"""This script handles the XAP protocol data files. """ import re import os import hjson import jsonschema from pathlib import Path from typing import OrderedDict from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, select_autoescape import qmk.constants from qmk.git import git_get_version from qmk.json_schema import json_load, validate, merge_ordered_dicts from qmk.decorators import lru_cache from qmk.keymap import locate_keymap from qmk.path import keyboard from qmk.xap.jinja2_filters import attach_filters XAP_SPEC = 'xap.hjson' def list_lighting_versions(feature): """Return available versions - sorted newest first """ ret = [] for file in Path('data/constants/').glob(f'{feature}_[0-9].[0-9].[0-9].json'): ret.append(file.stem.split('_')[-1]) ret.sort(reverse=True) return ret def load_lighting_spec(feature, version='latest'): """Build lighting data from the requested spec file """ if version == 'latest': version = list_lighting_versions(feature)[0] spec = json_load(Path(f'data/constants/{feature}_{version}.json')) # preprocess for gross rgblight "mode + n" for obj in spec.get('effects', {}).values(): define = obj['key'] offset = 0 found = re.match('(.*)_(\\d+)$', define) if found: define = found.group(1) offset = int(found.group(2)) - 1 obj['define'] = define obj['offset'] = offset return spec def _get_jinja2_env(data_templates_xap_subdir: str): templates_dir = os.path.join(qmk.constants.QMK_FIRMWARE, 'data', 'templates', 'xap', data_templates_xap_subdir) j2 = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(templates_dir), autoescape=select_autoescape()) return j2 def render_xap_output(data_templates_xap_subdir, file_to_render, defs=None, **kwargs): if defs is None: defs = latest_xap_defs() j2 = _get_jinja2_env(data_templates_xap_subdir) attach_filters(j2) specs = {} for feature in ['rgblight', 'rgb_matrix', 'led_matrix']: specs[feature] = load_lighting_spec(feature) return j2.get_template(file_to_render).render(xap=defs, qmk_version=git_get_version(), xap_str=hjson.dumps(defs), specs=specs, constants=qmk.constants, **kwargs) def _find_kb_spec(kb): base_path = Path('keyboards') keyboard_parent = keyboard(kb) for _ in range(5): if keyboard_parent == base_path: break spec = keyboard_parent / XAP_SPEC if spec.exists(): return spec keyboard_parent = keyboard_parent.parent # Just return something we know doesn't exist return keyboard(kb) / XAP_SPEC def _find_km_spec(kb, km): return locate_keymap(kb, km).parent / XAP_SPEC def get_xap_definition_files(): """Get the sorted list of XAP definition files, from /data/xap. """ xap_defs = qmk.constants.QMK_FIRMWARE / "data" / "xap" return list(sorted(xap_defs.glob('**/xap_*.hjson'))) def update_xap_definitions(original, new): """Creates a new XAP definition object based on an original and the new supplied object. Both inputs must be of type OrderedDict. Later input dicts overrides earlier dicts for plain values. Arrays will be appended. If the first entry of an array is "!reset!", the contents of the array will be cleared and replaced with RHS. Dictionaries will be recursively merged. If any entry is "!reset!", the contents of the dictionary will be cleared and replaced with RHS. """ if original is None: original = OrderedDict() return merge_ordered_dicts([original, new]) @lru_cache(timeout=5) def get_xap_defs(version): """Gets the required version of the XAP definitions. """ files = get_xap_definition_files() # Slice off anything newer than specified version if version != 'latest': index = [idx for idx, s in enumerate(files) if version in str(s)][0] files = files[:(index + 1)] definitions = [hjson.load(file.open(encoding='utf-8')) for file in files] return merge_ordered_dicts(definitions) def latest_xap_defs(): """Gets the latest version of the XAP definitions. """ return get_xap_defs('latest') def merge_xap_defs(kb, km): """Gets the latest version of the XAP definitions and merges in optional keyboard/keymap specs """ definitions = [get_xap_defs('latest')] kb_xap = _find_kb_spec(kb) if kb_xap.exists(): definitions.append({'routes': {'0x02': hjson.load(kb_xap.open(encoding='utf-8'))}}) km_xap = _find_km_spec(kb, km) if km_xap.exists(): definitions.append({'routes': {'0x03': hjson.load(km_xap.open(encoding='utf-8'))}}) defs = merge_ordered_dicts(definitions) try: validate(defs, 'qmk.xap.v1') except jsonschema.ValidationError as e: print(f'Invalid XAP spec: {e.message}') exit(1) return defs def route_conditions(route_stack): """Handles building the C preprocessor conditional based on the current route. """ conditions = [] for route in route_stack: if 'enable_if_preprocessor' in route: conditions.append(route['enable_if_preprocessor']) if len(conditions) == 0: return None return "(" + ' && '.join([f'({c})' for c in conditions]) + ")"