"""Interactions with compatible XAP devices """ import cmd from milc import cli from qmk.keycodes import load_spec from qmk.decorators import lru_cache from qmk.keyboard import render_layout from xap_client import XAPClient, XAPEventType, XAPSecureStatus, XAPConfigRgblight, XAPConfigBacklight, XAPConfigRgbMatrix, XAPRoutes def print_dotted_output(kb_info_json, prefix=''): """Print the info.json in a plain text format with dot-joined keys. """ for key in sorted(kb_info_json): new_prefix = f'{prefix}.{key}' if prefix else key if key in ['parse_errors', 'parse_warnings']: continue elif key == 'layouts' and prefix == '': cli.echo(' {fg_blue}layouts{fg_reset}: %s', ', '.join(sorted(kb_info_json['layouts'].keys()))) elif isinstance(kb_info_json[key], bytes): conv = "".join(["{:02X}".format(b) for b in kb_info_json[key]]) cli.echo(' {fg_blue}%s{fg_reset}: %s', new_prefix, conv) elif isinstance(kb_info_json[key], dict): print_dotted_output(kb_info_json[key], new_prefix) elif isinstance(kb_info_json[key], list): data = kb_info_json[key] if len(data) and isinstance(data[0], dict): for index, item in enumerate(data, start=0): cli.echo(' {fg_blue}%s.%s{fg_reset}: %s', new_prefix, index, str(item)) else: cli.echo(' {fg_blue}%s{fg_reset}: %s', new_prefix, ', '.join(map(str, data))) else: cli.echo(' {fg_blue}%s{fg_reset}: %s', new_prefix, kb_info_json[key]) @lru_cache(timeout=5) def _load_keycodes(keycode_version): """Gets keycode data for the required version of the XAP definitions. """ spec = load_spec(keycode_version) # Transform into something more usable - { raw_value : first alias || keycode } ret = {int(k, 16): v.get('aliases', [v.get('key')])[0] for k, v in spec['keycodes'].items()} # TODO: handle non static keycodes for k, v in spec['ranges'].items(): lo, mask = map(lambda x: int(x, 16), k.split('/')) hi = lo + mask define = v.get("define") for i in range(lo, hi): if i not in ret: if define == 'QK_TO': layer = i & 0x1F ret[i] = f'TO({layer})' elif define == 'QK_MOMENTARY': layer = i & 0x1F ret[i] = f'MO({layer})' elif define == 'QK_LAYER_TAP': layer = (((i) >> 8) & 0xF) keycode = ((i) & 0xFF) ret[i] = f'LT({layer}, {ret.get(keycode, "???")})' return ret def _list_devices(): """Dump out available devices """ cli.log.info('Available devices:') for dev in XAPClient.devices(): device = XAPClient().connect(dev) ver = device.version() cli.log.info(' %04x:%04x %s %s [API:%s]', dev['vendor_id'], dev['product_id'], dev['manufacturer_string'], dev['product_string'], ver['xap']) if cli.args.verbose: data = device.info() # TODO: better formatting like 'lsusb -v'? print_dotted_output(data) class XAPShell(cmd.Cmd): intro = 'Welcome to the XAP shell. Type help or ? to list commands.\n' prompt = 'Ψ> ' def __init__(self, device): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.device = device # cache keycodes for this device self.keycodes = _load_keycodes(device.version().get('keycodes', 'latest')) def do_about(self, arg): """Prints out the version info of QMK """ data = self.device.version() print_dotted_output(data) def do_status(self, arg): """Prints out the current device state """ status = self.device.status() print('Secure:%s' % status.get('lock', '???')) def do_unlock(self, arg): """Initiate secure unlock """ self.device.unlock() print('Unlock Requested...') def do_lock(self, arg): """Disable secure routes """ self.device.lock() def do_reset(self, arg): """Jump to bootloader if unlocked """ if not self.device.reset(): print("Reboot to bootloader failed") return True def do_listen(self, arg): """Log out XAP broadcast messages """ try: cli.log.info('Listening for XAP broadcasts...') while 1: (event, data) = self.device.listen() if event == XAPEventType.SECURE_STATUS: secure_status = XAPSecureStatus(data[0]).name cli.log.info(' Secure[%s]', secure_status) else: cli.log.info(' Broadcast: type[%02x] data:[%s]', event, data.hex()) except KeyboardInterrupt: cli.log.info('Stopping...') def do_keycode(self, arg): """Prints out the keycode value of a certain layer, row, and column """ data = bytes(map(int, arg.split())) if len(data) != 3: cli.log.error('Invalid args') return keycode = self.device.transaction(b'\x04\x03', data) keycode = int.from_bytes(keycode, 'little') print(f'keycode:{self.keycodes.get(keycode, "unknown")}[{keycode}]') def do_keymap(self, arg): """Prints out the keycode values of a certain layer """ data = bytes(map(int, arg.split())) if len(data) != 1: cli.log.error('Invalid args') return info = self.device.info() rows = info['matrix_size']['rows'] cols = info['matrix_size']['cols'] for r in range(rows): for c in range(cols): q = data + r.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little') + c.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little') keycode = self.device.transaction(b'\x04\x03', q) keycode = int.from_bytes(keycode, 'little') print(f'| {self.keycodes.get(keycode, "unknown").ljust(7)} ', end='', flush=True) print('|') def do_layer(self, arg): """Renders keycode values of a certain layer """ data = bytes(map(int, arg.split())) if len(data) != 1: cli.log.error('Invalid args') return info = self.device.info() # Assumptions on selected layout rather than prompt first_layout = next(iter(info['layouts'])) layout = info['layouts'][first_layout]['layout'] keycodes = [] for item in layout: q = data + bytes(item['matrix']) keycode = self.device.transaction(b'\x04\x03', q) keycode = int.from_bytes(keycode, 'little') keycodes.append(self.keycodes.get(keycode, '???')) print(render_layout(layout, False, keycodes)) def do_exit(self, line): """Quit shell """ return True def do_EOF(self, line): # noqa: N802 """Quit shell (ctrl+D) """ return True def loop(self): """Wrapper for cmdloop that handles ctrl+C """ try: self.cmdloop() print('') except KeyboardInterrupt: print('^C') return False def do_dump(self, line): caps = self.device.int_transaction(XAPRoutes.LIGHTING_CAPABILITIES_QUERY) if caps & (1 << XAPRoutes.LIGHTING_BACKLIGHT[-1]): ret = self.device.transaction(XAPRoutes.LIGHTING_BACKLIGHT_GET_CONFIG) ret = XAPConfigBacklight.from_bytes(ret) print(ret) ret = self.device.int_transaction(XAPRoutes.LIGHTING_BACKLIGHT_GET_ENABLED_EFFECTS) print(f'XAPEffectBacklight(enabled={bin(ret)})') if caps & (1 << XAPRoutes.LIGHTING_RGBLIGHT[-1]): ret = self.device.transaction(XAPRoutes.LIGHTING_RGBLIGHT_GET_CONFIG) ret = XAPConfigRgblight.from_bytes(ret) print(ret) ret = self.device.int_transaction(XAPRoutes.LIGHTING_RGBLIGHT_GET_ENABLED_EFFECTS) print(f'XAPEffectRgblight(enabled={bin(ret)})') if caps & (1 << XAPRoutes.LIGHTING_RGB_MATRIX[-1]): ret = self.device.transaction(XAPRoutes.LIGHTING_RGB_MATRIX_GET_CONFIG) ret = XAPConfigRgbMatrix.from_bytes(ret) print(ret) ret = self.device.int_transaction(XAPRoutes.LIGHTING_RGB_MATRIX_GET_ENABLED_EFFECTS) print(f'XAPEffectRgbMatrix(enabled={bin(ret)})') @cli.argument('-v', '--verbose', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help='Turns on verbose output.') @cli.argument('-d', '--device', help='device to select - uses format :.') @cli.argument('-l', '--list', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help='List available devices.') @cli.argument('-i', '--interactive', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help='Start interactive shell.') @cli.argument('action', nargs='*', arg_only=True, default=['listen'], help='Shell command and any arguments to run standalone') @cli.subcommand('Acquire debugging information from usb XAP devices.', hidden=False if cli.config.user.developer else True) def xap(cli): """Acquire debugging information from XAP devices """ if cli.args.list: return _list_devices() # Connect to first available device devices = XAPClient.devices() if not devices: cli.log.error('No devices found!') return False dev = devices[0] cli.log.info('Connecting to: %04x:%04x %s %s', dev['vendor_id'], dev['product_id'], dev['manufacturer_string'], dev['product_string']) device = XAPClient().connect(dev) # shell? if cli.args.interactive: XAPShell(device).loop() return True XAPShell(device).onecmd(' '.join(cli.args.action))