/** * @file n6.c * Copyright 2021 astro This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "quantum.h" #ifdef RGBLIGHT_ENABLE # include "i2c_master.h" # include "drivers/led/issi/is31fl3731.h" # include "ws2812.h" enum { SELF_TESTING, CAPS_ALERT, NORMAL, }; enum { ST_STAGE_1, ST_STAGE_2, ST_STAGE_3, }; // alert state update interval #define ALERT_INTERVAL 500 // self testing state update interval #define ST_INTERVAL 100 // self testing start index #define ST_DEFAULT_INDEX 15 // self testing stage delay #define ST_STAGE_DELAY 10 // self testing stage cycle count #define ST_STAGE_COUNT 4 // self testing stage end duration #define ST_END_DURATION 10 // led index #define ST_LEFT_BEGIN 0 #ifdef IS31FL3731_I2C_ADDRESS_2 #define ST_LEFT_SIZE 4 #else #define ST_LEFT_SIZE 2 #endif #define ST_LEFT_END (ST_LEFT_BEGIN+ST_LEFT_SIZE-1) #ifdef IS31FL3731_I2C_ADDRESS_2 #define ST_RIGHT_BEGIN 60 #else #define ST_RIGHT_BEGIN 30 #endif #ifdef IS31FL3731_I2C_ADDRESS_2 #define ST_RIGHT_SIZE 4 #else #define ST_RIGHT_SIZE 2 #endif #define ST_RIGHT_END (ST_RIGHT_BEGIN+ST_RIGHT_SIZE-1) extern rgblight_config_t rgblight_config; typedef struct { uint8_t state; uint8_t testing; bool alert; uint8_t index; uint8_t delay; uint8_t count; bool dir; uint8_t duration; uint16_t ticks; } rgb_state_t; static rgb_state_t rgb_state = { .state = //NORMAL, SELF_TESTING, .testing = ST_STAGE_1, .ticks = 0, .alert = false, .index = ST_DEFAULT_INDEX, .delay = ST_STAGE_DELAY, .count = ST_STAGE_COUNT, .dir = true, .duration = ST_END_DURATION, }; static void update_ticks(void) { rgb_state.ticks = timer_read(); } static void self_testing(void) { if (timer_elapsed(rgb_state.ticks) < ST_INTERVAL) return; hsv_t hsv; hsv.h = rgblight_config.hue; hsv.s = rgblight_config.sat; hsv.v = rgblight_config.val; rgb_t led = hsv_to_rgb(hsv); switch(rgb_state.testing) { case ST_STAGE_1: if (rgb_state.index !=0 ) { is31fl3731_set_color_all(0, 0, 0); } if (rgb_state.index >= ST_LEFT_END) { for (int i = rgb_state.index - 1; i < IS31FL3731_LED_COUNT - rgb_state.index + 1; i++) { is31fl3731_set_color(i, led.r, led.g, led.b); } if (rgb_state.index == ST_LEFT_END) { rgb_state.index = ST_LEFT_BEGIN; } else { rgb_state.index -= ST_LEFT_SIZE; } } else{ if (rgb_state.delay > 0) { rgb_state.delay--; } else { // move to stage 2 rgb_state.index = ST_LEFT_BEGIN+ST_LEFT_SIZE; rgb_state.testing = ST_STAGE_2; } } break; case ST_STAGE_2: { // clear all is31fl3731_set_color_all(0, 0, 0); int i = 0; // light left and right for (i = 0; i < ST_LEFT_SIZE; i++) { is31fl3731_set_color(ST_LEFT_BEGIN+i, led.r, led.g, led.b); } for (i = 0; i < ST_RIGHT_SIZE; i++) { is31fl3731_set_color(ST_RIGHT_BEGIN+i, led.r, led.g, led.b); } if (rgb_state.dir) { // left to right for (int i = rgb_state.index; i < rgb_state.index+ST_LEFT_SIZE+ST_RIGHT_SIZE; i++) { is31fl3731_set_color(i, led.r, led.g, led.b); } rgb_state.index += ST_LEFT_SIZE+ST_RIGHT_SIZE; if (rgb_state.index == ST_RIGHT_BEGIN) { rgb_state.dir = !rgb_state.dir; rgb_state.count--; } } else { // right to left for (int i = rgb_state.index - ST_RIGHT_SIZE; i < rgb_state.index; i++) { is31fl3731_set_color(i, led.r, led.g, led.b); } rgb_state.index -= ST_LEFT_SIZE + ST_RIGHT_SIZE; if (rgb_state.index == ST_LEFT_BEGIN+ST_LEFT_SIZE) { rgb_state.dir = !rgb_state.dir; rgb_state.count--; } } if (rgb_state.count == 0) { // move to stage 3 rgb_state.testing = ST_STAGE_3; rgb_state.index = 0; rgb_state.delay = ST_STAGE_DELAY; rgb_state.duration = ST_END_DURATION; } } break; case ST_STAGE_3: if (rgb_state.index != IS31FL3731_LED_COUNT/2) { is31fl3731_set_color_all(0, 0, 0); } // light left and right if (rgb_state.index == IS31FL3731_LED_COUNT/2) { if (rgb_state.duration) { rgb_state.duration--; } else { if (host_keyboard_led_state().caps_lock) { rgb_state.state = CAPS_ALERT; } else { rgb_state.state = NORMAL; rgblight_set(); } } } else { // left for (int i = 0; i < rgb_state.index+1; i++) { is31fl3731_set_color(i, led.r, led.g, led.b); } // right for (int i = ST_RIGHT_END; i > ST_RIGHT_END - rgb_state.index - 1; i--) { is31fl3731_set_color(i, led.r, led.g, led.b); } rgb_state.index ++; } break; } update_ticks(); } const is31fl3731_led_t PROGMEM g_is31fl3731_leds[IS31FL3731_LED_COUNT] = { /* Refer to IS31 manual for these locations * driver * | R location * | | G location * | | | B location * | | | | */ // left CA {0, C1_1, C3_2, C4_2}, {0, C1_2, C2_2, C4_3}, {0, C1_3, C2_3, C3_3}, {0, C1_4, C2_4, C3_4}, {0, C1_5, C2_5, C3_5}, {0, C1_6, C2_6, C3_6}, {0, C1_7, C2_7, C3_7}, {0, C1_8, C2_8, C3_8}, {0, C9_1, C8_1, C7_1}, {0, C9_2, C8_2, C7_2}, {0, C9_3, C8_3, C7_3}, {0, C9_4, C8_4, C7_4}, {0, C9_5, C8_5, C7_5}, {0, C9_6, C8_6, C7_6}, {0, C9_7, C8_7, C6_6}, {0, C9_8, C7_7, C6_7}, // left CB {0, C1_9, C3_10, C4_10}, {0, C1_10, C2_10, C4_11}, {0, C1_11, C2_11, C3_11}, {0, C1_12, C2_12, C3_12}, {0, C1_13, C2_13, C3_13}, {0, C1_14, C2_14, C3_14}, {0, C1_15, C2_15, C3_15}, {0, C1_16, C2_16, C3_16}, {0, C9_9, C8_9, C7_9}, {0, C9_10, C8_10, C7_10}, {0, C9_11, C8_11, C7_11}, {0, C9_12, C8_12, C7_12}, {0, C9_13, C8_13, C7_13}, {0, C9_14, C8_14, C7_14}, {0, C9_15, C8_15, C6_14}, {0, C9_16, C7_15, C6_15}, // right CA {1, C1_1, C3_2, C4_2}, {1, C1_2, C2_2, C4_3}, {1, C1_3, C2_3, C3_3}, {1, C1_4, C2_4, C3_4}, {1, C1_5, C2_5, C3_5}, {1, C1_6, C2_6, C3_6}, {1, C1_7, C2_7, C3_7}, {1, C1_8, C2_8, C3_8}, {1, C9_1, C8_1, C7_1}, {1, C9_2, C8_2, C7_2}, {1, C9_3, C8_3, C7_3}, {1, C9_4, C8_4, C7_4}, {1, C9_5, C8_5, C7_5}, {1, C9_6, C8_6, C7_6}, {1, C9_7, C8_7, C6_6}, {1, C9_8, C7_7, C6_7}, // right CB {1, C1_9, C3_10, C4_10}, {1, C1_10, C2_10, C4_11}, {1, C1_11, C2_11, C3_11}, {1, C1_12, C2_12, C3_12}, {1, C1_13, C2_13, C3_13}, {1, C1_14, C2_14, C3_14}, {1, C1_15, C2_15, C3_15}, {1, C1_16, C2_16, C3_16}, {1, C9_9, C8_9, C7_9}, {1, C9_10, C8_10, C7_10}, {1, C9_11, C8_11, C7_11}, {1, C9_12, C8_12, C7_12}, {1, C9_13, C8_13, C7_13}, {1, C9_14, C8_14, C7_14}, {1, C9_15, C8_15, C6_14}, {1, C9_16, C7_15, C6_15}, }; void matrix_init_kb(void) { gpio_set_pin_output(LED_CAPS_LOCK_PIN); gpio_write_pin_low(LED_CAPS_LOCK_PIN); update_ticks(); matrix_init_user(); } void housekeeping_task_kb(void) { if (rgb_state.state == SELF_TESTING) { self_testing(); } else if (rgb_state.state == CAPS_ALERT) { if (rgb_state.alert) { is31fl3731_set_color_all(0xFF, 0xA5, 0x00); ws2812_set_color_all(0xFF, 0xA5, 0x00); } else { is31fl3731_set_color_all(0, 0, 0); ws2812_set_color_all(0, 0, 0); } if (timer_elapsed(rgb_state.ticks) > ALERT_INTERVAL) { rgb_state.alert = !rgb_state.alert; update_ticks(); } } is31fl3731_flush(); } void init_custom(void) { is31fl3731_init_drivers(); ws2812_init(); } void set_color_custom(int index, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) { if (index < IS31FL3731_LED_COUNT) { is31fl3731_set_color(index, red, green, blue); } else if (index < IS31FL3731_LED_COUNT + WS2812_LED_COUNT) { ws2812_set_color(index - IS31FL3731_LED_COUNT, red, green, blue); } } void set_color_all_custom(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) { for (int i = 0; i < RGBLIGHT_LED_COUNT; i++) { set_color_custom(i, red, green, blue); } } void flush_custom(void) { if (rgb_state.state != NORMAL) return; is31fl3731_flush(); ws2812_flush(); } const rgblight_driver_t rgblight_driver = { .init = init_custom, .set_color = set_color_custom, .set_color_all = set_color_all_custom, .flush = flush_custom, }; bool led_update_kb(led_t led_state) { bool res = led_update_user(led_state); if (res) { gpio_write_pin(LED_CAPS_LOCK_PIN, led_state.caps_lock); if (rgb_state.state != SELF_TESTING) { if (led_state.caps_lock) { rgb_state.state = CAPS_ALERT; update_ticks(); } else { rgb_state.state = NORMAL; rgblight_set(); } } } return res; } #endif