ifndef VERBOSE .SILENT: endif # Never run this makefile in parallel, as it could screw things up # It won't affect the submakes, so you still get the speedup from specifying -jx .NOTPARALLEL: # Allow the silent with lower caps to work the same way as upper caps ifdef silent SILENT = $(silent) endif ifdef SILENT SUB_IS_SILENT := $(SILENT) endif # We need to make sure that silent is always turned off at the top level # Otherwise the [OK], [ERROR] and [WARN] messages won't be displayed correctly override SILENT := false ifeq ($(shell git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null),) export SKIP_GIT := yes export NOT_REPO := yes endif ifdef SKIP_VERSION export SKIP_GIT := yes endif ifndef SUB_IS_SILENT ifndef SKIP_GIT QMK_VERSION := $(shell git describe --abbrev=0 --tags 2>/dev/null) endif ifneq ($(QMK_VERSION),) $(info QMK Firmware $(QMK_VERSION)) endif endif # Try to determine userspace from qmk config, if set. ifeq ($(QMK_USERSPACE),) QMK_USERSPACE = $(shell qmk config -ro user.overlay_dir | cut -d= -f2 | sed -e 's@^None$$@@g') endif # Determine which qmk cli to use QMK_BIN := qmk # avoid 'Entering|Leaving directory' messages MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory ON_ERROR := error_occurred=1 BREAK_ON_ERRORS = no ROOT_DIR := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) ifeq ($(ROOT_DIR),) ROOT_DIR := . endif include paths.mk TEST_OUTPUT_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/test ERROR_FILE := $(BUILD_DIR)/error_occurred .DEFAULT_GOAL := all:all # Compare the start of the RULE variable with the first argument($1) # If the rules equals $1 or starts with $1:, RULE_FOUND is set to true # and $1 is removed from the RULE variable # Otherwise the RULE_FOUND variable is set to false, and RULE left as it was # The function is a bit tricky, since there's no built in $(startswith) function define COMPARE_AND_REMOVE_FROM_RULE_HELPER ifeq ($1,$$(RULE)) RULE:= RULE_FOUND := true else STARTCOLON_REMOVED=$$(subst START$1:,,START$$(RULE)) ifneq ($$(STARTCOLON_REMOVED),START$$(RULE)) RULE_FOUND := true RULE := $$(STARTCOLON_REMOVED) else RULE_FOUND := false endif endif endef # This makes it easier to call COMPARE_AND_REMOVE_FROM_RULE, since it makes it behave like # a function that returns the value COMPARE_AND_REMOVE_FROM_RULE = $(eval $(call COMPARE_AND_REMOVE_FROM_RULE_HELPER,$1))$(RULE_FOUND) # Try to find a match for the start of the rule to be checked # $1 The list to be checked # If a match is found, then RULE_FOUND is set to true # and MATCHED_ITEM to the item that was matched define TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST_HELPER # Split on ":", padding with empty strings to avoid indexing issues TOKEN1:=$$(shell python3 -c "import sys; print((sys.argv[1].split(':',1)+[''])[0])" $$(RULE)) TOKENr:=$$(shell python3 -c "import sys; print((sys.argv[1].split(':',1)+[''])[1])" $$(RULE)) FOUNDx:=$$(shell echo $1 | tr " " "\n" | grep -Fx $$(TOKEN1)) ifneq ($$(FOUNDx),) RULE := $$(TOKENr) RULE_FOUND := true MATCHED_ITEM := $$(TOKEN1) else RULE_FOUND := false MATCHED_ITEM := endif endef define TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST_HELPER_KB # Split on ":", padding with empty strings to avoid indexing issues TOKEN1:=$$(shell python3 -c "import sys; print((sys.argv[1].split(':',1)+[''])[0])" $$(RULE)) TOKENr:=$$(shell python3 -c "import sys; print((sys.argv[1].split(':',1)+[''])[1])" $$(RULE)) TOKEN1:=$$(shell $(QMK_BIN) resolve-alias $$(TOKEN1)) FOUNDx:=$$(shell echo $1 | tr " " "\n" | grep -Fx $$(TOKEN1)) ifneq ($$(FOUNDx),) RULE := $$(TOKENr) RULE_FOUND := true MATCHED_ITEM := $$(TOKEN1) else RULE_FOUND := false MATCHED_ITEM := endif endef # Make it easier to call TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST = $(eval $(call TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST_HELPER,$1))$(RULE_FOUND) TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST_KB = $(eval $(call TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST_HELPER_KB,$1))$(RULE_FOUND) define ALL_IN_LIST_LOOP OLD_RULE$1 := $$(RULE) $$(eval $$(call $1,$$(ITEM$1))) RULE := $$(OLD_RULE$1) endef define PARSE_ALL_IN_LIST $$(foreach ITEM$1,$2,$$(eval $$(call ALL_IN_LIST_LOOP,$1))) endef # The entry point for rule parsing # parses a rule in the format :: # but this particular function only deals with the first part define PARSE_RULE RULE := $1 COMMANDS := # If the rule starts with all, then continue the parsing from # PARSE_ALL_KEYBOARDS ifeq ($$(call COMPARE_AND_REMOVE_FROM_RULE,all),true) KEYBOARD_RULE=all $$(eval $$(call PARSE_ALL_KEYBOARDS)) else ifeq ($$(call COMPARE_AND_REMOVE_FROM_RULE,test),true) $$(eval $$(call PARSE_TEST)) # If the rule starts with the name of a known keyboard, then continue # the parsing from PARSE_KEYBOARD else ifeq ($$(call TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST_KB,$$(shell $(QMK_BIN) list-keyboards)),true) KEYBOARD_RULE=$$(MATCHED_ITEM) $$(eval $$(call PARSE_KEYBOARD,$$(MATCHED_ITEM))) else $$(info make: *** No rule to make target '$1'. Stop.) $$(info |) $$(info | QMK's make format is:) $$(info | make keyboard_folder:keymap_folder[:target]) $$(info |) $$(info | Where `keyboard_folder` is the path to the keyboard relative to) $$(info | `qmk_firmware/keyboards/`, and `keymap_folder` is the name of the) $$(info | keymap folder under that board's `keymaps/` directory.) $$(info |) $$(info | Examples:) $$(info | keyboards/dz60, keyboards/dz60/keymaps/default) $$(info | -> make dz60:default) $$(info | -> qmk compile -kb dz60 -km default) $$(info | keyboards/planck/rev6, keyboards/planck/keymaps/default) $$(info | -> make planck/rev6:default:flash) $$(info | -> qmk flash -kb planck/rev6 -km default) $$(info |) endif endef # $1 = Keyboard # Parses a rule in the format : # the keyboard is already known when entering this function define PARSE_KEYBOARD # If we want to compile the default subproject, then we need to # include the correct makefile to determine the actual name of it CURRENT_KB := $1 # KEYBOARD_FOLDERS := $$(subst /, , $(CURRENT_KB)) # 5/4/3/2/1 KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_1 := $$(CURRENT_KB) KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_2 := $$(patsubst %/,%,$$(dir $$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_1))) KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_3 := $$(patsubst %/,%,$$(dir $$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_2))) KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_4 := $$(patsubst %/,%,$$(dir $$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_3))) KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_5 := $$(patsubst %/,%,$$(dir $$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_4))) KEYMAPS := # get a list of all keymaps KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_1)/keymaps/*/.))) KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_2)/keymaps/*/.))) KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_3)/keymaps/*/.))) KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_4)/keymaps/*/.))) KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_5)/keymaps/*/.))) ifneq ($(QMK_USERSPACE),) KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(QMK_USERSPACE)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_1)/keymaps/*/.))) KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(QMK_USERSPACE)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_2)/keymaps/*/.))) KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(QMK_USERSPACE)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_3)/keymaps/*/.))) KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(QMK_USERSPACE)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_4)/keymaps/*/.))) KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(QMK_USERSPACE)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_5)/keymaps/*/.))) endif KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS := $(shell $(QMK_BIN) list-layouts --keyboard $1) LAYOUT_KEYMAPS := $$(foreach LAYOUT,$$(KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS),$$(eval LAYOUT_KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/layouts/*/$$(LAYOUT)/*/.))))) ifneq ($(QMK_USERSPACE),) $$(foreach LAYOUT,$$(KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS),$$(eval LAYOUT_KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(QMK_USERSPACE)/layouts/$$(LAYOUT)/*/.))))) endif KEYMAPS := $$(sort $$(KEYMAPS) $$(LAYOUT_KEYMAPS)) # if the rule after removing the start of it is empty (we haven't specified a kemap or target) # compile all the keymaps ifeq ($$(RULE),) $$(eval $$(call PARSE_ALL_KEYMAPS)) # The same if all was specified else ifeq ($$(call COMPARE_AND_REMOVE_FROM_RULE,all),true) $$(eval $$(call PARSE_ALL_KEYMAPS)) # List all keymaps for the given keyboard else ifeq ($$(call COMPARE_AND_REMOVE_FROM_RULE,list-keymaps),true) $$(eval $$(call LIST_ALL_KEYMAPS)) # Try to match the specified keyamp with the list of known keymaps else ifeq ($$(call TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST,$$(KEYMAPS)),true) $$(eval $$(call PARSE_KEYMAP,$$(MATCHED_ITEM))) # Otherwise try to match the keymap from the current folder, or arguments to the make command else ifneq ($$(KEYMAP),) $$(eval $$(call PARSE_KEYMAP,$$(KEYMAP))) # Otherwise if we are running make all: just skip else ifeq ($$(KEYBOARD_RULE),all) # $$(info Skipping: No user keymap for $$(CURRENT_KB)) # Otherwise, make all keymaps, again this is consistent with how it works without # any arguments else $$(eval $$(call PARSE_ALL_KEYMAPS)) endif endef # if we are going to compile all keyboards, match the rest of the rule # for each of them define PARSE_ALL_KEYBOARDS $$(eval $$(call PARSE_ALL_IN_LIST,PARSE_KEYBOARD,$(shell $(QMK_BIN) list-keyboards))) endef # Prints a list of all known keymaps for the given keyboard define LIST_ALL_KEYMAPS COMMAND_true_LIST_KEYMAPS := \ printf "$$(KEYMAPS)\n"; COMMAND_false_LIST_KEYMAPS := \ printf "$$(MSG_AVAILABLE_KEYMAPS)\n"; \ printf "$$(KEYMAPS)\n"; COMMANDS += LIST_KEYMAPS endef # $1 Keymap # This is the meat of compiling a keyboard, when entering this, everything is known # keyboard, subproject, and keymap # Note that we are not directly calling the command here, but instead building a list, # which will later be processed define PARSE_KEYMAP CURRENT_KM = $1 # The rest of the rule is the target # Remove the leading ":" from the target, as it acts as a separator MAKE_TARGET := $$(patsubst :%,%,$$(RULE)) # We need to generate an unique identifier to append to the COMMANDS list CURRENT_KB_UNDER := $$(subst /,_,$$(CURRENT_KB)) COMMAND := COMMAND_KEYBOARD_$$(CURRENT_KB_UNDER)_KEYMAP_$$(CURRENT_KM) # If we are compiling a keyboard without a subproject, we want to display just the name # of the keyboard, otherwise keyboard/subproject KB_SP := $$(CURRENT_KB) # Format it in bold KB_SP := $(BOLD)$$(KB_SP)$(NO_COLOR) # Specify the variables that we are passing forward to submake MAKE_VARS := KEYBOARD=$$(CURRENT_KB) KEYMAP=$$(CURRENT_KM) QMK_BIN=$$(QMK_BIN) # And the first part of the make command MAKE_CMD := $$(MAKE) -r -R -C $(ROOT_DIR) -f $(BUILDDEFS_PATH)/build_keyboard.mk $$(MAKE_TARGET) # The message to display MAKE_MSG := $$(MSG_MAKE_KB) # We run the command differently, depending on if we want more output or not # The true version for silent output and the false version otherwise $$(eval $$(call BUILD)) endef define BUILD MAKE_VARS += VERBOSE=$(VERBOSE) COLOR=$(COLOR) COMMANDS += $$(COMMAND) COMMAND_true_$$(COMMAND) := \ printf "$$(MAKE_MSG)" | \ $$(MAKE_MSG_FORMAT); \ LOG=$$$$($$(MAKE_CMD) $$(MAKE_VARS) SILENT=true 2>&1) ; \ if [ $$$$? -gt 0 ]; \ then $$(PRINT_ERROR_PLAIN); \ elif [ "$$$$LOG" = "skipped" ] ; \ then $$(PRINT_SKIPPED_PLAIN); \ elif [ "$$$$LOG" != "" ] ; \ then $$(PRINT_WARNING_PLAIN); \ else \ $$(PRINT_OK); \ fi; COMMAND_false_$$(COMMAND) := \ printf "$$(MAKE_MSG)\n\n"; \ $$(MAKE_CMD) $$(MAKE_VARS) SILENT=false; \ if [ $$$$? -gt 0 ]; \ then error_occurred=1; \ fi; endef # Just parse all the keymaps for a specific keyboard define PARSE_ALL_KEYMAPS $$(eval $$(call PARSE_ALL_IN_LIST,PARSE_KEYMAP,$$(KEYMAPS))) endef define BUILD_TEST TEST_PATH := $1 TEST_NAME := $$(notdir $$(TEST_PATH)) TEST_FULL_NAME := $$(subst /,_,$$(patsubst $$(ROOT_DIR)tests/%,%,$$(TEST_PATH))) MAKE_TARGET := $2 COMMAND := $1 MAKE_CMD := $$(MAKE) -r -R -C $(ROOT_DIR) -f $(BUILDDEFS_PATH)/build_test.mk $$(MAKE_TARGET) MAKE_VARS := TEST=$$(TEST_NAME) TEST_OUTPUT=$$(TEST_FULL_NAME) TEST_PATH=$$(TEST_PATH) FULL_TESTS="$$(FULL_TESTS)" MAKE_MSG := $$(MSG_MAKE_TEST) $$(eval $$(call BUILD)) ifneq ($$(MAKE_TARGET),clean) TEST_EXECUTABLE := $$(TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)/$$(TEST_FULL_NAME).elf TESTS += $$(TEST_FULL_NAME) TEST_MSG := $$(MSG_TEST) $$(TEST_FULL_NAME)_COMMAND := \ printf "$$(TEST_MSG)\n"; \ $$(TEST_EXECUTABLE); \ if [ $$$$? -gt 0 ]; \ then error_occurred=1; \ fi; \ printf "\n"; endif endef define LIST_TEST include $(BUILDDEFS_PATH)/testlist.mk FOUND_TESTS := $$(patsubst ./tests/%,%,$$(TEST_LIST)) $$(info $$(FOUND_TESTS)) endef define PARSE_TEST TESTS := TEST_NAME := $$(firstword $$(subst :, ,$$(RULE))) TEST_TARGET := $$(subst $$(TEST_NAME),,$$(subst $$(TEST_NAME):,,$$(RULE))) include $(BUILDDEFS_PATH)/testlist.mk ifeq ($$(TEST_NAME),all) MATCHED_TESTS := $$(TEST_LIST) else MATCHED_TESTS := $$(foreach TEST, $$(TEST_LIST),$$(if $$(findstring x$$(TEST_NAME)x, x$$(patsubst ./tests/%,%,$$(TEST)x)), $$(TEST),)) endif $$(foreach TEST,$$(MATCHED_TESTS),$$(eval $$(call BUILD_TEST,$$(TEST),$$(TEST_TARGET)))) endef # Set the silent mode depending on if we are trying to compile multiple keyboards or not # By default it's on in that case, but it can be overridden by specifying silent=false # from the command line define SET_SILENT_MODE ifdef SUB_IS_SILENT SILENT_MODE := $(SUB_IS_SILENT) else ifeq ($$(words $$(COMMANDS)),1) SILENT_MODE := false else SILENT_MODE := true endif endef include $(BUILDDEFS_PATH)/message.mk ifeq ($(strip $(BREAK_ON_ERRORS)), yes) HANDLE_ERROR = exit 1 else HANDLE_ERROR = echo $$error_occurred > $(ERROR_FILE) endif # The empty line is important here, as it will force a new shell to be created for each command # Otherwise the command line will become too long with a lot of keyboards and keymaps define RUN_COMMAND +error_occurred=0;\ $(COMMAND_$(SILENT_MODE)_$(COMMAND))\ if [ $$error_occurred -gt 0 ]; then $(HANDLE_ERROR); fi; endef define RUN_TEST +error_occurred=0;\ $($(TEST)_COMMAND)\ if [ $$error_occurred -gt 0 ]; then $(HANDLE_ERROR); fi; endef # Catch everything and parse the command line ourselves. .PHONY: % %: # Ensure that $(QMK_BIN) works. if ! $(QMK_BIN) hello 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then printf "$(MSG_PYTHON_MISSING)"; exit 1; fi ifdef NOT_REPO printf "$(MSG_NOT_REPO)" endif ifndef SKIP_GIT $(QMK_BIN) git-submodule --sync # Check if the submodules are dirty, and display a warning if they are if ! $(QMK_BIN) git-submodule --check 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then printf "$(MSG_SUBMODULE_DIRTY)"; fi endif rm -f $(ERROR_FILE) > /dev/null 2>&1 $(eval $(call PARSE_RULE,$@)) $(eval $(call SET_SILENT_MODE)) # Run all the commands in the same shell, notice the + at the first line # it has to be there to allow parallel execution of the submake # This always tries to compile everything, even if error occurs in the middle # But we return the error code at the end, to trigger travis failures # The sort at this point is to remove duplicates $(foreach COMMAND,$(sort $(COMMANDS)),$(RUN_COMMAND)) if [ -f $(ERROR_FILE) ]; then printf "$(MSG_ERRORS)" & exit 1; fi; $(foreach TEST,$(sort $(TESTS)),$(RUN_TEST)) if [ -f $(ERROR_FILE) ]; then printf "$(MSG_ERRORS)" & exit 1; fi; lib/%: git submodule sync $? git submodule update --init $? .PHONY: git-submodule git-submodule: $(QMK_BIN) git-submodule .PHONY: git-submodules git-submodules: git-submodule .PHONY: list-keyboards list-keyboards: $(QMK_BIN) list-keyboards | tr '\n' ' ' .PHONY: list-tests list-tests: $(eval $(call LIST_TEST)) .PHONY: generate-keyboards-file generate-keyboards-file: $(QMK_BIN) list-keyboards .PHONY: clean clean: echo -n 'Deleting .build/ ... ' rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR) echo 'done.' .PHONY: distclean distclean_qmk distclean: distclean_qmk distclean_qmk: clean echo -n 'Deleting *.bin, *.hex, and *.uf2 ... ' rm -f *.bin *.hex *.uf2 echo 'done.' ifneq ($(QMK_USERSPACE),) .PHONY: distclean_userspace distclean: distclean_userspace distclean_userspace: clean echo -n 'Deleting userspace *.bin, *.hex, and *.uf2 ... ' rm -f $(QMK_USERSPACE)/*.bin $(QMK_USERSPACE)/*.hex $(QMK_USERSPACE)/*.uf2 echo 'done.' endif # Extra targets for formatting and/or pytest, running within the qmk/qmk_cli container to match GHA. CONTAINER_PREAMBLE := export HOME="/tmp"; export PATH="/tmp/.local/bin:\$$PATH"; python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip; python3 -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt .PHONY: format-core format-core: RUNTIME=docker ./util/docker_cmd.sh bash -lic "$(CONTAINER_PREAMBLE); qmk format-c --core-only -a && qmk format-python -a" .PHONY: pytest pytest: RUNTIME=docker ./util/docker_cmd.sh bash -lic "$(CONTAINER_PREAMBLE); qmk pytest" .PHONY: format-and-pytest format-and-pytest: RUNTIME=docker ./util/docker_cmd.sh bash -lic "$(CONTAINER_PREAMBLE); qmk format-c --core-only -a && qmk format-python -a && qmk pytest"