{%- for id, route in xap.routes | dictsort %} ### {{ route.name }} - `{{ id }}` {{ route.description }} {% if route.routes %} | Name | Route | Tags | Payloads | Description | | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | {%- for subid, subroute in route.routes | dictsort %} {%- if not subroute.routes %} {%- with route=subroute %} | {{ subroute.name }} | `{{ id }} {{ subid }}` | {% if 'secure' == subroute.permissions %}__Secure__{% endif %} | {%- include 'route_request.md.j2' -%}{%- if subroute.return_type and subroute.request_type -%}

{% endif %}{%- include 'route_response.md.j2' -%} | {{ subroute.description.replace('\n', '
') }}| {%- endwith %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- for subid, subroute in route.routes | dictsort %} {%- if subroute.routes %} #### {{ subroute.name }} - `{{ id }} {{ subid }}` {{ subroute.description }} | Name | Route | Tags | Payloads | Description | | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | {%- for subsubid, subsubroute in subroute.routes | dictsort %} {%- if not subsubroute.routes %} {%- with route=subsubroute %} | {{ subsubroute.name }} | `{{ id }} {{ subid }} {{ subsubid }}` | {% if 'secure' == subsubroute.permissions %}__Secure__{% endif %} | {%- include 'route_request.md.j2' -%}{%- if subsubroute.return_type and subsubroute.request_type -%}

{% endif %}{%- include 'route_response.md.j2' -%} | {{ subsubroute.description.replace('\n', '
') }}| {%- endwith %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {% endif %} {%- endfor %}