const __vite__fileDeps=["assets/chunks/VPLocalSearchBox.CwKS181x.js","assets/chunks/framework.DyMmIvSC.js"],__vite__mapDeps=i=>>__vite__fileDeps[i]); import { d as defineComponent, o as openBlock, c as createElementBlock, r as renderSlot, n as normalizeClass, a as createTextVNode, t as toDisplayString, b as createBlock, w as withCtx, e as createCommentVNode, T as Transition, _ as _export_sfc, u as useData$1, i as isExternal, f as treatAsHtml, g as withBase, h as computed, j as ref, k as onMounted, l as createBaseVNode, m as unref, p as pushScopeId, q as popScopeId, s as isActive, v as useMediaQuery, x as watch, y as watchEffect, z as onUnmounted, A as watchPostEffect, B as onUpdated, C as getScrollOffset, D as resolveComponent, F as Fragment, E as renderList, G as shallowRef, H as onContentUpdated, I as createVNode, J as resolveDynamicComponent, K as EXTERNAL_URL_RE, L as useRoute, M as mergeProps, N as inject, O as useWindowSize, P as normalizeStyle, Q as onClickOutside, R as onKeyStroke, S as nextTick, U as useWindowScroll, V as inBrowser, W as readonly, X as defineAsyncComponent, Y as __vitePreload, Z as useScrollLock, $ as provide, a0 as toHandlers, a1 as withKeys, a2 as withModifiers, a3 as useSlots, a4 as reactive, a5 as toRef, a6 as useRouter, a7 as onBeforeMount } from "./framework.DyMmIvSC.js"; const _sfc_main$Z = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPBadge", props: { text: {}, type: { default: "tip" } }, setup(__props) { return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", { class: normalizeClass(["VPBadge", _ctx.type]) }, [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, () => [ createTextVNode(toDisplayString(_ctx.text), 1) ]) ], 2); }; } }); const _hoisted_1$K = { key: 0, class: "VPBackdrop" }; const _sfc_main$Y = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPBackdrop", props: { show: { type: Boolean } }, setup(__props) { return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(Transition, { name: "fade" }, { default: withCtx(() => [ ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$K)) : createCommentVNode("", true) ]), _: 1 }); }; } }); const VPBackdrop = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$Y, [["__scopeId", "data-v-c79a1216"]]); const useData = useData$1; function throttleAndDebounce(fn, delay) { let timeoutId; let called = false; return () => { if (timeoutId) clearTimeout(timeoutId); if (!called) { fn(); (called = true) && setTimeout(() => called = false, delay); } else timeoutId = setTimeout(fn, delay); }; } function ensureStartingSlash(path) { return /^\//.test(path) ? path : `/${path}`; } function normalizeLink$1(url) { const { pathname, search, hash, protocol } = new URL(url, ""); if (isExternal(url) || url.startsWith("#") || !protocol.startsWith("http") || !treatAsHtml(pathname)) return url; const { site } = useData(); const normalizedPath = pathname.endsWith("/") || pathname.endsWith(".html") ? url : url.replace(/(?:(^\.+)\/)?.*$/, `$1${pathname.replace(/(\.md)?$/, site.value.cleanUrls ? "" : ".html")}${search}${hash}`); return withBase(normalizedPath); } function useLangs({ removeCurrent = true, correspondingLink = false } = {}) { const { site, localeIndex, page, theme: theme2, hash } = useData(); const currentLang = computed(() => { var _a, _b; return { label: (_a = site.value.locales[localeIndex.value]) == null ? void 0 : _a.label, link: ((_b = site.value.locales[localeIndex.value]) == null ? void 0 : || (localeIndex.value === "root" ? "/" : `/${localeIndex.value}/`) }; }); const localeLinks = computed(() => Object.entries(site.value.locales).flatMap(([key, value]) => removeCurrent && currentLang.value.label === value.label ? [] : { text: value.label, link: normalizeLink( || (key === "root" ? "/" : `/${key}/`), theme2.value.i18nRouting !== false && correspondingLink, page.value.relativePath.slice( - 1), !site.value.cleanUrls) + hash.value })); return { localeLinks, currentLang }; } function normalizeLink(link, addPath, path, addExt) { return addPath ? link.replace(/\/$/, "") + ensureStartingSlash(path.replace(/(^|\/)index\.md$/, "$1").replace(/\.md$/, addExt ? ".html" : "")) : link; } const _withScopeId$h = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-f87ff6e4"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$J = { class: "NotFound" }; const _hoisted_2$v = { class: "code" }; const _hoisted_3$l = { class: "title" }; const _hoisted_4$d = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$h(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "divider" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_5$a = { class: "quote" }; const _hoisted_6$7 = { class: "action" }; const _hoisted_7$5 = ["href", "aria-label"]; const _sfc_main$X = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "NotFound", setup(__props) { const { site, theme: theme2 } = useData(); const { localeLinks } = useLangs({ removeCurrent: false }); const root = ref("/"); onMounted(() => { var _a; const path = window.location.pathname.replace(site.value.base, "").replace(/(^.*?\/).*$/, "/$1"); if (localeLinks.value.length) { root.value = ((_a = localeLinks.value.find(({ link }) => link.startsWith(path))) == null ? void 0 : || localeLinks.value[0].link; } }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$J, [ createBaseVNode("p", _hoisted_2$v, toDisplayString(((_a = unref(theme2).notFound) == null ? void 0 : _a.code) ?? "404"), 1), createBaseVNode("h1", _hoisted_3$l, toDisplayString(((_b = unref(theme2).notFound) == null ? void 0 : _b.title) ?? "PAGE NOT FOUND"), 1), _hoisted_4$d, createBaseVNode("blockquote", _hoisted_5$a, toDisplayString(((_c = unref(theme2).notFound) == null ? void 0 : _c.quote) ?? "But if you don't change your direction, and if you keep looking, you may end up where you are heading."), 1), createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_6$7, [ createBaseVNode("a", { class: "link", href: unref(withBase)(root.value), "aria-label": ((_d = unref(theme2).notFound) == null ? void 0 : _d.linkLabel) ?? "go to home" }, toDisplayString(((_e = unref(theme2).notFound) == null ? void 0 : _e.linkText) ?? "Take me home"), 9, _hoisted_7$5) ]) ]); }; } }); const NotFound = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$X, [["__scopeId", "data-v-f87ff6e4"]]); function getSidebar(_sidebar, path) { if (Array.isArray(_sidebar)) return addBase(_sidebar); if (_sidebar == null) return []; path = ensureStartingSlash(path); const dir = Object.keys(_sidebar).sort((a, b) => { return b.split("/").length - a.split("/").length; }).find((dir2) => { return path.startsWith(ensureStartingSlash(dir2)); }); const sidebar = dir ? _sidebar[dir] : []; return Array.isArray(sidebar) ? addBase(sidebar) : addBase(sidebar.items, sidebar.base); } function getSidebarGroups(sidebar) { const groups = []; let lastGroupIndex = 0; for (const index in sidebar) { const item = sidebar[index]; if (item.items) { lastGroupIndex = groups.push(item); continue; } if (!groups[lastGroupIndex]) { groups.push({ items: [] }); } groups[lastGroupIndex].items.push(item); } return groups; } function getFlatSideBarLinks(sidebar) { const links = []; function recursivelyExtractLinks(items) { for (const item of items) { if (item.text && { links.push({ text: item.text, link:, docFooterText: item.docFooterText }); } if (item.items) { recursivelyExtractLinks(item.items); } } } recursivelyExtractLinks(sidebar); return links; } function hasActiveLink(path, items) { if (Array.isArray(items)) { return items.some((item) => hasActiveLink(path, item)); } return isActive(path, ? true : items.items ? hasActiveLink(path, items.items) : false; } function addBase(items, _base) { return [...items].map((_item) => { const item = { ..._item }; const base = item.base || _base; if (base && = base +; if (item.items) item.items = addBase(item.items, base); return item; }); } function useSidebar() { const { frontmatter, page, theme: theme2 } = useData(); const is960 = useMediaQuery("(min-width: 960px)"); const isOpen = ref(false); const _sidebar = computed(() => { const sidebarConfig = theme2.value.sidebar; const relativePath = page.value.relativePath; return sidebarConfig ? getSidebar(sidebarConfig, relativePath) : []; }); const sidebar = ref(_sidebar.value); watch(_sidebar, (next, prev) => { if (JSON.stringify(next) !== JSON.stringify(prev)) sidebar.value = _sidebar.value; }); const hasSidebar = computed(() => { return frontmatter.value.sidebar !== false && sidebar.value.length > 0 && frontmatter.value.layout !== "home"; }); const leftAside = computed(() => { if (hasAside) return frontmatter.value.aside == null ? theme2.value.aside === "left" : frontmatter.value.aside === "left"; return false; }); const hasAside = computed(() => { if (frontmatter.value.layout === "home") return false; if (frontmatter.value.aside != null) return !!frontmatter.value.aside; return theme2.value.aside !== false; }); const isSidebarEnabled = computed(() => hasSidebar.value && is960.value); const sidebarGroups = computed(() => { return hasSidebar.value ? getSidebarGroups(sidebar.value) : []; }); function open() { isOpen.value = true; } function close() { isOpen.value = false; } function toggle() { isOpen.value ? close() : open(); } return { isOpen, sidebar, sidebarGroups, hasSidebar, hasAside, leftAside, isSidebarEnabled, open, close, toggle }; } function useCloseSidebarOnEscape(isOpen, close) { let triggerElement; watchEffect(() => { triggerElement = isOpen.value ? document.activeElement : void 0; }); onMounted(() => { window.addEventListener("keyup", onEscape); }); onUnmounted(() => { window.removeEventListener("keyup", onEscape); }); function onEscape(e) { if (e.key === "Escape" && isOpen.value) { close(); triggerElement == null ? void 0 : triggerElement.focus(); } } } function useSidebarControl(item) { const { page, hash } = useData(); const collapsed = ref(false); const collapsible = computed(() => { return item.value.collapsed != null; }); const isLink = computed(() => { return !!; }); const isActiveLink = ref(false); const updateIsActiveLink = () => { isActiveLink.value = isActive(page.value.relativePath,; }; watch([page, item, hash], updateIsActiveLink); onMounted(updateIsActiveLink); const hasActiveLink$1 = computed(() => { if (isActiveLink.value) { return true; } return item.value.items ? hasActiveLink(page.value.relativePath, item.value.items) : false; }); const hasChildren = computed(() => { return !!(item.value.items && item.value.items.length); }); watchEffect(() => { collapsed.value = !!(collapsible.value && item.value.collapsed); }); watchPostEffect(() => { (isActiveLink.value || hasActiveLink$1.value) && (collapsed.value = false); }); function toggle() { if (collapsible.value) { collapsed.value = !collapsed.value; } } return { collapsed, collapsible, isLink, isActiveLink, hasActiveLink: hasActiveLink$1, hasChildren, toggle }; } function useAside() { const { hasSidebar } = useSidebar(); const is960 = useMediaQuery("(min-width: 960px)"); const is1280 = useMediaQuery("(min-width: 1280px)"); const isAsideEnabled = computed(() => { if (!is1280.value && !is960.value) { return false; } return hasSidebar.value ? is1280.value : is960.value; }); return { isAsideEnabled }; } const resolvedHeaders = []; function resolveTitle(theme2) { return typeof theme2.outline === "object" && !Array.isArray(theme2.outline) && theme2.outline.label || theme2.outlineTitle || "On this page"; } function getHeaders(range) { const headers = [ ...document.querySelectorAll(".VPDoc :where(h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)") ].filter((el) => && el.hasChildNodes()).map((el) => { const level = Number(el.tagName[1]); return { element: el, title: serializeHeader(el), link: "#" +, level }; }); return resolveHeaders(headers, range); } function serializeHeader(h) { let ret = ""; for (const node of h.childNodes) { if (node.nodeType === 1) { if (node.classList.contains("VPBadge") || node.classList.contains("header-anchor") || node.classList.contains("ignore-header")) { continue; } ret += node.textContent; } else if (node.nodeType === 3) { ret += node.textContent; } } return ret.trim(); } function resolveHeaders(headers, range) { if (range === false) { return []; } const levelsRange = (typeof range === "object" && !Array.isArray(range) ? range.level : range) || 2; const [high, low] = typeof levelsRange === "number" ? [levelsRange, levelsRange] : levelsRange === "deep" ? [2, 6] : levelsRange; headers = headers.filter((h) => h.level >= high && h.level <= low); resolvedHeaders.length = 0; for (const { element, link } of headers) { resolvedHeaders.push({ element, link }); } const ret = []; outer: for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { const cur = headers[i]; if (i === 0) { ret.push(cur); } else { for (let j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { const prev = headers[j]; if (prev.level < cur.level) { (prev.children || (prev.children = [])).push(cur); continue outer; } } ret.push(cur); } } return ret; } function useActiveAnchor(container, marker) { const { isAsideEnabled } = useAside(); const onScroll = throttleAndDebounce(setActiveLink, 100); let prevActiveLink = null; onMounted(() => { requestAnimationFrame(setActiveLink); window.addEventListener("scroll", onScroll); }); onUpdated(() => { activateLink(location.hash); }); onUnmounted(() => { window.removeEventListener("scroll", onScroll); }); function setActiveLink() { if (!isAsideEnabled.value) { return; } const scrollY = window.scrollY; const innerHeight = window.innerHeight; const offsetHeight = document.body.offsetHeight; const isBottom = Math.abs(scrollY + innerHeight - offsetHeight) < 1; const headers ={ element, link }) => ({ link, top: getAbsoluteTop(element) })).filter(({ top }) => !Number.isNaN(top)).sort((a, b) => -; if (!headers.length) { activateLink(null); return; } if (scrollY < 1) { activateLink(null); return; } if (isBottom) { activateLink(headers[headers.length - 1].link); return; } let activeLink = null; for (const { link, top } of headers) { if (top > scrollY + getScrollOffset() + 4) { break; } activeLink = link; } activateLink(activeLink); } function activateLink(hash) { if (prevActiveLink) { prevActiveLink.classList.remove("active"); } if (hash == null) { prevActiveLink = null; } else { prevActiveLink = container.value.querySelector(`a[href="${decodeURIComponent(hash)}"]`); } const activeLink = prevActiveLink; if (activeLink) { activeLink.classList.add("active"); = activeLink.offsetTop + 39 + "px"; = "1"; } else { = "33px"; = "0"; } } } function getAbsoluteTop(element) { let offsetTop = 0; while (element !== document.body) { if (element === null) { return NaN; } offsetTop += element.offsetTop; element = element.offsetParent; } return offsetTop; } const _hoisted_1$I = ["href", "title"]; const _sfc_main$W = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPDocOutlineItem", props: { headers: {}, root: { type: Boolean } }, setup(__props) { function onClick({ target: el }) { const id2 = el.href.split("#")[1]; const heading = document.getElementById(decodeURIComponent(id2)); heading == null ? void 0 : heading.focus({ preventScroll: true }); } return (_ctx, _cache) => { const _component_VPDocOutlineItem = resolveComponent("VPDocOutlineItem", true); return openBlock(), createElementBlock("ul", { class: normalizeClass(["VPDocOutlineItem", _ctx.root ? "root" : "nested"]) }, [ (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(_ctx.headers, ({ children, link, title }) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", null, [ createBaseVNode("a", { class: "outline-link", href: link, onClick, title }, toDisplayString(title), 9, _hoisted_1$I), (children == null ? void 0 : children.length) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_VPDocOutlineItem, { key: 0, headers: children }, null, 8, ["headers"])) : createCommentVNode("", true) ]); }), 256)) ], 2); }; } }); const VPDocOutlineItem = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$W, [["__scopeId", "data-v-b933a997"]]); const _withScopeId$g = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-935f8a84"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$H = { class: "content" }; const _hoisted_2$u = { class: "outline-title", role: "heading", "aria-level": "2" }; const _hoisted_3$k = { "aria-labelledby": "doc-outline-aria-label" }; const _hoisted_4$c = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$g(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "visually-hidden", id: "doc-outline-aria-label" }, " Table of Contents for current page ", -1)); const _sfc_main$V = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPDocAsideOutline", setup(__props) { const { frontmatter, theme: theme2 } = useData(); const headers = shallowRef([]); onContentUpdated(() => { headers.value = getHeaders(frontmatter.value.outline ?? theme2.value.outline); }); const container = ref(); const marker = ref(); useActiveAnchor(container, marker); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { class: normalizeClass(["VPDocAsideOutline", { "has-outline": headers.value.length > 0 }]), ref_key: "container", ref: container, role: "navigation" }, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1$H, [ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "outline-marker", ref_key: "marker", ref: marker }, null, 512), createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2$u, toDisplayString(unref(resolveTitle)(unref(theme2))), 1), createBaseVNode("nav", _hoisted_3$k, [ _hoisted_4$c, createVNode(VPDocOutlineItem, { headers: headers.value, root: true }, null, 8, ["headers"]) ]) ]) ], 2); }; } }); const VPDocAsideOutline = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$V, [["__scopeId", "data-v-935f8a84"]]); const _hoisted_1$G = { class: "VPDocAsideCarbonAds" }; const _sfc_main$U = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPDocAsideCarbonAds", props: { carbonAds: {} }, setup(__props) { const VPCarbonAds = () => null; return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$G, [ createVNode(unref(VPCarbonAds), { "carbon-ads": _ctx.carbonAds }, null, 8, ["carbon-ads"]) ]); }; } }); const _withScopeId$f = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-3f215769"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$F = { class: "VPDocAside" }; const _hoisted_2$t = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$f(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "spacer" }, null, -1)); const _sfc_main$T = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPDocAside", setup(__props) { const { theme: theme2 } = useData(); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$F, [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-top", {}, void 0, true), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-outline-before", {}, void 0, true), createVNode(VPDocAsideOutline), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-outline-after", {}, void 0, true), _hoisted_2$t, renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-ads-before", {}, void 0, true), unref(theme2).carbonAds ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$U, { key: 0, "carbon-ads": unref(theme2).carbonAds }, null, 8, ["carbon-ads"])) : createCommentVNode("", true), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-ads-after", {}, void 0, true), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-bottom", {}, void 0, true) ]); }; } }); const VPDocAside = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$T, [["__scopeId", "data-v-3f215769"]]); function useEditLink() { const { theme: theme2, page } = useData(); return computed(() => { const { text = "Edit this page", pattern = "" } = theme2.value.editLink || {}; let url; if (typeof pattern === "function") { url = pattern(page.value); } else { url = pattern.replace(/:path/g, page.value.filePath); } return { url, text }; }); } function usePrevNext() { const { page, theme: theme2, frontmatter } = useData(); return computed(() => { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h; const sidebar = getSidebar(theme2.value.sidebar, page.value.relativePath); const links = getFlatSideBarLinks(sidebar); const candidates = uniqBy(links, (link) =>[?#].*$/, "")); const index = candidates.findIndex((link) => { return isActive(page.value.relativePath,; }); const hidePrev = ((_a = theme2.value.docFooter) == null ? void 0 : _a.prev) === false && !frontmatter.value.prev || frontmatter.value.prev === false; const hideNext = ((_b = theme2.value.docFooter) == null ? void 0 : === false && ! || === false; return { prev: hidePrev ? void 0 : { text: (typeof frontmatter.value.prev === "string" ? frontmatter.value.prev : typeof frontmatter.value.prev === "object" ? frontmatter.value.prev.text : void 0) ?? ((_c = candidates[index - 1]) == null ? void 0 : _c.docFooterText) ?? ((_d = candidates[index - 1]) == null ? void 0 : _d.text), link: (typeof frontmatter.value.prev === "object" ? : void 0) ?? ((_e = candidates[index - 1]) == null ? void 0 : }, next: hideNext ? void 0 : { text: (typeof === "string" ? : typeof === "object" ? : void 0) ?? ((_f = candidates[index + 1]) == null ? void 0 : _f.docFooterText) ?? ((_g = candidates[index + 1]) == null ? void 0 : _g.text), link: (typeof === "object" ? : void 0) ?? ((_h = candidates[index + 1]) == null ? void 0 : } }; }); } function uniqBy(array, keyFn) { const seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); return array.filter((item) => { const k = keyFn(item); return seen.has(k) ? false : seen.add(k); }); } const _sfc_main$S = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPLink", props: { tag: {}, href: {}, noIcon: { type: Boolean }, target: {}, rel: {} }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const tag = computed(() => props.tag ?? (props.href ? "a" : "span")); const isExternal2 = computed(() => props.href && EXTERNAL_URL_RE.test(props.href)); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(tag.value), { class: normalizeClass(["VPLink", { link: _ctx.href, "vp-external-link-icon": isExternal2.value, "no-icon": _ctx.noIcon }]), href: _ctx.href ? unref(normalizeLink$1)(_ctx.href) : void 0, target: ?? (isExternal2.value ? "_blank" : void 0), rel: _ctx.rel ?? (isExternal2.value ? "noreferrer" : void 0) }, { default: withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default") ]), _: 3 }, 8, ["class", "href", "target", "rel"]); }; } }); const _hoisted_1$E = { class: "VPLastUpdated" }; const _hoisted_2$s = ["datetime"]; const _sfc_main$R = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPDocFooterLastUpdated", setup(__props) { const { theme: theme2, page, frontmatter, lang } = useData(); const date = computed( () => new Date(frontmatter.value.lastUpdated ?? page.value.lastUpdated) ); const isoDatetime = computed(() => date.value.toISOString()); const datetime = ref(""); onMounted(() => { watchEffect(() => { var _a, _b, _c; datetime.value = new Intl.DateTimeFormat( ((_b = (_a = theme2.value.lastUpdated) == null ? void 0 : _a.formatOptions) == null ? void 0 : _b.forceLocale) ? lang.value : void 0, ((_c = theme2.value.lastUpdated) == null ? void 0 : _c.formatOptions) ?? { dateStyle: "short", timeStyle: "short" } ).format(date.value); }); }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { var _a; return openBlock(), createElementBlock("p", _hoisted_1$E, [ createTextVNode(toDisplayString(((_a = unref(theme2).lastUpdated) == null ? void 0 : _a.text) || unref(theme2).lastUpdatedText || "Last updated") + ": ", 1), createBaseVNode("time", { datetime: isoDatetime.value }, toDisplayString(datetime.value), 9, _hoisted_2$s) ]); }; } }); const VPDocFooterLastUpdated = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$R, [["__scopeId", "data-v-7e05ebdb"]]); const _withScopeId$e = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-09de1c0f"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$D = { key: 0, class: "VPDocFooter" }; const _hoisted_2$r = { key: 0, class: "edit-info" }; const _hoisted_3$j = { key: 0, class: "edit-link" }; const _hoisted_4$b = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$e(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-square-pen edit-link-icon" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_5$9 = { key: 1, class: "last-updated" }; const _hoisted_6$6 = { key: 1, class: "prev-next" }; const _hoisted_7$4 = { class: "pager" }; const _hoisted_8$3 = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_9$1 = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_10$1 = { class: "pager" }; const _hoisted_11 = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_12 = ["innerHTML"]; const _sfc_main$Q = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPDocFooter", setup(__props) { const { theme: theme2, page, frontmatter } = useData(); const editLink = useEditLink(); const control = usePrevNext(); const hasEditLink = computed(() => { return theme2.value.editLink && frontmatter.value.editLink !== false; }); const hasLastUpdated = computed(() => { return page.value.lastUpdated && frontmatter.value.lastUpdated !== false; }); const showFooter = computed(() => { return hasEditLink.value || hasLastUpdated.value || control.value.prev ||; }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d; return showFooter.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("footer", _hoisted_1$D, [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-footer-before", {}, void 0, true), hasEditLink.value || hasLastUpdated.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$r, [ hasEditLink.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_3$j, [ createVNode(_sfc_main$S, { class: "edit-link-button", href: unref(editLink).url, "no-icon": true }, { default: withCtx(() => [ _hoisted_4$b, createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString(unref(editLink).text), 1) ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["href"]) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true), hasLastUpdated.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_5$9, [ createVNode(VPDocFooterLastUpdated) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true), ((_a = unref(control).prev) == null ? void 0 : || ((_b = unref(control).next) == null ? void 0 : ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("nav", _hoisted_6$6, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_7$4, [ ((_c = unref(control).prev) == null ? void 0 : ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$S, { key: 0, class: "pager-link prev", href: unref(control) }, { default: withCtx(() => { var _a2; return [ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "desc", innerHTML: ((_a2 = unref(theme2).docFooter) == null ? void 0 : _a2.prev) || "Previous page" }, null, 8, _hoisted_8$3), createBaseVNode("span", { class: "title", innerHTML: unref(control).prev.text }, null, 8, _hoisted_9$1) ]; }), _: 1 }, 8, ["href"])) : createCommentVNode("", true) ]), createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_10$1, [ ((_d = unref(control).next) == null ? void 0 : ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$S, { key: 0, class: "pager-link next", href: unref(control) }, { default: withCtx(() => { var _a2; return [ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "desc", innerHTML: ((_a2 = unref(theme2).docFooter) == null ? void 0 : || "Next page" }, null, 8, _hoisted_11), createBaseVNode("span", { class: "title", innerHTML: unref(control).next.text }, null, 8, _hoisted_12) ]; }), _: 1 }, 8, ["href"])) : createCommentVNode("", true) ]) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const VPDocFooter = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$Q, [["__scopeId", "data-v-09de1c0f"]]); const _withScopeId$d = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-39a288b8"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$C = { class: "container" }; const _hoisted_2$q = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$d(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "aside-curtain" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_3$i = { class: "aside-container" }; const _hoisted_4$a = { class: "aside-content" }; const _hoisted_5$8 = { class: "content" }; const _hoisted_6$5 = { class: "content-container" }; const _hoisted_7$3 = { class: "main" }; const _sfc_main$P = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPDoc", setup(__props) { const { theme: theme2 } = useData(); const route = useRoute(); const { hasSidebar, hasAside, leftAside } = useSidebar(); const pageName = computed( () => route.path.replace(/[./]+/g, "_").replace(/_html$/, "") ); return (_ctx, _cache) => { const _component_Content = resolveComponent("Content"); return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { class: normalizeClass(["VPDoc", { "has-sidebar": unref(hasSidebar), "has-aside": unref(hasAside) }]) }, [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-top", {}, void 0, true), createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1$C, [ unref(hasAside) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { key: 0, class: normalizeClass(["aside", { "left-aside": unref(leftAside) }]) }, [ _hoisted_2$q, createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_3$i, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_4$a, [ createVNode(VPDocAside, null, { "aside-top": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-top", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-bottom": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-bottom", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-outline-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-outline-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-outline-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-outline-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-ads-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-ads-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-ads-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-ads-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), _: 3 }) ]) ]) ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true), createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_5$8, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_6$5, [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-before", {}, void 0, true), createBaseVNode("main", _hoisted_7$3, [ createVNode(_component_Content, { class: normalizeClass(["vp-doc", [ pageName.value, unref(theme2).externalLinkIcon && "external-link-icon-enabled" ]]) }, null, 8, ["class"]) ]), createVNode(VPDocFooter, null, { "doc-footer-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-footer-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), _: 3 }), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-after", {}, void 0, true) ]) ]) ]), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-bottom", {}, void 0, true) ], 2); }; } }); const VPDoc = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$P, [["__scopeId", "data-v-39a288b8"]]); const _sfc_main$O = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPButton", props: { tag: {}, size: { default: "medium" }, theme: { default: "brand" }, text: {}, href: {}, target: {}, rel: {} }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const isExternal2 = computed( () => props.href && EXTERNAL_URL_RE.test(props.href) ); const component = computed(() => { return props.tag || props.href ? "a" : "button"; }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(component.value), { class: normalizeClass(["VPButton", [_ctx.size, _ctx.theme]]), href: _ctx.href ? unref(normalizeLink$1)(_ctx.href) : void 0, target: ?? (isExternal2.value ? "_blank" : void 0), rel: props.rel ?? (isExternal2.value ? "noreferrer" : void 0) }, { default: withCtx(() => [ createTextVNode(toDisplayString(_ctx.text), 1) ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["class", "href", "target", "rel"]); }; } }); const VPButton = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$O, [["__scopeId", "data-v-cad61b99"]]); const _hoisted_1$B = ["src", "alt"]; const _sfc_main$N = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ ...{ inheritAttrs: false }, __name: "VPImage", props: { image: {}, alt: {} }, setup(__props) { return (_ctx, _cache) => { const _component_VPImage = resolveComponent("VPImage", true); return _ctx.image ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [ typeof _ctx.image === "string" || "src" in _ctx.image ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("img", mergeProps({ key: 0, class: "VPImage" }, typeof _ctx.image === "string" ? _ctx.$attrs : { ..._ctx.image, ..._ctx.$attrs }, { src: unref(withBase)(typeof _ctx.image === "string" ? _ctx.image : _ctx.image.src), alt: _ctx.alt ?? (typeof _ctx.image === "string" ? "" : _ctx.image.alt || "") }), null, 16, _hoisted_1$B)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [ createVNode(_component_VPImage, mergeProps({ class: "dark", image: _ctx.image.dark, alt: _ctx.image.alt }, _ctx.$attrs), null, 16, ["image", "alt"]), createVNode(_component_VPImage, mergeProps({ class: "light", image: _ctx.image.light, alt: _ctx.image.alt }, _ctx.$attrs), null, 16, ["image", "alt"]) ], 64)) ], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const VPImage = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$N, [["__scopeId", "data-v-8426fc1a"]]); const _withScopeId$c = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-303bb580"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$A = { class: "container" }; const _hoisted_2$p = { class: "main" }; const _hoisted_3$h = { key: 0, class: "name" }; const _hoisted_4$9 = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_5$7 = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_6$4 = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_7$2 = { key: 0, class: "actions" }; const _hoisted_8$2 = { key: 0, class: "image" }; const _hoisted_9 = { class: "image-container" }; const _hoisted_10 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$c(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "image-bg" }, null, -1)); const _sfc_main$M = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPHero", props: { name: {}, text: {}, tagline: {}, image: {}, actions: {} }, setup(__props) { const heroImageSlotExists = inject("hero-image-slot-exists"); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { class: normalizeClass(["VPHero", { "has-image": _ctx.image || unref(heroImageSlotExists) }]) }, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1$A, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2$p, [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-info-before", {}, void 0, true), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-info", {}, () => [ ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("h1", _hoisted_3$h, [ createBaseVNode("span", { innerHTML:, class: "clip" }, null, 8, _hoisted_4$9) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true), _ctx.text ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("p", { key: 1, innerHTML: _ctx.text, class: "text" }, null, 8, _hoisted_5$7)) : createCommentVNode("", true), _ctx.tagline ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("p", { key: 2, innerHTML: _ctx.tagline, class: "tagline" }, null, 8, _hoisted_6$4)) : createCommentVNode("", true) ], true), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-info-after", {}, void 0, true), _ctx.actions ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_7$2, [ (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(_ctx.actions, (action) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { key:, class: "action" }, [ createVNode(VPButton, { tag: "a", size: "medium", theme: action.theme, text: action.text, href:, target:, rel: action.rel }, null, 8, ["theme", "text", "href", "target", "rel"]) ]); }), 128)) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-actions-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), _ctx.image || unref(heroImageSlotExists) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_8$2, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_9, [ _hoisted_10, renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-image", {}, () => [ _ctx.image ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPImage, { key: 0, class: "image-src", image: _ctx.image }, null, 8, ["image"])) : createCommentVNode("", true) ], true) ]) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true) ]) ], 2); }; } }); const VPHero = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$M, [["__scopeId", "data-v-303bb580"]]); const _sfc_main$L = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPHomeHero", setup(__props) { const { frontmatter: fm } = useData(); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return unref(fm).hero ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPHero, { key: 0, class: "VPHomeHero", name: unref(fm), text: unref(fm).hero.text, tagline: unref(fm).hero.tagline, image: unref(fm).hero.image, actions: unref(fm).hero.actions }, { "home-hero-info-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-info-before") ]), "home-hero-info": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-info") ]), "home-hero-info-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-info-after") ]), "home-hero-actions-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-actions-after") ]), "home-hero-image": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-image") ]), _: 3 }, 8, ["name", "text", "tagline", "image", "actions"])) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const _withScopeId$b = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-a3976bdc"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$z = { class: "box" }; const _hoisted_2$o = { key: 0, class: "icon" }; const _hoisted_3$g = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_4$8 = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_5$6 = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_6$3 = { key: 4, class: "link-text" }; const _hoisted_7$1 = { class: "link-text-value" }; const _hoisted_8$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$b(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-arrow-right link-text-icon" }, null, -1)); const _sfc_main$K = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPFeature", props: { icon: {}, title: {}, details: {}, link: {}, linkText: {}, rel: {}, target: {} }, setup(__props) { return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$S, { class: "VPFeature", href:, rel: _ctx.rel, target:, "no-icon": true, tag: ? "a" : "div" }, { default: withCtx(() => [ createBaseVNode("article", _hoisted_1$z, [ typeof _ctx.icon === "object" && _ctx.icon.wrap ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$o, [ createVNode(VPImage, { image: _ctx.icon, alt: _ctx.icon.alt, height: _ctx.icon.height || 48, width: _ctx.icon.width || 48 }, null, 8, ["image", "alt", "height", "width"]) ])) : typeof _ctx.icon === "object" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPImage, { key: 1, image: _ctx.icon, alt: _ctx.icon.alt, height: _ctx.icon.height || 48, width: _ctx.icon.width || 48 }, null, 8, ["image", "alt", "height", "width"])) : _ctx.icon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { key: 2, class: "icon", innerHTML: _ctx.icon }, null, 8, _hoisted_3$g)) : createCommentVNode("", true), createBaseVNode("h2", { class: "title", innerHTML: _ctx.title }, null, 8, _hoisted_4$8), _ctx.details ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("p", { key: 3, class: "details", innerHTML: _ctx.details }, null, 8, _hoisted_5$6)) : createCommentVNode("", true), _ctx.linkText ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_6$3, [ createBaseVNode("p", _hoisted_7$1, [ createTextVNode(toDisplayString(_ctx.linkText) + " ", 1), _hoisted_8$1 ]) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true) ]) ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["href", "rel", "target", "tag"]); }; } }); const VPFeature = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$K, [["__scopeId", "data-v-a3976bdc"]]); const _hoisted_1$y = { key: 0, class: "VPFeatures" }; const _hoisted_2$n = { class: "container" }; const _hoisted_3$f = { class: "items" }; const _sfc_main$J = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPFeatures", props: { features: {} }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const grid = computed(() => { const length = props.features.length; if (!length) { return; } else if (length === 2) { return "grid-2"; } else if (length === 3) { return "grid-3"; } else if (length % 3 === 0) { return "grid-6"; } else if (length > 3) { return "grid-4"; } }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return _ctx.features ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$y, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2$n, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_3$f, [ (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(_ctx.features, (feature) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { key: feature.title, class: normalizeClass(["item", [grid.value]]) }, [ createVNode(VPFeature, { icon: feature.icon, title: feature.title, details: feature.details, link:, "link-text": feature.linkText, rel: feature.rel, target: }, null, 8, ["icon", "title", "details", "link", "link-text", "rel", "target"]) ], 2); }), 128)) ]) ]) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const VPFeatures = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$J, [["__scopeId", "data-v-a6181336"]]); const _sfc_main$I = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPHomeFeatures", setup(__props) { const { frontmatter: fm } = useData(); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return unref(fm).features ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPFeatures, { key: 0, class: "VPHomeFeatures", features: unref(fm).features }, null, 8, ["features"])) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const _sfc_main$H = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPHomeContent", setup(__props) { const { width: vw } = useWindowSize({ includeScrollbar: false }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { class: "vp-doc container", style: normalizeStyle(unref(vw) ? { "--vp-offset": `calc(50% - ${unref(vw) / 2}px)` } : {}) }, [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, true) ], 4); }; } }); const VPHomeContent = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$H, [["__scopeId", "data-v-82d4af08"]]); const _hoisted_1$x = { class: "VPHome" }; const _sfc_main$G = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPHome", setup(__props) { const { frontmatter } = useData(); return (_ctx, _cache) => { const _component_Content = resolveComponent("Content"); return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$x, [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-before", {}, void 0, true), createVNode(_sfc_main$L, null, { "home-hero-info-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-info-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-info": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-info", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-info-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-info-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-actions-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-actions-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-image": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-image", {}, void 0, true) ]), _: 3 }), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-after", {}, void 0, true), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-features-before", {}, void 0, true), createVNode(_sfc_main$I), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-features-after", {}, void 0, true), unref(frontmatter).markdownStyles !== false ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPHomeContent, { key: 0 }, { default: withCtx(() => [ createVNode(_component_Content) ]), _: 1 })) : (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_Content, { key: 1 })) ]); }; } }); const VPHome = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$G, [["__scopeId", "data-v-686f80a6"]]); const _sfc_main$F = {}; const _hoisted_1$w = { class: "VPPage" }; function _sfc_render$1(_ctx, _cache) { const _component_Content = resolveComponent("Content"); return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$w, [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "page-top"), createVNode(_component_Content), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "page-bottom") ]); } const VPPage = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$F, [["render", _sfc_render$1]]); const _sfc_main$E = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPContent", setup(__props) { const { page, frontmatter } = useData(); const { hasSidebar } = useSidebar(); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { class: normalizeClass(["VPContent", { "has-sidebar": unref(hasSidebar), "is-home": unref(frontmatter).layout === "home" }]), id: "VPContent" }, [ unref(page).isNotFound ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "not-found", { key: 0 }, () => [ createVNode(NotFound) ], true) : unref(frontmatter).layout === "page" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPPage, { key: 1 }, { "page-top": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "page-top", {}, void 0, true) ]), "page-bottom": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "page-bottom", {}, void 0, true) ]), _: 3 })) : unref(frontmatter).layout === "home" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPHome, { key: 2 }, { "home-hero-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-info-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-info-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-info": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-info", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-info-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-info-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-actions-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-actions-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-image": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-image", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-features-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-features-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-features-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-features-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), _: 3 })) : unref(frontmatter).layout && unref(frontmatter).layout !== "doc" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(unref(frontmatter).layout), { key: 3 })) : (openBlock(), createBlock(VPDoc, { key: 4 }, { "doc-top": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-top", {}, void 0, true) ]), "doc-bottom": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-bottom", {}, void 0, true) ]), "doc-footer-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-footer-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "doc-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "doc-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-top": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-top", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-outline-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-outline-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-outline-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-outline-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-ads-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-ads-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-ads-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-ads-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-bottom": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-bottom", {}, void 0, true) ]), _: 3 })) ], 2); }; } }); const VPContent = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$E, [["__scopeId", "data-v-1428d186"]]); const _hoisted_1$v = { class: "container" }; const _hoisted_2$m = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_3$e = ["innerHTML"]; const _sfc_main$D = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPFooter", setup(__props) { const { theme: theme2, frontmatter } = useData(); const { hasSidebar } = useSidebar(); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return unref(theme2).footer && unref(frontmatter).footer !== false ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("footer", { key: 0, class: normalizeClass(["VPFooter", { "has-sidebar": unref(hasSidebar) }]) }, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1$v, [ unref(theme2).footer.message ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("p", { key: 0, class: "message", innerHTML: unref(theme2).footer.message }, null, 8, _hoisted_2$m)) : createCommentVNode("", true), unref(theme2).footer.copyright ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("p", { key: 1, class: "copyright", innerHTML: unref(theme2).footer.copyright }, null, 8, _hoisted_3$e)) : createCommentVNode("", true) ]) ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const VPFooter = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$D, [["__scopeId", "data-v-e315a0ad"]]); function useLocalNav() { const { theme: theme2, frontmatter } = useData(); const headers = shallowRef([]); const hasLocalNav = computed(() => { return headers.value.length > 0; }); onContentUpdated(() => { headers.value = getHeaders(frontmatter.value.outline ?? theme2.value.outline); }); return { headers, hasLocalNav }; } const _withScopeId$a = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-267dd0ed"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$u = { class: "menu-text" }; const _hoisted_2$l = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$a(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-chevron-right icon" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_3$d = { class: "header" }; const _hoisted_4$7 = { class: "outline" }; const _sfc_main$C = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPLocalNavOutlineDropdown", props: { headers: {}, navHeight: {} }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const { theme: theme2 } = useData(); const open = ref(false); const vh = ref(0); const main = ref(); const items = ref(); onClickOutside(main, () => { open.value = false; }); onKeyStroke("Escape", () => { open.value = false; }); onContentUpdated(() => { open.value = false; }); function toggle() { open.value = !open.value; vh.value = window.innerHeight + Math.min(window.scrollY - props.navHeight, 0); } function onItemClick(e) { if ("outline-link")) { if (items.value) { = "none"; } nextTick(() => { open.value = false; }); } } function scrollToTop() { open.value = false; window.scrollTo({ top: 0, left: 0, behavior: "smooth" }); } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { class: "VPLocalNavOutlineDropdown", style: normalizeStyle({ "--vp-vh": vh.value + "px" }), ref_key: "main", ref: main }, [ _ctx.headers.length > 0 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", { key: 0, onClick: toggle, class: normalizeClass({ open: open.value }) }, [ createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_1$u, toDisplayString(unref(resolveTitle)(unref(theme2))), 1), _hoisted_2$l ], 2)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", { key: 1, onClick: scrollToTop }, toDisplayString(unref(theme2).returnToTopLabel || "Return to top"), 1)), createVNode(Transition, { name: "flyout" }, { default: withCtx(() => [ open.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { key: 0, ref_key: "items", ref: items, class: "items", onClick: onItemClick }, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_3$d, [ createBaseVNode("a", { class: "top-link", href: "#", onClick: scrollToTop }, toDisplayString(unref(theme2).returnToTopLabel || "Return to top"), 1) ]), createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_4$7, [ createVNode(VPDocOutlineItem, { headers: _ctx.headers }, null, 8, ["headers"]) ]) ], 512)) : createCommentVNode("", true) ]), _: 1 }) ], 4); }; } }); const VPLocalNavOutlineDropdown = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$C, [["__scopeId", "data-v-267dd0ed"]]); const _withScopeId$9 = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-a6f0e41e"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$t = { class: "container" }; const _hoisted_2$k = ["aria-expanded"]; const _hoisted_3$c = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$9(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-align-left menu-icon" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_4$6 = { class: "menu-text" }; const _sfc_main$B = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPLocalNav", props: { open: { type: Boolean } }, emits: ["open-menu"], setup(__props) { const { theme: theme2, frontmatter } = useData(); const { hasSidebar } = useSidebar(); const { headers } = useLocalNav(); const { y } = useWindowScroll(); const navHeight = ref(0); onMounted(() => { navHeight.value = parseInt( getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue( "--vp-nav-height" ) ); }); onContentUpdated(() => { headers.value = getHeaders(frontmatter.value.outline ?? theme2.value.outline); }); const empty = computed(() => { return headers.value.length === 0; }); const emptyAndNoSidebar = computed(() => { return empty.value && !hasSidebar.value; }); const classes = computed(() => { return { VPLocalNav: true, "has-sidebar": hasSidebar.value, empty: empty.value, fixed: emptyAndNoSidebar.value }; }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return unref(frontmatter).layout !== "home" && (!emptyAndNoSidebar.value || unref(y) >= navHeight.value) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { key: 0, class: normalizeClass(classes.value) }, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1$t, [ unref(hasSidebar) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", { key: 0, class: "menu", "aria-expanded":, "aria-controls": "VPSidebarNav", onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("open-menu")) }, [ _hoisted_3$c, createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_4$6, toDisplayString(unref(theme2).sidebarMenuLabel || "Menu"), 1) ], 8, _hoisted_2$k)) : createCommentVNode("", true), createVNode(VPLocalNavOutlineDropdown, { headers: unref(headers), navHeight: navHeight.value }, null, 8, ["headers", "navHeight"]) ]) ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const VPLocalNav = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$B, [["__scopeId", "data-v-a6f0e41e"]]); function useNav() { const isScreenOpen = ref(false); function openScreen() { isScreenOpen.value = true; window.addEventListener("resize", closeScreenOnTabletWindow); } function closeScreen() { isScreenOpen.value = false; window.removeEventListener("resize", closeScreenOnTabletWindow); } function toggleScreen() { isScreenOpen.value ? closeScreen() : openScreen(); } function closeScreenOnTabletWindow() { window.outerWidth >= 768 && closeScreen(); } const route = useRoute(); watch(() => route.path, closeScreen); return { isScreenOpen, openScreen, closeScreen, toggleScreen }; } const _sfc_main$A = {}; const _hoisted_1$s = { class: "VPSwitch", type: "button", role: "switch" }; const _hoisted_2$j = { class: "check" }; const _hoisted_3$b = { key: 0, class: "icon" }; function _sfc_render(_ctx, _cache) { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", _hoisted_1$s, [ createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_2$j, [ _ctx.$slots.default ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_3$b, [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, true) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true) ]) ]); } const VPSwitch = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$A, [["render", _sfc_render], ["__scopeId", "data-v-1d5665e3"]]); const _withScopeId$8 = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-d1f28634"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$r = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$8(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-sun sun" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_2$i = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$8(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-moon moon" }, null, -1)); const _sfc_main$z = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPSwitchAppearance", setup(__props) { const { isDark, theme: theme2 } = useData(); const toggleAppearance = inject("toggle-appearance", () => { isDark.value = !isDark.value; }); const switchTitle = computed(() => { return isDark.value ? theme2.value.lightModeSwitchTitle || "Switch to light theme" : theme2.value.darkModeSwitchTitle || "Switch to dark theme"; }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(VPSwitch, { title: switchTitle.value, class: "VPSwitchAppearance", "aria-checked": unref(isDark), onClick: unref(toggleAppearance) }, { default: withCtx(() => [ _hoisted_1$r, _hoisted_2$i ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["title", "aria-checked", "onClick"]); }; } }); const VPSwitchAppearance = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$z, [["__scopeId", "data-v-d1f28634"]]); const _hoisted_1$q = { key: 0, class: "VPNavBarAppearance" }; const _sfc_main$y = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavBarAppearance", setup(__props) { const { site } = useData(); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return unref(site).appearance && unref(site).appearance !== "force-dark" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$q, [ createVNode(VPSwitchAppearance) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const VPNavBarAppearance = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$y, [["__scopeId", "data-v-e6aabb21"]]); const focusedElement = ref(); let active = false; let listeners = 0; function useFlyout(options) { const focus = ref(false); if (inBrowser) { !active && activateFocusTracking(); listeners++; const unwatch = watch(focusedElement, (el) => { var _a, _b, _c; if (el === options.el.value || ((_a = options.el.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.contains(el))) { focus.value = true; (_b = options.onFocus) == null ? void 0 :; } else { focus.value = false; (_c = options.onBlur) == null ? void 0 :; } }); onUnmounted(() => { unwatch(); listeners--; if (!listeners) { deactivateFocusTracking(); } }); } return readonly(focus); } function activateFocusTracking() { document.addEventListener("focusin", handleFocusIn); active = true; focusedElement.value = document.activeElement; } function deactivateFocusTracking() { document.removeEventListener("focusin", handleFocusIn); } function handleFocusIn() { focusedElement.value = document.activeElement; } const _hoisted_1$p = { class: "VPMenuLink" }; const _sfc_main$x = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPMenuLink", props: { item: {} }, setup(__props) { const { page } = useData(); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$p, [ createVNode(_sfc_main$S, { class: normalizeClass({ active: unref(isActive)(unref(page).relativePath, _ctx.item.activeMatch ||, !!_ctx.item.activeMatch) }), href:, target:, rel: _ctx.item.rel }, { default: withCtx(() => [ createTextVNode(toDisplayString(_ctx.item.text), 1) ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["class", "href", "target", "rel"]) ]); }; } }); const VPMenuLink = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$x, [["__scopeId", "data-v-43f1e123"]]); const _hoisted_1$o = { class: "VPMenuGroup" }; const _hoisted_2$h = { key: 0, class: "title" }; const _sfc_main$w = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPMenuGroup", props: { text: {}, items: {} }, setup(__props) { return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$o, [ _ctx.text ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("p", _hoisted_2$h, toDisplayString(_ctx.text), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true), (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(_ctx.items, (item) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, [ "link" in item ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPMenuLink, { key: 0, item }, null, 8, ["item"])) : createCommentVNode("", true) ], 64); }), 256)) ]); }; } }); const VPMenuGroup = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$w, [["__scopeId", "data-v-69e747b5"]]); const _hoisted_1$n = { class: "VPMenu" }; const _hoisted_2$g = { key: 0, class: "items" }; const _sfc_main$v = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPMenu", props: { items: {} }, setup(__props) { return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$n, [ _ctx.items ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$g, [ (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(_ctx.items, (item) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: item.text }, [ "link" in item ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPMenuLink, { key: 0, item }, null, 8, ["item"])) : (openBlock(), createBlock(VPMenuGroup, { key: 1, text: item.text, items: item.items }, null, 8, ["text", "items"])) ], 64); }), 128)) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, true) ]); }; } }); const VPMenu = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$v, [["__scopeId", "data-v-e7ea1737"]]); const _withScopeId$7 = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-b6c34ac9"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$m = ["aria-expanded", "aria-label"]; const _hoisted_2$f = { key: 0, class: "text" }; const _hoisted_3$a = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_4$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$7(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-chevron-down text-icon" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_5$5 = { key: 1, class: "vpi-more-horizontal icon" }; const _hoisted_6$2 = { class: "menu" }; const _sfc_main$u = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPFlyout", props: { icon: {}, button: {}, label: {}, items: {} }, setup(__props) { const open = ref(false); const el = ref(); useFlyout({ el, onBlur }); function onBlur() { open.value = false; } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { class: "VPFlyout", ref_key: "el", ref: el, onMouseenter: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => open.value = true), onMouseleave: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => open.value = false) }, [ createBaseVNode("button", { type: "button", class: "button", "aria-haspopup": "true", "aria-expanded": open.value, "aria-label": _ctx.label, onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => open.value = !open.value) }, [ _ctx.button || _ctx.icon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_2$f, [ _ctx.icon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", { key: 0, class: normalizeClass([_ctx.icon, "option-icon"]) }, null, 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true), _ctx.button ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", { key: 1, innerHTML: _ctx.button }, null, 8, _hoisted_3$a)) : createCommentVNode("", true), _hoisted_4$5 ])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_5$5)) ], 8, _hoisted_1$m), createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_6$2, [ createVNode(VPMenu, { items: _ctx.items }, { default: withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, true) ]), _: 3 }, 8, ["items"]) ]) ], 544); }; } }); const VPFlyout = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$u, [["__scopeId", "data-v-b6c34ac9"]]); const _hoisted_1$l = ["href", "aria-label", "innerHTML"]; const _sfc_main$t = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPSocialLink", props: { icon: {}, link: {}, ariaLabel: {} }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const svg = computed(() => { if (typeof props.icon === "object") return props.icon.svg; return ``; }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("a", { class: "VPSocialLink no-icon", href:, "aria-label": _ctx.ariaLabel ?? (typeof _ctx.icon === "string" ? _ctx.icon : ""), target: "_blank", rel: "noopener", innerHTML: svg.value }, null, 8, _hoisted_1$l); }; } }); const VPSocialLink = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$t, [["__scopeId", "data-v-eee4e7cb"]]); const _hoisted_1$k = { class: "VPSocialLinks" }; const _sfc_main$s = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPSocialLinks", props: { links: {} }, setup(__props) { return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$k, [ (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(_ctx.links, ({ link, icon, ariaLabel }) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(VPSocialLink, { key: link, icon, link, ariaLabel }, null, 8, ["icon", "link", "ariaLabel"]); }), 128)) ]); }; } }); const VPSocialLinks = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$s, [["__scopeId", "data-v-7bc22406"]]); const _hoisted_1$j = { key: 0, class: "group translations" }; const _hoisted_2$e = { class: "trans-title" }; const _hoisted_3$9 = { key: 1, class: "group" }; const _hoisted_4$4 = { class: "item appearance" }; const _hoisted_5$4 = { class: "label" }; const _hoisted_6$1 = { class: "appearance-action" }; const _hoisted_7 = { key: 2, class: "group" }; const _hoisted_8 = { class: "item social-links" }; const _sfc_main$r = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavBarExtra", setup(__props) { const { site, theme: theme2 } = useData(); const { localeLinks, currentLang } = useLangs({ correspondingLink: true }); const hasExtraContent = computed( () => localeLinks.value.length && currentLang.value.label || site.value.appearance || theme2.value.socialLinks ); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return hasExtraContent.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPFlyout, { key: 0, class: "VPNavBarExtra", label: "extra navigation" }, { default: withCtx(() => [ unref(localeLinks).length && unref(currentLang).label ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$j, [ createBaseVNode("p", _hoisted_2$e, toDisplayString(unref(currentLang).label), 1), (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(localeLinks), (locale) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(VPMenuLink, { key:, item: locale }, null, 8, ["item"]); }), 128)) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true), unref(site).appearance && unref(site).appearance !== "force-dark" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_3$9, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_4$4, [ createBaseVNode("p", _hoisted_5$4, toDisplayString(unref(theme2).darkModeSwitchLabel || "Appearance"), 1), createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_6$1, [ createVNode(VPSwitchAppearance) ]) ]) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true), unref(theme2).socialLinks ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_7, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_8, [ createVNode(VPSocialLinks, { class: "social-links-list", links: unref(theme2).socialLinks }, null, 8, ["links"]) ]) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true) ]), _: 1 })) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const VPNavBarExtra = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$r, [["__scopeId", "data-v-d0bd9dde"]]); const _withScopeId$6 = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-e5dd9c1c"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$i = ["aria-expanded"]; const _hoisted_2$d = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$6(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "container" }, [ /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "top" }), /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "middle" }), /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "bottom" }) ], -1)); const _hoisted_3$8 = [ _hoisted_2$d ]; const _sfc_main$q = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavBarHamburger", props: { active: { type: Boolean } }, emits: ["click"], setup(__props) { return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", { type: "button", class: normalizeClass(["VPNavBarHamburger", { active: }]), "aria-label": "mobile navigation", "aria-expanded":, "aria-controls": "VPNavScreen", onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("click")) }, _hoisted_3$8, 10, _hoisted_1$i); }; } }); const VPNavBarHamburger = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$q, [["__scopeId", "data-v-e5dd9c1c"]]); const _hoisted_1$h = ["innerHTML"]; const _sfc_main$p = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavBarMenuLink", props: { item: {} }, setup(__props) { const { page } = useData(); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$S, { class: normalizeClass({ VPNavBarMenuLink: true, active: unref(isActive)( unref(page).relativePath, _ctx.item.activeMatch ||, !!_ctx.item.activeMatch ) }), href:, noIcon: _ctx.item.noIcon, target:, rel: _ctx.item.rel, tabindex: "0" }, { default: withCtx(() => [ createBaseVNode("span", { innerHTML: _ctx.item.text }, null, 8, _hoisted_1$h) ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["class", "href", "noIcon", "target", "rel"]); }; } }); const VPNavBarMenuLink = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$p, [["__scopeId", "data-v-9c663999"]]); const _sfc_main$o = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavBarMenuGroup", props: { item: {} }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const { page } = useData(); const isChildActive = (navItem) => { if ("link" in navItem) { return isActive( page.value.relativePath,, !!props.item.activeMatch ); } else { return navItem.items.some(isChildActive); } }; const childrenActive = computed(() => isChildActive(props.item)); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(VPFlyout, { class: normalizeClass({ VPNavBarMenuGroup: true, active: unref(isActive)( unref(page).relativePath, _ctx.item.activeMatch, !!_ctx.item.activeMatch ) || childrenActive.value }), button: _ctx.item.text, items: _ctx.item.items }, null, 8, ["class", "button", "items"]); }; } }); const _withScopeId$5 = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-7f418b0f"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$g = { key: 0, "aria-labelledby": "main-nav-aria-label", class: "VPNavBarMenu" }; const _hoisted_2$c = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$5(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { id: "main-nav-aria-label", class: "visually-hidden" }, "Main Navigation", -1)); const _sfc_main$n = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavBarMenu", setup(__props) { const { theme: theme2 } = useData(); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return unref(theme2).nav ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("nav", _hoisted_1$g, [ _hoisted_2$c, (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(theme2).nav, (item) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: item.text }, [ "link" in item ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPNavBarMenuLink, { key: 0, item }, null, 8, ["item"])) : (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$o, { key: 1, item }, null, 8, ["item"])) ], 64); }), 128)) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const VPNavBarMenu = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$n, [["__scopeId", "data-v-7f418b0f"]]); function createSearchTranslate(defaultTranslations) { const { localeIndex, theme: theme2 } = useData(); function translate(key) { var _a, _b, _c; const keyPath = key.split("."); const themeObject = (_a = == null ? void 0 : _a.options; const isObject = themeObject && typeof themeObject === "object"; const locales = isObject && ((_c = (_b = themeObject.locales) == null ? void 0 : _b[localeIndex.value]) == null ? void 0 : _c.translations) || null; const translations = isObject && themeObject.translations || null; let localeResult = locales; let translationResult = translations; let defaultResult = defaultTranslations; const lastKey = keyPath.pop(); for (const k of keyPath) { let fallbackResult = null; const foundInFallback = defaultResult == null ? void 0 : defaultResult[k]; if (foundInFallback) { fallbackResult = defaultResult = foundInFallback; } const foundInTranslation = translationResult == null ? void 0 : translationResult[k]; if (foundInTranslation) { fallbackResult = translationResult = foundInTranslation; } const foundInLocale = localeResult == null ? void 0 : localeResult[k]; if (foundInLocale) { fallbackResult = localeResult = foundInLocale; } if (!foundInFallback) { defaultResult = fallbackResult; } if (!foundInTranslation) { translationResult = fallbackResult; } if (!foundInLocale) { localeResult = fallbackResult; } } return (localeResult == null ? void 0 : localeResult[lastKey]) ?? (translationResult == null ? void 0 : translationResult[lastKey]) ?? (defaultResult == null ? void 0 : defaultResult[lastKey]) ?? ""; } return translate; } const _hoisted_1$f = ["aria-label"]; const _hoisted_2$b = { class: "DocSearch-Button-Container" }; const _hoisted_3$7 = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vp-icon DocSearch-Search-Icon" }, null, -1); const _hoisted_4$3 = { class: "DocSearch-Button-Placeholder" }; const _hoisted_5$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "DocSearch-Button-Keys" }, [ /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("kbd", { class: "DocSearch-Button-Key" }), /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("kbd", { class: "DocSearch-Button-Key" }, "K") ], -1); const _sfc_main$m = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavBarSearchButton", setup(__props) { const defaultTranslations = { button: { buttonText: "Search", buttonAriaLabel: "Search" } }; const translate = createSearchTranslate(defaultTranslations); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", { type: "button", class: "DocSearch DocSearch-Button", "aria-label": unref(translate)("button.buttonAriaLabel") }, [ createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_2$b, [ _hoisted_3$7, createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_4$3, toDisplayString(unref(translate)("button.buttonText")), 1) ]), _hoisted_5$3 ], 8, _hoisted_1$f); }; } }); const _hoisted_1$e = { class: "VPNavBarSearch" }; const _hoisted_2$a = { id: "local-search" }; const _hoisted_3$6 = { key: 1, id: "docsearch" }; const _sfc_main$l = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavBarSearch", setup(__props) { const VPLocalSearchBox = defineAsyncComponent(() => __vitePreload(() => import("./VPLocalSearchBox.CwKS181x.js"), true ? __vite__mapDeps([0,1]) : void 0)); const VPAlgoliaSearchBox = () => null; const { theme: theme2 } = useData(); const loaded = ref(false); const actuallyLoaded = ref(false); onMounted(() => { { return; } }); function load() { if (!loaded.value) { loaded.value = true; setTimeout(poll, 16); } } function poll() { const e = new Event("keydown"); e.key = "k"; e.metaKey = true; window.dispatchEvent(e); setTimeout(() => { if (!document.querySelector(".DocSearch-Modal")) { poll(); } }, 16); } function isEditingContent(event) { const element =; const tagName = element.tagName; return element.isContentEditable || tagName === "INPUT" || tagName === "SELECT" || tagName === "TEXTAREA"; } const showSearch = ref(false); { onKeyStroke("k", (event) => { if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) { event.preventDefault(); showSearch.value = true; } }); onKeyStroke("/", (event) => { if (!isEditingContent(event)) { event.preventDefault(); showSearch.value = true; } }); } const provider = "local"; return (_ctx, _cache) => { var _a; return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$e, [ unref(provider) === "local" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [ showSearch.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(VPLocalSearchBox), { key: 0, onClose: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => showSearch.value = false) })) : createCommentVNode("", true), createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2$a, [ createVNode(_sfc_main$m, { onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => showSearch.value = true) }) ]) ], 64)) : unref(provider) === "algolia" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [ loaded.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(VPAlgoliaSearchBox), { key: 0, algolia: ((_a = unref(theme2).search) == null ? void 0 : _a.options) ?? unref(theme2).algolia, onVnodeBeforeMount: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => actuallyLoaded.value = true) }, null, 8, ["algolia"])) : createCommentVNode("", true), !actuallyLoaded.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_3$6, [ createVNode(_sfc_main$m, { onClick: load }) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true) ], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true) ]); }; } }); const _sfc_main$k = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavBarSocialLinks", setup(__props) { const { theme: theme2 } = useData(); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return unref(theme2).socialLinks ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPSocialLinks, { key: 0, class: "VPNavBarSocialLinks", links: unref(theme2).socialLinks }, null, 8, ["links"])) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const VPNavBarSocialLinks = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$k, [["__scopeId", "data-v-0394ad82"]]); const _hoisted_1$d = ["href", "rel", "target"]; const _hoisted_2$9 = { key: 1 }; const _hoisted_3$5 = { key: 2 }; const _sfc_main$j = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavBarTitle", setup(__props) { const { site, theme: theme2 } = useData(); const { hasSidebar } = useSidebar(); const { currentLang } = useLangs(); const link = computed( () => { var _a; return typeof theme2.value.logoLink === "string" ? theme2.value.logoLink : (_a = theme2.value.logoLink) == null ? void 0 :; } ); const rel = computed( () => { var _a; return typeof theme2.value.logoLink === "string" ? void 0 : (_a = theme2.value.logoLink) == null ? void 0 : _a.rel; } ); const target = computed( () => { var _a; return typeof theme2.value.logoLink === "string" ? void 0 : (_a = theme2.value.logoLink) == null ? void 0 :; } ); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { class: normalizeClass(["VPNavBarTitle", { "has-sidebar": unref(hasSidebar) }]) }, [ createBaseVNode("a", { class: "title", href: link.value ?? unref(normalizeLink$1)(unref(currentLang).link), rel: rel.value, target: target.value }, [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-bar-title-before", {}, void 0, true), unref(theme2).logo ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPImage, { key: 0, class: "logo", image: unref(theme2).logo }, null, 8, ["image"])) : createCommentVNode("", true), unref(theme2).siteTitle ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_2$9, toDisplayString(unref(theme2).siteTitle), 1)) : unref(theme2).siteTitle === void 0 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_3$5, toDisplayString(unref(site).title), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-bar-title-after", {}, void 0, true) ], 8, _hoisted_1$d) ], 2); }; } }); const VPNavBarTitle = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$j, [["__scopeId", "data-v-ab179fa1"]]); const _hoisted_1$c = { class: "items" }; const _hoisted_2$8 = { class: "title" }; const _sfc_main$i = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavBarTranslations", setup(__props) { const { theme: theme2 } = useData(); const { localeLinks, currentLang } = useLangs({ correspondingLink: true }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return unref(localeLinks).length && unref(currentLang).label ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPFlyout, { key: 0, class: "VPNavBarTranslations", icon: "vpi-languages", label: unref(theme2).langMenuLabel || "Change language" }, { default: withCtx(() => [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1$c, [ createBaseVNode("p", _hoisted_2$8, toDisplayString(unref(currentLang).label), 1), (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(localeLinks), (locale) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(VPMenuLink, { key:, item: locale }, null, 8, ["item"]); }), 128)) ]) ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["label"])) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const VPNavBarTranslations = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$i, [["__scopeId", "data-v-88af2de4"]]); const _withScopeId$4 = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-ccf7ddec"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$b = { class: "wrapper" }; const _hoisted_2$7 = { class: "container" }; const _hoisted_3$4 = { class: "title" }; const _hoisted_4$2 = { class: "content" }; const _hoisted_5$2 = { class: "content-body" }; const _hoisted_6 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$4(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "divider" }, [ /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "divider-line" }) ], -1)); const _sfc_main$h = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavBar", props: { isScreenOpen: { type: Boolean } }, emits: ["toggle-screen"], setup(__props) { const { y } = useWindowScroll(); const { hasSidebar } = useSidebar(); const { frontmatter } = useData(); const classes = ref({}); watchPostEffect(() => { classes.value = { "has-sidebar": hasSidebar.value, "home": frontmatter.value.layout === "home", "top": y.value === 0 }; }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { class: normalizeClass(["VPNavBar", classes.value]) }, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1$b, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2$7, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_3$4, [ createVNode(VPNavBarTitle, null, { "nav-bar-title-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-bar-title-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "nav-bar-title-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-bar-title-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), _: 3 }) ]), createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_4$2, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_5$2, [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-bar-content-before", {}, void 0, true), createVNode(_sfc_main$l, { class: "search" }), createVNode(VPNavBarMenu, { class: "menu" }), createVNode(VPNavBarTranslations, { class: "translations" }), createVNode(VPNavBarAppearance, { class: "appearance" }), createVNode(VPNavBarSocialLinks, { class: "social-links" }), createVNode(VPNavBarExtra, { class: "extra" }), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-bar-content-after", {}, void 0, true), createVNode(VPNavBarHamburger, { class: "hamburger", active: _ctx.isScreenOpen, onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("toggle-screen")) }, null, 8, ["active"]) ]) ]) ]) ]), _hoisted_6 ], 2); }; } }); const VPNavBar = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$h, [["__scopeId", "data-v-ccf7ddec"]]); const _hoisted_1$a = { key: 0, class: "VPNavScreenAppearance" }; const _hoisted_2$6 = { class: "text" }; const _sfc_main$g = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavScreenAppearance", setup(__props) { const { site, theme: theme2 } = useData(); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return unref(site).appearance && unref(site).appearance !== "force-dark" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$a, [ createBaseVNode("p", _hoisted_2$6, toDisplayString(unref(theme2).darkModeSwitchLabel || "Appearance"), 1), createVNode(VPSwitchAppearance) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const VPNavScreenAppearance = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$g, [["__scopeId", "data-v-2d7af913"]]); const _sfc_main$f = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavScreenMenuLink", props: { item: {} }, setup(__props) { const closeScreen = inject("close-screen"); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$S, { class: "VPNavScreenMenuLink", href:, target:, rel: _ctx.item.rel, onClick: unref(closeScreen), innerHTML: _ctx.item.text }, null, 8, ["href", "target", "rel", "onClick", "innerHTML"]); }; } }); const VPNavScreenMenuLink = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$f, [["__scopeId", "data-v-7f31e1f6"]]); const _sfc_main$e = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavScreenMenuGroupLink", props: { item: {} }, setup(__props) { const closeScreen = inject("close-screen"); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$S, { class: "VPNavScreenMenuGroupLink", href:, target:, rel: _ctx.item.rel, onClick: unref(closeScreen) }, { default: withCtx(() => [ createTextVNode(toDisplayString(_ctx.item.text), 1) ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["href", "target", "rel", "onClick"]); }; } }); const VPNavScreenMenuGroupLink = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$e, [["__scopeId", "data-v-19976ae1"]]); const _hoisted_1$9 = { class: "VPNavScreenMenuGroupSection" }; const _hoisted_2$5 = { key: 0, class: "title" }; const _sfc_main$d = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavScreenMenuGroupSection", props: { text: {}, items: {} }, setup(__props) { return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$9, [ _ctx.text ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("p", _hoisted_2$5, toDisplayString(_ctx.text), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true), (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(_ctx.items, (item) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(VPNavScreenMenuGroupLink, { key: item.text, item }, null, 8, ["item"]); }), 128)) ]); }; } }); const VPNavScreenMenuGroupSection = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$d, [["__scopeId", "data-v-8133b170"]]); const _withScopeId$3 = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-ff6087d4"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$8 = ["aria-controls", "aria-expanded"]; const _hoisted_2$4 = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_3$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$3(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-plus button-icon" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_4$1 = ["id"]; const _hoisted_5$1 = { key: 1, class: "group" }; const _sfc_main$c = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavScreenMenuGroup", props: { text: {}, items: {} }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const isOpen = ref(false); const groupId = computed( () => `NavScreenGroup-${props.text.replace(" ", "-").toLowerCase()}` ); function toggle() { isOpen.value = !isOpen.value; } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { class: normalizeClass(["VPNavScreenMenuGroup", { open: isOpen.value }]) }, [ createBaseVNode("button", { class: "button", "aria-controls": groupId.value, "aria-expanded": isOpen.value, onClick: toggle }, [ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "button-text", innerHTML: _ctx.text }, null, 8, _hoisted_2$4), _hoisted_3$3 ], 8, _hoisted_1$8), createBaseVNode("div", { id: groupId.value, class: "items" }, [ (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(_ctx.items, (item) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: item.text }, [ "link" in item ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { key: item.text, class: "item" }, [ createVNode(VPNavScreenMenuGroupLink, { item }, null, 8, ["item"]) ])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_5$1, [ createVNode(VPNavScreenMenuGroupSection, { text: item.text, items: item.items }, null, 8, ["text", "items"]) ])) ], 64); }), 128)) ], 8, _hoisted_4$1) ], 2); }; } }); const VPNavScreenMenuGroup = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$c, [["__scopeId", "data-v-ff6087d4"]]); const _hoisted_1$7 = { key: 0, class: "VPNavScreenMenu" }; const _sfc_main$b = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavScreenMenu", setup(__props) { const { theme: theme2 } = useData(); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return unref(theme2).nav ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("nav", _hoisted_1$7, [ (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(theme2).nav, (item) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: item.text }, [ "link" in item ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPNavScreenMenuLink, { key: 0, item }, null, 8, ["item"])) : (openBlock(), createBlock(VPNavScreenMenuGroup, { key: 1, text: item.text || "", items: item.items }, null, 8, ["text", "items"])) ], 64); }), 128)) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const _sfc_main$a = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavScreenSocialLinks", setup(__props) { const { theme: theme2 } = useData(); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return unref(theme2).socialLinks ? (openBlock(), createBlock(VPSocialLinks, { key: 0, class: "VPNavScreenSocialLinks", links: unref(theme2).socialLinks }, null, 8, ["links"])) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const _withScopeId$2 = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-858fe1a4"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$2(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-languages icon lang" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_2$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$2(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-chevron-down icon chevron" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_3$2 = { class: "list" }; const _sfc_main$9 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavScreenTranslations", setup(__props) { const { localeLinks, currentLang } = useLangs({ correspondingLink: true }); const isOpen = ref(false); function toggle() { isOpen.value = !isOpen.value; } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return unref(localeLinks).length && unref(currentLang).label ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { key: 0, class: normalizeClass(["VPNavScreenTranslations", { open: isOpen.value }]) }, [ createBaseVNode("button", { class: "title", onClick: toggle }, [ _hoisted_1$6, createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString(unref(currentLang).label) + " ", 1), _hoisted_2$3 ]), createBaseVNode("ul", _hoisted_3$2, [ (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(localeLinks), (locale) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", { key:, class: "item" }, [ createVNode(_sfc_main$S, { class: "link", href: }, { default: withCtx(() => [ createTextVNode(toDisplayString(locale.text), 1) ]), _: 2 }, 1032, ["href"]) ]); }), 128)) ]) ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const VPNavScreenTranslations = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$9, [["__scopeId", "data-v-858fe1a4"]]); const _hoisted_1$5 = { class: "container" }; const _sfc_main$8 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNavScreen", props: { open: { type: Boolean } }, setup(__props) { const screen = ref(null); const isLocked = useScrollLock(inBrowser ? document.body : null); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(Transition, { name: "fade", onEnter: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => isLocked.value = true), onAfterLeave: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => isLocked.value = false) }, { default: withCtx(() => [ ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { key: 0, class: "VPNavScreen", ref_key: "screen", ref: screen, id: "VPNavScreen" }, [ createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1$5, [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-screen-content-before", {}, void 0, true), createVNode(_sfc_main$b, { class: "menu" }), createVNode(VPNavScreenTranslations, { class: "translations" }), createVNode(VPNavScreenAppearance, { class: "appearance" }), createVNode(_sfc_main$a, { class: "social-links" }), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-screen-content-after", {}, void 0, true) ]) ], 512)) : createCommentVNode("", true) ]), _: 3 }); }; } }); const VPNavScreen = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$8, [["__scopeId", "data-v-cc5739dd"]]); const _hoisted_1$4 = { key: 0, class: "VPNav" }; const _sfc_main$7 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPNav", setup(__props) { const { isScreenOpen, closeScreen, toggleScreen } = useNav(); const { frontmatter } = useData(); const hasNavbar = computed(() => { return frontmatter.value.navbar !== false; }); provide("close-screen", closeScreen); watchEffect(() => { if (inBrowser) { document.documentElement.classList.toggle("hide-nav", !hasNavbar.value); } }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return hasNavbar.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("header", _hoisted_1$4, [ createVNode(VPNavBar, { "is-screen-open": unref(isScreenOpen), onToggleScreen: unref(toggleScreen) }, { "nav-bar-title-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-bar-title-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "nav-bar-title-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-bar-title-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "nav-bar-content-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-bar-content-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "nav-bar-content-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-bar-content-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), _: 3 }, 8, ["is-screen-open", "onToggleScreen"]), createVNode(VPNavScreen, { open: unref(isScreenOpen) }, { "nav-screen-content-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-screen-content-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "nav-screen-content-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-screen-content-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), _: 3 }, 8, ["open"]) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const VPNav = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$7, [["__scopeId", "data-v-ae24b3ad"]]); const _withScopeId$1 = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-b8d55f3b"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$3 = ["role", "tabindex"]; const _hoisted_2$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$1(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "indicator" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_3$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$1(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "vpi-chevron-right caret-icon" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_4 = [ _hoisted_3$1 ]; const _hoisted_5 = { key: 1, class: "items" }; const _sfc_main$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPSidebarItem", props: { item: {}, depth: {} }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const { collapsed, collapsible, isLink, isActiveLink, hasActiveLink: hasActiveLink2, hasChildren, toggle } = useSidebarControl(computed(() => props.item)); const sectionTag = computed(() => hasChildren.value ? "section" : `div`); const linkTag = computed(() => isLink.value ? "a" : "div"); const textTag = computed(() => { return !hasChildren.value ? "p" : props.depth + 2 === 7 ? "p" : `h${props.depth + 2}`; }); const itemRole = computed(() => isLink.value ? void 0 : "button"); const classes = computed(() => [ [`level-${props.depth}`], { collapsible: collapsible.value }, { collapsed: collapsed.value }, { "is-link": isLink.value }, { "is-active": isActiveLink.value }, { "has-active": hasActiveLink2.value } ]); function onItemInteraction(e) { if ("key" in e && e.key !== "Enter") { return; } ! && toggle(); } function onCaretClick() { && toggle(); } return (_ctx, _cache) => { const _component_VPSidebarItem = resolveComponent("VPSidebarItem", true); return openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(sectionTag.value), { class: normalizeClass(["VPSidebarItem", classes.value]) }, { default: withCtx(() => [ _ctx.item.text ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", mergeProps({ key: 0, class: "item", role: itemRole.value }, toHandlers( _ctx.item.items ? { click: onItemInteraction, keydown: onItemInteraction } : {}, true ), { tabindex: _ctx.item.items && 0 }), [ _hoisted_2$2, ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$S, { key: 0, tag: linkTag.value, class: "link", href:, rel: _ctx.item.rel, target: }, { default: withCtx(() => [ (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(textTag.value), { class: "text", innerHTML: _ctx.item.text }, null, 8, ["innerHTML"])) ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["tag", "href", "rel", "target"])) : (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(textTag.value), { key: 1, class: "text", innerHTML: _ctx.item.text }, null, 8, ["innerHTML"])), _ctx.item.collapsed != null && _ctx.item.items && _ctx.item.items.length ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { key: 2, class: "caret", role: "button", "aria-label": "toggle section", onClick: onCaretClick, onKeydown: withKeys(onCaretClick, ["enter"]), tabindex: "0" }, _hoisted_4, 32)) : createCommentVNode("", true) ], 16, _hoisted_1$3)) : createCommentVNode("", true), _ctx.item.items && _ctx.item.items.length ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_5, [ _ctx.depth < 5 ? (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, renderList(_ctx.item.items, (i) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(_component_VPSidebarItem, { key: i.text, item: i, depth: _ctx.depth + 1 }, null, 8, ["item", "depth"]); }), 128)) : createCommentVNode("", true) ])) : createCommentVNode("", true) ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["class"]); }; } }); const VPSidebarItem = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$6, [["__scopeId", "data-v-b8d55f3b"]]); const _withScopeId = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-575e6a36"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "curtain" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_2$1 = { class: "nav", id: "VPSidebarNav", "aria-labelledby": "sidebar-aria-label", tabindex: "-1" }; const _hoisted_3 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "visually-hidden", id: "sidebar-aria-label" }, " Sidebar Navigation ", -1)); const _sfc_main$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPSidebar", props: { open: { type: Boolean } }, setup(__props) { const { sidebarGroups, hasSidebar } = useSidebar(); const props = __props; const navEl = ref(null); const isLocked = useScrollLock(inBrowser ? document.body : null); watch( [props, navEl], () => { var _a; if ( { isLocked.value = true; (_a = navEl.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.focus(); } else isLocked.value = false; }, { immediate: true, flush: "post" } ); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return unref(hasSidebar) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("aside", { key: 0, class: normalizeClass(["VPSidebar", { open: }]), ref_key: "navEl", ref: navEl, onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = withModifiers(() => { }, ["stop"])) }, [ _hoisted_1$2, createBaseVNode("nav", _hoisted_2$1, [ _hoisted_3, renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "sidebar-nav-before", {}, void 0, true), (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(sidebarGroups), (item) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { key: item.text, class: "group" }, [ createVNode(VPSidebarItem, { item, depth: 0 }, null, 8, ["item"]) ]); }), 128)), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "sidebar-nav-after", {}, void 0, true) ]) ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const VPSidebar = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$5, [["__scopeId", "data-v-575e6a36"]]); const _sfc_main$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "VPSkipLink", setup(__props) { const route = useRoute(); const backToTop = ref(); watch(() => route.path, () => backToTop.value.focus()); function focusOnTargetAnchor({ target }) { const el = document.getElementById( decodeURIComponent(target.hash).slice(1) ); if (el) { const removeTabIndex = () => { el.removeAttribute("tabindex"); el.removeEventListener("blur", removeTabIndex); }; el.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); el.addEventListener("blur", removeTabIndex); el.focus(); window.scrollTo(0, 0); } } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, [ createBaseVNode("span", { ref_key: "backToTop", ref: backToTop, tabindex: "-1" }, null, 512), createBaseVNode("a", { href: "#VPContent", class: "VPSkipLink visually-hidden", onClick: focusOnTargetAnchor }, " Skip to content ") ], 64); }; } }); const VPSkipLink = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$4, [["__scopeId", "data-v-0f60ec36"]]); const _sfc_main$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "Layout", setup(__props) { const { isOpen: isSidebarOpen, open: openSidebar, close: closeSidebar } = useSidebar(); const route = useRoute(); watch(() => route.path, closeSidebar); useCloseSidebarOnEscape(isSidebarOpen, closeSidebar); const { frontmatter } = useData(); const slots = useSlots(); const heroImageSlotExists = computed(() => !!slots["home-hero-image"]); provide("hero-image-slot-exists", heroImageSlotExists); return (_ctx, _cache) => { const _component_Content = resolveComponent("Content"); return unref(frontmatter).layout !== false ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { key: 0, class: normalizeClass(["Layout", unref(frontmatter).pageClass]) }, [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "layout-top", {}, void 0, true), createVNode(VPSkipLink), createVNode(VPBackdrop, { class: "backdrop", show: unref(isSidebarOpen), onClick: unref(closeSidebar) }, null, 8, ["show", "onClick"]), createVNode(VPNav, null, { "nav-bar-title-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-bar-title-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "nav-bar-title-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-bar-title-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "nav-bar-content-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-bar-content-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "nav-bar-content-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-bar-content-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "nav-screen-content-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-screen-content-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "nav-screen-content-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "nav-screen-content-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), _: 3 }), createVNode(VPLocalNav, { open: unref(isSidebarOpen), onOpenMenu: unref(openSidebar) }, null, 8, ["open", "onOpenMenu"]), createVNode(VPSidebar, { open: unref(isSidebarOpen) }, { "sidebar-nav-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "sidebar-nav-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "sidebar-nav-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "sidebar-nav-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), _: 3 }, 8, ["open"]), createVNode(VPContent, null, { "page-top": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "page-top", {}, void 0, true) ]), "page-bottom": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "page-bottom", {}, void 0, true) ]), "not-found": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "not-found", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-info-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-info-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-info": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-info", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-info-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-info-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-actions-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-actions-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-image": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-image", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-hero-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-hero-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-features-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-features-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "home-features-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "home-features-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "doc-footer-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-footer-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "doc-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "doc-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "doc-top": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-top", {}, void 0, true) ]), "doc-bottom": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "doc-bottom", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-top": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-top", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-bottom": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-bottom", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-outline-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-outline-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-outline-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-outline-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-ads-before": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-ads-before", {}, void 0, true) ]), "aside-ads-after": withCtx(() => [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "aside-ads-after", {}, void 0, true) ]), _: 3 }), createVNode(VPFooter), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "layout-bottom", {}, void 0, true) ], 2)) : (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_Content, { key: 1 })); }; } }); const Layout = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$3, [["__scopeId", "data-v-5d98c3a5"]]); const theme = { Layout, enhanceApp: ({ app }) => { app.component("Badge", _sfc_main$Z); } }; const useStabilizeScrollPosition = (targetEle) => { if (typeof document === "undefined") { const mock = (f) => async (...args) => f(...args); return { stabilizeScrollPosition: mock }; } const scrollableEleVal = document.documentElement; const stabilizeScrollPosition = (func) => async (...args) => { const result = func(...args); const eleVal = targetEle.value; if (!eleVal) return result; const offset = eleVal.offsetTop - scrollableEleVal.scrollTop; await nextTick(); scrollableEleVal.scrollTop = eleVal.offsetTop - offset; return result; }; return { stabilizeScrollPosition }; }; const injectionKey$1 = "vitepress:tabSharedState"; const ls = typeof localStorage !== "undefined" ? localStorage : null; const localStorageKey = "vitepress:tabsSharedState"; const getLocalStorageValue = () => { const rawValue = ls == null ? void 0 : ls.getItem(localStorageKey); if (rawValue) { try { return JSON.parse(rawValue); } catch { } } return {}; }; const setLocalStorageValue = (v) => { if (!ls) return; ls.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(v)); }; const provideTabsSharedState = (app) => { const state = reactive({}); watch( () => state.content, (newStateContent, oldStateContent) => { if (newStateContent && oldStateContent) { setLocalStorageValue(newStateContent); } }, { deep: true } ); app.provide(injectionKey$1, state); }; const useTabsSelectedState = (acceptValues, sharedStateKey) => { const sharedState = inject(injectionKey$1); if (!sharedState) { throw new Error( "[vitepress-plugin-tabs] TabsSharedState should be injected" ); } onMounted(() => { if (!sharedState.content) { sharedState.content = getLocalStorageValue(); } }); const nonSharedState = ref(); const selected = computed({ get() { var _a; const key = sharedStateKey.value; const acceptVals = acceptValues.value; if (key) { const value = (_a = sharedState.content) == null ? void 0 : _a[key]; if (value && acceptVals.includes(value)) { return value; } } else { const nonSharedStateVal = nonSharedState.value; if (nonSharedStateVal) { return nonSharedStateVal; } } return acceptVals[0]; }, set(v) { const key = sharedStateKey.value; if (key) { if (sharedState.content) { sharedState.content[key] = v; } } else { nonSharedState.value = v; } } }); const select = (newValue) => { selected.value = newValue; }; return { selected, select }; }; let id = 0; const useUid = () => { id++; return "" + id; }; function useTabLabels() { const slots = useSlots(); const tabLabels = computed(() => { var _a; const defaultSlot = (_a = slots.default) == null ? void 0 :; if (!defaultSlot) { return []; } return defaultSlot.filter( (vnode) => typeof vnode.type === "object" && "__name" in vnode.type && vnode.type.__name === "PluginTabsTab" && vnode.props ).map((vnode) => { var _a2; return (_a2 = vnode.props) == null ? void 0 : _a2.label; }); }); return tabLabels; } const injectionKey = "vitepress:tabSingleState"; const provideTabsSingleState = (state) => { provide(injectionKey, state); }; const useTabsSingleState = () => { const singleState = inject(injectionKey); if (!singleState) { throw new Error( "[vitepress-plugin-tabs] TabsSingleState should be injected" ); } return singleState; }; const _hoisted_1$1 = { class: "plugin-tabs" }; const _hoisted_2 = ["id", "aria-selected", "aria-controls", "tabindex", "onClick"]; const _sfc_main$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "PluginTabs", props: { sharedStateKey: {} }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const tabLabels = useTabLabels(); const { selected, select } = useTabsSelectedState( tabLabels, toRef(props, "sharedStateKey") ); const tablist = ref(); const { stabilizeScrollPosition } = useStabilizeScrollPosition(tablist); const selectStable = stabilizeScrollPosition(select); const buttonRefs = ref([]); const onKeydown = (e) => { var _a; const currentIndex = tabLabels.value.indexOf(selected.value); let selectIndex; if (e.key === "ArrowLeft") { selectIndex = currentIndex >= 1 ? currentIndex - 1 : tabLabels.value.length - 1; } else if (e.key === "ArrowRight") { selectIndex = currentIndex < tabLabels.value.length - 1 ? currentIndex + 1 : 0; } if (selectIndex !== void 0) { selectStable(tabLabels.value[selectIndex]); (_a = buttonRefs.value[selectIndex]) == null ? void 0 : _a.focus(); } }; const uid = useUid(); provideTabsSingleState({ uid, selected }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$1, [ createBaseVNode("div", { ref_key: "tablist", ref: tablist, class: "plugin-tabs--tab-list", role: "tablist", onKeydown }, [ (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(tabLabels), (tabLabel) => { return openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", { id: `tab-${tabLabel}-${unref(uid)}`, ref_for: true, ref_key: "buttonRefs", ref: buttonRefs, key: tabLabel, role: "tab", class: "plugin-tabs--tab", "aria-selected": tabLabel === unref(selected), "aria-controls": `panel-${tabLabel}-${unref(uid)}`, tabindex: tabLabel === unref(selected) ? 0 : -1, onClick: () => unref(selectStable)(tabLabel) }, toDisplayString(tabLabel), 9, _hoisted_2); }), 128)) ], 544), renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default") ]); }; } }); const _hoisted_1 = ["id", "aria-labelledby"]; const _sfc_main$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ __name: "PluginTabsTab", props: { label: {} }, setup(__props) { const { uid, selected } = useTabsSingleState(); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return unref(selected) === _ctx.label ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { key: 0, id: `panel-${_ctx.label}-${unref(uid)}`, class: "plugin-tabs--content", role: "tabpanel", tabindex: "0", "aria-labelledby": `tab-${_ctx.label}-${unref(uid)}` }, [ renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, true) ], 8, _hoisted_1)) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); const PluginTabsTab = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$1, [["__scopeId", "data-v-b2b19630"]]); const enhanceAppWithTabs = (app) => { provideTabsSharedState(app); app.component("PluginTabs", _sfc_main$2); app.component("PluginTabsTab", PluginTabsTab); }; const aliases = { "/adding_a_keyboard_to_qmk": "/hardware_keyboard_guidelines", "/build_environment_setup": "/newbs_getting_started", "/cli_dev_configuration": "/cli_configuration", "/dynamic_macros": "/feature_dynamic_macros", "/feature_common_shortcuts": "/feature_advanced_keycodes", "/flashing_bootloadhid": "/flashing", "/getting_started_build_tools": "/newbs_getting_started", "/getting_started_getting_help": "/support", "/glossary": "/reference_glossary", "/key_lock": "/feature_key_lock", "/make_instructions": "/getting_started_make_guide", "/python_development": "/cli_development", "/space_cadet_shift": "/feature_space_cadet_shift", "/tap_dance": "/feature_tap_dance", "/tutorial": "/newbs", "/unicode": "/feature_unicode", "/adc_driver": "/drivers/adc", "/apa102_driver": "/drivers/apa102", "/audio_driver": "/drivers/audio", "/eeprom_driver": "/drivers/eeprom", "/feature_audio": "/features/audio", "/feature_auto_shift": "/features/auto_shift", "/feature_autocorrect": "/features/autocorrect", "/feature_backlight": "/features/backlight", "/feature_bluetooth": "/features/bluetooth", "/feature_bootmagic": "/features/bootmagic", "/feature_caps_word": "/features/caps_word", "/feature_combo": "/features/combo", "/feature_command": "/features/command", "/feature_digitizer": "/features/digitizer", "/feature_dip_switch": "/features/dip_switch", "/feature_dynamic_macros": "/features/dynamic_macros", "/feature_encoders": "/features/encoders", "/feature_grave_esc": "/features/grave_esc", "/feature_haptic_feedback": "/features/haptic_feedback", "/feature_hd44780": "/features/hd44780", "/feature_joystick": "/features/joystick", "/feature_key_lock": "/features/key_lock", "/feature_key_overrides": "/features/key_overrides", "/feature_leader_key": "/features/leader_key", "/feature_led_indicators": "/features/led_indicators", "/feature_led_matrix": "/features/led_matrix", "/feature_midi": "/features/midi", "/feature_mouse_keys": "/features/mouse_keys", "/feature_oled_driver": "/features/oled_driver", "/feature_os_detection": "/features/os_detection", "/feature_pointing_device": "/features/pointing_device", "/feature_programmable_button": "/features/programmable_button", "/feature_ps2_mouse": "/features/ps2_mouse", "/feature_rawhid": "/features/rawhid", "/feature_repeat_key": "/features/repeat_key", "/feature_rgb_matrix": "/features/rgb_matrix", "/feature_rgblight": "/features/rgblight", "/feature_secure": "/features/secure", "/feature_send_string": "/features/send_string", "/feature_sequencer": "/features/sequencer", "/feature_space_cadet": "/features/space_cadet", "/feature_split_keyboard": "/features/split_keyboard", "/feature_st7565": "/features/st7565", "/feature_stenography": "/features/stenography", "/feature_swap_hands": "/features/swap_hands", "/feature_tap_dance": "/features/tap_dance", "/feature_tri_layer": "/features/tri_layer", "/feature_unicode": "/features/unicode", "/feature_wpm": "/features/wpm", "/flash_driver": "/drivers/flash", "/gpio_control": "/drivers/gpio", "/i2c_driver": "/drivers/i2c", "/serial_driver": "/drivers/serial", "/spi_driver": "/drivers/spi", "/uart_driver": "/drivers/uart", "/ws2812_driver": "/drivers/ws2812" }; const _sfc_main = { __name: "QMKLayout", setup(__props) { const router = useRouter(); onBeforeMount(async () => { let newUrl = window.location.href.replace(/\/#\//, "/").replace(/\?id=/, "#"); let testUrl = new URL(newUrl); while (testUrl.pathname in aliases) { testUrl.pathname = aliases[testUrl.pathname]; } newUrl = testUrl.toString(); if (newUrl != window.location.href) { window.history.replaceState({}, "", newUrl); await router.go(newUrl); } }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(theme).Layout); }; } }; const RawTheme = { extends: theme, Layout: _sfc_main, enhanceApp({ app }) { enhanceAppWithTabs(app); } }; export { RawTheme as R, createSearchTranslate as c, useData as u };