArea(node); } else if (node.assignedSlot) { node = node.assignedSlot; } else if (!parentElement && rootNode !== node.ownerDocument) { node =; } else { node = parentElement; } } node = originalNode; } if (isNodeAttached(node)) { return !node.getClientRects().length; } if (displayCheck !== "legacy-full") { return true; } } else if (displayCheck === "non-zero-area") { return isZeroArea(node); } return false; }; var isDisabledFromFieldset = function isDisabledFromFieldset2(node) { if (/^(INPUT|BUTTON|SELECT|TEXTAREA)$/.test(node.tagName)) { var parentNode = node.parentElement; while (parentNode) { if (parentNode.tagName === "FIELDSET" && parentNode.disabled) { for (var i = 0; i < parentNode.children.length; i++) { var child = parentNode.children.item(i); if (child.tagName === "LEGEND") { return, "fieldset[disabled] *") ? true : !child.contains(node); } } return true; } parentNode = parentNode.parentElement; } } return false; }; var isNodeMatchingSelectorFocusable = function isNodeMatchingSelectorFocusable2(options, node) { if (node.disabled || // we must do an inert look up to filter out any elements inside an inert ancestor // because we're limited in the type of selectors we can use in JSDom (see related // note related to `candidateSelectors`) isInert(node) || isHiddenInput(node) || isHidden(node, options) || // For a details element with a summary, the summary element gets the focus isDetailsWithSummary(node) || isDisabledFromFieldset(node)) { return false; } return true; }; var isNodeMatchingSelectorTabbable = function isNodeMatchingSelectorTabbable2(options, node) { if (isNonTabbableRadio(node) || getTabIndex(node) < 0 || !isNodeMatchingSelectorFocusable(options, node)) { return false; } return true; }; var isValidShadowRootTabbable = function isValidShadowRootTabbable2(shadowHostNode) { var tabIndex = parseInt(shadowHostNode.getAttribute("tabindex"), 10); if (isNaN(tabIndex) || tabIndex >= 0) { return true; } return false; }; var sortByOrder = function sortByOrder2(candidates) { var regularTabbables = []; var orderedTabbables = []; candidates.forEach(function(item, i) { var isScope = !!item.scopeParent; var element = isScope ? item.scopeParent : item; var candidateTabindex = getSortOrderTabIndex(element, isScope); var elements = isScope ? sortByOrder2(item.candidates) : element; if (candidateTabindex === 0) { isScope ? regularTabbables.push.apply(regularTabbables, elements) : regularTabbables.push(element); } else { orderedTabbables.push({ documentOrder: i, tabIndex: candidateTabindex, item, isScope, content: elements }); } }); return orderedTabbables.sort(sortOrderedTabbables).reduce(function(acc, sortable) { sortable.isScope ? acc.push.apply(acc, sortable.content) : acc.push(sortable.content); return acc; }, []).concat(regularTabbables); }; var tabbable = function tabbable2(container, options) { options = options || {}; var candidates; if (options.getShadowRoot) { candidates = getCandidatesIteratively([container], options.includeContainer, { filter: isNodeMatchingSelectorTabbable.bind(null, options), flatten: false, getShadowRoot: options.getShadowRoot, shadowRootFilter: isValidShadowRootTabbable }); } else { candidates = getCandidates(container, options.includeContainer, isNodeMatchingSelectorTabbable.bind(null, options)); } return sortByOrder(candidates); }; var focusable = function focusable2(container, options) { options = options || {}; var candidates; if (options.getShadowRoot) { candidates = getCandidatesIteratively([container], options.includeContainer, { filter: isNodeMatchingSelectorFocusable.bind(null, options), flatten: true, getShadowRoot: options.getShadowRoot }); } else { candidates = getCandidates(container, options.includeContainer, isNodeMatchingSelectorFocusable.bind(null, options)); } return candidates; }; var isTabbable = function isTabbable2(node, options) { options = options || {}; if (!node) { throw new Error("No node provided"); } if (, candidateSelector) === false) { return false; } return isNodeMatchingSelectorTabbable(options, node); }; var focusableCandidateSelector = /* @__PURE__ */ candidateSelectors.concat("iframe").join(","); var isFocusable = function isFocusable2(node, options) { options = options || {}; if (!node) { throw new Error("No node provided"); } if (, focusableCandidateSelector) === false) { return false; } return isNodeMatchingSelectorFocusable(options, node); }; /*! * focus-trap 7.5.4 * @license MIT, */ function ownKeys(e, r) { var t = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r && (o = o.filter(function(r2) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r2).enumerable; })), t.push.apply(t, o); } return t; } function _objectSpread2(e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {}; r % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(t), true).forEach(function(r2) { _defineProperty(e, r2, t[r2]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys(Object(t)).forEach(function(r2) { Object.defineProperty(e, r2, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r2)); }); } return e; } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { key = _toPropertyKey(key); if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } function _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (typeof input !== "object" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== void 0) { var res =, hint || "default"); if (typeof res !== "object") return res; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return (hint === "string" ? String : Number)(input); } function _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, "string"); return typeof key === "symbol" ? key : String(key); } var activeFocusTraps = { activateTrap: function activateTrap(trapStack, trap) { if (trapStack.length > 0) { var activeTrap = trapStack[trapStack.length - 1]; if (activeTrap !== trap) { activeTrap.pause(); } } var trapIndex = trapStack.indexOf(trap); if (trapIndex === -1) { trapStack.push(trap); } else { trapStack.splice(trapIndex, 1); trapStack.push(trap); } }, deactivateTrap: function deactivateTrap(trapStack, trap) { var trapIndex = trapStack.indexOf(trap); if (trapIndex !== -1) { trapStack.splice(trapIndex, 1); } if (trapStack.length > 0) { trapStack[trapStack.length - 1].unpause(); } } }; var isSelectableInput = function isSelectableInput2(node) { return node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase() === "input" && typeof === "function"; }; var isEscapeEvent = function isEscapeEvent2(e) { return (e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.key) === "Escape" || (e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.key) === "Esc" || (e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.keyCode) === 27; }; var isTabEvent = function isTabEvent2(e) { return (e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.key) === "Tab" || (e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.keyCode) === 9; }; var isKeyForward = function isKeyForward2(e) { return isTabEvent(e) && !e.shiftKey; }; var isKeyBackward = function isKeyBackward2(e) { return isTabEvent(e) && e.shiftKey; }; var delay = function delay2(fn) { return setTimeout(fn, 0); }; var findIndex = function findIndex2(arr, fn) { var idx = -1; arr.every(function(value, i) { if (fn(value)) { idx = i; return false; } return true; }); return idx; }; var valueOrHandler = function valueOrHandler2(value) { for (var _len = arguments.length, params = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { params[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } return typeof value === "function" ? value.apply(void 0, params) : value; }; var getActualTarget = function getActualTarget2(event) { return && typeof event.composedPath === "function" ? event.composedPath()[0] :; }; var internalTrapStack = []; var createFocusTrap = function createFocusTrap2(elements, userOptions) { var doc = (userOptions === null || userOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : userOptions.document) || document; var trapStack = (userOptions === null || userOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : userOptions.trapStack) || internalTrapStack; var config = _objectSpread2({ returnFocusOnDeactivate: true, escapeDeactivates: true, delayInitialFocus: true, isKeyForward, isKeyBackward }, userOptions); var state = { // containers given to createFocusTrap() // @type {Array} containers: [], // list of objects identifying tabbable nodes in `containers` in the trap // NOTE: it's possible that a group has no tabbable nodes if nodes get removed while the trap // is active, but the trap should never get to a state where there isn't at least one group // with at least one tabbable node in it (that would lead to an error condition that would // result in an error being thrown) // @type {Array<{ // container: HTMLElement, // tabbableNodes: Array, // empty if none // focusableNodes: Array, // empty if none // posTabIndexesFound: boolean, // firstTabbableNode: HTMLElement|undefined, // lastTabbableNode: HTMLElement|undefined, // firstDomTabbableNode: HTMLElement|undefined, // lastDomTabbableNode: HTMLElement|undefined, // nextTabbableNode: (node: HTMLElement, forward: boolean) => HTMLElement|undefined // }>} containerGroups: [], // same order/length as `containers` list // references to objects in `containerGroups`, but only those that actually have // tabbable nodes in them // NOTE: same order as `containers` and `containerGroups`, but __not necessarily__ // the same length tabbableGroups: [], nodeFocusedBeforeActivation: null, mostRecentlyFocusedNode: null, active: false, paused: false, // timer ID for when delayInitialFocus is true and initial focus in this trap // has been delayed during activation delayInitialFocusTimer: void 0, // the most recent KeyboardEvent for the configured nav key (typically [SHIFT+]TAB), if any recentNavEvent: void 0 }; var trap; var getOption = function getOption2(configOverrideOptions, optionName, configOptionName) { return configOverrideOptions && configOverrideOptions[optionName] !== void 0 ? configOverrideOptions[optionName] : config[configOptionName || optionName]; }; var findContainerIndex = function findContainerIndex2(element, event) { var composedPath = typeof (event === null || event === void 0 ? void 0 : event.composedPath) === "function" ? event.composedPath() : void 0; return state.containerGroups.findIndex(function(_ref) { var container = _ref.container, tabbableNodes = _ref.tabbableNodes; return container.contains(element) || // fall back to explicit tabbable search which will take into consideration any // web components if the `tabbableOptions.getShadowRoot` option was used for // the trap, enabling shadow DOM support in tabbable (`Node.contains()` doesn't // look inside web components even if open) (composedPath === null || composedPath === void 0 ? void 0 : composedPath.includes(container)) || tabbableNodes.find(function(node) { return node === element; }); }); }; var getNodeForOption = function getNodeForOption2(optionName) { var optionValue = config[optionName]; if (typeof optionValue === "function") { for (var _len2 = arguments.length, params = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { params[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2]; } optionValue = optionValue.apply(void 0, params); } if (optionValue === true) { optionValue = void 0; } if (!optionValue) { if (optionValue === void 0 || optionValue === false) { return optionValue; } throw new Error("`".concat(optionName, "` was specified but was not a node, or did not return a node")); } var node = optionValue; if (typeof optionValue === "string") { node = doc.querySelector(optionValue); if (!node) { throw new Error("`".concat(optionName, "` as selector refers to no known node")); } } return node; }; var getInitialFocusNode = function getInitialFocusNode2() { var node = getNodeForOption("initialFocus"); if (node === false) { return false; } if (node === void 0 || !isFocusable(node, config.tabbableOptions)) { if (findContainerIndex(doc.activeElement) >= 0) { node = doc.activeElement; } else { var firstTabbableGroup = state.tabbableGroups[0]; var firstTabbableNode = firstTabbableGroup && firstTabbableGroup.firstTabbableNode; node = firstTabbableNode || getNodeForOption("fallbackFocus"); } } if (!node) { throw new Error("Your focus-trap needs to have at least one focusable element"); } return node; }; var updateTabbableNodes = function updateTabbableNodes2() { state.containerGroups = { var tabbableNodes = tabbable(container, config.tabbableOptions); var focusableNodes = focusable(container, config.tabbableOptions); var firstTabbableNode = tabbableNodes.length > 0 ? tabbableNodes[0] : void 0; var lastTabbableNode = tabbableNodes.length > 0 ? tabbableNodes[tabbableNodes.length - 1] : void 0; var firstDomTabbableNode = focusableNodes.find(function(node) { return isTabbable(node); }); var lastDomTabbableNode = focusableNodes.slice().reverse().find(function(node) { return isTabbable(node); }); var posTabIndexesFound = !!tabbableNodes.find(function(node) { return getTabIndex(node) > 0; }); return { container, tabbableNodes, focusableNodes, /** True if at least one node with positive `tabindex` was found in this container. */ posTabIndexesFound, /** First tabbable node in container, __tabindex__ order; `undefined` if none. */ firstTabbableNode, /** Last tabbable node in container, __tabindex__ order; `undefined` if none. */ lastTabbableNode, // NOTE: DOM order is NOT NECESSARILY "document position" order, but figuring that out // would require more than just // because that API doesn't work with Shadow DOM as well as it should (@see // and since this first/last is only needed, so far, // to address an edge case related to positive tabindex support, this seems like a much easier, // "close enough most of the time" alternative for positive tabindexes which should generally // be avoided anyway... /** First tabbable node in container, __DOM__ order; `undefined` if none. */ firstDomTabbableNode, /** Last tabbable node in container, __DOM__ order; `undefined` if none. */ lastDomTabbableNode, /** * Finds the __tabbable__ node that follows the given node in the specified direction, * in this container, if any. * @param {HTMLElement} node * @param {boolean} [forward] True if going in forward tab order; false if going * in reverse. * @returns {HTMLElement|undefined} The next tabbable node, if any. */ nextTabbableNode: function nextTabbableNode(node) { var forward = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : true; var nodeIdx = tabbableNodes.indexOf(node); if (nodeIdx < 0) { if (forward) { return focusableNodes.slice(focusableNodes.indexOf(node) + 1).find(function(el) { return isTabbable(el); }); } return focusableNodes.slice(0, focusableNodes.indexOf(node)).reverse().find(function(el) { return isTabbable(el); }); } return tabbableNodes[nodeIdx + (forward ? 1 : -1)]; } }; }); state.tabbableGroups = state.containerGroups.filter(function(group) { return group.tabbableNodes.length > 0; }); if (state.tabbableGroups.length <= 0 && !getNodeForOption("fallbackFocus")) { throw new Error("Your focus-trap must have at least one container with at least one tabbable node in it at all times"); } if (state.containerGroups.find(function(g) { return g.posTabIndexesFound; }) && state.containerGroups.length > 1) { throw new Error("At least one node with a positive tabindex was found in one of your focus-trap's multiple containers. Positive tabindexes are only supported in single-container focus-traps."); } }; var getActiveElement = function getActiveElement2(el) { var activeElement = el.activeElement; if (!activeElement) { return; } if (activeElement.shadowRoot && activeElement.shadowRoot.activeElement !== null) { return getActiveElement2(activeElement.shadowRoot); } return activeElement; }; var tryFocus = function tryFocus2(node) { if (node === false) { return; } if (node === getActiveElement(document)) { return; } if (!node || !node.focus) { tryFocus2(getInitialFocusNode()); return; } node.focus({ preventScroll: !!config.preventScroll }); state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode = node; if (isSelectableInput(node)) {; } }; var getReturnFocusNode = function getReturnFocusNode2(previousActiveElement) { var node = getNodeForOption("setReturnFocus", previousActiveElement); return node ? node : node === false ? false : previousActiveElement; }; var findNextNavNode = function findNextNavNode2(_ref2) { var target =, event = _ref2.event, _ref2$isBackward = _ref2.isBackward, isBackward = _ref2$isBackward === void 0 ? false : _ref2$isBackward; target = target || getActualTarget(event); updateTabbableNodes(); var destinationNode = null; if (state.tabbableGroups.length > 0) { var containerIndex = findContainerIndex(target, event); var containerGroup = containerIndex >= 0 ? state.containerGroups[containerIndex] : void 0; if (containerIndex < 0) { if (isBackward) { destinationNode = state.tabbableGroups[state.tabbableGroups.length - 1].lastTabbableNode; } else { destinationNode = state.tabbableGroups[0].firstTabbableNode; } } else if (isBackward) { var startOfGroupIndex = findIndex(state.tabbableGroups, function(_ref3) { var firstTabbableNode = _ref3.firstTabbableNode; return target === firstTabbableNode; }); if (startOfGroupIndex < 0 && (containerGroup.container === target || isFocusable(target, config.tabbableOptions) && !isTabbable(target, config.tabbableOptions) && !containerGroup.nextTabbableNode(target, false))) { startOfGroupIndex = containerIndex; } if (startOfGroupIndex >= 0) { var destinationGroupIndex = startOfGroupIndex === 0 ? state.tabbableGroups.length - 1 : startOfGroupIndex - 1; var destinationGroup = state.tabbableGroups[destinationGroupIndex]; destinationNode = getTabIndex(target) >= 0 ? destinationGroup.lastTabbableNode : destinationGroup.lastDomTabbableNode; } else if (!isTabEvent(event)) { destinationNode = containerGroup.nextTabbableNode(target, false); } } else { var lastOfGroupIndex = findIndex(state.tabbableGroups, function(_ref4) { var lastTabbableNode = _ref4.lastTabbableNode; return target === lastTabbableNode; }); if (lastOfGroupIndex < 0 && (containerGroup.container === target || isFocusable(target, config.tabbableOptions) && !isTabbable(target, config.tabbableOptions) && !containerGroup.nextTabbableNode(target))) { lastOfGroupIndex = containerIndex; } if (lastOfGroupIndex >= 0) { var _destinationGroupIndex = lastOfGroupIndex === state.tabbableGroups.length - 1 ? 0 : lastOfGroupIndex + 1; var _destinationGroup = state.tabbableGroups[_destinationGroupIndex]; destinationNode = getTabIndex(target) >= 0 ? _destinationGroup.firstTabbableNode : _destinationGroup.firstDomTabbableNode; } else if (!isTabEvent(event)) { destinationNode = containerGroup.nextTabbableNode(target); } } } else { destinationNode = getNodeForOption("fallbackFocus"); } return destinationNode; }; var checkPointerDown = function checkPointerDown2(e) { var target = getActualTarget(e); if (findContainerIndex(target, e) >= 0) { return; } if (valueOrHandler(config.clickOutsideDeactivates, e)) { trap.deactivate({ // NOTE: by setting `returnFocus: false`, deactivate() will do nothing, // which will result in the outside click setting focus to the node // that was clicked (and if not focusable, to "nothing"); by setting // `returnFocus: true`, we'll attempt to re-focus the node originally-focused // on activation (or the configured `setReturnFocus` node), whether the // outside click was on a focusable node or not returnFocus: config.returnFocusOnDeactivate }); return; } if (valueOrHandler(config.allowOutsideClick, e)) { return; } e.preventDefault(); }; var checkFocusIn = function checkFocusIn2(event) { var target = getActualTarget(event); var targetContained = findContainerIndex(target, event) >= 0; if (targetContained || target instanceof Document) { if (targetContained) { state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode = target; } } else { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); var nextNode; var navAcrossContainers = true; if (state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode) { if (getTabIndex(state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode) > 0) { var mruContainerIdx = findContainerIndex(state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode); var tabbableNodes = state.containerGroups[mruContainerIdx].tabbableNodes; if (tabbableNodes.length > 0) { var mruTabIdx = tabbableNodes.findIndex(function(node) { return node === state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode; }); if (mruTabIdx >= 0) { if (config.isKeyForward(state.recentNavEvent)) { if (mruTabIdx + 1 < tabbableNodes.length) { nextNode = tabbableNodes[mruTabIdx + 1]; navAcrossContainers = false; } } else { if (mruTabIdx - 1 >= 0) { nextNode = tabbableNodes[mruTabIdx - 1]; navAcrossContainers = false; } } } } } else { if (!state.containerGroups.some(function(g) { return g.tabbableNodes.some(function(n) { return getTabIndex(n) > 0; }); })) { navAcrossContainers = false; } } } else { navAcrossContainers = false; } if (navAcrossContainers) { nextNode = findNextNavNode({ // move FROM the MRU node, not event-related node (which will be the node that is // outside the trap causing the focus escape we're trying to fix) target: state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode, isBackward: config.isKeyBackward(state.recentNavEvent) }); } if (nextNode) { tryFocus(nextNode); } else { tryFocus(state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode || getInitialFocusNode()); } } state.recentNavEvent = void 0; }; var checkKeyNav = function checkKeyNav2(event) { var isBackward = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : false; state.recentNavEvent = event; var destinationNode = findNextNavNode({ event, isBackward }); if (destinationNode) { if (isTabEvent(event)) { event.preventDefault(); } tryFocus(destinationNode); } }; var checkKey = function checkKey2(event) { if (isEscapeEvent(event) && valueOrHandler(config.escapeDeactivates, event) !== false) { event.preventDefault(); trap.deactivate(); return; } if (config.isKeyForward(event) || config.isKeyBackward(event)) { checkKeyNav(event, config.isKeyBackward(event)); } }; var checkClick = function checkClick2(e) { var target = getActualTarget(e); if (findContainerIndex(target, e) >= 0) { return; } if (valueOrHandler(config.clickOutsideDeactivates, e)) { return; } if (valueOrHandler(config.allowOutsideClick, e)) { return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }; var addListeners = function addListeners2() { if (! { return; } activeFocusTraps.activateTrap(trapStack, trap); state.delayInitialFocusTimer = config.delayInitialFocus ? delay(function() { tryFocus(getInitialFocusNode()); }) : tryFocus(getInitialFocusNode()); doc.addEventListener("focusin", checkFocusIn, true); doc.addEventListener("mousedown", checkPointerDown, { capture: true, passive: false }); doc.addEventListener("touchstart", checkPointerDown, { capture: true, passive: false }); doc.addEventListener("click", checkClick, { capture: true, passive: false }); doc.addEventListener("keydown", checkKey, { capture: true, passive: false }); return trap; }; var removeListeners = function removeListeners2() { if (! { return; } doc.removeEventListener("focusin", checkFocusIn, true); doc.removeEventListener("mousedown", checkPointerDown, true); doc.removeEventListener("touchstart", checkPointerDown, true); doc.removeEventListener("click", checkClick, true); doc.removeEventListener("keydown", checkKey, true); return trap; }; var checkDomRemoval = function checkDomRemoval2(mutations) { var isFocusedNodeRemoved = mutations.some(function(mutation) { var removedNodes = Array.from(mutation.removedNodes); return removedNodes.some(function(node) { return node === state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode; }); }); if (isFocusedNodeRemoved) { tryFocus(getInitialFocusNode()); } }; var mutationObserver = typeof window !== "undefined" && "MutationObserver" in window ? new MutationObserver(checkDomRemoval) : void 0; var updateObservedNodes = function updateObservedNodes2() { if (!mutationObserver) { return; } mutationObserver.disconnect(); if ( && !state.paused) { { mutationObserver.observe(container, { subtree: true, childList: true }); }); } }; trap = { get active() { return; }, get paused() { return state.paused; }, activate: function activate(activateOptions) { if ( { return this; } var onActivate = getOption(activateOptions, "onActivate"); var onPostActivate = getOption(activateOptions, "onPostActivate"); var checkCanFocusTrap = getOption(activateOptions, "checkCanFocusTrap"); if (!checkCanFocusTrap) { updateTabbableNodes(); } = true; state.paused = false; state.nodeFocusedBeforeActivation = doc.activeElement; onActivate === null || onActivate === void 0 || onActivate(); var finishActivation = function finishActivation2() { if (checkCanFocusTrap) { updateTabbableNodes(); } addListeners(); updateObservedNodes(); onPostActivate === null || onPostActivate === void 0 || onPostActivate(); }; if (checkCanFocusTrap) { checkCanFocusTrap(state.containers.concat()).then(finishActivation, finishActivation); return this; } finishActivation(); return this; }, deactivate: function deactivate(deactivateOptions) { if (! { return this; } var options = _objectSpread2({ onDeactivate: config.onDeactivate, onPostDeactivate: config.onPostDeactivate, checkCanReturnFocus: config.checkCanReturnFocus }, deactivateOptions); clearTimeout(state.delayInitialFocusTimer); state.delayInitialFocusTimer = void 0; removeListeners(); = false; state.paused = false; updateObservedNodes(); activeFocusTraps.deactivateTrap(trapStack, trap); var onDeactivate = getOption(options, "onDeactivate"); var onPostDeactivate = getOption(options, "onPostDeactivate"); var checkCanReturnFocus = getOption(options, "checkCanReturnFocus"); var returnFocus = getOption(options, "returnFocus", "returnFocusOnDeactivate"); onDeactivate === null || onDeactivate === void 0 || onDeactivate(); var finishDeactivation = function finishDeactivation2() { delay(function() { if (returnFocus) { tryFocus(getReturnFocusNode(state.nodeFocusedBeforeActivation)); } onPostDeactivate === null || onPostDeactivate === void 0 || onPostDeactivate(); }); }; if (returnFocus && checkCanReturnFocus) { checkCanReturnFocus(getReturnFocusNode(state.nodeFocusedBeforeActivation)).then(finishDeactivation, finishDeactivation); return this; } finishDeactivation(); return this; }, pause: function pause(pauseOptions) { if (state.paused || ! { return this; } var onPause = getOption(pauseOptions, "onPause"); var onPostPause = getOption(pauseOptions, "onPostPause"); state.paused = true; onPause === null || onPause === void 0 || onPause(); removeListeners(); updateObservedNodes(); onPostPause === null || onPostPause === void 0 || onPostPause(); return this; }, unpause: function unpause(unpauseOptions) { if (!state.paused || ! { return this; } var onUnpause = getOption(unpauseOptions, "onUnpause"); var onPostUnpause = getOption(unpauseOptions, "onPostUnpause"); state.paused = false; onUnpause === null || onUnpause === void 0 || onUnpause(); updateTabbableNodes(); addListeners(); updateObservedNodes(); onPostUnpause === null || onPostUnpause === void 0 || onPostUnpause(); return this; }, updateContainerElements: function updateContainerElements(containerElements) { var elementsAsArray = [].concat(containerElements).filter(Boolean); state.containers = { return typeof element === "string" ? doc.querySelector(element) : element; }); if ( { updateTabbableNodes(); } updateObservedNodes(); return this; } }; trap.updateContainerElements(elements); return trap; }; function useFocusTrap(target, options = {}) { let trap; const { immediate, ...focusTrapOptions } = options; const hasFocus = ref(false); const isPaused = ref(false); const activate = (opts) => trap && trap.activate(opts); const deactivate = (opts) => trap && trap.deactivate(opts); const pause = () => { if (trap) { trap.pause(); isPaused.value = true; } }; const unpause = () => { if (trap) { trap.unpause(); isPaused.value = false; } }; watch( () => unrefElement(target), (el) => { if (!el) return; trap = createFocusTrap(el, { ...focusTrapOptions, onActivate() { hasFocus.value = true; if (options.onActivate) options.onActivate(); }, onDeactivate() { hasFocus.value = false; if (options.onDeactivate) options.onDeactivate(); } }); if (immediate) activate(); }, { flush: "post" } ); tryOnScopeDispose(() => deactivate()); return { hasFocus, isPaused, activate, deactivate, pause, unpause }; } class DOMIterator { /** * @param {HTMLElement|HTMLElement[]|NodeList|string} ctx - The context DOM * element, an array of DOM elements, a NodeList or a selector * @param {boolean} [iframes=true] - A boolean indicating if iframes should * be handled * @param {string[]} [exclude=[]] - An array containing exclusion selectors * for iframes * @param {number} [iframesTimeout=5000] - A number indicating the ms to * wait before an iframe should be skipped, in case the load event isn't * fired. This also applies if the user is offline and the resource of the * iframe is online (either by the browsers "offline" mode or because * there's no internet connection) */ constructor(ctx, iframes = true, exclude = [], iframesTimeout = 5e3) { this.ctx = ctx; this.iframes = iframes; this.exclude = exclude; this.iframesTimeout = iframesTimeout; } /** * Checks if the specified DOM element matches the selector * @param {HTMLElement} element - The DOM element * @param {string|string[]} selector - The selector or an array with * selectors * @return {boolean} * @access public */ static matches(element, selector) { const selectors = typeof selector === "string" ? [selector] : selector, fn = element.matches || element.matchesSelector || element.msMatchesSelector || element.mozMatchesSelector || element.oMatchesSelector || element.webkitMatchesSelector; if (fn) { let match = false; selectors.every((sel) => { if (, sel)) { match = true; return false; } return true; }); return match; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns all contexts filtered by duplicates (even nested) * @return {HTMLElement[]} - An array containing DOM contexts * @access protected */ getContexts() { let ctx, filteredCtx = []; if (typeof this.ctx === "undefined" || !this.ctx) { ctx = []; } else if (NodeList.prototype.isPrototypeOf(this.ctx)) { ctx =; } else if (Array.isArray(this.ctx)) { ctx = this.ctx; } else if (typeof this.ctx === "string") { ctx = document.querySelectorAll(this.ctx) ); } else { ctx = [this.ctx]; } ctx.forEach((ctx2) => { const isDescendant = filteredCtx.filter((contexts) => { return contexts.contains(ctx2); }).length > 0; if (filteredCtx.indexOf(ctx2) === -1 && !isDescendant) { filteredCtx.push(ctx2); } }); return filteredCtx; } /** * @callback DOMIterator~getIframeContentsSuccessCallback * @param {HTMLDocument} contents - The contentDocument of the iframe */ /** * Calls the success callback function with the iframe document. If it can't * be accessed it calls the error callback function * @param {HTMLElement} ifr - The iframe DOM element * @param {DOMIterator~getIframeContentsSuccessCallback} successFn * @param {function} [errorFn] * @access protected */ getIframeContents(ifr, successFn, errorFn = () => { }) { let doc; try { const ifrWin = ifr.contentWindow; doc = ifrWin.document; if (!ifrWin || !doc) { throw new Error("iframe inaccessible"); } } catch (e) { errorFn(); } if (doc) { successFn(doc); } } /** * Checks if an iframe is empty (if about:blank is the shown page) * @param {HTMLElement} ifr - The iframe DOM element * @return {boolean} * @access protected */ isIframeBlank(ifr) { const bl = "about:blank", src = ifr.getAttribute("src").trim(), href = ifr.contentWindow.location.href; return href === bl && src !== bl && src; } /** * Observes the onload event of an iframe and calls the success callback or * the error callback if the iframe is inaccessible. If the event isn't * fired within the specified {@link DOMIterator#iframesTimeout}, then it'll * call the error callback too * @param {HTMLElement} ifr - The iframe DOM element * @param {DOMIterator~getIframeContentsSuccessCallback} successFn * @param {function} errorFn * @access protected */ observeIframeLoad(ifr, successFn, errorFn) { let called = false, tout = null; const listener = () => { if (called) { return; } called = true; clearTimeout(tout); try { if (!this.isIframeBlank(ifr)) { ifr.removeEventListener("load", listener); this.getIframeContents(ifr, successFn, errorFn); } } catch (e) { errorFn(); } }; ifr.addEventListener("load", listener); tout = setTimeout(listener, this.iframesTimeout); } /** * Callback when the iframe is ready * @callback DOMIterator~onIframeReadySuccessCallback * @param {HTMLDocument} contents - The contentDocument of the iframe */ /** * Callback if the iframe can't be accessed * @callback DOMIterator~onIframeReadyErrorCallback */ /** * Calls the callback if the specified iframe is ready for DOM access * @param {HTMLElement} ifr - The iframe DOM element * @param {DOMIterator~onIframeReadySuccessCallback} successFn - Success * callback * @param {DOMIterator~onIframeReadyErrorCallback} errorFn - Error callback * @see {@link} for * background information * @access protected */ onIframeReady(ifr, successFn, errorFn) { try { if (ifr.contentWindow.document.readyState === "complete") { if (this.isIframeBlank(ifr)) { this.observeIframeLoad(ifr, successFn, errorFn); } else { this.getIframeContents(ifr, successFn, errorFn); } } else { this.observeIframeLoad(ifr, successFn, errorFn); } } catch (e) { errorFn(); } } /** * Callback when all iframes are ready for DOM access * @callback DOMIterator~waitForIframesDoneCallback */ /** * Iterates over all iframes and calls the done callback when all of them * are ready for DOM access (including nested ones) * @param {HTMLElement} ctx - The context DOM element * @param {DOMIterator~waitForIframesDoneCallback} done - Done callback */ waitForIframes(ctx, done) { let eachCalled = 0; this.forEachIframe(ctx, () => true, (ifr) => { eachCalled++; this.waitForIframes(ifr.querySelector("html"), () => { if (!--eachCalled) { done(); } }); }, (handled) => { if (!handled) { done(); } }); } /** * Callback allowing to filter an iframe. Must return true when the element * should remain, otherwise false * @callback DOMIterator~forEachIframeFilterCallback * @param {HTMLElement} iframe - The iframe DOM element */ /** * Callback for each iframe content * @callback DOMIterator~forEachIframeEachCallback * @param {HTMLElement} content - The iframe document */ /** * Callback if all iframes inside the context were handled * @callback DOMIterator~forEachIframeEndCallback * @param {number} handled - The number of handled iframes (those who * wheren't filtered) */ /** * Iterates over all iframes inside the specified context and calls the * callbacks when they're ready. Filters iframes based on the instance * exclusion selectors * @param {HTMLElement} ctx - The context DOM element * @param {DOMIterator~forEachIframeFilterCallback} filter - Filter callback * @param {DOMIterator~forEachIframeEachCallback} each - Each callback * @param {DOMIterator~forEachIframeEndCallback} [end] - End callback * @access protected */ forEachIframe(ctx, filter, each, end = () => { }) { let ifr = ctx.querySelectorAll("iframe"), open = ifr.length, handled = 0; ifr =; const checkEnd = () => { if (--open <= 0) { end(handled); } }; if (!open) { checkEnd(); } ifr.forEach((ifr2) => { if (DOMIterator.matches(ifr2, this.exclude)) { checkEnd(); } else { this.onIframeReady(ifr2, (con) => { if (filter(ifr2)) { handled++; each(con); } checkEnd(); }, checkEnd); } }); } /** * Creates a NodeIterator on the specified context * @see {@link} * @param {HTMLElement} ctx - The context DOM element * @param {DOMIterator~whatToShow} whatToShow * @param {DOMIterator~filterCb} filter * @return {NodeIterator} * @access protected */ createIterator(ctx, whatToShow, filter) { return document.createNodeIterator(ctx, whatToShow, filter, false); } /** * Creates an instance of DOMIterator in an iframe * @param {HTMLDocument} contents - Iframe document * @return {DOMIterator} * @access protected */ createInstanceOnIframe(contents) { return new DOMIterator(contents.querySelector("html"), this.iframes); } /** * Checks if an iframe occurs between two nodes, more specifically if an * iframe occurs before the specified node and after the specified prevNode * @param {HTMLElement} node - The node that should occur after the iframe * @param {HTMLElement} prevNode - The node that should occur before the * iframe * @param {HTMLElement} ifr - The iframe to check against * @return {boolean} * @access protected */ compareNodeIframe(node, prevNode, ifr) { const compCurr = node.compareDocumentPosition(ifr), prev = Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING; if (compCurr & prev) { if (prevNode !== null) { const compPrev = prevNode.compareDocumentPosition(ifr), after = Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; if (compPrev & after) { return true; } } else { return true; } } return false; } /** * @typedef {DOMIterator~getIteratorNodeReturn} * @type {object.} * @property {HTMLElement} prevNode - The previous node or null if there is * no * @property {HTMLElement} node - The current node */ /** * Returns the previous and current node of the specified iterator * @param {NodeIterator} itr - The iterator * @return {DOMIterator~getIteratorNodeReturn} * @access protected */ getIteratorNode(itr) { const prevNode = itr.previousNode(); let node; if (prevNode === null) { node = itr.nextNode(); } else { node = itr.nextNode() && itr.nextNode(); } return { prevNode, node }; } /** * An array containing objects. The object key "val" contains an iframe * DOM element. The object key "handled" contains a boolean indicating if * the iframe was handled already. * It wouldn't be enough to save all open or all already handled iframes. * The information of open iframes is necessary because they may occur after * all other text nodes (and compareNodeIframe would never be true). The * information of already handled iframes is necessary as otherwise they may * be handled multiple times * @typedef DOMIterator~checkIframeFilterIfr * @type {object[]} */ /** * Checks if an iframe wasn't handled already and if so, calls * {@link DOMIterator#compareNodeIframe} to check if it should be handled. * Information wheter an iframe was or wasn't handled is given within the * ifr dictionary * @param {HTMLElement} node - The node that should occur after the iframe * @param {HTMLElement} prevNode - The node that should occur before the * iframe * @param {HTMLElement} currIfr - The iframe to check * @param {DOMIterator~checkIframeFilterIfr} ifr - The iframe dictionary. * Will be manipulated (by reference) * @return {boolean} Returns true when it should be handled, otherwise false * @access protected */ checkIframeFilter(node, prevNode, currIfr, ifr) { let key = false, handled = false; ifr.forEach((ifrDict, i) => { if (ifrDict.val === currIfr) { key = i; handled = ifrDict.handled; } }); if (this.compareNodeIframe(node, prevNode, currIfr)) { if (key === false && !handled) { ifr.push({ val: currIfr, handled: true }); } else if (key !== false && !handled) { ifr[key].handled = true; } return true; } if (key === false) { ifr.push({ val: currIfr, handled: false }); } return false; } /** * Creates an iterator on all open iframes in the specified array and calls * the end callback when finished * @param {DOMIterator~checkIframeFilterIfr} ifr * @param {DOMIterator~whatToShow} whatToShow * @param {DOMIterator~forEachNodeCallback} eCb - Each callback * @param {DOMIterator~filterCb} fCb * @access protected */ handleOpenIframes(ifr, whatToShow, eCb, fCb) { ifr.forEach((ifrDict) => { if (!ifrDict.handled) { this.getIframeContents(ifrDict.val, (con) => { this.createInstanceOnIframe(con).forEachNode( whatToShow, eCb, fCb ); }); } }); } /** * Iterates through all nodes in the specified context and handles iframe * nodes at the correct position * @param {DOMIterator~whatToShow} whatToShow * @param {HTMLElement} ctx - The context * @param {DOMIterator~forEachNodeCallback} eachCb - Each callback * @param {DOMIterator~filterCb} filterCb - Filter callback * @param {DOMIterator~forEachNodeEndCallback} doneCb - End callback * @access protected */ iterateThroughNodes(whatToShow, ctx, eachCb, filterCb, doneCb) { const itr = this.createIterator(ctx, whatToShow, filterCb); let ifr = [], elements = [], node, prevNode, retrieveNodes = () => { ({ prevNode, node } = this.getIteratorNode(itr)); return node; }; while (retrieveNodes()) { if (this.iframes) { this.forEachIframe(ctx, (currIfr) => { return this.checkIframeFilter(node, prevNode, currIfr, ifr); }, (con) => { this.createInstanceOnIframe(con).forEachNode( whatToShow, (ifrNode) => elements.push(ifrNode), filterCb ); }); } elements.push(node); } elements.forEach((node2) => { eachCb(node2); }); if (this.iframes) { this.handleOpenIframes(ifr, whatToShow, eachCb, filterCb); } doneCb(); } /** * Callback for each node * @callback DOMIterator~forEachNodeCallback * @param {HTMLElement} node - The DOM text node element */ /** * Callback if all contexts were handled * @callback DOMIterator~forEachNodeEndCallback */ /** * Iterates over all contexts and initializes * {@link DOMIterator#iterateThroughNodes iterateThroughNodes} on them * @param {DOMIterator~whatToShow} whatToShow * @param {DOMIterator~forEachNodeCallback} each - Each callback * @param {DOMIterator~filterCb} filter - Filter callback * @param {DOMIterator~forEachNodeEndCallback} done - End callback * @access public */ forEachNode(whatToShow, each, filter, done = () => { }) { const contexts = this.getContexts(); let open = contexts.length; if (!open) { done(); } contexts.forEach((ctx) => { const ready = () => { this.iterateThroughNodes(whatToShow, ctx, each, filter, () => { if (--open <= 0) { done(); } }); }; if (this.iframes) { this.waitForIframes(ctx, ready); } else { ready(); } }); } /** * Callback to filter nodes. Can return e.g. NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT or * NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT * @see {@link} * @callback DOMIterator~filterCb * @param {HTMLElement} node - The node to filter */ /** * @typedef DOMIterator~whatToShow * @see {@link} * @type {number} */ } let Mark$1 = class Mark { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars /** * @param {HTMLElement|HTMLElement[]|NodeList|string} ctx - The context DOM * element, an array of DOM elements, a NodeList or a selector */ constructor(ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; = false; const ua = window.navigator.userAgent; if (ua.indexOf("MSIE") > -1 || ua.indexOf("Trident") > -1) { = true; } } /** * Options defined by the user. They will be initialized from one of the * public methods. See {@link Mark#mark}, {@link Mark#markRegExp}, * {@link Mark#markRanges} and {@link Mark#unmark} for option properties. * @type {object} * @param {object} [val] - An object that will be merged with defaults * @access protected */ set opt(val) { this._opt = Object.assign({}, { "element": "", "className": "", "exclude": [], "iframes": false, "iframesTimeout": 5e3, "separateWordSearch": true, "diacritics": true, "synonyms": {}, "accuracy": "partially", "acrossElements": false, "caseSensitive": false, "ignoreJoiners": false, "ignoreGroups": 0, "ignorePunctuation": [], "wildcards": "disabled", "each": () => { }, "noMatch": () => { }, "filter": () => true, "done": () => { }, "debug": false, "log": window.console }, val); } get opt() { return this._opt; } /** * An instance of DOMIterator * @type {DOMIterator} * @access protected */ get iterator() { return new DOMIterator( this.ctx, this.opt.iframes, this.opt.exclude, this.opt.iframesTimeout ); } /** * Logs a message if log is enabled * @param {string} msg - The message to log * @param {string} [level="debug"] - The log level, e.g. warn * error, debug * @access protected */ log(msg, level = "debug") { const log = this.opt.log; if (!this.opt.debug) { return; } if (typeof log === "object" && typeof log[level] === "function") { log[level](`mark.js: ${msg}`); } } /** * Escapes a string for usage within a regular expression * @param {string} str - The string to escape * @return {string} * @access protected */ escapeStr(str) { return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); } /** * Creates a regular expression string to match the specified search * term including synonyms, diacritics and accuracy if defined * @param {string} str - The search term to be used * @return {string} * @access protected */ createRegExp(str) { if (this.opt.wildcards !== "disabled") { str = this.setupWildcardsRegExp(str); } str = this.escapeStr(str); if (Object.keys(this.opt.synonyms).length) { str = this.createSynonymsRegExp(str); } if (this.opt.ignoreJoiners || this.opt.ignorePunctuation.length) { str = this.setupIgnoreJoinersRegExp(str); } if (this.opt.diacritics) { str = this.createDiacriticsRegExp(str); } str = this.createMergedBlanksRegExp(str); if (this.opt.ignoreJoiners || this.opt.ignorePunctuation.length) { str = this.createJoinersRegExp(str); } if (this.opt.wildcards !== "disabled") { str = this.createWildcardsRegExp(str); } str = this.createAccuracyRegExp(str); return str; } /** * Creates a regular expression string to match the defined synonyms * @param {string} str - The search term to be used * @return {string} * @access protected */ createSynonymsRegExp(str) { const syn = this.opt.synonyms, sens = this.opt.caseSensitive ? "" : "i", joinerPlaceholder = this.opt.ignoreJoiners || this.opt.ignorePunctuation.length ? "\0" : ""; for (let index in syn) { if (syn.hasOwnProperty(index)) { const value = syn[index], k1 = this.opt.wildcards !== "disabled" ? this.setupWildcardsRegExp(index) : this.escapeStr(index), k2 = this.opt.wildcards !== "disabled" ? this.setupWildcardsRegExp(value) : this.escapeStr(value); if (k1 !== "" && k2 !== "") { str = str.replace( new RegExp( `(${this.escapeStr(k1)}|${this.escapeStr(k2)})`, `gm${sens}` ), joinerPlaceholder + `(${this.processSynomyms(k1)}|${this.processSynomyms(k2)})` + joinerPlaceholder ); } } } return str; } /** * Setup synonyms to work with ignoreJoiners and or ignorePunctuation * @param {string} str - synonym key or value to process * @return {string} - processed synonym string */ processSynomyms(str) { if (this.opt.ignoreJoiners || this.opt.ignorePunctuation.length) { str = this.setupIgnoreJoinersRegExp(str); } return str; } /** * Sets up the regular expression string to allow later insertion of * wildcard regular expression matches * @param {string} str - The search term to be used * @return {string} * @access protected */ setupWildcardsRegExp(str) { str = str.replace(/(?:\\)*\?/g, (val) => { return val.charAt(0) === "\\" ? "?" : ""; }); return str.replace(/(?:\\)*\*/g, (val) => { return val.charAt(0) === "\\" ? "*" : ""; }); } /** * Sets up the regular expression string to allow later insertion of * wildcard regular expression matches * @param {string} str - The search term to be used * @return {string} * @access protected */ createWildcardsRegExp(str) { let spaces = this.opt.wildcards === "withSpaces"; return str.replace(/\u0001/g, spaces ? "[\\S\\s]?" : "\\S?").replace(/\u0002/g, spaces ? "[\\S\\s]*?" : "\\S*"); } /** * Sets up the regular expression string to allow later insertion of * designated characters (soft hyphens & zero width characters) * @param {string} str - The search term to be used * @return {string} * @access protected */ setupIgnoreJoinersRegExp(str) { return str.replace(/[^(|)\\]/g, (val, indx, original) => { let nextChar = original.charAt(indx + 1); if (/[(|)\\]/.test(nextChar) || nextChar === "") { return val; } else { return val + "\0"; } }); } /** * Creates a regular expression string to allow ignoring of designated * characters (soft hyphens, zero width characters & punctuation) based on * the specified option values of ignorePunctuation and * ignoreJoiners * @param {string} str - The search term to be used * @return {string} * @access protected */ createJoinersRegExp(str) { let joiner = []; const ignorePunctuation = this.opt.ignorePunctuation; if (Array.isArray(ignorePunctuation) && ignorePunctuation.length) { joiner.push(this.escapeStr(ignorePunctuation.join(""))); } if (this.opt.ignoreJoiners) { joiner.push("\\u00ad\\u200b\\u200c\\u200d"); } return joiner.length ? str.split(/\u0000+/).join(`[${joiner.join("")}]*`) : str; } /** * Creates a regular expression string to match diacritics * @param {string} str - The search term to be used * @return {string} * @access protected */ createDiacriticsRegExp(str) { const sens = this.opt.caseSensitive ? "" : "i", dct = this.opt.caseSensitive ? [ "aàáảãạăằắẳẵặâầấẩẫậäåāą", "AÀÁẢÃẠĂẰẮẲẴẶÂẦẤẨẪẬÄÅĀĄ", "cçćč", "CÇĆČ", "dđď", "DĐĎ", "eèéẻẽẹêềếểễệëěēę", "EÈÉẺẼẸÊỀẾỂỄỆËĚĒĘ", "iìíỉĩịîïī", "IÌÍỈĨỊÎÏĪ", "lł", "LŁ", "nñňń", "NÑŇŃ", "oòóỏõọôồốổỗộơởỡớờợöøō", "OÒÓỎÕỌÔỒỐỔỖỘƠỞỠỚỜỢÖØŌ", "rř", "RŘ", "sšśșş", "SŠŚȘŞ", "tťțţ", "TŤȚŢ", "uùúủũụưừứửữựûüůū", "UÙÚỦŨỤƯỪỨỬỮỰÛÜŮŪ", "yýỳỷỹỵÿ", "YÝỲỶỸỴŸ", "zžżź", "ZŽŻŹ" ] : [ "aàáảãạăằắẳẵặâầấẩẫậäåāąAÀÁẢÃẠĂẰẮẲẴẶÂẦẤẨẪẬÄÅĀĄ", "cçćčCÇĆČ", "dđďDĐĎ", "eèéẻẽẹêềếểễệëěēęEÈÉẺẼẸÊỀẾỂỄỆËĚĒĘ", "iìíỉĩịîïīIÌÍỈĨỊÎÏĪ", "lłLŁ", "nñňńNÑŇŃ", "oòóỏõọôồốổỗộơởỡớờợöøōOÒÓỎÕỌÔỒỐỔỖỘƠỞỠỚỜỢÖØŌ", "rřRŘ", "sšśșşSŠŚȘŞ", "tťțţTŤȚŢ", "uùúủũụưừứửữựûüůūUÙÚỦŨỤƯỪỨỬỮỰÛÜŮŪ", "yýỳỷỹỵÿYÝỲỶỸỴŸ", "zžżźZŽŻŹ" ]; let handled = []; str.split("").forEach((ch) => { dct.every((dct2) => { if (dct2.indexOf(ch) !== -1) { if (handled.indexOf(dct2) > -1) { return false; } str = str.replace( new RegExp(`[${dct2}]`, `gm${sens}`), `[${dct2}]` ); handled.push(dct2); } return true; }); }); return str; } /** * Creates a regular expression string that merges whitespace characters * including subsequent ones into a single pattern, one or multiple * whitespaces * @param {string} str - The search term to be used * @return {string} * @access protected */ createMergedBlanksRegExp(str) { return str.replace(/[\s]+/gmi, "[\\s]+"); } /** * Creates a regular expression string to match the specified string with * the defined accuracy. As in the regular expression of "exactly" can be * a group containing a blank at the beginning, all regular expressions will * be created with two groups. The first group can be ignored (may contain * the said blank), the second contains the actual match * @param {string} str - The searm term to be used * @return {str} * @access protected */ createAccuracyRegExp(str) { const chars = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~¡¿"; let acc = this.opt.accuracy, val = typeof acc === "string" ? acc : acc.value, ls = typeof acc === "string" ? [] : acc.limiters, lsJoin = ""; ls.forEach((limiter) => { lsJoin += `|${this.escapeStr(limiter)}`; }); switch (val) { case "partially": default: return `()(${str})`; case "complementary": lsJoin = "\\s" + (lsJoin ? lsJoin : this.escapeStr(chars)); return `()([^${lsJoin}]*${str}[^${lsJoin}]*)`; case "exactly": return `(^|\\s${lsJoin})(${str})(?=$|\\s${lsJoin})`; } } /** * @typedef Mark~separatedKeywords * @type {object.} * @property {array.} keywords - The list of keywords * @property {number} length - The length */ /** * Returns a list of keywords dependent on whether separate word search * was defined. Also it filters empty keywords * @param {array} sv - The array of keywords * @return {Mark~separatedKeywords} * @access protected */ getSeparatedKeywords(sv) { let stack = []; sv.forEach((kw) => { if (!this.opt.separateWordSearch) { if (kw.trim() && stack.indexOf(kw) === -1) { stack.push(kw); } } else { kw.split(" ").forEach((kwSplitted) => { if (kwSplitted.trim() && stack.indexOf(kwSplitted) === -1) { stack.push(kwSplitted); } }); } }); return { // sort because of "keywords": stack.sort((a, b) => { return b.length - a.length; }), "length": stack.length }; } /** * Check if a value is a number * @param {number|string} value - the value to check; * numeric strings allowed * @return {boolean} * @access protected */ isNumeric(value) { return Number(parseFloat(value)) == value; } /** * @typedef Mark~rangeObject * @type {object} * @property {number} start - The start position within the composite value * @property {number} length - The length of the string to mark within the * composite value. */ /** * @typedef Mark~setOfRanges * @type {object[]} * @property {Mark~rangeObject} */ /** * Returns a processed list of integer offset indexes that do not overlap * each other, and remove any string values or additional elements * @param {Mark~setOfRanges} array - unprocessed raw array * @return {Mark~setOfRanges} - processed array with any invalid entries * removed * @throws Will throw an error if an array of objects is not passed * @access protected */ checkRanges(array) { if (!Array.isArray(array) ||[0]) !== "[object Object]") { this.log("markRanges() will only accept an array of objects"); this.opt.noMatch(array); return []; } const stack = []; let last2 = 0; array.sort((a, b) => { return a.start - b.start; }).forEach((item) => { let { start, end, valid } = this.callNoMatchOnInvalidRanges(item, last2); if (valid) { item.start = start; item.length = end - start; stack.push(item); last2 = end; } }); return stack; } /** * @typedef Mark~validObject * @type {object} * @property {number} start - The start position within the composite value * @property {number} end - The calculated end position within the composite * value. * @property {boolean} valid - boolean value indicating that the start and * calculated end range is valid */ /** * Initial validation of ranges for markRanges. Preliminary checks are done * to ensure the start and length values exist and are not zero or non- * numeric * @param {Mark~rangeObject} range - the current range object * @param {number} last - last index of range * @return {Mark~validObject} * @access protected */ callNoMatchOnInvalidRanges(range, last2) { let start, end, valid = false; if (range && typeof range.start !== "undefined") { start = parseInt(range.start, 10); end = start + parseInt(range.length, 10); if (this.isNumeric(range.start) && this.isNumeric(range.length) && end - last2 > 0 && end - start > 0) { valid = true; } else { this.log( `Ignoring invalid or overlapping range: ${JSON.stringify(range)}` ); this.opt.noMatch(range); } } else { this.log(`Ignoring invalid range: ${JSON.stringify(range)}`); this.opt.noMatch(range); } return { start, end, valid }; } /** * Check valid range for markRanges. Check ranges with access to the context * string. Range values are double checked, lengths that extend the mark * beyond the string length are limitied and ranges containing only * whitespace are ignored * @param {Mark~rangeObject} range - the current range object * @param {number} originalLength - original length of the context string * @param {string} string - current content string * @return {Mark~validObject} * @access protected */ checkWhitespaceRanges(range, originalLength, string) { let end, valid = true, max = string.length, offset = originalLength - max, start = parseInt(range.start, 10) - offset; start = start > max ? max : start; end = start + parseInt(range.length, 10); if (end > max) { end = max; this.log(`End range automatically set to the max value of ${max}`); } if (start < 0 || end - start < 0 || start > max || end > max) { valid = false; this.log(`Invalid range: ${JSON.stringify(range)}`); this.opt.noMatch(range); } else if (string.substring(start, end).replace(/\s+/g, "") === "") { valid = false; this.log("Skipping whitespace only range: " + JSON.stringify(range)); this.opt.noMatch(range); } return { start, end, valid }; } /** * @typedef Mark~getTextNodesDict * @type {object.} * @property {string} value - The composite value of all text nodes * @property {object[]} nodes - An array of objects * @property {number} nodes.start - The start position within the composite * value * @property {number} nodes.end - The end position within the composite * value * @property {HTMLElement} nodes.node - The DOM text node element */ /** * Callback * @callback Mark~getTextNodesCallback * @param {Mark~getTextNodesDict} */ /** * Calls the callback with an object containing all text nodes (including * iframe text nodes) with start and end positions and the composite value * of them (string) * @param {Mark~getTextNodesCallback} cb - Callback * @access protected */ getTextNodes(cb) { let val = "", nodes = []; this.iterator.forEachNode(NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, (node) => { nodes.push({ start: val.length, end: (val += node.textContent).length, node }); }, (node) => { if (this.matchesExclude(node.parentNode)) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT; } else { return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; } }, () => { cb({ value: val, nodes }); }); } /** * Checks if an element matches any of the specified exclude selectors. Also * it checks for elements in which no marks should be performed (e.g. * script and style tags) and optionally already marked elements * @param {HTMLElement} el - The element to check * @return {boolean} * @access protected */ matchesExclude(el) { return DOMIterator.matches(el, this.opt.exclude.concat([ // ignores the elements itself, not their childrens (selector *) "script", "style", "title", "head", "html" ])); } /** * Wraps the instance element and class around matches that fit the start * and end positions within the node * @param {HTMLElement} node - The DOM text node * @param {number} start - The position where to start wrapping * @param {number} end - The position where to end wrapping * @return {HTMLElement} Returns the splitted text node that will appear * after the wrapped text node * @access protected */ wrapRangeInTextNode(node, start, end) { const hEl = !this.opt.element ? "mark" : this.opt.element, startNode = node.splitText(start), ret = startNode.splitText(end - start); let repl = document.createElement(hEl); repl.setAttribute("data-markjs", "true"); if (this.opt.className) { repl.setAttribute("class", this.opt.className); } repl.textContent = startNode.textContent; startNode.parentNode.replaceChild(repl, startNode); return ret; } /** * @typedef Mark~wrapRangeInMappedTextNodeDict * @type {object.} * @property {string} value - The composite value of all text nodes * @property {object[]} nodes - An array of objects * @property {number} nodes.start - The start position within the composite * value * @property {number} nodes.end - The end position within the composite * value * @property {HTMLElement} nodes.node - The DOM text node element */ /** * Each callback * @callback Mark~wrapMatchesEachCallback * @param {HTMLElement} node - The wrapped DOM element * @param {number} lastIndex - The last matching position within the * composite value of text nodes */ /** * Filter callback * @callback Mark~wrapMatchesFilterCallback * @param {HTMLElement} node - The matching text node DOM element */ /** * Determines matches by start and end positions using the text node * dictionary even across text nodes and calls * {@link Mark#wrapRangeInTextNode} to wrap them * @param {Mark~wrapRangeInMappedTextNodeDict} dict - The dictionary * @param {number} start - The start position of the match * @param {number} end - The end position of the match * @param {Mark~wrapMatchesFilterCallback} filterCb - Filter callback * @param {Mark~wrapMatchesEachCallback} eachCb - Each callback * @access protected */ wrapRangeInMappedTextNode(dict, start, end, filterCb, eachCb) { dict.nodes.every((n, i) => { const sibl = dict.nodes[i + 1]; if (typeof sibl === "undefined" || sibl.start > start) { if (!filterCb(n.node)) { return false; } const s = start - n.start, e = (end > n.end ? n.end : end) - n.start, startStr = dict.value.substr(0, n.start), endStr = dict.value.substr(e + n.start); n.node = this.wrapRangeInTextNode(n.node, s, e); dict.value = startStr + endStr; dict.nodes.forEach((k, j) => { if (j >= i) { if (dict.nodes[j].start > 0 && j !== i) { dict.nodes[j].start -= e; } dict.nodes[j].end -= e; } }); end -= e; eachCb(n.node.previousSibling, n.start); if (end > n.end) { start = n.end; } else { return false; } } return true; }); } /** * Filter callback before each wrapping * @callback Mark~wrapMatchesFilterCallback * @param {string} match - The matching string * @param {HTMLElement} node - The text node where the match occurs */ /** * Callback for each wrapped element * @callback Mark~wrapMatchesEachCallback * @param {HTMLElement} element - The marked DOM element */ /** * Callback on end * @callback Mark~wrapMatchesEndCallback */ /** * Wraps the instance element and class around matches within single HTML * elements in all contexts * @param {RegExp} regex - The regular expression to be searched for * @param {number} ignoreGroups - A number indicating the amount of RegExp * matching groups to ignore * @param {Mark~wrapMatchesFilterCallback} filterCb * @param {Mark~wrapMatchesEachCallback} eachCb * @param {Mark~wrapMatchesEndCallback} endCb * @access protected */ wrapMatches(regex, ignoreGroups, filterCb, eachCb, endCb) { const matchIdx = ignoreGroups === 0 ? 0 : ignoreGroups + 1; this.getTextNodes((dict) => { dict.nodes.forEach((node) => { node = node.node; let match; while ((match = regex.exec(node.textContent)) !== null && match[matchIdx] !== "") { if (!filterCb(match[matchIdx], node)) { continue; } let pos = match.index; if (matchIdx !== 0) { for (let i = 1; i < matchIdx; i++) { pos += match[i].length; } } node = this.wrapRangeInTextNode( node, pos, pos + match[matchIdx].length ); eachCb(node.previousSibling); regex.lastIndex = 0; } }); endCb(); }); } /** * Callback for each wrapped element * @callback Mark~wrapMatchesAcrossElementsEachCallback * @param {HTMLElement} element - The marked DOM element */ /** * Filter callback before each wrapping * @callback Mark~wrapMatchesAcrossElementsFilterCallback * @param {string} match - The matching string * @param {HTMLElement} node - The text node where the match occurs */ /** * Callback on end * @callback Mark~wrapMatchesAcrossElementsEndCallback */ /** * Wraps the instance element and class around matches across all HTML * elements in all contexts * @param {RegExp} regex - The regular expression to be searched for * @param {number} ignoreGroups - A number indicating the amount of RegExp * matching groups to ignore * @param {Mark~wrapMatchesAcrossElementsFilterCallback} filterCb * @param {Mark~wrapMatchesAcrossElementsEachCallback} eachCb * @param {Mark~wrapMatchesAcrossElementsEndCallback} endCb * @access protected */ wrapMatchesAcrossElements(regex, ignoreGroups, filterCb, eachCb, endCb) { const matchIdx = ignoreGroups === 0 ? 0 : ignoreGroups + 1; this.getTextNodes((dict) => { let match; while ((match = regex.exec(dict.value)) !== null && match[matchIdx] !== "") { let start = match.index; if (matchIdx !== 0) { for (let i = 1; i < matchIdx; i++) { start += match[i].length; } } const end = start + match[matchIdx].length; this.wrapRangeInMappedTextNode(dict, start, end, (node) => { return filterCb(match[matchIdx], node); }, (node, lastIndex) => { regex.lastIndex = lastIndex; eachCb(node); }); } endCb(); }); } /** * Callback for each wrapped element * @callback Mark~wrapRangeFromIndexEachCallback * @param {HTMLElement} element - The marked DOM element * @param {Mark~rangeObject} range - the current range object; provided * start and length values will be numeric integers modified from the * provided original ranges. */ /** * Filter callback before each wrapping * @callback Mark~wrapRangeFromIndexFilterCallback * @param {HTMLElement} node - The text node which includes the range * @param {Mark~rangeObject} range - the current range object * @param {string} match - string extracted from the matching range * @param {number} counter - A counter indicating the number of all marks */ /** * Callback on end * @callback Mark~wrapRangeFromIndexEndCallback */ /** * Wraps the indicated ranges across all HTML elements in all contexts * @param {Mark~setOfRanges} ranges * @param {Mark~wrapRangeFromIndexFilterCallback} filterCb * @param {Mark~wrapRangeFromIndexEachCallback} eachCb * @param {Mark~wrapRangeFromIndexEndCallback} endCb * @access protected */ wrapRangeFromIndex(ranges, filterCb, eachCb, endCb) { this.getTextNodes((dict) => { const originalLength = dict.value.length; ranges.forEach((range, counter) => { let { start, end, valid } = this.checkWhitespaceRanges( range, originalLength, dict.value ); if (valid) { this.wrapRangeInMappedTextNode(dict, start, end, (node) => { return filterCb( node, range, dict.value.substring(start, end), counter ); }, (node) => { eachCb(node, range); }); } }); endCb(); }); } /** * Unwraps the specified DOM node with its content (text nodes or HTML) * without destroying possibly present events (using innerHTML) and * normalizes the parent at the end (merge splitted text nodes) * @param {HTMLElement} node - The DOM node to unwrap * @access protected */ unwrapMatches(node) { const parent = node.parentNode; let docFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); while (node.firstChild) { docFrag.appendChild(node.removeChild(node.firstChild)); } parent.replaceChild(docFrag, node); if (! { parent.normalize(); } else { this.normalizeTextNode(parent); } } /** * Normalizes text nodes. It's a workaround for the native normalize method * that has a bug in IE (see attached link). Should only be used in IE * browsers as it's slower than the native method. * @see {@link} * @param {HTMLElement} node - The DOM node to normalize * @access protected */ normalizeTextNode(node) { if (!node) { return; } if (node.nodeType === 3) { while (node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeType === 3) { node.nodeValue += node.nextSibling.nodeValue; node.parentNode.removeChild(node.nextSibling); } } else { this.normalizeTextNode(node.firstChild); } this.normalizeTextNode(node.nextSibling); } /** * Callback when finished * @callback Mark~commonDoneCallback * @param {number} totalMatches - The number of marked elements */ /** * @typedef Mark~commonOptions * @type {object.} * @property {string} [element="mark"] - HTML element tag name * @property {string} [className] - An optional class name * @property {string[]} [exclude] - An array with exclusion selectors. * Elements matching those selectors will be ignored * @property {boolean} [iframes=false] - Whether to search inside iframes * @property {Mark~commonDoneCallback} [done] * @property {boolean} [debug=false] - Wheter to log messages * @property {object} [log=window.console] - Where to log messages (only if * debug is true) */ /** * Callback for each marked element * @callback Mark~markRegExpEachCallback * @param {HTMLElement} element - The marked DOM element */ /** * Callback if there were no matches * @callback Mark~markRegExpNoMatchCallback * @param {RegExp} regexp - The regular expression */ /** * Callback to filter matches * @callback Mark~markRegExpFilterCallback * @param {HTMLElement} textNode - The text node which includes the match * @param {string} match - The matching string for the RegExp * @param {number} counter - A counter indicating the number of all marks */ /** * These options also include the common options from * {@link Mark~commonOptions} * @typedef Mark~markRegExpOptions * @type {object.} * @property {Mark~markRegExpEachCallback} [each] * @property {Mark~markRegExpNoMatchCallback} [noMatch] * @property {Mark~markRegExpFilterCallback} [filter] */ /** * Marks a custom regular expression * @param {RegExp} regexp - The regular expression * @param {Mark~markRegExpOptions} [opt] - Optional options object * @access public */ markRegExp(regexp, opt) { this.opt = opt; this.log(`Searching with expression "${regexp}"`); let totalMatches = 0, fn = "wrapMatches"; const eachCb = (element) => { totalMatches++; this.opt.each(element); }; if (this.opt.acrossElements) { fn = "wrapMatchesAcrossElements"; } this[fn](regexp, this.opt.ignoreGroups, (match, node) => { return this.opt.filter(node, match, totalMatches); }, eachCb, () => { if (totalMatches === 0) { this.opt.noMatch(regexp); } this.opt.done(totalMatches); }); } /** * Callback for each marked element * @callback Mark~markEachCallback * @param {HTMLElement} element - The marked DOM element */ /** * Callback if there were no matches * @callback Mark~markNoMatchCallback * @param {RegExp} term - The search term that was not found */ /** * Callback to filter matches * @callback Mark~markFilterCallback * @param {HTMLElement} textNode - The text node which includes the match * @param {string} match - The matching term * @param {number} totalCounter - A counter indicating the number of all * marks * @param {number} termCounter - A counter indicating the number of marks * for the specific match */ /** * @typedef Mark~markAccuracyObject * @type {object.} * @property {string} value - A accuracy string value * @property {string[]} limiters - A custom array of limiters. For example * ["-", ","] */ /** * @typedef Mark~markAccuracySetting * @type {string} * @property {"partially"|"complementary"|"exactly"|Mark~markAccuracyObject} * [accuracy="partially"] - Either one of the following string values: *
  • partially: When searching for "lor" only "lor" inside * "lorem" will be marked
  • *
  • complementary: When searching for "lor" the whole word * "lorem" will be marked
  • *
  • exactly: When searching for "lor" only those exact words * will be marked. In this example nothing inside "lorem". This value * is equivalent to the previous option wordBoundary
  • *
* Or an object containing two properties: *
  • value: One of the above named string values
  • *
  • limiters: A custom array of string limiters for accuracy * "exactly" or "complementary"
  • *
*/ /** * @typedef Mark~markWildcardsSetting * @type {string} * @property {"disabled"|"enabled"|"withSpaces"} * [wildcards="disabled"] - Set to any of the following string values: *
  • disabled: Disable wildcard usage
  • *
  • enabled: When searching for "lor?m", the "?" will match zero * or one non-space character (e.g. "lorm", "loram", "lor3m", etc). When * searching for "lor*m", the "*" will match zero or more non-space * characters (e.g. "lorm", "loram", "lor123m", etc).
  • *
  • withSpaces: When searching for "lor?m", the "?" will * match zero or one space or non-space character (e.g. "lor m", "loram", * etc). When searching for "lor*m", the "*" will match zero or more space * or non-space characters (e.g. "lorm", "lore et dolor ipsum", "lor: m", * etc).
  • *
*/ /** * @typedef Mark~markIgnorePunctuationSetting * @type {string[]} * @property {string} The strings in this setting will contain punctuation * marks that will be ignored: *
  • These punctuation marks can be between any characters, e.g. setting * this option to ["'"] would match "Worlds", "World's" and * "Wo'rlds"
  • *
  • One or more apostrophes between the letters would still produce a * match (e.g. "W'o''r'l'd's").
  • *
  • A typical setting for this option could be as follows: *
    ignorePunctuation: ":;.,-–—‒_(){}[]!'\"+=".split(""),
    This * setting includes common punctuation as well as a minus, en-dash, * em-dash and figure-dash * ({@link ref}), as well * as an underscore.
  • *
*/ /** * These options also include the common options from * {@link Mark~commonOptions} * @typedef Mark~markOptions * @type {object.} * @property {boolean} [separateWordSearch=true] - Whether to search for * each word separated by a blank instead of the complete term * @property {boolean} [diacritics=true] - If diacritic characters should be * matched. ({@link Diacritics}) * @property {object} [synonyms] - An object with synonyms. The key will be * a synonym for the value and the value for the key * @property {Mark~markAccuracySetting} [accuracy] * @property {Mark~markWildcardsSetting} [wildcards] * @property {boolean} [acrossElements=false] - Whether to find matches * across HTML elements. By default, only matches within single HTML * elements will be found * @property {boolean} [ignoreJoiners=false] - Whether to ignore word * joiners inside of key words. These include soft-hyphens, zero-width * space, zero-width non-joiners and zero-width joiners. * @property {Mark~markIgnorePunctuationSetting} [ignorePunctuation] * @property {Mark~markEachCallback} [each] * @property {Mark~markNoMatchCallback} [noMatch] * @property {Mark~markFilterCallback} [filter] */ /** * Marks the specified search terms * @param {string|string[]} [sv] - Search value, either a search string or * an array containing multiple search strings * @param {Mark~markOptions} [opt] - Optional options object * @access public */ mark(sv, opt) { this.opt = opt; let totalMatches = 0, fn = "wrapMatches"; const { keywords: kwArr, length: kwArrLen } = this.getSeparatedKeywords(typeof sv === "string" ? [sv] : sv), sens = this.opt.caseSensitive ? "" : "i", handler = (kw) => { let regex = new RegExp(this.createRegExp(kw), `gm${sens}`), matches2 = 0; this.log(`Searching with expression "${regex}"`); this[fn](regex, 1, (term, node) => { return this.opt.filter(node, kw, totalMatches, matches2); }, (element) => { matches2++; totalMatches++; this.opt.each(element); }, () => { if (matches2 === 0) { this.opt.noMatch(kw); } if (kwArr[kwArrLen - 1] === kw) { this.opt.done(totalMatches); } else { handler(kwArr[kwArr.indexOf(kw) + 1]); } }); }; if (this.opt.acrossElements) { fn = "wrapMatchesAcrossElements"; } if (kwArrLen === 0) { this.opt.done(totalMatches); } else { handler(kwArr[0]); } } /** * Callback for each marked element * @callback Mark~markRangesEachCallback * @param {HTMLElement} element - The marked DOM element * @param {array} range - array of range start and end points */ /** * Callback if a processed range is invalid, out-of-bounds, overlaps another * range, or only matches whitespace * @callback Mark~markRangesNoMatchCallback * @param {Mark~rangeObject} range - a range object */ /** * Callback to filter matches * @callback Mark~markRangesFilterCallback * @param {HTMLElement} node - The text node which includes the range * @param {array} range - array of range start and end points * @param {string} match - string extracted from the matching range * @param {number} counter - A counter indicating the number of all marks */ /** * These options also include the common options from * {@link Mark~commonOptions} * @typedef Mark~markRangesOptions * @type {object.} * @property {Mark~markRangesEachCallback} [each] * @property {Mark~markRangesNoMatchCallback} [noMatch] * @property {Mark~markRangesFilterCallback} [filter] */ /** * Marks an array of objects containing a start with an end or length of the * string to mark * @param {Mark~setOfRanges} rawRanges - The original (preprocessed) * array of objects * @param {Mark~markRangesOptions} [opt] - Optional options object * @access public */ markRanges(rawRanges, opt) { this.opt = opt; let totalMatches = 0, ranges = this.checkRanges(rawRanges); if (ranges && ranges.length) { this.log( "Starting to mark with the following ranges: " + JSON.stringify(ranges) ); this.wrapRangeFromIndex( ranges, (node, range, match, counter) => { return this.opt.filter(node, range, match, counter); }, (element, range) => { totalMatches++; this.opt.each(element, range); }, () => { this.opt.done(totalMatches); } ); } else { this.opt.done(totalMatches); } } /** * Removes all marked elements inside the context with their HTML and * normalizes the parent at the end * @param {Mark~commonOptions} [opt] - Optional options object * @access public */ unmark(opt) { this.opt = opt; let sel = this.opt.element ? this.opt.element : "*"; sel += "[data-markjs]"; if (this.opt.className) { sel += `.${this.opt.className}`; } this.log(`Removal selector "${sel}"`); this.iterator.forEachNode(NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, (node) => { this.unwrapMatches(node); }, (node) => { const matchesSel = DOMIterator.matches(node, sel), matchesExclude = this.matchesExclude(node); if (!matchesSel || matchesExclude) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT; } else { return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; } }, this.opt.done); } }; function Mark2(ctx) { const instance = new Mark$1(ctx); this.mark = (sv, opt) => { instance.mark(sv, opt); return this; }; this.markRegExp = (sv, opt) => { instance.markRegExp(sv, opt); return this; }; this.markRanges = (sv, opt) => { instance.markRanges(sv, opt); return this; }; this.unmark = (opt) => { instance.unmark(opt); return this; }; return this; } var __assign = function() { __assign = Object.assign || function __assign2(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; }; return __assign.apply(this, arguments); }; function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); } function __generator(thisArg, body) { var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g; return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g; function verb(n) { return function(v) { return step([n, v]); }; } function step(op) { if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try { if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t; if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value]; switch (op[0]) { case 0: case 1: t = op; break; case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false }; case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue; case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; } if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3])) { _.label = op[1]; break; } if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; } if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; } if (t[2]) _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; } op =, _); } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; } if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true }; } } function __values(o) { var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0; if (m) return; if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return { next: function() { if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0; return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o }; } }; throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined."); } function __read(o, n) { var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator]; if (!m) return o; var i =, r, ar = [], e; try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value); } catch (error) { e = { error }; } finally { try { if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } } return ar; } typeof SuppressedError === "function" ? SuppressedError : function(error, suppressed, message) { var e = new Error(message); return = "SuppressedError", e.error = error, e.suppressed = suppressed, e; }; var ENTRIES = "ENTRIES"; var KEYS = "KEYS"; var VALUES = "VALUES"; var LEAF = ""; var TreeIterator = ( /** @class */ function() { function TreeIterator2(set, type) { var node = set._tree; var keys = Array.from(node.keys()); this.set = set; this._type = type; this._path = keys.length > 0 ? [{ node, keys }] : []; } = function() { var value = this.dive(); this.backtrack(); return value; }; TreeIterator2.prototype.dive = function() { if (this._path.length === 0) { return { done: true, value: void 0 }; } var _a2 = last$1(this._path), node = _a2.node, keys = _a2.keys; if (last$1(keys) === LEAF) { return { done: false, value: this.result() }; } var child = node.get(last$1(keys)); this._path.push({ node: child, keys: Array.from(child.keys()) }); return this.dive(); }; TreeIterator2.prototype.backtrack = function() { if (this._path.length === 0) { return; } var keys = last$1(this._path).keys; keys.pop(); if (keys.length > 0) { return; } this._path.pop(); this.backtrack(); }; TreeIterator2.prototype.key = function() { return this.set._prefix + { var keys = _a2.keys; return last$1(keys); }).filter(function(key) { return key !== LEAF; }).join(""); }; TreeIterator2.prototype.value = function() { return last$1(this._path).node.get(LEAF); }; TreeIterator2.prototype.result = function() { switch (this._type) { case VALUES: return this.value(); case KEYS: return this.key(); default: return [this.key(), this.value()]; } }; TreeIterator2.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }; return TreeIterator2; }() ); var last$1 = function(array) { return array[array.length - 1]; }; var fuzzySearch = function(node, query, maxDistance) { var results = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); if (query === void 0) return results; var n = query.length + 1; var m = n + maxDistance; var matrix = new Uint8Array(m * n).fill(maxDistance + 1); for (var j = 0; j < n; ++j) matrix[j] = j; for (var i = 1; i < m; ++i) matrix[i * n] = i; recurse(node, query, maxDistance, results, matrix, 1, n, ""); return results; }; var recurse = function(node, query, maxDistance, results, matrix, m, n, prefix) { var e_1, _a2; var offset = m * n; try { key: for (var _b = __values(node.keys()), _c =; !_c.done; _c = { var key = _c.value; if (key === LEAF) { var distance = matrix[offset - 1]; if (distance <= maxDistance) { results.set(prefix, [node.get(key), distance]); } } else { var i = m; for (var pos = 0; pos < key.length; ++pos, ++i) { var char = key[pos]; var thisRowOffset = n * i; var prevRowOffset = thisRowOffset - n; var minDistance = matrix[thisRowOffset]; var jmin = Math.max(0, i - maxDistance - 1); var jmax = Math.min(n - 1, i + maxDistance); for (var j = jmin; j < jmax; ++j) { var different = char !== query[j]; var rpl = matrix[prevRowOffset + j] + +different; var del = matrix[prevRowOffset + j + 1] + 1; var ins = matrix[thisRowOffset + j] + 1; var dist = matrix[thisRowOffset + j + 1] = Math.min(rpl, del, ins); if (dist < minDistance) minDistance = dist; } if (minDistance > maxDistance) { continue key; } } recurse(node.get(key), query, maxDistance, results, matrix, i, n, prefix + key); } } } catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a2 = _b.return)); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; } } }; var SearchableMap = ( /** @class */ function() { function SearchableMap2(tree, prefix) { if (tree === void 0) { tree = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } if (prefix === void 0) { prefix = ""; } this._size = void 0; this._tree = tree; this._prefix = prefix; } SearchableMap2.prototype.atPrefix = function(prefix) { var e_1, _a2; if (!prefix.startsWith(this._prefix)) { throw new Error("Mismatched prefix"); } var _b = __read(trackDown(this._tree, prefix.slice(this._prefix.length)), 2), node = _b[0], path = _b[1]; if (node === void 0) { var _c = __read(last(path), 2), parentNode = _c[0], key = _c[1]; try { for (var _d = __values(parentNode.keys()), _e =; !_e.done; _e = { var k = _e.value; if (k !== LEAF && k.startsWith(key)) { var node_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); node_1.set(k.slice(key.length), parentNode.get(k)); return new SearchableMap2(node_1, prefix); } } } catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; } finally { try { if (_e && !_e.done && (_a2 = _d.return)); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; } } } return new SearchableMap2(node, prefix); }; SearchableMap2.prototype.clear = function() { this._size = void 0; this._tree.clear(); }; SearchableMap2.prototype.delete = function(key) { this._size = void 0; return remove(this._tree, key); }; SearchableMap2.prototype.entries = function() { return new TreeIterator(this, ENTRIES); }; SearchableMap2.prototype.forEach = function(fn) { var e_2, _a2; try { for (var _b = __values(this), _c =; !_c.done; _c = { var _d = __read(_c.value, 2), key = _d[0], value = _d[1]; fn(key, value, this); } } catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a2 = _b.return)); } finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; } } }; SearchableMap2.prototype.fuzzyGet = function(key, maxEditDistance) { return fuzzySearch(this._tree, key, maxEditDistance); }; SearchableMap2.prototype.get = function(key) { var node = lookup(this._tree, key); return node !== void 0 ? node.get(LEAF) : void 0; }; SearchableMap2.prototype.has = function(key) { var node = lookup(this._tree, key); return node !== void 0 && node.has(LEAF); }; SearchableMap2.prototype.keys = function() { return new TreeIterator(this, KEYS); }; SearchableMap2.prototype.set = function(key, value) { if (typeof key !== "string") { throw new Error("key must be a string"); } this._size = void 0; var node = createPath(this._tree, key); node.set(LEAF, value); return this; }; Object.defineProperty(SearchableMap2.prototype, "size", { /** * @see */ get: function() { if (this._size) { return this._size; } this._size = 0; var iter = this.entries(); while (! this._size += 1; return this._size; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); SearchableMap2.prototype.update = function(key, fn) { if (typeof key !== "string") { throw new Error("key must be a string"); } this._size = void 0; var node = createPath(this._tree, key); node.set(LEAF, fn(node.get(LEAF))); return this; }; SearchableMap2.prototype.fetch = function(key, initial) { if (typeof key !== "string") { throw new Error("key must be a string"); } this._size = void 0; var node = createPath(this._tree, key); var value = node.get(LEAF); if (value === void 0) { node.set(LEAF, value = initial()); } return value; }; SearchableMap2.prototype.values = function() { return new TreeIterator(this, VALUES); }; SearchableMap2.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this.entries(); }; SearchableMap2.from = function(entries) { var e_3, _a2; var tree = new SearchableMap2(); try { for (var entries_1 = __values(entries), entries_1_1 =; !entries_1_1.done; entries_1_1 = { var _b = __read(entries_1_1.value, 2), key = _b[0], value = _b[1]; tree.set(key, value); } } catch (e_3_1) { e_3 = { error: e_3_1 }; } finally { try { if (entries_1_1 && !entries_1_1.done && (_a2 = entries_1.return)); } finally { if (e_3) throw e_3.error; } } return tree; }; SearchableMap2.fromObject = function(object) { return SearchableMap2.from(Object.entries(object)); }; return SearchableMap2; }() ); var trackDown = function(tree, key, path) { var e_4, _a2; if (path === void 0) { path = []; } if (key.length === 0 || tree == null) { return [tree, path]; } try { for (var _b = __values(tree.keys()), _c =; !_c.done; _c = { var k = _c.value; if (k !== LEAF && key.startsWith(k)) { path.push([tree, k]); return trackDown(tree.get(k), key.slice(k.length), path); } } } catch (e_4_1) { e_4 = { error: e_4_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a2 = _b.return)); } finally { if (e_4) throw e_4.error; } } path.push([tree, key]); return trackDown(void 0, "", path); }; var lookup = function(tree, key) { var e_5, _a2; if (key.length === 0 || tree == null) { return tree; } try { for (var _b = __values(tree.keys()), _c =; !_c.done; _c = { var k = _c.value; if (k !== LEAF && key.startsWith(k)) { return lookup(tree.get(k), key.slice(k.length)); } } } catch (e_5_1) { e_5 = { error: e_5_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a2 = _b.return)); } finally { if (e_5) throw e_5.error; } } }; var createPath = function(node, key) { var e_6, _a2; var keyLength = key.length; outer: for (var pos = 0; node && pos < keyLength; ) { try { for (var _b = (e_6 = void 0, __values(node.keys())), _c =; !_c.done; _c = { var k = _c.value; if (k !== LEAF && key[pos] === k[0]) { var len = Math.min(keyLength - pos, k.length); var offset = 1; while (offset < len && key[pos + offset] === k[offset]) ++offset; var child_1 = node.get(k); if (offset === k.length) { node = child_1; } else { var intermediate = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); intermediate.set(k.slice(offset), child_1); node.set(key.slice(pos, pos + offset), intermediate); node.delete(k); node = intermediate; } pos += offset; continue outer; } } } catch (e_6_1) { e_6 = { error: e_6_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a2 = _b.return)); } finally { if (e_6) throw e_6.error; } } var child = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); node.set(key.slice(pos), child); return child; } return node; }; var remove = function(tree, key) { var _a2 = __read(trackDown(tree, key), 2), node = _a2[0], path = _a2[1]; if (node === void 0) { return; } node.delete(LEAF); if (node.size === 0) { cleanup(path); } else if (node.size === 1) { var _b = __read(node.entries().next().value, 2), key_1 = _b[0], value = _b[1]; merge(path, key_1, value); } }; var cleanup = function(path) { if (path.length === 0) { return; } var _a2 = __read(last(path), 2), node = _a2[0], key = _a2[1]; node.delete(key); if (node.size === 0) { cleanup(path.slice(0, -1)); } else if (node.size === 1) { var _b = __read(node.entries().next().value, 2), key_2 = _b[0], value = _b[1]; if (key_2 !== LEAF) { merge(path.slice(0, -1), key_2, value); } } }; var merge = function(path, key, value) { if (path.length === 0) { return; } var _a2 = __read(last(path), 2), node = _a2[0], nodeKey = _a2[1]; node.set(nodeKey + key, value); node.delete(nodeKey); }; var last = function(array) { return array[array.length - 1]; }; var _a; var OR = "or"; var AND = "and"; var AND_NOT = "and_not"; var MiniSearch = ( /** @class */ function() { function MiniSearch2(options) { if ((options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.fields) == null) { throw new Error('MiniSearch: option "fields" must be provided'); } var autoVacuum = options.autoVacuum == null || options.autoVacuum === true ? defaultAutoVacuumOptions : options.autoVacuum; this._options = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, defaultOptions), options), { autoVacuum, searchOptions: __assign(__assign({}, defaultSearchOptions), options.searchOptions || {}), autoSuggestOptions: __assign(__assign({}, defaultAutoSuggestOptions), options.autoSuggestOptions || {}) }); this._index = new SearchableMap(); this._documentCount = 0; this._documentIds = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._idToShortId = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._fieldIds = {}; this._fieldLength = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._avgFieldLength = []; this._nextId = 0; this._storedFields = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._dirtCount = 0; this._currentVacuum = null; this._enqueuedVacuum = null; this._enqueuedVacuumConditions = defaultVacuumConditions; this.addFields(this._options.fields); } MiniSearch2.prototype.add = function(document2) { var e_1, _a2, e_2, _b, e_3, _c; var _d = this._options, extractField = _d.extractField, tokenize = _d.tokenize, processTerm = _d.processTerm, fields = _d.fields, idField = _d.idField; var id = extractField(document2, idField); if (id == null) { throw new Error('MiniSearch: document does not have ID field "'.concat(idField, '"')); } if (this._idToShortId.has(id)) { throw new Error("MiniSearch: duplicate ID ".concat(id)); } var shortDocumentId = this.addDocumentId(id); this.saveStoredFields(shortDocumentId, document2); try { for (var fields_1 = __values(fields), fields_1_1 =; !fields_1_1.done; fields_1_1 = { var field = fields_1_1.value; var fieldValue = extractField(document2, field); if (fieldValue == null) continue; var tokens = tokenize(fieldValue.toString(), field); var fieldId = this._fieldIds[field]; var uniqueTerms = new Set(tokens).size; this.addFieldLength(shortDocumentId, fieldId, this._documentCount - 1, uniqueTerms); try { for (var tokens_1 = (e_2 = void 0, __values(tokens)), tokens_1_1 =; !tokens_1_1.done; tokens_1_1 = { var term = tokens_1_1.value; var processedTerm = processTerm(term, field); if (Array.isArray(processedTerm)) { try { for (var processedTerm_1 = (e_3 = void 0, __values(processedTerm)), processedTerm_1_1 =; !processedTerm_1_1.done; processedTerm_1_1 = { var t = processedTerm_1_1.value; this.addTerm(fieldId, shortDocumentId, t); } } catch (e_3_1) { e_3 = { error: e_3_1 }; } finally { try { if (processedTerm_1_1 && !processedTerm_1_1.done && (_c = processedTerm_1.return)); } finally { if (e_3) throw e_3.error; } } } else if (processedTerm) { this.addTerm(fieldId, shortDocumentId, processedTerm); } } } catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; } finally { try { if (tokens_1_1 && !tokens_1_1.done && (_b = tokens_1.return)); } finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; } } } } catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; } finally { try { if (fields_1_1 && !fields_1_1.done && (_a2 = fields_1.return)); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; } } }; MiniSearch2.prototype.addAll = function(documents) { var e_4, _a2; try { for (var documents_1 = __values(documents), documents_1_1 =; !documents_1_1.done; documents_1_1 = { var document_1 = documents_1_1.value; this.add(document_1); } } catch (e_4_1) { e_4 = { error: e_4_1 }; } finally { try { if (documents_1_1 && !documents_1_1.done && (_a2 = documents_1.return)); } finally { if (e_4) throw e_4.error; } } }; MiniSearch2.prototype.addAllAsync = function(documents, options) { var _this = this; if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } var _a2 = options.chunkSize, chunkSize = _a2 === void 0 ? 10 : _a2; var acc = { chunk: [], promise: Promise.resolve() }; var _b = documents.reduce(function(_a3, document2, i) { var chunk2 = _a3.chunk, promise2 = _a3.promise; chunk2.push(document2); if ((i + 1) % chunkSize === 0) { return { chunk: [], promise: promise2.then(function() { return new Promise(function(resolve) { return setTimeout(resolve, 0); }); }).then(function() { return _this.addAll(chunk2); }) }; } else { return { chunk: chunk2, promise: promise2 }; } }, acc), chunk = _b.chunk, promise = _b.promise; return promise.then(function() { return _this.addAll(chunk); }); }; MiniSearch2.prototype.remove = function(document2) { var e_5, _a2, e_6, _b, e_7, _c; var _d = this._options, tokenize = _d.tokenize, processTerm = _d.processTerm, extractField = _d.extractField, fields = _d.fields, idField = _d.idField; var id = extractField(document2, idField); if (id == null) { throw new Error('MiniSearch: document does not have ID field "'.concat(idField, '"')); } var shortId = this._idToShortId.get(id); if (shortId == null) { throw new Error("MiniSearch: cannot remove document with ID ".concat(id, ": it is not in the index")); } try { for (var fields_2 = __values(fields), fields_2_1 =; !fields_2_1.done; fields_2_1 = { var field = fields_2_1.value; var fieldValue = extractField(document2, field); if (fieldValue == null) continue; var tokens = tokenize(fieldValue.toString(), field); var fieldId = this._fieldIds[field]; var uniqueTerms = new Set(tokens).size; this.removeFieldLength(shortId, fieldId, this._documentCount, uniqueTerms); try { for (var tokens_2 = (e_6 = void 0, __values(tokens)), tokens_2_1 =; !tokens_2_1.done; tokens_2_1 = { var term = tokens_2_1.value; var processedTerm = processTerm(term, field); if (Array.isArray(processedTerm)) { try { for (var processedTerm_2 = (e_7 = void 0, __values(processedTerm)), processedTerm_2_1 =; !processedTerm_2_1.done; processedTerm_2_1 = { var t = processedTerm_2_1.value; this.removeTerm(fieldId, shortId, t); } } catch (e_7_1) { e_7 = { error: e_7_1 }; } finally { try { if (processedTerm_2_1 && !processedTerm_2_1.done && (_c = processedTerm_2.return)); } finally { if (e_7) throw e_7.error; } } } else if (processedTerm) { this.removeTerm(fieldId, shortId, processedTerm); } } } catch (e_6_1) { e_6 = { error: e_6_1 }; } finally { try { if (tokens_2_1 && !tokens_2_1.done && (_b = tokens_2.return)); } finally { if (e_6) throw e_6.error; } } } } catch (e_5_1) { e_5 = { error: e_5_1 }; } finally { try { if (fields_2_1 && !fields_2_1.done && (_a2 = fields_2.return)); } finally { if (e_5) throw e_5.error; } } this._storedFields.delete(shortId); this._documentIds.delete(shortId); this._idToShortId.delete(id); this._fieldLength.delete(shortId); this._documentCount -= 1; }; MiniSearch2.prototype.removeAll = function(documents) { var e_8, _a2; if (documents) { try { for (var documents_2 = __values(documents), documents_2_1 =; !documents_2_1.done; documents_2_1 = { var document_2 = documents_2_1.value; this.remove(document_2); } } catch (e_8_1) { e_8 = { error: e_8_1 }; } finally { try { if (documents_2_1 && !documents_2_1.done && (_a2 = documents_2.return)); } finally { if (e_8) throw e_8.error; } } } else if (arguments.length > 0) { throw new Error("Expected documents to be present. Omit the argument to remove all documents."); } else { this._index = new SearchableMap(); this._documentCount = 0; this._documentIds = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._idToShortId = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._fieldLength = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._avgFieldLength = []; this._storedFields = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._nextId = 0; } }; MiniSearch2.prototype.discard = function(id) { var _this = this; var shortId = this._idToShortId.get(id); if (shortId == null) { throw new Error("MiniSearch: cannot discard document with ID ".concat(id, ": it is not in the index")); } this._idToShortId.delete(id); this._documentIds.delete(shortId); this._storedFields.delete(shortId); (this._fieldLength.get(shortId) || []).forEach(function(fieldLength, fieldId) { _this.removeFieldLength(shortId, fieldId, _this._documentCount, fieldLength); }); this._fieldLength.delete(shortId); this._documentCount -= 1; this._dirtCount += 1; this.maybeAutoVacuum(); }; MiniSearch2.prototype.maybeAutoVacuum = function() { if (this._options.autoVacuum === false) { return; } var _a2 = this._options.autoVacuum, minDirtFactor = _a2.minDirtFactor, minDirtCount = _a2.minDirtCount, batchSize = _a2.batchSize, batchWait = _a2.batchWait; this.conditionalVacuum({ batchSize, batchWait }, { minDirtCount, minDirtFactor }); }; MiniSearch2.prototype.discardAll = function(ids) { var e_9, _a2; var autoVacuum = this._options.autoVacuum; try { this._options.autoVacuum = false; try { for (var ids_1 = __values(ids), ids_1_1 =; !ids_1_1.done; ids_1_1 = { var id = ids_1_1.value; this.discard(id); } } catch (e_9_1) { e_9 = { error: e_9_1 }; } finally { try { if (ids_1_1 && !ids_1_1.done && (_a2 = ids_1.return)); } finally { if (e_9) throw e_9.error; } } } finally { this._options.autoVacuum = autoVacuum; } this.maybeAutoVacuum(); }; MiniSearch2.prototype.replace = function(updatedDocument) { var _a2 = this._options, idField = _a2.idField, extractField = _a2.extractField; var id = extractField(updatedDocument, idField); this.discard(id); this.add(updatedDocument); }; MiniSearch2.prototype.vacuum = function(options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return this.conditionalVacuum(options); }; MiniSearch2.prototype.conditionalVacuum = function(options, conditions) { var _this = this; if (this._currentVacuum) { this._enqueuedVacuumConditions = this._enqueuedVacuumConditions && conditions; if (this._enqueuedVacuum != null) { return this._enqueuedVacuum; } this._enqueuedVacuum = this._currentVacuum.then(function() { var conditions2 = _this._enqueuedVacuumConditions; _this._enqueuedVacuumConditions = defaultVacuumConditions; return _this.performVacuuming(options, conditions2); }); return this._enqueuedVacuum; } if (this.vacuumConditionsMet(conditions) === false) { return Promise.resolve(); } this._currentVacuum = this.performVacuuming(options); return this._currentVacuum; }; MiniSearch2.prototype.performVacuuming = function(options, conditions) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() { var initialDirtCount, batchSize, batchWait_1, i, _a2, _b, _c, term, fieldsData, fieldsData_1, fieldsData_1_1, _d, fieldId, fieldIndex, fieldIndex_1, fieldIndex_1_1, _e, shortId, e_10_1; var e_10, _f, e_11, _g, e_12, _h; return __generator(this, function(_j) { switch (_j.label) { case 0: initialDirtCount = this._dirtCount; if (!this.vacuumConditionsMet(conditions)) return [3, 10]; batchSize = options.batchSize || defaultVacuumOptions.batchSize; batchWait_1 = options.batchWait || defaultVacuumOptions.batchWait; i = 1; _j.label = 1; case 1: _j.trys.push([1, 7, 8, 9]); _a2 = __values(this._index), _b =; _j.label = 2; case 2: if (!!_b.done) return [3, 6]; _c = __read(_b.value, 2), term = _c[0], fieldsData = _c[1]; try { for (fieldsData_1 = (e_11 = void 0, __values(fieldsData)), fieldsData_1_1 =; !fieldsData_1_1.done; fieldsData_1_1 = { _d = __read(fieldsData_1_1.value, 2), fieldId = _d[0], fieldIndex = _d[1]; try { for (fieldIndex_1 = (e_12 = void 0, __values(fieldIndex)), fieldIndex_1_1 =; !fieldIndex_1_1.done; fieldIndex_1_1 = { _e = __read(fieldIndex_1_1.value, 1), shortId = _e[0]; if (this._documentIds.has(shortId)) { continue; } if (fieldIndex.size <= 1) { fieldsData.delete(fieldId); } else { fieldIndex.delete(shortId); } } } catch (e_12_1) { e_12 = { error: e_12_1 }; } finally { try { if (fieldIndex_1_1 && !fieldIndex_1_1.done && (_h = fieldIndex_1.return)); } finally { if (e_12) throw e_12.error; } } } } catch (e_11_1) { e_11 = { error: e_11_1 }; } finally { try { if (fieldsData_1_1 && !fieldsData_1_1.done && (_g = fieldsData_1.return)); } finally { if (e_11) throw e_11.error; } } if (this._index.get(term).size === 0) { this._index.delete(term); } if (!(i % batchSize === 0)) return [3, 4]; return [4, new Promise(function(resolve) { return setTimeout(resolve, batchWait_1); })]; case 3: _j.sent(); _j.label = 4; case 4: i += 1; _j.label = 5; case 5: _b =; return [3, 2]; case 6: return [3, 9]; case 7: e_10_1 = _j.sent(); e_10 = { error: e_10_1 }; return [3, 9]; case 8: try { if (_b && !_b.done && (_f = _a2.return)); } finally { if (e_10) throw e_10.error; } return [ 7 /*endfinally*/ ]; case 9: this._dirtCount -= initialDirtCount; _j.label = 10; case 10: return [4, null]; case 11: _j.sent(); this._currentVacuum = this._enqueuedVacuum; this._enqueuedVacuum = null; return [ 2 /*return*/ ]; } }); }); }; MiniSearch2.prototype.vacuumConditionsMet = function(conditions) { if (conditions == null) { return true; } var minDirtCount = conditions.minDirtCount, minDirtFactor = conditions.minDirtFactor; minDirtCount = minDirtCount || defaultAutoVacuumOptions.minDirtCount; minDirtFactor = minDirtFactor || defaultAutoVacuumOptions.minDirtFactor; return this.dirtCount >= minDirtCount && this.dirtFactor >= minDirtFactor; }; Object.defineProperty(MiniSearch2.prototype, "isVacuuming", { /** * Is `true` if a vacuuming operation is ongoing, `false` otherwise */ get: function() { return this._currentVacuum != null; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(MiniSearch2.prototype, "dirtCount", { /** * The number of documents discarded since the most recent vacuuming */ get: function() { return this._dirtCount; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(MiniSearch2.prototype, "dirtFactor", { /** * A number between 0 and 1 giving an indication about the proportion of * documents that are discarded, and can therefore be cleaned up by vacuuming. * A value close to 0 means that the index is relatively clean, while a higher * value means that the index is relatively dirty, and vacuuming could release * memory. */ get: function() { return this._dirtCount / (1 + this._documentCount + this._dirtCount); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); MiniSearch2.prototype.has = function(id) { return this._idToShortId.has(id); }; MiniSearch2.prototype.getStoredFields = function(id) { var shortId = this._idToShortId.get(id); if (shortId == null) { return void 0; } return this._storedFields.get(shortId); }; = function(query, searchOptions) { var e_13, _a2; if (searchOptions === void 0) { searchOptions = {}; } var rawResults = this.executeQuery(query, searchOptions); var results = []; try { for (var rawResults_1 = __values(rawResults), rawResults_1_1 =; !rawResults_1_1.done; rawResults_1_1 = { var _b = __read(rawResults_1_1.value, 2), docId = _b[0], _c = _b[1], score = _c.score, terms = _c.terms, match = _c.match; var quality = terms.length || 1; var result = { id: this._documentIds.get(docId), score: score * quality, terms: Object.keys(match), queryTerms: terms, match }; Object.assign(result, this._storedFields.get(docId)); if (searchOptions.filter == null || searchOptions.filter(result)) { results.push(result); } } } catch (e_13_1) { e_13 = { error: e_13_1 }; } finally { try { if (rawResults_1_1 && !rawResults_1_1.done && (_a2 = rawResults_1.return)); } finally { if (e_13) throw e_13.error; } } if (query === MiniSearch2.wildcard && searchOptions.boostDocument == null && this._options.searchOptions.boostDocument == null) { return results; } results.sort(byScore); return results; }; MiniSearch2.prototype.autoSuggest = function(queryString, options) { var e_14, _a2, e_15, _b; if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } options = __assign(__assign({}, this._options.autoSuggestOptions), options); var suggestions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); try { for (var _c = __values(, options)), _d =; !_d.done; _d = { var _e = _d.value, score = _e.score, terms = _e.terms; var phrase = terms.join(" "); var suggestion = suggestions.get(phrase); if (suggestion != null) { suggestion.score += score; suggestion.count += 1; } else { suggestions.set(phrase, { score, terms, count: 1 }); } } } catch (e_14_1) { e_14 = { error: e_14_1 }; } finally { try { if (_d && !_d.done && (_a2 = _c.return)); } finally { if (e_14) throw e_14.error; } } var results = []; try { for (var suggestions_1 = __values(suggestions), suggestions_1_1 =; !suggestions_1_1.done; suggestions_1_1 = { var _f = __read(suggestions_1_1.value, 2), suggestion = _f[0], _g = _f[1], score = _g.score, terms = _g.terms, count = _g.count; results.push({ suggestion, terms, score: score / count }); } } catch (e_15_1) { e_15 = { error: e_15_1 }; } finally { try { if (suggestions_1_1 && !suggestions_1_1.done && (_b = suggestions_1.return)); } finally { if (e_15) throw e_15.error; } } results.sort(byScore); return results; }; Object.defineProperty(MiniSearch2.prototype, "documentCount", { /** * Total number of documents available to search */ get: function() { return this._documentCount; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(MiniSearch2.prototype, "termCount", { /** * Number of terms in the index */ get: function() { return this._index.size; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); MiniSearch2.loadJSON = function(json, options) { if (options == null) { throw new Error("MiniSearch: loadJSON should be given the same options used when serializing the index"); } return this.loadJS(JSON.parse(json), options); }; MiniSearch2.getDefault = function(optionName) { if (defaultOptions.hasOwnProperty(optionName)) { return getOwnProperty(defaultOptions, optionName); } else { throw new Error('MiniSearch: unknown option "'.concat(optionName, '"')); } }; MiniSearch2.loadJS = function(js, options) { var e_16, _a2, e_17, _b, e_18, _c; var index = js.index, documentCount = js.documentCount, nextId = js.nextId, documentIds = js.documentIds, fieldIds = js.fieldIds, fieldLength = js.fieldLength, averageFieldLength = js.averageFieldLength, storedFields = js.storedFields, dirtCount = js.dirtCount, serializationVersion = js.serializationVersion; if (serializationVersion !== 1 && serializationVersion !== 2) { throw new Error("MiniSearch: cannot deserialize an index created with an incompatible version"); } var miniSearch = new MiniSearch2(options); miniSearch._documentCount = documentCount; miniSearch._nextId = nextId; miniSearch._documentIds = objectToNumericMap(documentIds); miniSearch._idToShortId = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); miniSearch._fieldIds = fieldIds; miniSearch._fieldLength = objectToNumericMap(fieldLength); miniSearch._avgFieldLength = averageFieldLength; miniSearch._storedFields = objectToNumericMap(storedFields); miniSearch._dirtCount = dirtCount || 0; miniSearch._index = new SearchableMap(); try { for (var _d = __values(miniSearch._documentIds), _e =; !_e.done; _e = { var _f = __read(_e.value, 2), shortId = _f[0], id = _f[1]; miniSearch._idToShortId.set(id, shortId); } } catch (e_16_1) { e_16 = { error: e_16_1 }; } finally { try { if (_e && !_e.done && (_a2 = _d.return)); } finally { if (e_16) throw e_16.error; } } try { for (var index_1 = __values(index), index_1_1 =; !index_1_1.done; index_1_1 = { var _g = __read(index_1_1.value, 2), term = _g[0], data = _g[1]; var dataMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); try { for (var _h = (e_18 = void 0, __values(Object.keys(data))), _j =; !_j.done; _j = { var fieldId = _j.value; var indexEntry = data[fieldId]; if (serializationVersion === 1) { indexEntry = indexEntry.ds; } dataMap.set(parseInt(fieldId, 10), objectToNumericMap(indexEntry)); } } catch (e_18_1) { e_18 = { error: e_18_1 }; } finally { try { if (_j && !_j.done && (_c = _h.return)); } finally { if (e_18) throw e_18.error; } } miniSearch._index.set(term, dataMap); } } catch (e_17_1) { e_17 = { error: e_17_1 }; } finally { try { if (index_1_1 && !index_1_1.done && (_b = index_1.return)); } finally { if (e_17) throw e_17.error; } } return miniSearch; }; MiniSearch2.prototype.executeQuery = function(query, searchOptions) { var _this = this; if (searchOptions === void 0) { searchOptions = {}; } if (query === MiniSearch2.wildcard) { return this.executeWildcardQuery(searchOptions); } if (typeof query !== "string") { var options_1 = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, searchOptions), query), { queries: void 0 }); var results_1 = { return _this.executeQuery(subquery, options_1); }); return this.combineResults(results_1, options_1.combineWith); } var _a2 = this._options, tokenize = _a2.tokenize, processTerm = _a2.processTerm, globalSearchOptions = _a2.searchOptions; var options = __assign(__assign({ tokenize, processTerm }, globalSearchOptions), searchOptions); var searchTokenize = options.tokenize, searchProcessTerm = options.processTerm; var terms = searchTokenize(query).flatMap(function(term) { return searchProcessTerm(term); }).filter(function(term) { return !!term; }); var queries =; var results = { return _this.executeQuerySpec(query2, options); }); return this.combineResults(results, options.combineWith); }; MiniSearch2.prototype.executeQuerySpec = function(query, searchOptions) { var e_19, _a2, e_20, _b; var options = __assign(__assign({}, this._options.searchOptions), searchOptions); var boosts = (options.fields || this._options.fields).reduce(function(boosts2, field) { var _a3; return __assign(__assign({}, boosts2), (_a3 = {}, _a3[field] = getOwnProperty(options.boost, field) || 1, _a3)); }, {}); var boostDocument = options.boostDocument, weights = options.weights, maxFuzzy = options.maxFuzzy, bm25params = options.bm25; var _c = __assign(__assign({}, defaultSearchOptions.weights), weights), fuzzyWeight = _c.fuzzy, prefixWeight = _c.prefix; var data = this._index.get(query.term); var results = this.termResults(query.term, query.term, 1, data, boosts, boostDocument, bm25params); var prefixMatches; var fuzzyMatches; if (query.prefix) { prefixMatches = this._index.atPrefix(query.term); } if (query.fuzzy) { var fuzzy = query.fuzzy === true ? 0.2 : query.fuzzy; var maxDistance = fuzzy < 1 ? Math.min(maxFuzzy, Math.round(query.term.length * fuzzy)) : fuzzy; if (maxDistance) fuzzyMatches = this._index.fuzzyGet(query.term, maxDistance); } if (prefixMatches) { try { for (var prefixMatches_1 = __values(prefixMatches), prefixMatches_1_1 =; !prefixMatches_1_1.done; prefixMatches_1_1 = { var _d = __read(prefixMatches_1_1.value, 2), term = _d[0], data_1 = _d[1]; var distance = term.length - query.term.length; if (!distance) { continue; } fuzzyMatches === null || fuzzyMatches === void 0 ? void 0 : fuzzyMatches.delete(term); var weight = prefixWeight * term.length / (term.length + 0.3 * distance); this.termResults(query.term, term, weight, data_1, boosts, boostDocument, bm25params, results); } } catch (e_19_1) { e_19 = { error: e_19_1 }; } finally { try { if (prefixMatches_1_1 && !prefixMatches_1_1.done && (_a2 = prefixMatches_1.return)); } finally { if (e_19) throw e_19.error; } } } if (fuzzyMatches) { try { for (var _e = __values(fuzzyMatches.keys()), _f =; !_f.done; _f = { var term = _f.value; var _g = __read(fuzzyMatches.get(term), 2), data_2 = _g[0], distance = _g[1]; if (!distance) { continue; } var weight = fuzzyWeight * term.length / (term.length + distance); this.termResults(query.term, term, weight, data_2, boosts, boostDocument, bm25params, results); } } catch (e_20_1) { e_20 = { error: e_20_1 }; } finally { try { if (_f && !_f.done && (_b = _e.return)); } finally { if (e_20) throw e_20.error; } } } return results; }; MiniSearch2.prototype.executeWildcardQuery = function(searchOptions) { var e_21, _a2; var results = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); var options = __assign(__assign({}, this._options.searchOptions), searchOptions); try { for (var _b = __values(this._documentIds), _c =; !_c.done; _c = { var _d = __read(_c.value, 2), shortId = _d[0], id = _d[1]; var score = options.boostDocument ? options.boostDocument(id, "", this._storedFields.get(shortId)) : 1; results.set(shortId, { score, terms: [], match: {} }); } } catch (e_21_1) { e_21 = { error: e_21_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a2 = _b.return)); } finally { if (e_21) throw e_21.error; } } return results; }; MiniSearch2.prototype.combineResults = function(results, combineWith) { if (combineWith === void 0) { combineWith = OR; } if (results.length === 0) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } var operator = combineWith.toLowerCase(); return results.reduce(combinators[operator]) || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); }; MiniSearch2.prototype.toJSON = function() { var e_22, _a2, e_23, _b; var index = []; try { for (var _c = __values(this._index), _d =; !_d.done; _d = { var _e = __read(_d.value, 2), term = _e[0], fieldIndex = _e[1]; var data = {}; try { for (var fieldIndex_2 = (e_23 = void 0, __values(fieldIndex)), fieldIndex_2_1 =; !fieldIndex_2_1.done; fieldIndex_2_1 = { var _f = __read(fieldIndex_2_1.value, 2), fieldId = _f[0], freqs = _f[1]; data[fieldId] = Object.fromEntries(freqs); } } catch (e_23_1) { e_23 = { error: e_23_1 }; } finally { try { if (fieldIndex_2_1 && !fieldIndex_2_1.done && (_b = fieldIndex_2.return)); } finally { if (e_23) throw e_23.error; } } index.push([term, data]); } } catch (e_22_1) { e_22 = { error: e_22_1 }; } finally { try { if (_d && !_d.done && (_a2 = _c.return)); } finally { if (e_22) throw e_22.error; } } return { documentCount: this._documentCount, nextId: this._nextId, documentIds: Object.fromEntries(this._documentIds), fieldIds: this._fieldIds, fieldLength: Object.fromEntries(this._fieldLength), averageFieldLength: this._avgFieldLength, storedFields: Object.fromEntries(this._storedFields), dirtCount: this._dirtCount, index, serializationVersion: 2 }; }; MiniSearch2.prototype.termResults = function(sourceTerm, derivedTerm, termWeight, fieldTermData, fieldBoosts, boostDocumentFn, bm25params, results) { var e_24, _a2, e_25, _b, _c; if (results === void 0) { results = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } if (fieldTermData == null) return results; try { for (var _d = __values(Object.keys(fieldBoosts)), _e =; !_e.done; _e = { var field = _e.value; var fieldBoost = fieldBoosts[field]; var fieldId = this._fieldIds[field]; var fieldTermFreqs = fieldTermData.get(fieldId); if (fieldTermFreqs == null) continue; var matchingFields = fieldTermFreqs.size; var avgFieldLength = this._avgFieldLength[fieldId]; try { for (var _f = (e_25 = void 0, __values(fieldTermFreqs.keys())), _g =; !_g.done; _g = { var docId = _g.value; if (!this._documentIds.has(docId)) { this.removeTerm(fieldId, docId, derivedTerm); matchingFields -= 1; continue; } var docBoost = boostDocumentFn ? boostDocumentFn(this._documentIds.get(docId), derivedTerm, this._storedFields.get(docId)) : 1; if (!docBoost) continue; var termFreq = fieldTermFreqs.get(docId); var fieldLength = this._fieldLength.get(docId)[fieldId]; var rawScore = calcBM25Score(termFreq, matchingFields, this._documentCount, fieldLength, avgFieldLength, bm25params); var weightedScore = termWeight * fieldBoost * docBoost * rawScore; var result = results.get(docId); if (result) { result.score += weightedScore; assignUniqueTerm(result.terms, sourceTerm); var match = getOwnProperty(result.match, derivedTerm); if (match) { match.push(field); } else { result.match[derivedTerm] = [field]; } } else { results.set(docId, { score: weightedScore, terms: [sourceTerm], match: (_c = {}, _c[derivedTerm] = [field], _c) }); } } } catch (e_25_1) { e_25 = { error: e_25_1 }; } finally { try { if (_g && !_g.done && (_b = _f.return)); } finally { if (e_25) throw e_25.error; } } } } catch (e_24_1) { e_24 = { error: e_24_1 }; } finally { try { if (_e && !_e.done && (_a2 = _d.return)); } finally { if (e_24) throw e_24.error; } } return results; }; MiniSearch2.prototype.addTerm = function(fieldId, documentId, term) { var indexData = this._index.fetch(term, createMap); var fieldIndex = indexData.get(fieldId); if (fieldIndex == null) { fieldIndex = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); fieldIndex.set(documentId, 1); indexData.set(fieldId, fieldIndex); } else { var docs = fieldIndex.get(documentId); fieldIndex.set(documentId, (docs || 0) + 1); } }; MiniSearch2.prototype.removeTerm = function(fieldId, documentId, term) { if (!this._index.has(term)) { this.warnDocumentChanged(documentId, fieldId, term); return; } var indexData = this._index.fetch(term, createMap); var fieldIndex = indexData.get(fieldId); if (fieldIndex == null || fieldIndex.get(documentId) == null) { this.warnDocumentChanged(documentId, fieldId, term); } else if (fieldIndex.get(documentId) <= 1) { if (fieldIndex.size <= 1) { indexData.delete(fieldId); } else { fieldIndex.delete(documentId); } } else { fieldIndex.set(documentId, fieldIndex.get(documentId) - 1); } if (this._index.get(term).size === 0) { this._index.delete(term); } }; MiniSearch2.prototype.warnDocumentChanged = function(shortDocumentId, fieldId, term) { var e_26, _a2; try { for (var _b = __values(Object.keys(this._fieldIds)), _c =; !_c.done; _c = { var fieldName = _c.value; if (this._fieldIds[fieldName] === fieldId) { this._options.logger("warn", "MiniSearch: document with ID ".concat(this._documentIds.get(shortDocumentId), ' has changed before removal: term "').concat(term, '" was not present in field "').concat(fieldName, '". Removing a document after it has changed can corrupt the index!'), "version_conflict"); return; } } } catch (e_26_1) { e_26 = { error: e_26_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a2 = _b.return)); } finally { if (e_26) throw e_26.error; } } }; MiniSearch2.prototype.addDocumentId = function(documentId) { var shortDocumentId = this._nextId; this._idToShortId.set(documentId, shortDocumentId); this._documentIds.set(shortDocumentId, documentId); this._documentCount += 1; this._nextId += 1; return shortDocumentId; }; MiniSearch2.prototype.addFields = function(fields) { for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { this._fieldIds[fields[i]] = i; } }; MiniSearch2.prototype.addFieldLength = function(documentId, fieldId, count, length) { var fieldLengths = this._fieldLength.get(documentId); if (fieldLengths == null) this._fieldLength.set(documentId, fieldLengths = []); fieldLengths[fieldId] = length; var averageFieldLength = this._avgFieldLength[fieldId] || 0; var totalFieldLength = averageFieldLength * count + length; this._avgFieldLength[fieldId] = totalFieldLength / (count + 1); }; MiniSearch2.prototype.removeFieldLength = function(documentId, fieldId, count, length) { if (count === 1) { this._avgFieldLength[fieldId] = 0; return; } var totalFieldLength = this._avgFieldLength[fieldId] * count - length; this._avgFieldLength[fieldId] = totalFieldLength / (count - 1); }; MiniSearch2.prototype.saveStoredFields = function(documentId, doc) { var e_27, _a2; var _b = this._options, storeFields = _b.storeFields, extractField = _b.extractField; if (storeFields == null || storeFields.length === 0) { return; } var documentFields = this._storedFields.get(documentId); if (documentFields == null) this._storedFields.set(documentId, documentFields = {}); try { for (var storeFields_1 = __values(storeFields), storeFields_1_1 =; !storeFields_1_1.done; storeFields_1_1 = { var fieldName = storeFields_1_1.value; var fieldValue = extractField(doc, fieldName); if (fieldValue !== void 0) documentFields[fieldName] = fieldValue; } } catch (e_27_1) { e_27 = { error: e_27_1 }; } finally { try { if (storeFields_1_1 && !storeFields_1_1.done && (_a2 = storeFields_1.return)); } finally { if (e_27) throw e_27.error; } } }; MiniSearch2.wildcard = Symbol("*"); return MiniSearch2; }() ); var getOwnProperty = function(object, property) { return, property) ? object[property] : void 0; }; var combinators = (_a = {}, _a[OR] = function(a, b) { var e_28, _a2; try { for (var _b = __values(b.keys()), _c =; !_c.done; _c = { var docId = _c.value; var existing = a.get(docId); if (existing == null) { a.set(docId, b.get(docId)); } else { var _d = b.get(docId), score = _d.score, terms = _d.terms, match = _d.match; existing.score = existing.score + score; existing.match = Object.assign(existing.match, match); assignUniqueTerms(existing.terms, terms); } } } catch (e_28_1) { e_28 = { error: e_28_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a2 = _b.return)); } finally { if (e_28) throw e_28.error; } } return a; }, _a[AND] = function(a, b) { var e_29, _a2; var combined = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); try { for (var _b = __values(b.keys()), _c =; !_c.done; _c = { var docId = _c.value; var existing = a.get(docId); if (existing == null) continue; var _d = b.get(docId), score = _d.score, terms = _d.terms, match = _d.match; assignUniqueTerms(existing.terms, terms); combined.set(docId, { score: existing.score + score, terms: existing.terms, match: Object.assign(existing.match, match) }); } } catch (e_29_1) { e_29 = { error: e_29_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a2 = _b.return)); } finally { if (e_29) throw e_29.error; } } return combined; }, _a[AND_NOT] = function(a, b) { var e_30, _a2; try { for (var _b = __values(b.keys()), _c =; !_c.done; _c = { var docId = _c.value; a.delete(docId); } } catch (e_30_1) { e_30 = { error: e_30_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a2 = _b.return)); } finally { if (e_30) throw e_30.error; } } return a; }, _a); var defaultBM25params = { k: 1.2, b: 0.7, d: 0.5 }; var calcBM25Score = function(termFreq, matchingCount, totalCount, fieldLength, avgFieldLength, bm25params) { var k = bm25params.k, b = bm25params.b, d = bm25params.d; var invDocFreq = Math.log(1 + (totalCount - matchingCount + 0.5) / (matchingCount + 0.5)); return invDocFreq * (d + termFreq * (k + 1) / (termFreq + k * (1 - b + b * fieldLength / avgFieldLength))); }; var termToQuerySpec = function(options) { return function(term, i, terms) { var fuzzy = typeof options.fuzzy === "function" ? options.fuzzy(term, i, terms) : options.fuzzy || false; var prefix = typeof options.prefix === "function" ? options.prefix(term, i, terms) : options.prefix === true; return { term, fuzzy, prefix }; }; }; var defaultOptions = { idField: "id", extractField: function(document2, fieldName) { return document2[fieldName]; }, tokenize: function(text) { return text.split(SPACE_OR_PUNCTUATION); }, processTerm: function(term) { return term.toLowerCase(); }, fields: void 0, searchOptions: void 0, storeFields: [], logger: function(level, message) { if (typeof (console === null || console === void 0 ? void 0 : console[level]) === "function") console[level](message); }, autoVacuum: true }; var defaultSearchOptions = { combineWith: OR, prefix: false, fuzzy: false, maxFuzzy: 6, boost: {}, weights: { fuzzy: 0.45, prefix: 0.375 }, bm25: defaultBM25params }; var defaultAutoSuggestOptions = { combineWith: AND, prefix: function(term, i, terms) { return i === terms.length - 1; } }; var defaultVacuumOptions = { batchSize: 1e3, batchWait: 10 }; var defaultVacuumConditions = { minDirtFactor: 0.1, minDirtCount: 20 }; var defaultAutoVacuumOptions = __assign(__assign({}, defaultVacuumOptions), defaultVacuumConditions); var assignUniqueTerm = function(target, term) { if (!target.includes(term)) target.push(term); }; var assignUniqueTerms = function(target, source) { var e_31, _a2; try { for (var source_1 = __values(source), source_1_1 =; !source_1_1.done; source_1_1 = { var term = source_1_1.value; if (!target.includes(term)) target.push(term); } } catch (e_31_1) { e_31 = { error: e_31_1 }; } finally { try { if (source_1_1 && !source_1_1.done && (_a2 = source_1.return)); } finally { if (e_31) throw e_31.error; } } }; var byScore = function(_a2, _b) { var a = _a2.score; var b = _b.score; return b - a; }; var createMap = function() { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); }; var objectToNumericMap = function(object) { var e_32, _a2; var map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); try { for (var _b = __values(Object.keys(object)), _c =; !_c.done; _c = { var key = _c.value; map.set(parseInt(key, 10), object[key]); } } catch (e_32_1) { e_32 = { error: e_32_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a2 = _b.return)); } finally { if (e_32) throw e_32.error; } } return map; }; var SPACE_OR_PUNCTUATION = /[\n\r -#%-*,-/:;?@[-\]_{}\u00A0\u00A1\u00A7\u00AB\u00B6\u00B7\u00BB\u00BF\u037E\u0387\u055A-\u055F\u0589\u058A\u05BE\u05C0\u05C3\u05C6\u05F3\u05F4\u0609\u060A\u060C\u060D\u061B\u061E\u061F\u066A-\u066D\u06D4\u0700-\u070D\u07F7-\u07F9\u0830-\u083E\u085E\u0964\u0965\u0970\u09FD\u0A76\u0AF0\u0C77\u0C84\u0DF4\u0E4F\u0E5A\u0E5B\u0F04-\u0F12\u0F14\u0F3A-\u0F3D\u0F85\u0FD0-\u0FD4\u0FD9\u0FDA\u104A-\u104F\u10FB\u1360-\u1368\u1400\u166E\u1680\u169B\u169C\u16EB-\u16ED\u1735\u1736\u17D4-\u17D6\u17D8-\u17DA\u1800-\u180A\u1944\u1945\u1A1E\u1A1F\u1AA0-\u1AA6\u1AA8-\u1AAD\u1B5A-\u1B60\u1BFC-\u1BFF\u1C3B-\u1C3F\u1C7E\u1C7F\u1CC0-\u1CC7\u1CD3\u2000-\u200A\u2010-\u2029\u202F-\u2043\u2045-\u2051\u2053-\u205F\u207D\u207E\u208D\u208E\u2308-\u230B\u2329\u232A\u2768-\u2775\u27C5\u27C6\u27E6-\u27EF\u2983-\u2998\u29D8-\u29DB\u29FC\u29FD\u2CF9-\u2CFC\u2CFE\u2CFF\u2D70\u2E00-\u2E2E\u2E30-\u2E4F\u3000-\u3003\u3008-\u3011\u3014-\u301F\u3030\u303D\u30A0\u30FB\uA4FE\uA4FF\uA60D-\uA60F\uA673\uA67E\uA6F2-\uA6F7\uA874-\uA877\uA8CE\uA8CF\uA8F8-\uA8FA\uA8FC\uA92E\uA92F\uA95F\uA9C1-\uA9CD\uA9DE\uA9DF\uAA5C-\uAA5F\uAADE\uAADF\uAAF0\uAAF1\uABEB\uFD3E\uFD3F\uFE10-\uFE19\uFE30-\uFE52\uFE54-\uFE61\uFE63\uFE68\uFE6A\uFE6B\uFF01-\uFF03\uFF05-\uFF0A\uFF0C-\uFF0F\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF20\uFF3B-\uFF3D\uFF3F\uFF5B\uFF5D\uFF5F-\uFF65]+/u; class LRUCache { constructor(max = 10) { __publicField(this, "max"); __publicField(this, "cache"); this.max = max; this.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } get(key) { let item = this.cache.get(key); if (item !== void 0) { this.cache.delete(key); this.cache.set(key, item); } return item; } set(key, val) { if (this.cache.has(key)) this.cache.delete(key); else if (this.cache.size === this.max) this.cache.delete(this.first()); this.cache.set(key, val); } first() { return this.cache.keys().next().value; } clear() { this.cache.clear(); } } const _withScopeId = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-43c4f204"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1 = ["aria-owns"]; const _hoisted_2 = { class: "shell" }; const _hoisted_3 = ["title"]; const _hoisted_4 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { "aria-hidden": "true", class: "vpi-search search-icon local-search-icon" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_5 = [ _hoisted_4 ]; const _hoisted_6 = { class: "search-actions before" }; const _hoisted_7 = ["title"]; const _hoisted_8 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-arrow-left local-search-icon" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_9 = [ _hoisted_8 ]; const _hoisted_10 = ["placeholder"]; const _hoisted_11 = { class: "search-actions" }; const _hoisted_12 = ["title"]; const _hoisted_13 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-layout-list local-search-icon" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_14 = [ _hoisted_13 ]; const _hoisted_15 = ["disabled", "title"]; const _hoisted_16 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-delete local-search-icon" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_17 = [ _hoisted_16 ]; const _hoisted_18 = ["id", "role", "aria-labelledby"]; const _hoisted_19 = ["aria-selected"]; const _hoisted_20 = ["href", "aria-label", "onMouseenter", "onFocusin"]; const _hoisted_21 = { class: "titles" }; const _hoisted_22 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "title-icon" }, "#", -1)); const _hoisted_23 = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_24 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-chevron-right local-search-icon" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_25 = { class: "title main" }; const _hoisted_26 = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_27 = { key: 0, class: "excerpt-wrapper" }; const _hoisted_28 = { key: 0, class: "excerpt", inert: "" }; const _hoisted_29 = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_30 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "excerpt-gradient-bottom" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_31 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "excerpt-gradient-top" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_32 = { key: 0, class: "no-results" }; const _hoisted_33 = { class: "search-keyboard-shortcuts" }; const _hoisted_34 = ["aria-label"]; const _hoisted_35 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-arrow-up navigate-icon" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_36 = [ _hoisted_35 ]; const _hoisted_37 = ["aria-label"]; const _hoisted_38 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-arrow-down navigate-icon" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_39 = [ _hoisted_38 ]; const _hoisted_40 = ["aria-label"]; const _hoisted_41 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-corner-down-left navigate-icon" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_42 = [ _hoisted_41 ]; const _hoisted_43 = ["aria-label"]; const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPLocalSearchBox", emits: ["close"], setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) { var _a2, _b; const emit = __emit; const el = shallowRef(); const resultsEl = shallowRef(); const searchIndexData = shallowRef(localSearchIndex); const vitePressData = useData(); const { activate } = useFocusTrap(el, { immediate: true, allowOutsideClick: true, clickOutsideDeactivates: true, escapeDeactivates: true }); const { localeIndex, theme } = vitePressData; const searchIndex = computedAsync( async () => { var _a3, _b2, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _i; return markRaw( MiniSearch.loadJSON( (_c = await ((_b2 = (_a3 = searchIndexData.value)[localeIndex.value]) == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : _c.default, { fields: ["title", "titles", "text"], storeFields: ["title", "titles"], searchOptions: { fuzzy: 0.2, prefix: true, boost: { title: 4, text: 2, titles: 1 }, ...((_d = == null ? void 0 : _d.provider) === "local" && ((_f = (_e = == null ? void 0 : _e.miniSearch) == null ? void 0 : _f.searchOptions) }, ...((_g = == null ? void 0 : _g.provider) === "local" && ((_i = (_h = == null ? void 0 : _h.miniSearch) == null ? void 0 : _i.options) } ) ); } ); const disableQueryPersistence = computed(() => { var _a3, _b2; return ((_a3 = == null ? void 0 : _a3.provider) === "local" && ((_b2 = == null ? void 0 : _b2.disableQueryPersistence) === true; }); const filterText = disableQueryPersistence.value ? ref("") : useSessionStorage("vitepress:local-search-filter", ""); const showDetailedList = useLocalStorage( "vitepress:local-search-detailed-list", ((_a2 = == null ? void 0 : _a2.provider) === "local" && ((_b = == null ? void 0 : _b.detailedView) === true ); const disableDetailedView = computed(() => { var _a3, _b2, _c; return ((_a3 = == null ? void 0 : _a3.provider) === "local" && (((_b2 = == null ? void 0 : _b2.disableDetailedView) === true || ((_c = == null ? void 0 : _c.detailedView) === false); }); const buttonText = computed(() => { var _a3, _b2, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g; const options = ((_a3 = == null ? void 0 : _a3.options) ?? theme.value.algolia; return ((_e = (_d = (_c = (_b2 = options == null ? void 0 : options.locales) == null ? void 0 : _b2[localeIndex.value]) == null ? void 0 : _c.translations) == null ? void 0 : _d.button) == null ? void 0 : _e.buttonText) || ((_g = (_f = options == null ? void 0 : options.translations) == null ? void 0 : _f.button) == null ? void 0 : _g.buttonText) || "Search"; }); watchEffect(() => { if (disableDetailedView.value) { showDetailedList.value = false; } }); const results = shallowRef([]); const enableNoResults = ref(false); watch(filterText, () => { enableNoResults.value = false; }); const mark = computedAsync(async () => { if (!resultsEl.value) return; return markRaw(new Mark2(resultsEl.value)); }, null); const cache = new LRUCache(16); watchDebounced( () => [searchIndex.value, filterText.value, showDetailedList.value], async ([index, filterTextValue, showDetailedListValue], old, onCleanup) => { var _a3, _b2, _c, _d; if ((old == null ? void 0 : old[0]) !== index) { cache.clear(); } let canceled = false; onCleanup(() => { canceled = true; }); if (!index) return; results.value =, 16); enableNoResults.value = true; const mods = showDetailedListValue ? await Promise.all( => fetchExcerpt( : []; if (canceled) return; for (const { id, mod } of mods) { const mapId = id.slice(0, id.indexOf("#")); let map = cache.get(mapId); if (map) continue; map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); cache.set(mapId, map); const comp = mod.default ?? mod; if ((comp == null ? void 0 : comp.render) || (comp == null ? void 0 : comp.setup)) { const app = createApp(comp); app.config.warnHandler = () => { }; app.provide(dataSymbol, vitePressData); Object.defineProperties(app.config.globalProperties, { $frontmatter: { get() { return vitePressData.frontmatter.value; } }, $params: { get() { return; } } }); const div = document.createElement("div"); app.mount(div); const headings = div.querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6"); headings.forEach((el2) => { var _a4; const href = (_a4 = el2.querySelector("a")) == null ? void 0 : _a4.getAttribute("href"); const anchor = (href == null ? void 0 : href.startsWith("#")) && href.slice(1); if (!anchor) return; let html = ""; while ((el2 = el2.nextElementSibling) && !/^h[1-6]$/i.test(el2.tagName)) html += el2.outerHTML; map.set(anchor, html); }); app.unmount(); } if (canceled) return; } const terms = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); results.value = => { const [id, anchor] ="#"); const map = cache.get(id); const text = (map == null ? void 0 : map.get(anchor)) ?? ""; for (const term in r.match) { terms.add(term); } return { ...r, text }; }); await nextTick(); if (canceled) return; await new Promise((r) => { var _a4; (_a4 = mark.value) == null ? void 0 : _a4.unmark({ done: () => { var _a5; (_a5 = mark.value) == null ? void 0 : _a5.markRegExp(formMarkRegex(terms), { done: r }); } }); }); const excerpts = ((_a3 = el.value) == null ? void 0 : _a3.querySelectorAll(".result .excerpt")) ?? []; for (const excerpt of excerpts) { (_b2 = excerpt.querySelector('mark[data-markjs="true"]')) == null ? void 0 : _b2.scrollIntoView({ block: "center" }); } (_d = (_c = resultsEl.value) == null ? void 0 : _c.firstElementChild) == null ? void 0 : _d.scrollIntoView({ block: "start" }); }, { debounce: 200, immediate: true } ); async function fetchExcerpt(id) { const file = pathToFile(id.slice(0, id.indexOf("#"))); try { if (!file) throw new Error(`Cannot find file for id: ${id}`); return { id, mod: await __vitePreload(() => import( /*@vite-ignore*/ file ), true ? [] : void 0) }; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return { id, mod: {} }; } } const searchInput = ref(); const disableReset = computed(() => { var _a3; return ((_a3 = filterText.value) == null ? void 0 : _a3.length) <= 0; }); function focusSearchInput(select = true) { var _a3, _b2; (_a3 = searchInput.value) == null ? void 0 : _a3.focus(); select && ((_b2 = searchInput.value) == null ? void 0 :; } onMounted(() => { focusSearchInput(); }); function onSearchBarClick(event) { if (event.pointerType === "mouse") { focusSearchInput(); } } const selectedIndex = ref(-1); const disableMouseOver = ref(false); watch(results, (r) => { selectedIndex.value = r.length ? 0 : -1; scrollToSelectedResult(); }); function scrollToSelectedResult() { nextTick(() => { const selectedEl = document.querySelector(".result.selected"); if (selectedEl) { selectedEl.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" }); } }); } onKeyStroke("ArrowUp", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); selectedIndex.value--; if (selectedIndex.value < 0) { selectedIndex.value = results.value.length - 1; } disableMouseOver.value = true; scrollToSelectedResult(); }); onKeyStroke("ArrowDown", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); selectedIndex.value++; if (selectedIndex.value >= results.value.length) { selectedIndex.value = 0; } disableMouseOver.value = true; scrollToSelectedResult(); }); const router = useRouter(); onKeyStroke("Enter", (e) => { if (e.isComposing) return; if ( instanceof HTMLButtonElement && !== "submit") return; const selectedPackage = results.value[selectedIndex.value]; if ( instanceof HTMLInputElement && !selectedPackage) { e.preventDefault(); return; } if (selectedPackage) { router.go(; emit("close"); } }); onKeyStroke("Escape", () => { emit("close"); }); const defaultTranslations = { modal: { displayDetails: "Display detailed list", resetButtonTitle: "Reset search", backButtonTitle: "Close search", noResultsText: "No results for", footer: { selectText: "to select", selectKeyAriaLabel: "enter", navigateText: "to navigate", navigateUpKeyAriaLabel: "up arrow", navigateDownKeyAriaLabel: "down arrow", closeText: "to close", closeKeyAriaLabel: "escape" } } }; const translate = createSearchTranslate(defaultTranslations); onMounted(() => { window.history.pushState(null, "", null); }); useEventListener("popstate", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); emit("close"); }); const isLocked = useScrollLock(inBrowser ? document.body : null); onMounted(() => { nextTick(() => { isLocked.value = true; nextTick().then(() => activate()); }); }); onBeforeUnmount(() => { isLocked.value = false; }); function resetSearch() { filterText.value = ""; nextTick().then(() => focusSearchInput(false)); } function formMarkRegex(terms) { return new RegExp( [...terms].sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length).map((term) => `(${escapeRegExp(term)})`).join("|"), "gi" ); } return (_ctx, _cache) => { var _a3, _b2, _c, _d; return openBlock(), createBlock(Teleport, { to: "body" }, [ createBaseVNode("div", { ref_key: "el", ref: el, role: "button", "aria-owns": ((_a3 = results.value) == null ? void 0 : _a3.length) ? "localsearch-list" : void 0, "aria-expanded": "true", "aria-haspopup": "listbox", "aria-labelledby": "localsearch-label", class: "VPLocalSearchBox" }, [ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "backdrop", onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("close")) }), createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2, [ createBaseVNode("form", { class: "search-bar", onPointerup: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = ($event) => onSearchBarClick($event)), onSubmit: _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = withModifiers(() => { }, ["prevent"])) }, [ createBaseVNode("label", { title: buttonText.value, id: "localsearch-label", for: "localsearch-input" }, _hoisted_5, 8, _hoisted_3), createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_6, [ createBaseVNode("button", { class: "back-button", title: unref(translate)("modal.backButtonTitle"), onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("close")) }, _hoisted_9, 8, _hoisted_7) ]), withDirectives(createBaseVNode("input", { ref_key: "searchInput", ref: searchInput, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => isRef(filterText) ? filterText.value = $event : null), placeholder: buttonText.value, id: "localsearch-input", "aria-labelledby": "localsearch-label", class: "search-input" }, null, 8, _hoisted_10), [ [vModelText, unref(filterText)] ]), createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_11, [ !disableDetailedView.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", { key: 0, class: normalizeClass(["toggle-layout-button", { "detailed-list": unref(showDetailedList) }]), type: "button", title: unref(translate)("modal.displayDetails"), onClick: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => selectedIndex.value > -1 && (showDetailedList.value = !unref(showDetailedList))) }, _hoisted_14, 10, _hoisted_12)) : createCommentVNode("", true), createBaseVNode("button", { class: "clear-button", type: "reset", disabled: disableReset.value, title: unref(translate)("modal.resetButtonTitle"), onClick: resetSearch }, _hoisted_17, 8, _hoisted_15) ]) ], 32), createBaseVNode("ul", { ref_key: "resultsEl", ref: resultsEl, id: ((_b2 = results.value) == null ? void 0 : _b2.length) ? "localsearch-list" : void 0, role: ((_c = results.value) == null ? void 0 : _c.length) ? "listbox" : void 0, "aria-labelledby": ((_d = results.value) == null ? void 0 : _d.length) ? "localsearch-label" : void 0, class: "results", onMousemove: _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = ($event) => disableMouseOver.value = false) }, [ (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(results.value, (p, index) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", { key:, role: "option", "aria-selected": selectedIndex.value === index ? "true" : "false" }, [ createBaseVNode("a", { href:, class: normalizeClass(["result", { selected: selectedIndex.value === index }]), "aria-label": [...p.titles, p.title].join(" > "), onMouseenter: ($event) => !disableMouseOver.value && (selectedIndex.value = index), onFocusin: ($event) => selectedIndex.value = index, onClick: _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("close")) }, [ createBaseVNode("div", null, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_21, [ _hoisted_22, (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(p.titles, (t, index2) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", { key: index2, class: "title" }, [ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "text", innerHTML: t }, null, 8, _hoisted_23), _hoisted_24 ]); }), 128)), createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_25, [ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "text", innerHTML: p.title }, null, 8, _hoisted_26) ]) ]), unref(showDetailedList) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_27, [ p.text ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_28, [ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "vp-doc", innerHTML: p.text }, null, 8, _hoisted_29) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true), _hoisted_30, _hoisted_31 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true) ]) ], 42, _hoisted_20) ], 8, _hoisted_19); }), 128)), unref(filterText) && !results.value.length && enableNoResults.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", _hoisted_32, [ createTextVNode(toDisplayString(unref(translate)("modal.noResultsText")) + ' "', 1), createBaseVNode("strong", null, toDisplayString(unref(filterText)), 1), createTextVNode('" ') ])) : createCommentVNode("", true) ], 40, _hoisted_18), createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_33, [ createBaseVNode("span", null, [ createBaseVNode("kbd", { "aria-label": unref(translate)("modal.footer.navigateUpKeyAriaLabel") }, _hoisted_36, 8, _hoisted_34), createBaseVNode("kbd", { "aria-label": unref(translate)("modal.footer.navigateDownKeyAriaLabel") }, _hoisted_39, 8, _hoisted_37), createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString(unref(translate)("modal.footer.navigateText")), 1) ]), createBaseVNode("span", null, [ createBaseVNode("kbd", { "aria-label": unref(translate)("modal.footer.selectKeyAriaLabel") }, _hoisted_42, 8, _hoisted_40), createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString(unref(translate)("modal.footer.selectText")), 1) ]), createBaseVNode("span", null, [ createBaseVNode("kbd", { "aria-label": unref(translate)("modal.footer.closeKeyAriaLabel") }, "esc", 8, _hoisted_43), createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString(unref(translate)("modal.footer.closeText")), 1) ]) ]) ]) ], 8, _hoisted_1) ]); }; } }); const VPLocalSearchBox = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__scopeId", "data-v-43c4f204"]]); export { VPLocalSearchBox as default };