import { _ as _export_sfc, c as createElementBlock, o as openBlock, a8 as createStaticVNode } from "./chunks/framework.DyMmIvSC.js"; const __pageData = JSON.parse('{"title":"Keycodes Overview","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"","filePath":""}'); const _sfc_main = { name: "" }; const _hoisted_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ createStaticVNode('
When defining a keymap each key needs a valid key definition. This page documents the symbols that correspond to keycodes that are available to you in QMK.
This is a reference only. Each group of keys links to the page documenting their functionality in more detail.
See also: Basic Keycodes
Key | Aliases | Description | Windows | macOS | Linux1 |
KC_NO | XXXXXXX | Ignore this key (NOOP) | N/A | N/A | N/A |
KC_TRANSPARENT | KC_TRNS , _______ | Use the next lowest non-transparent key | N/A | N/A | N/A |
KC_A | a and A | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_B | b and B | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_C | c and C | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_D | d and D | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_E | e and E | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F | f and F | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_G | g and G | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_H | h and H | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_I | i and I | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_J | j and J | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_K | k and K | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_L | l and L | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_M | m and M | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_N | n and N | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_O | o and O | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_P | p and P | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_Q | q and Q | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_R | r and R | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_S | s and S | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_T | t and T | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_U | u and U | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_V | v and V | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_W | w and W | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_X | x and X | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_Y | y and Y | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_Z | z and Z | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_1 | 1 and ! | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_2 | 2 and @ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_3 | 3 and # | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_4 | 4 and $ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_5 | 5 and % | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_6 | 6 and ^ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_7 | 7 and & | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_8 | 8 and * | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_9 | 9 and ( | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_0 | 0 and ) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_ENTER | KC_ENT | Return (Enter) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_ESCAPE | KC_ESC | Escape | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_BACKSPACE | KC_BSPC | Delete (Backspace) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_TAB | Tab | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_SPACE | KC_SPC | Spacebar | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_MINUS | KC_MINS | - and _ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_EQUAL | KC_EQL | = and + | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_LEFT_BRACKET | KC_LBRC | [ and { | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_RIGHT_BRACKET | KC_RBRC | ] and } | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_BACKSLASH | KC_BSLS | \\ and | | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_NONUS_HASH | KC_NUHS | Non-US # and ~ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_SEMICOLON | KC_SCLN | ; and : | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_QUOTE | KC_QUOT | ' and " | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_GRAVE | KC_GRV | ` and ~ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_COMMA | KC_COMM | , and < | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_DOT | . and > | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_SLASH | KC_SLSH | / and ? | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_CAPS_LOCK | KC_CAPS | Caps Lock | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_F1 | F1 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F2 | F2 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F3 | F3 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F4 | F4 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F5 | F5 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F6 | F6 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F7 | F7 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F8 | F8 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F9 | F9 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F10 | F10 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F11 | F11 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F12 | F12 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_PRINT_SCREEN | KC_PSCR | Print Screen | ✔ | ✔2 | ✔ |
KC_SCROLL_LOCK | KC_SCRL , KC_BRMD | Scroll Lock, Brightness Down (macOS) | ✔ | ✔2 | ✔ |
KC_PAUSE | KC_PAUS , KC_BRK , KC_BRMU | Pause, Brightness Up (macOS) | ✔ | ✔2 | ✔ |
KC_INSERT | KC_INS | Insert | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_HOME | Home | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_PAGE_UP | KC_PGUP | Page Up | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_DELETE | KC_DEL | Forward Delete | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_END | End | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_PAGE_DOWN | KC_PGDN | Page Down | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_RIGHT | KC_RGHT | Right Arrow | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_LEFT | Left Arrow | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_DOWN | Down Arrow | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_UP | Up Arrow | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_NUM_LOCK | KC_NUM | Keypad Num Lock and Clear | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_SLASH | KC_PSLS | Keypad / | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_ASTERISK | KC_PAST | Keypad * | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_MINUS | KC_PMNS | Keypad - | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_PLUS | KC_PPLS | Keypad + | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_ENTER | KC_PENT | Keypad Enter | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_1 | KC_P1 | Keypad 1 and End | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_2 | KC_P2 | Keypad 2 and Down Arrow | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_3 | KC_P3 | Keypad 3 and Page Down | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_4 | KC_P4 | Keypad 4 and Left Arrow | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_5 | KC_P5 | Keypad 5 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_6 | KC_P6 | Keypad 6 and Right Arrow | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_7 | KC_P7 | Keypad 7 and Home | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_8 | KC_P8 | Keypad 8 and Up Arrow | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_9 | KC_P9 | Keypad 9 and Page Up | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_0 | KC_P0 | Keypad 0 and Insert | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_KP_DOT | KC_PDOT | Keypad . and Delete | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_NONUS_BACKSLASH | KC_NUBS | Non-US \\ and | | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_APPLICATION | KC_APP | Application (Windows Context Menu Key) | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_KB_POWER | System Power | ✔3 | ✔ | ||
KC_KP_EQUAL | KC_PEQL | Keypad = | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_F13 | F13 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F14 | F14 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F15 | F15 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F16 | F16 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F17 | F17 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F18 | F18 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F19 | F19 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_F20 | F20 | ✔ | ✔ | ||
KC_F21 | F21 | ✔ | ✔ | ||
KC_F22 | F22 | ✔ | ✔ | ||
KC_F23 | F23 | ✔ | ✔ | ||
KC_F24 | F24 | ✔ | ✔ | ||
KC_EXECUTE | KC_EXEC | Execute | ✔ | ||
KC_HELP | Help | ✔ | |||
KC_MENU | Menu | ✔ | |||
KC_SELECT | KC_SLCT | Select | ✔ | ||
KC_STOP | Stop | ✔ | |||
KC_AGAIN | KC_AGIN | Again | ✔ | ||
KC_UNDO | Undo | ✔ | |||
KC_CUT | Cut | ✔ | |||
KC_COPY | Copy | ✔ | |||
KC_PASTE | KC_PSTE | Paste | ✔ | ||
KC_FIND | Find | ✔ | |||
KC_KB_MUTE | Mute | ✔ | ✔ | ||
KC_KB_VOLUME_UP | Volume Up | ✔ | ✔ | ||
KC_KB_VOLUME_DOWN | Volume Down | ✔ | ✔ | ||
KC_LOCKING_CAPS_LOCK | KC_LCAP | Locking Caps Lock | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_LOCKING_NUM_LOCK | KC_LNUM | Locking Num Lock | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_LOCKING_SCROLL_LOCK | KC_LSCR | Locking Scroll Lock | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_KP_COMMA | KC_PCMM | Keypad , | ✔ | ||
KC_KP_EQUAL_AS400 | Keypad = on AS/400 keyboards | ||||
KC_INTERNATIONAL_1 | KC_INT1 | International 1 | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_INTERNATIONAL_2 | KC_INT2 | International 2 | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_INTERNATIONAL_3 | KC_INT3 | International 3 | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_INTERNATIONAL_4 | KC_INT4 | International 4 | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_INTERNATIONAL_5 | KC_INT5 | International 5 | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_INTERNATIONAL_6 | KC_INT6 | International 6 | ✔ | ||
KC_INTERNATIONAL_7 | KC_INT7 | International 7 | |||
KC_INTERNATIONAL_8 | KC_INT8 | International 8 | |||
KC_INTERNATIONAL_9 | KC_INT9 | International 9 | |||
KC_LANGUAGE_1 | KC_LNG1 | Language 1 | ✔ | ||
KC_LANGUAGE_2 | KC_LNG2 | Language 2 | ✔ | ||
KC_LANGUAGE_3 | KC_LNG3 | Language 3 | ✔ | ||
KC_LANGUAGE_4 | KC_LNG4 | Language 4 | ✔ | ||
KC_LANGUAGE_5 | KC_LNG5 | Language 5 | ✔ | ||
KC_LANGUAGE_6 | KC_LNG6 | Language 6 | |||
KC_LANGUAGE_7 | KC_LNG7 | Language 7 | |||
KC_LANGUAGE_8 | KC_LNG8 | Language 8 | |||
KC_LANGUAGE_9 | KC_LNG9 | Language 9 | |||
KC_ALTERNATE_ERASE | KC_ERAS | Alternate Erase | |||
KC_SYSTEM_REQUEST | KC_SYRQ | SysReq/Attention | |||
KC_CANCEL | KC_CNCL | Cancel | |||
KC_CLEAR | KC_CLR | Clear | ✔ | ||
KC_PRIOR | KC_PRIR | Prior | |||
KC_RETURN | KC_RETN | Return | |||
KC_SEPARATOR | KC_SEPR | Separator | |||
KC_OUT | Out | ||||
KC_OPER | Oper | ||||
KC_CLEAR_AGAIN | KC_CLAG | Clear/Again | |||
KC_CRSEL | KC_CRSL | CrSel/Props | |||
KC_EXSEL | KC_EXSL | ExSel | |||
KC_LEFT_CTRL | KC_LCTL | Left Control | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_LEFT_SHIFT | KC_LSFT | Left Shift | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_LEFT_ALT | KC_LALT , KC_LOPT | Left Alt (Option) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_LEFT_GUI | KC_LGUI , KC_LCMD , KC_LWIN | Left GUI (Windows/Command/Meta key) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_RIGHT_CTRL | KC_RCTL | Right Control | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_RIGHT_SHIFT | KC_RSFT | Right Shift | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_RIGHT_ALT | KC_RALT , KC_ROPT , KC_ALGR | Right Alt (Option/AltGr) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_RIGHT_GUI | KC_RGUI , KC_RCMD , KC_RWIN | Right GUI (Windows/Command/Meta key) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_SYSTEM_POWER | KC_PWR | System Power Down | ✔ | ✔3 | ✔ |
KC_SYSTEM_SLEEP | KC_SLEP | System Sleep | ✔ | ✔3 | ✔ |
KC_SYSTEM_WAKE | KC_WAKE | System Wake | ✔3 | ✔ | |
KC_AUDIO_MUTE | KC_MUTE | Mute | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_AUDIO_VOL_UP | KC_VOLU | Volume Up | ✔ | ✔4 | ✔ |
KC_AUDIO_VOL_DOWN | KC_VOLD | Volume Down | ✔ | ✔4 | ✔ |
KC_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK | KC_MNXT | Next Track | ✔ | ✔5 | ✔ |
KC_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK | KC_MPRV | Previous Track | ✔ | ✔5 | ✔ |
KC_MEDIA_STOP | KC_MSTP | Stop Track | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE | KC_MPLY | Play/Pause Track | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_MEDIA_SELECT | KC_MSEL | Launch Media Player | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_MEDIA_EJECT | KC_EJCT | Eject | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_MAIL | Launch Mail | ✔ | ✔ | ||
KC_CALCULATOR | KC_CALC | Launch Calculator | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_MY_COMPUTER | KC_MYCM | Launch My Computer | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_WWW_SEARCH | KC_WSCH | Browser Search | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_WWW_HOME | KC_WHOM | Browser Home | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_WWW_BACK | KC_WBAK | Browser Back | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_WWW_FORWARD | KC_WFWD | Browser Forward | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_WWW_STOP | KC_WSTP | Browser Stop | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_WWW_REFRESH | KC_WREF | Browser Refresh | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_WWW_FAVORITES | KC_WFAV | Browser Favorites | ✔ | ✔ | |
KC_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD | KC_MFFD | Next Track | ✔ | ✔5 | ✔ |
KC_MEDIA_REWIND | KC_MRWD | Previous Track | ✔6 | ✔5 | ✔ |
KC_BRIGHTNESS_UP | KC_BRIU | Brightness Up | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_BRIGHTNESS_DOWN | KC_BRID | Brightness Down | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
KC_CONTROL_PANEL | KC_CPNL | Open Control Panel | ✔ | ||
KC_ASSISTANT | KC_ASST | Launch Context-Aware Assistant | ✔ | ||
KC_MISSION_CONTROL | KC_MCTL | Open Mission Control | ✔ | ||
KC_LAUNCHPAD | KC_LPAD | Open Launchpad | ✔ |
1. The Linux kernel HID driver recognizes nearly all keycodes, but the default bindings depend on the DE/WM.
2. Treated as F13-F15.
3. Must be held for about three seconds, and will display a prompt instead.
4. Holding Shift+Option allows for finer control of volume level.
5. Skips the entire track in iTunes when tapped, seeks within the current track when held.
6. WMP does not recognize the Rewind key, but both alter playback speed in VLC.
See also: Quantum Keycodes
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_BOOTLOADER | QK_BOOT | Put the keyboard into bootloader mode for flashing |
QK_DEBUG_TOGGLE | DB_TOGG | Toggle debug mode |
QK_CLEAR_EEPROM | EE_CLR | Reinitializes the keyboard's EEPROM (persistent memory) |
QK_MAKE | Sends qmk compile -kb (keyboard) -km (keymap) , or qmk flash if shift is held. Puts keyboard into bootloader mode if shift & control are held | |
QK_REBOOT | QK_RBT | Resets the keyboard. Does not load the bootloader |
See also: Audio
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_AUDIO_ON | AU_ON | Turns on Audio Feature |
QK_AUDIO_OFF | AU_OFF | Turns off Audio Feature |
QK_AUDIO_TOGGLE | AU_TOGG | Toggles Audio state |
QK_AUDIO_CLICKY_TOGGLE | CK_TOGG | Toggles Audio clicky mode |
QK_AUDIO_CLICKY_ON | CK_ON | Turns on Audio clicky mode |
QK_AUDIO_CLICKY_OFF | CK_OFF | Turns on Audio clicky mode |
QK_AUDIO_CLICKY_UP | CK_UP | Increases frequency of the clicks |
QK_AUDIO_CLICKY_DOWN | CK_DOWN | Decreases frequency of the clicks |
QK_AUDIO_CLICKY_RESET | CK_RST | Resets frequency to default |
QK_MUSIC_ON | MU_ON | Turns on Music Mode |
QK_MUSIC_OFF | MU_OFF | Turns off Music Mode |
QK_MUSIC_TOGGLE | MU_TOGG | Toggles Music Mode |
QK_MUSIC_MODE_NEXT | MU_NEXT | Cycles through the music modes |
QK_AUDIO_VOICE_NEXT | AU_NEXT | Cycles through the audio voices |
QK_AUDIO_VOICE_PREVIOUS | AU_PREV | Cycles through the audio voices in reverse |
See also: Auto Shift
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_AUTO_SHIFT_DOWN | AS_DOWN | Lower the Auto Shift timeout variable (down) |
QK_AUTO_SHIFT_UP | AS_UP | Raise the Auto Shift timeout variable (up) |
QK_AUTO_SHIFT_REPORT | AS_RPT | Report your current Auto Shift timeout value |
QK_AUTO_SHIFT_ON | AS_ON | Turns on the Auto Shift Function |
QK_AUTO_SHIFT_OFF | AS_OFF | Turns off the Auto Shift Function |
QK_AUTO_SHIFT_TOGGLE | AS_TOGG | Toggles the state of the Auto Shift feature |
See also: Autocorrect
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_AUTOCORRECT_ON | AC_ON | Turns on the Autocorrect feature. |
QK_AUTOCORRECT_OFF | AC_OFF | Turns off the Autocorrect feature. |
QK_AUTOCORRECT_TOGGLE | AC_TOGG | Toggles the status of the Autocorrect feature. |
See also: Backlighting
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_BACKLIGHT_TOGGLE | BL_TOGG | Turn the backlight on or off |
QK_BACKLIGHT_STEP | BL_STEP | Cycle through backlight levels |
QK_BACKLIGHT_ON | BL_ON | Set the backlight to max brightness |
QK_BACKLIGHT_OFF | BL_OFF | Turn the backlight off |
QK_BACKLIGHT_UP | BL_UP | Increase the backlight level |
QK_BACKLIGHT_DOWN | BL_DOWN | Decrease the backlight level |
QK_BACKLIGHT_TOGGLE_BREATHING | BL_BRTG | Toggle backlight breathing |
See also: Bluetooth
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_OUTPUT_AUTO | OU_AUTO | Automatically switch between USB and Bluetooth |
QK_OUTPUT_BLUETOOTH | OU_BT | Bluetooth only |
See also: Caps Word
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_CAPS_WORD_TOGGLE | CW_TOGG | Toggles Caps Word |
See also: Dynamic Macros
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_DYNAMIC_MACRO_RECORD_START_1 | DM_REC1 | Start recording Macro 1 |
QK_DYNAMIC_MACRO_RECORD_START_2 | DM_REC2 | Start recording Macro 2 |
QK_DYNAMIC_MACRO_PLAY_1 | DM_PLY1 | Replay Macro 1 |
QK_DYNAMIC_MACRO_PLAY_2 | DM_PLY2 | Replay Macro 2 |
QK_DYNAMIC_MACRO_RECORD_STOP | DM_RSTP | Finish the macro that is currently being recorded. |
See also: Grave Escape
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_GRAVE_ESCAPE | QK_GESC | Escape when pressed, ` when Shift or GUI are held |
See also: Joystick
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_0 | JS_0 | Button 0 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_1 | JS_1 | Button 1 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_2 | JS_2 | Button 2 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_3 | JS_3 | Button 3 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_4 | JS_4 | Button 4 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_5 | JS_5 | Button 5 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_6 | JS_6 | Button 6 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_7 | JS_7 | Button 7 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_8 | JS_8 | Button 8 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_9 | JS_9 | Button 9 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_10 | JS_10 | Button 10 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_11 | JS_11 | Button 11 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_12 | JS_12 | Button 12 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_13 | JS_13 | Button 13 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_14 | JS_14 | Button 14 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_15 | JS_15 | Button 15 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_16 | JS_16 | Button 16 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_17 | JS_17 | Button 17 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_18 | JS_18 | Button 18 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_19 | JS_19 | Button 19 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_20 | JS_20 | Button 20 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_21 | JS_21 | Button 21 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_22 | JS_22 | Button 22 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_23 | JS_23 | Button 23 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_24 | JS_24 | Button 24 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_25 | JS_25 | Button 25 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_26 | JS_26 | Button 26 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_27 | JS_27 | Button 27 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_28 | JS_28 | Button 28 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_29 | JS_29 | Button 29 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_30 | JS_30 | Button 30 |
QK_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_31 | JS_31 | Button 31 |
See also: Key Lock
Key | Description |
QK_LOCK | Hold down the next key pressed, until the key is pressed again |
See also: Layer Switching
Key | Description |
DF(layer) | Set the base (default) layer |
MO(layer) | Momentarily turn on layer when pressed (requires KC_TRNS on destination layer) |
OSL(layer) | Momentarily activates layer until a key is pressed. See One Shot Keys for details. |
LM(layer, mod) | Momentarily turn on layer (like MO) with mod active as well. Where mod is a mods_bit. Mods can be viewed here. Example Implementation: LM(LAYER_1, MOD_LALT) |
LT(layer, kc) | Turn on layer when held, kc when tapped |
TG(layer) | Toggle layer on or off |
TO(layer) | Turns on layer and turns off all other layers, except the default layer |
TT(layer) | Normally acts like MO unless it's tapped multiple times, which toggles layer on |
See also: Leader Key
Key | Description |
QK_LEAD | Begins a leader sequence |
See also: LED Matrix
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_LED_MATRIX_ON | LM_ON | Turn on LED Matrix |
QK_LED_MATRIX_OFF | LM_OFF | Turn off LED Matrix |
QK_LED_MATRIX_TOGGLE | LM_TOGG | Toggle LED Matrix on or off |
QK_LED_MATRIX_MODE_NEXT | LM_NEXT | Cycle through animations |
QK_LED_MATRIX_MODE_PREVIOUS | LM_PREV | Cycle through animations in reverse |
QK_LED_MATRIX_BRIGHTNESS_UP | LM_BRIU | Increase the brightness level |
QK_LED_MATRIX_BRIGHTNESS_DOWN | LM_BRID | Decrease the brightness level |
QK_LED_MATRIX_SPEED_UP | LM_SPDU | Increase the animation speed |
QK_LED_MATRIX_SPEED_DOWN | LM_SPDD | Decrease the animation speed |
See also: Magic Keycodes
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_MAGIC_SWAP_CONTROL_CAPS_LOCK | CL_SWAP | Swap Caps Lock and Left Control |
QK_MAGIC_UNSWAP_CONTROL_CAPS_LOCK | CL_NORM | Unswap Caps Lock and Left Control |
QK_MAGIC_TOGGLE_CONTROL_CAPS_LOCK | CL_TOGG | Toggle Caps Lock and Left Control swap |
QK_MAGIC_CAPS_LOCK_AS_CONTROL_ON | CL_CTRL | Treat Caps Lock as Control |
QK_MAGIC_CAPS_LOCK_AS_CONTROL_OFF | CL_CAPS | Stop treating Caps Lock as Control |
QK_MAGIC_SWAP_ESCAPE_CAPS_LOCK | EC_SWAP | Swap Caps Lock and Escape |
QK_MAGIC_UNSWAP_ESCAPE_CAPS_LOCK | EC_NORM | Unswap Caps Lock and Escape |
QK_MAGIC_TOGGLE_ESCAPE_CAPS_LOCK | EC_TOGG | Toggle Caps Lock and Escape swap |
QK_MAGIC_SWAP_LCTL_LGUI | CG_LSWP | Swap Left Control and GUI |
QK_MAGIC_UNSWAP_LCTL_LGUI | CG_LNRM | Unswap Left Control and GUI |
QK_MAGIC_SWAP_RCTL_RGUI | CG_RSWP | Swap Right Control and GUI |
QK_MAGIC_UNSWAP_RCTL_RGUI | CG_RNRM | Unswap Right Control and GUI |
QK_MAGIC_SWAP_CTL_GUI | CG_SWAP | Swap Control and GUI on both sides |
QK_MAGIC_UNSWAP_CTL_GUI | CG_NORM | Unswap Control and GUI on both sides |
QK_MAGIC_TOGGLE_CTL_GUI | CG_TOGG | Toggle Control and GUI swap on both sides |
QK_MAGIC_SWAP_ALT_GUI | AG_SWAP | Swap Alt and GUI on both sides |
QK_MAGIC_UNSWAP_ALT_GUI | AG_NORM | Unswap Alt and GUI on both sides |
QK_MAGIC_TOGGLE_ALT_GUI | AG_TOGG | Toggle Alt and GUI swap on both sides |
QK_MAGIC_GUI_OFF | GU_OFF | Disable the GUI keys |
QK_MAGIC_GUI_ON | GU_ON | Enable the GUI keys |
QK_MAGIC_TOGGLE_GUI | GU_TOGG | Toggles the status of the GUI keys |
QK_MAGIC_SWAP_GRAVE_ESC | GE_SWAP | Swap ` and Escape |
QK_MAGIC_UNSWAP_GRAVE_ESC | GE_NORM | Unswap ` and Escape |
QK_MAGIC_TOGGLE_BACKSLASH_BACKSPACE | BS_TOGG | Toggle \\ and Backspace swap state |
QK_MAGIC_NKRO_ON | NK_ON | Enable N-key rollover |
QK_MAGIC_NKRO_OFF | NK_OFF | Disable N-key rollover |
QK_MAGIC_TOGGLE_NKRO | NK_TOGG | Toggle N-key rollover |
QK_MAGIC_EE_HANDS_LEFT | EH_LEFT | Set the master half of a split keyboard as the left hand (for EE_HANDS ) |
QK_MAGIC_EE_HANDS_RIGHT | EH_RGHT | Set the master half of a split keyboard as the right hand (for EE_HANDS ) |
See also: MIDI
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_MIDI_ON | MI_ON | Turn MIDI on |
QK_MIDI_OFF | MI_OFF | Turn MIDI off |
QK_MIDI_TOGGLE | MI_TOGG | Toggle MIDI enabled |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_C_0 | MI_C | C octave 0 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_C_SHARP_0 | MI_Cs , MI_Db | C♯/D♭ octave 0 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_D_0 | MI_D | D octave 0 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_D_SHARP_0 | MI_Ds , MI_Eb | D♯/E♭ octave 0 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_E_0 | MI_E | E octave 0 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_F_0 | MI_F | F octave 0 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_F_SHARP_0 | MI_Fs , MI_Gb | F♯/G♭ octave 0 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_G_0 | MI_G | G octave 0 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_G_SHARP_0 | MI_Gs , MI_Ab | G♯/A♭ octave 0 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_A_0 | MI_A | A octave 0 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_A_SHARP_0 | MI_As , MI_Bb | A♯/B♭ octave 0 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_B_0 | MI_B | B octave 0 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_C_1 | MI_C1 | C octave 1 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_C_SHARP_1 | MI_Cs1 , MI_Db1 | C♯/D♭ octave 1 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_D_1 | MI_D1 | D octave 1 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_D_SHARP_1 | MI_Ds1 , MI_Eb1 | D♯/E♭ octave 1 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_E_1 | MI_E1 | E octave 1 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_F_1 | MI_F1 | F octave 1 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_F_SHARP_1 | MI_Fs1 , MI_Gb1 | F♯/G♭ octave 1 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_G_1 | MI_G1 | G octave 1 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_G_SHARP_1 | MI_Gs1 , MI_Ab1 | G♯/A♭ octave 1 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_A_1 | MI_A1 | A octave 1 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_A_SHARP_1 | MI_As1 , MI_Bb1 | A♯/B♭ octave 1 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_B_1 | MI_B1 | B octave 1 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_C_2 | MI_C2 | C octave 2 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_C_SHARP_2 | MI_Cs2 , MI_Db2 | C♯/D♭ octave 2 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_D_2 | MI_D2 | D octave 2 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_D_SHARP_2 | MI_Ds2 , MI_Eb2 | D♯/E♭ octave 2 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_E_2 | MI_E2 | E octave 2 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_F_2 | MI_F2 | F octave 2 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_F_SHARP_2 | MI_Fs2 , MI_Gb2 | F♯/G♭ octave 2 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_G_2 | MI_G2 | G octave 2 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_G_SHARP_2 | MI_Gs2 , MI_Ab2 | G♯/A♭ octave 2 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_A_2 | MI_A2 | A octave 2 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_A_SHARP_2 | MI_As2 , MI_Bb2 | A♯/B♭ octave 2 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_B_2 | MI_B2 | B octave 2 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_C_3 | MI_C3 | C octave 3 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_C_SHARP_3 | MI_Cs3 , MI_Db3 | C♯/D♭ octave 3 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_D_3 | MI_D3 | D octave 3 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_D_SHARP_3 | MI_Ds3 , MI_Eb3 | D♯/E♭ octave 3 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_E_3 | MI_E3 | E octave 3 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_F_3 | MI_F3 | F octave 3 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_F_SHARP_3 | MI_Fs3 , MI_Gb3 | F♯/G♭ octave 3 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_G_3 | MI_G3 | G octave 3 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_G_SHARP_3 | MI_Gs3 , MI_Ab3 | G♯/A♭ octave 3 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_A_3 | MI_A3 | A octave 3 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_A_SHARP_3 | MI_As3 , MI_Bb3 | A♯/B♭ octave 3 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_B_3 | MI_B3 | B octave 3 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_C_4 | MI_C4 | C octave 4 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_C_SHARP_4 | MI_Cs4 , MI_Db4 | C♯/D♭ octave 4 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_D_4 | MI_D4 | D octave 4 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_D_SHARP_4 | MI_Ds4 , MI_Eb4 | D♯/E♭ octave 4 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_E_4 | MI_E4 | E octave 4 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_F_4 | MI_F4 | F octave 4 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_F_SHARP_4 | MI_Fs4 , MI_Gb4 | F♯/G♭ octave 4 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_G_4 | MI_G4 | G octave 4 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_G_SHARP_4 | MI_Gs4 , MI_Ab4 | G♯/A♭ octave 4 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_A_4 | MI_A4 | A octave 4 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_A_SHARP_4 | MI_As4 , MI_Bb4 | A♯/B♭ octave 4 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_B_4 | MI_B4 | B octave 4 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_C_5 | MI_C5 | C octave 5 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_C_SHARP_5 | MI_Cs5 , MI_Db5 | C♯/D♭ octave 5 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_D_5 | MI_D5 | D octave 5 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_D_SHARP_5 | MI_Ds5 , MI_Eb5 | D♯/E♭ octave 5 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_E_5 | MI_E5 | E octave 5 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_F_5 | MI_F5 | F octave 5 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_F_SHARP_5 | MI_Fs5 , MI_Gb5 | F♯/G♭ octave 5 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_G_5 | MI_G5 | G octave 5 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_G_SHARP_5 | MI_Gs5 , MI_Ab5 | G♯/A♭ octave 5 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_A_5 | MI_A5 | A octave 5 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_A_SHARP_5 | MI_As5 , MI_Bb5 | A♯/B♭ octave 5 |
QK_MIDI_NOTE_B_5 | MI_B5 | B octave 5 |
QK_MIDI_OCTAVE_N2 | MI_OCN2 | Set octave to -2 |
QK_MIDI_OCTAVE_N1 | MI_OCN1 | Set octave to -1 |
QK_MIDI_OCTAVE_0 | MI_OC0 | Set octave to 0 |
QK_MIDI_OCTAVE_1 | MI_OC1 | Set octave to 1 |
QK_MIDI_OCTAVE_2 | MI_OC2 | Set octave to 2 |
QK_MIDI_OCTAVE_3 | MI_OC3 | Set octave to 3 |
QK_MIDI_OCTAVE_4 | MI_OC4 | Set octave to 4 |
QK_MIDI_OCTAVE_5 | MI_OC5 | Set octave to 5 |
QK_MIDI_OCTAVE_6 | MI_OC6 | Set octave to 6 |
QK_MIDI_OCTAVE_7 | MI_OC7 | Set octave to 7 |
QK_MIDI_OCTAVE_DOWN | MI_OCTD | Move down an octave |
QK_MIDI_OCTAVE_UP | MI_OCTU | Move up an octave |
QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_N6 | MI_TRN6 | Set transposition to -6 semitones |
QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_N5 | MI_TRN5 | Set transposition to -5 semitones |
QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_N4 | MI_TRN4 | Set transposition to -4 semitones |
QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_N3 | MI_TRN3 | Set transposition to -3 semitones |
QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_N2 | MI_TRN2 | Set transposition to -2 semitones |
QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_N1 | MI_TRN1 | Set transposition to -1 semitone |
QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_0 | MI_TR0 | No transposition |
QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_1 | MI_TR1 | Set transposition to +1 semitone |
QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_2 | MI_TR2 | Set transposition to +2 semitones |
QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_3 | MI_TR3 | Set transposition to +3 semitones |
QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_4 | MI_TR4 | Set transposition to +4 semitones |
QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_5 | MI_TR5 | Set transposition to +5 semitones |
QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_6 | MI_TR6 | Set transposition to +6 semitones |
QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_DOWN | MI_TRSD | Decrease transposition |
QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_UP | MI_TRSU | Increase transposition |
QK_MIDI_VELOCITY_0 | MI_VL0 | Set velocity to 0 |
QK_MIDI_VELOCITY_1 | MI_VL1 | Set velocity to 12 |
QK_MIDI_VELOCITY_2 | MI_VL2 | Set velocity to 25 |
QK_MIDI_VELOCITY_3 | MI_VL3 | Set velocity to 38 |
QK_MIDI_VELOCITY_4 | MI_VL4 | Set velocity to 51 |
QK_MIDI_VELOCITY_5 | MI_VL5 | Set velocity to 64 |
QK_MIDI_VELOCITY_6 | MI_VL6 | Set velocity to 76 |
QK_MIDI_VELOCITY_7 | MI_VL7 | Set velocity to 89 |
QK_MIDI_VELOCITY_8 | MI_VL8 | Set velocity to 102 |
QK_MIDI_VELOCITY_9 | MI_VL9 | Set velocity to 114 |
QK_MIDI_VELOCITY_10 | MI_VL10 | Set velocity to 127 |
QK_MIDI_VELOCITY_DOWN | MI_VELD | Decrease velocity |
QK_MIDI_VELOCITY_UP | MI_VELU | Increase velocity |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_1 | MI_CH1 | Set channel to 1 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_2 | MI_CH2 | Set channel to 2 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_3 | MI_CH3 | Set channel to 3 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_4 | MI_CH4 | Set channel to 4 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_5 | MI_CH5 | Set channel to 5 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_6 | MI_CH6 | Set channel to 6 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_7 | MI_CH7 | Set channel to 7 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_8 | MI_CH8 | Set channel to 8 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_9 | MI_CH9 | Set channel to 9 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_10 | MI_CH10 | Set channel to 10 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_11 | MI_CH11 | Set channel to 11 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_12 | MI_CH12 | Set channel to 12 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_13 | MI_CH13 | Set channel to 13 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_14 | MI_CH14 | Set channel to 14 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_15 | MI_CH15 | Set channel to 15 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_16 | MI_CH16 | Set channel to 16 |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_DOWN | MI_CHND | Decrease channel |
QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_UP | MI_CHNU | Increase channel |
QK_MIDI_ALL_NOTES_OFF | MI_AOFF | Stop all notes |
QK_MIDI_SOFT | MI_SOFT | Soft Pedal |
QK_MIDI_MODULATION_SPEED_DOWN | MI_MODD | Decrease modulation speed |
QK_MIDI_MODULATION_SPEED_UP | MI_MODU | Increase modulation speed |
QK_MIDI_PITCH_BEND_DOWN | MI_BNDD | Bend pitch down |
QK_MIDI_PITCH_BEND_UP | MI_BNDU | Bend pitch up |
See also: Mouse Keys
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_MOUSE_CURSOR_UP | MS_UP | Mouse cursor up |
QK_MOUSE_CURSOR_DOWN | MS_DOWN | Mouse cursor down |
QK_MOUSE_CURSOR_LEFT | MS_LEFT | Mouse cursor left |
QK_MOUSE_CURSOR_RIGHT | MS_RGHT | Mouse cursor right |
QK_MOUSE_BUTTON_1 | MS_BTN1 | Mouse button 1 |
QK_MOUSE_BUTTON_2 | MS_BTN2 | Mouse button 2 |
QK_MOUSE_BUTTON_3 | MS_BTN3 | Mouse button 3 |
QK_MOUSE_BUTTON_4 | MS_BTN4 | Mouse button 4 |
QK_MOUSE_BUTTON_5 | MS_BTN5 | Mouse button 5 |
QK_MOUSE_BUTTON_6 | MS_BTN6 | Mouse button 6 |
QK_MOUSE_BUTTON_7 | MS_BTN7 | Mouse button 7 |
QK_MOUSE_BUTTON_8 | MS_BTN8 | Mouse button 8 |
QK_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP | MS_WHLU | Mouse wheel up |
QK_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN | MS_WHLD | Mouse wheel down |
QK_MOUSE_WHEEL_LEFT | MS_WHLL | Mouse wheel left |
QK_MOUSE_WHEEL_RIGHT | MS_WHLR | Mouse wheel right |
QK_MOUSE_ACCELERATION_0 | MS_ACL0 | Set mouse acceleration to 0 |
QK_MOUSE_ACCELERATION_1 | MS_ACL1 | Set mouse acceleration to 1 |
QK_MOUSE_ACCELERATION_2 | MS_ACL2 | Set mouse acceleration to 2 |
See also: Modifier Keys
Key | Aliases | Description |
LCTL(kc) | C(kc) | Hold Left Control and press kc |
LSFT(kc) | S(kc) | Hold Left Shift and press kc |
LALT(kc) | A(kc) , LOPT(kc) | Hold Left Alt and press kc |
LGUI(kc) | G(kc) , LCMD(kc) , LWIN(kc) | Hold Left GUI and press kc |
RCTL(kc) | Hold Right Control and press kc | |
RSFT(kc) | Hold Right Shift and press kc | |
RALT(kc) | ROPT(kc) , ALGR(kc) | Hold Right Alt (AltGr) and press kc |
RGUI(kc) | RCMD(kc) , RWIN(kc) | Hold Right GUI and press kc |
LSG(kc) | SGUI(kc) , SCMD(kc) , SWIN(kc) | Hold Left Shift and Left GUI and press kc |
LAG(kc) | Hold Left Alt and Left GUI and press kc | |
RSG(kc) | Hold Right Shift and Right GUI and press kc | |
RAG(kc) | Hold Right Alt and Right GUI and press kc | |
LCA(kc) | Hold Left Control and Alt and press kc | |
LSA(kc) | Hold Left Shift and Left Alt and press kc | |
RSA(kc) | SAGR(kc) | Hold Right Shift and Right Alt (AltGr) and press kc |
RCS(kc) | Hold Right Control and Right Shift and press kc | |
LCAG(kc) | Hold Left Control, Alt and GUI and press kc | |
MEH(kc) | Hold Left Control, Shift and Alt and press kc | |
HYPR(kc) | Hold Left Control, Shift, Alt and GUI and press kc | |
KC_MEH | Left Control, Shift and Alt | |
KC_HYPR | Left Control, Shift, Alt and GUI |
See also: Mod-Tap
Key | Aliases | Description |
MT(mod, kc) | mod when held, kc when tapped | |
LCTL_T(kc) | CTL_T(kc) | Left Control when held, kc when tapped |
LSFT_T(kc) | SFT_T(kc) | Left Shift when held, kc when tapped |
LALT_T(kc) | LOPT_T(kc) , ALT_T(kc) , OPT_T(kc) | Left Alt when held, kc when tapped |
LGUI_T(kc) | LCMD_T(kc) , LWIN_T(kc) , GUI_T(kc) , CMD_T(kc) , WIN_T(kc) | Left GUI when held, kc when tapped |
RCTL_T(kc) | Right Control when held, kc when tapped | |
RSFT_T(kc) | Right Shift when held, kc when tapped | |
RALT_T(kc) | ROPT_T(kc) , ALGR_T(kc) | Right Alt (AltGr) when held, kc when tapped |
RGUI_T(kc) | RCMD_T(kc) , RWIN_T(kc) | Right GUI when held, kc when tapped |
LSG_T(kc) | SGUI_T(kc) , SCMD_T(kc) , SWIN_T(kc) | Left Shift and GUI when held, kc when tapped |
LAG_T(kc) | Left Alt and GUI when held, kc when tapped | |
RSG_T(kc) | Right Shift and GUI when held, kc when tapped | |
RAG_T(kc) | Right Alt and GUI when held, kc when tapped | |
LCA_T(kc) | Left Control and Alt when held, kc when tapped | |
LSA_T(kc) | Left Shift and Left Alt when held, kc when tapped | |
RSA_T(kc) | SAGR_T(kc) | Right Shift and Right Alt (AltGr) when held, kc when tapped |
RCS_T(kc) | Right Control and Right Shift when held, kc when tapped | |
LCAG_T(kc) | Left Control, Alt and GUI when held, kc when tapped | |
RCAG_T(kc) | Right Control, Alt and GUI when held, kc when tapped | |
C_S_T(kc) | Left Control and Shift when held, kc when tapped | |
MEH_T(kc) | Left Control, Shift and Alt when held, kc when tapped | |
HYPR_T(kc) | ALL_T(kc) | Left Control, Shift, Alt and GUI when held, kc when tapped - more info here |
See also: Dynamic Tapping Term
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_DYNAMIC_TAPPING_TERM_PRINT | DT_PRNT | Types the current tapping term, in milliseconds |
QK_DYNAMIC_TAPPING_TERM_UP | DT_UP | Increases the current tapping term by DYNAMIC_TAPPING_TERM_INCREMENT ms (5ms by default) |
QK_DYNAMIC_TAPPING_TERM_DOWN | DT_DOWN | Decreases the current tapping term by DYNAMIC_TAPPING_TERM_INCREMENT ms (5ms by default) |
See also: RGB Lighting
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_UNDERGLOW_TOGGLE | UG_TOGG | Toggle RGB lighting on or off |
QK_UNDERGLOW_MODE_NEXT | UG_NEXT | Cycle through modes, reverse direction when Shift is held |
QK_UNDERGLOW_MODE_PREVIOUS | UG_PREV | Cycle through modes in reverse, forward direction when Shift is held |
QK_UNDERGLOW_HUE_UP | UG_HUEU | Increase hue, decrease hue when Shift is held |
QK_UNDERGLOW_HUE_DOWN | UG_HUED | Decrease hue, increase hue when Shift is held |
QK_UNDERGLOW_SATURATION_UP | UG_SATU | Increase saturation, decrease saturation when Shift is held |
QK_UNDERGLOW_SATURATION_DOWN | UG_SATD | Decrease saturation, increase saturation when Shift is held |
QK_UNDERGLOW_VALUE_UP | UG_VALU | Increase value (brightness), decrease value when Shift is held |
QK_UNDERGLOW_VALUE_DOWN | UG_VALD | Decrease value (brightness), increase value when Shift is held |
QK_UNDERGLOW_SPEED_UP | UG_SPDU | Increase effect speed (brightness), decrease speed when Shift is held |
QK_UNDERGLOW_SPEED_DOWN | UG_SPDD | Decrease effect speed (brightness), increase speed when Shift is held |
RGB_MODE_PLAIN | RGB_M_P | Static (no animation) mode (deprecated) |
RGB_MODE_BREATHE | RGB_M_B | Breathing animation mode (deprecated) |
RGB_MODE_RAINBOW | RGB_M_R | Rainbow animation mode (deprecated) |
RGB_MODE_SWIRL | RGB_M_SW | Swirl animation mode (deprecated) |
RGB_MODE_SNAKE | RGB_M_SN | Snake animation mode (deprecated) |
RGB_MODE_KNIGHT | RGB_M_K | "Knight Rider" animation mode (deprecated) |
RGB_MODE_XMAS | RGB_M_X | Christmas animation mode (deprecated) |
RGB_MODE_GRADIENT | RGB_M_G | Static gradient animation mode (deprecated) |
RGB_MODE_RGBTEST | RGB_M_T | Red, Green, Blue test animation mode (deprecated) |
RGB_MODE_TWINKLE | RGB_M_TW | Twinkle animation mode (deprecated) |
See also: RGB Matrix Lighting
Key | Aliases | Description |
RGB_TOG | Toggle RGB lighting on or off | |
RGB_MODE_FORWARD | RGB_MOD | Cycle through modes, reverse direction when Shift is held |
RGB_MODE_REVERSE | RGB_RMOD | Cycle through modes in reverse, forward direction when Shift is held |
RGB_HUI | Increase hue, decrease hue when Shift is held | |
RGB_HUD | Decrease hue, increase hue when Shift is held | |
RGB_SAI | Increase saturation, decrease saturation when Shift is held | |
RGB_SAD | Decrease saturation, increase saturation when Shift is held | |
RGB_VAI | Increase value (brightness), decrease value when Shift is held | |
RGB_VAD | Decrease value (brightness), increase value when Shift is held | |
RGB_SPI | Increase effect speed (does not support eeprom yet), decrease speed when Shift is held | |
RGB_SPD | Decrease effect speed (does not support eeprom yet), increase speed when Shift is held |
See also: US ANSI Shifted Symbols
Key | Aliases | Description |
KC_AT | @ | |
KC_HASH | # | |
KC_PLUS | + | |
KC_PIPE | | | |
See also: One Shot Keys
Key | Aliases | Description |
OSM(mod) | Hold mod for one keypress | |
OSL(layer) | Switch to layer for one keypress | |
QK_ONE_SHOT_TOGGLE | OS_TOGG | Toggles One Shot keys status |
QK_ONE_SHOT_ON | OS_ON | Turns One Shot keys on |
QK_ONE_SHOT_OFF | OS_OFF | Turns One Shot keys off |
See also: Programmable Button
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_1 | PB_1 | Programmable button 1 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_2 | PB_2 | Programmable button 2 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_3 | PB_3 | Programmable button 3 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_4 | PB_4 | Programmable button 4 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_5 | PB_5 | Programmable button 5 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_6 | PB_6 | Programmable button 6 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_7 | PB_7 | Programmable button 7 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_8 | PB_8 | Programmable button 8 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_9 | PB_9 | Programmable button 9 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_10 | PB_10 | Programmable button 10 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_11 | PB_11 | Programmable button 11 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_12 | PB_12 | Programmable button 12 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_13 | PB_13 | Programmable button 13 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_14 | PB_14 | Programmable button 14 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_15 | PB_15 | Programmable button 15 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_16 | PB_16 | Programmable button 16 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_17 | PB_17 | Programmable button 17 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_18 | PB_18 | Programmable button 18 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_19 | PB_19 | Programmable button 19 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_20 | PB_20 | Programmable button 20 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_21 | PB_21 | Programmable button 21 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_22 | PB_22 | Programmable button 22 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_23 | PB_23 | Programmable button 23 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_24 | PB_24 | Programmable button 24 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_25 | PB_25 | Programmable button 25 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_26 | PB_26 | Programmable button 26 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_27 | PB_27 | Programmable button 27 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_28 | PB_28 | Programmable button 28 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_29 | PB_29 | Programmable button 29 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_30 | PB_30 | Programmable button 30 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_31 | PB_31 | Programmable button 31 |
QK_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_32 | PB_32 | Programmable button 32 |
See also: Repeat Key
Keycode | Aliases | Description |
QK_REPEAT_KEY | QK_REP | Repeat the last pressed key |
QK_ALT_REPEAT_KEY | QK_AREP | Perform alternate of the last key |
See also: Space Cadet
Key | Aliases | Description |
QK_SPACE_CADET_LEFT_CTRL_PARENTHESIS_OPEN | SC_LCPO | Left Control when held, ( when tapped |
QK_SPACE_CADET_RIGHT_CTRL_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE | SC_RCPC | Right Control when held, ) when tapped |
QK_SPACE_CADET_LEFT_SHIFT_PARENTHESIS_OPEN | SC_LSPO | Left Shift when held, ( when tapped |
QK_SPACE_CADET_RIGHT_SHIFT_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE | SC_RSPC | Right Shift when held, ) when tapped |
QK_SPACE_CADET_LEFT_ALT_PARENTHESIS_OPEN | SC_LAPO | Left Alt when held, ( when tapped |
QK_SPACE_CADET_RIGHT_ALT_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE | SC_RAPC | Right Alt when held, ) when tapped |
QK_SPACE_CADET_RIGHT_SHIFT_ENTER | SC_SENT | Right Shift when held, Enter when tapped |
See also: Swap Hands
Key | Aliases | Description |
SH_T(kc) | Momentary swap when held, kc when tapped | |
QK_SWAP_HANDS_ON | SH_ON | Turn on hand swap |
QK_SWAP_HANDS_OFF | SH_OFF | Turn off hand swap |
QK_SWAP_HANDS_MOMENTARY_ON | SH_MON | Turn on hand swap while held |
QK_SWAP_HANDS_MOMENTARY_OFF | SH_MOFF | Turn off hand swap while held |
QK_SWAP_HANDS_TOGGLE | SH_TOGG | Toggle hand swap |
QK_SWAP_HANDS_TAP_TOGGLE | SH_TT | Momentary swap when held, toggle when tapped |
QK_SWAP_HANDS_ONE_SHOT | SH_OS | Turn on hand swap while held or until next key press |
See also: Unicode Support
Key | Aliases | Description |
UC(c) | Send Unicode code point c , up to 0x7FFF | |
UM(i) | Send Unicode code point at index i in unicode_map | |
UP(i, j) | Send Unicode code point at index i , or j if Shift/Caps is on | |
QK_UNICODE_MODE_NEXT | UC_NEXT | Cycle through selected input modes |
QK_UNICODE_MODE_PREVIOUS | UC_PREV | Cycle through selected input modes in reverse |
QK_UNICODE_MODE_MACOS | UC_MAC | Switch to macOS input |
QK_UNICODE_MODE_LINUX | UC_LINX | Switch to Linux input |
QK_UNICODE_MODE_WINDOWS | UC_WIN | Switch to Windows input |
QK_UNICODE_MODE_BSD | UC_BSD | Switch to BSD input (not implemented) |
QK_UNICODE_MODE_WINCOMPOSE | UC_WINC | Switch to Windows input using WinCompose |
QK_UNICODE_MODE_EMACS | UC_EMAC | Switch to emacs (C-x-8 RET ) |