Merge branch 'qmk:master' into zlant_xl

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Christian C. Berclaz 2024-11-16 14:09:30 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 2994f91cc8
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
34 changed files with 1342 additions and 192 deletions

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@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Deploy - name: Deploy
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && github.repository == 'qmk/qmk_firmware' }} if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && github.repository == 'qmk/qmk_firmware' }}
uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4.6.8 uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4.6.9
with: with:
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
branch: gh-pages branch: gh-pages

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@ -39,8 +39,15 @@ export default defineConfig(({ mode }) => {
provider: "local", provider: "local",
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13.03125 C 26.09375 10.546875 26.363281 8.46875 26.875 7.09375 C 27.164063 6.316406 27.527344 5.757813 27.875 5.4375 C 28.222656 5.117188 28.539063 5 29 5 C 29.460938 5 29.683594 5.125 30.03125 5.40625 C 30.378906 5.6875 30.785156 6.148438 31.3125 6.6875 C 32.253906 7.652344 33.695313 8.714844 36.09375 8.9375 C 36.539063 11.238281 38.574219 13 41 13 C 43.75 13 46 10.75 46 8 C 46 5.25 43.75 3 41 3 C 38.605469 3 36.574219 4.710938 36.09375 6.96875 C 34.3125 6.796875 33.527344 6.109375 32.75 5.3125 C 32.300781 4.851563 31.886719 4.3125 31.3125 3.84375 C 30.738281 3.375 29.9375 3 29 3 Z M 41 5 C 42.667969 5 44 6.332031 44 8 C 44 9.667969 42.667969 11 41 11 C 39.332031 11 38 9.667969 38 8 C 38 6.332031 39.332031 5 41 5 Z M 25 15 C 30.609375 15 35.675781 16.613281 39.28125 19.1875 C 42.886719 21.761719 45 25.226563 45 29 C 45 32.773438 42.886719 36.238281 39.28125 38.8125 C 35.675781 41.386719 30.609375 43 25 43 C 19.390625 43 14.324219 41.386719 10.71875 38.8125 C 7.113281 36.238281 5 32.773438 5 29 C 5 25.226563 7.113281 21.761719 10.71875 19.1875 C 14.324219 16.613281 19.390625 15 25 15 Z M 7.5 16.9375 C 8.203125 16.9375 8.914063 17.148438 9.53125 17.59375 C 7.527344 19.03125 5.886719 20.769531 4.75 22.71875 C 3.582031 21.296875 3.660156 19.339844 5 18 C 5.714844 17.285156 6.609375 16.9375 7.5 16.9375 Z M 42.5 16.9375 C 43.390625 16.9375 44.285156 17.285156 45 18 C 46.339844 19.339844 46.417969 21.296875 45.25 22.71875 C 44.113281 20.769531 42.472656 19.03125 40.46875 17.59375 C 41.085938 17.148438 41.796875 16.9375 42.5 16.9375 Z M 17 22 C 14.800781 22 13 23.800781 13 26 C 13 28.199219 14.800781 30 17 30 C 19.199219 30 21 28.199219 21 26 C 21 23.800781 19.199219 22 17 22 Z M 33 22 C 30.800781 22 29 23.800781 29 26 C 29 28.199219 30.800781 30 33 30 C 35.199219 30 37 28.199219 37 26 C 37 23.800781 35.199219 22 33 22 Z M 17 24 C 18.117188 24 19 24.882813 19 26 C 19 27.117188 18.117188 28 17 28 C 15.882813 28 15 27.117188 15 26 C 15 24.882813 15.882813 24 17 24 Z M 33 24 C 34.117188 24 35 24.882813 35 26 C 35 27.117188 34.117188 28 33 28 C 31.882813 28 31 27.117188 31 26 C 31 24.882813 31.882813 24 33 24 Z M 34.15625 33.84375 C 34.101563 33.851563 34.050781 33.859375 34 33.875 C 33.683594 33.9375 33.417969 34.144531 33.28125 34.4375 C 33.28125 34.4375 32.757813 35.164063 31.4375 36 C 30.117188 36.835938 28.058594 37.6875 25 37.6875 C 21.941406 37.6875 19.882813 36.835938 18.5625 36 C 17.242188 35.164063 16.71875 34.4375 16.71875 34.4375 C 16.492188 34.082031 16.066406 33.90625 15.65625 34 C 15.332031 34.082031 15.070313 34.316406 14.957031 34.632813 C 14.84375 34.945313 14.894531 35.292969 15.09375 35.5625 C 15.09375 35.5625 15.863281 36.671875 17.46875 37.6875 C 19.074219 38.703125 21.558594 39.6875 25 39.6875 C 28.441406 39.6875 30.925781 38.703125 32.53125 37.6875 C 34.136719 36.671875 34.90625 35.5625 34.90625 35.5625 C 35.207031 35.273438 35.296875 34.824219 35.128906 34.441406 C 34.960938 34.058594 34.574219 33.820313 34.15625 33.84375 Z"/></svg>' }, link: "" }, { icon: { svg: '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 50 50" width="50px" height="50px"><path d="M 29 3 C 28.0625 3 27.164063 3.382813 26.5 4 C 25.835938 4.617188 25.363281 5.433594 25 6.40625 C 24.355469 8.140625 24.085938 10.394531 24.03125 13.03125 C 19.234375 13.179688 14.820313 14.421875 11.28125 16.46875 C 10.214844 15.46875 8.855469 14.96875 7.5 14.96875 C 6.089844 14.96875 4.675781 15.511719 3.59375 16.59375 C 1.425781 18.761719 1.425781 22.238281 3.59375 24.40625 L 3.84375 24.65625 C 3.3125 26.035156 3 27.488281 3 29 C 3 33.527344 5.566406 37.585938 9.5625 40.4375 C 13.558594 43.289063 19.007813 45 25 45 C 30.992188 45 36.441406 43.289063 40.4375 40.4375 C 44.433594 37.585938 47 33.527344 47 29 C 47 27.488281 46.6875 26.035156 46.15625 24.65625 L 46.40625 24.40625 C 48.574219 22.238281 48.574219 18.761719 46.40625 16.59375 C 45.324219 15.511719 43.910156 14.96875 42.5 14.96875 C 41.144531 14.96875 39.785156 15.46875 38.71875 16.46875 C 35.195313 14.433594 30.800781 13.191406 26.03125 13.03125 C 26.09375 10.546875 26.363281 8.46875 26.875 7.09375 C 27.164063 6.316406 27.527344 5.757813 27.875 5.4375 C 28.222656 5.117188 28.539063 5 29 5 C 29.460938 5 29.683594 5.125 30.03125 5.40625 C 30.378906 5.6875 30.785156 6.148438 31.3125 6.6875 C 32.253906 7.652344 33.695313 8.714844 36.09375 8.9375 C 36.539063 11.238281 38.574219 13 41 13 C 43.75 13 46 10.75 46 8 C 46 5.25 43.75 3 41 3 C 38.605469 3 36.574219 4.710938 36.09375 6.96875 C 34.3125 6.796875 33.527344 6.109375 32.75 5.3125 C 32.300781 4.851563 31.886719 4.3125 31.3125 3.84375 C 30.738281 3.375 29.9375 3 29 3 Z M 41 5 C 42.667969 5 44 6.332031 44 8 C 44 9.667969 42.667969 11 41 11 C 39.332031 11 38 9.667969 38 8 C 38 6.332031 39.332031 5 41 5 Z M 25 15 C 30.609375 15 35.675781 16.613281 39.28125 19.1875 C 42.886719 21.761719 45 25.226563 45 29 C 45 32.773438 42.886719 36.238281 39.28125 38.8125 C 35.675781 41.386719 30.609375 43 25 43 C 19.390625 43 14.324219 41.386719 10.71875 38.8125 C 7.113281 36.238281 5 32.773438 5 29 C 5 25.226563 7.113281 21.761719 10.71875 19.1875 C 14.324219 16.613281 19.390625 15 25 15 Z M 7.5 16.9375 C 8.203125 16.9375 8.914063 17.148438 9.53125 17.59375 C 7.527344 19.03125 5.886719 20.769531 4.75 22.71875 C 3.582031 21.296875 3.660156 19.339844 5 18 C 5.714844 17.285156 6.609375 16.9375 7.5 16.9375 Z M 42.5 16.9375 C 43.390625 16.9375 44.285156 17.285156 45 18 C 46.339844 19.339844 46.417969 21.296875 45.25 22.71875 C 44.113281 20.769531 42.472656 19.03125 40.46875 17.59375 C 41.085938 17.148438 41.796875 16.9375 42.5 16.9375 Z M 17 22 C 14.800781 22 13 23.800781 13 26 C 13 28.199219 14.800781 30 17 30 C 19.199219 30 21 28.199219 21 26 C 21 23.800781 19.199219 22 17 22 Z M 33 22 C 30.800781 22 29 23.800781 29 26 C 29 28.199219 30.800781 30 33 30 C 35.199219 30 37 28.199219 37 26 C 37 23.800781 35.199219 22 33 22 Z M 17 24 C 18.117188 24 19 24.882813 19 26 C 19 27.117188 18.117188 28 17 28 C 15.882813 28 15 27.117188 15 26 C 15 24.882813 15.882813 24 17 24 Z M 33 24 C 34.117188 24 35 24.882813 35 26 C 35 27.117188 34.117188 28 33 28 C 31.882813 28 31 27.117188 31 26 C 31 24.882813 31.882813 24 33 24 Z M 34.15625 33.84375 C 34.101563 33.851563 34.050781 33.859375 34 33.875 C 33.683594 33.9375 33.417969 34.144531 33.28125 34.4375 C 33.28125 34.4375 32.757813 35.164063 31.4375 36 C 30.117188 36.835938 28.058594 37.6875 25 37.6875 C 21.941406 37.6875 19.882813 36.835938 18.5625 36 C 17.242188 35.164063 16.71875 34.4375 16.71875 34.4375 C 16.492188 34.082031 16.066406 33.90625 15.65625 34 C 15.332031 34.082031 15.070313 34.316406 14.957031 34.632813 C 14.84375 34.945313 14.894531 35.292969 15.09375 35.5625 C 15.09375 35.5625 15.863281 36.671875 17.46875 37.6875 C 19.074219 38.703125 21.558594 39.6875 25 39.6875 C 28.441406 39.6875 30.925781 38.703125 32.53125 37.6875 C 34.136719 36.671875 34.90625 35.5625 34.90625 35.5625 C 35.207031 35.273438 35.296875 34.824219 35.128906 34.441406 C 34.960938 34.058594 34.574219 33.820313 34.15625 33.84375 Z"/></svg>' }, link: "" },
{ icon: "discord", link: "" }, { icon: "discord", link: "" },

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@ -57,27 +57,32 @@ This driver needs one Timer per enabled/used DAC channel, to trigger conversion;
Additionally, in the board config, you'll want to make changes to enable the DACs, GPT for Timers 6, 7 and 8: Additionally, in the board config, you'll want to make changes to enable the DACs, GPT for Timers 6, 7 and 8:
```c ::: code-group
//halconf.h: ```c [halconf.h]
#define HAL_USE_DAC TRUE #pragma once
#define HAL_USE_DAC TRUE // [!code focus]
#define HAL_USE_GPT TRUE // [!code focus]
#include_next <halconf.h> #include_next <halconf.h>
``` ```
```c [mcuconf.h]
#pragma once
// mcuconf.h:
#include_next <mcuconf.h> #include_next <mcuconf.h>
#undef STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH1
#define STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH1 TRUE #undef STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH1 // [!code focus]
#undef STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH2 #define STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH1 TRUE // [!code focus]
#define STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH2 TRUE #undef STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH2 // [!code focus]
#undef STM32_GPT_USE_TIM6 #define STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH2 TRUE // [!code focus]
#define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM6 TRUE #undef STM32_GPT_USE_TIM6 // [!code focus]
#undef STM32_GPT_USE_TIM7 #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM6 TRUE // [!code focus]
#define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM7 TRUE #undef STM32_GPT_USE_TIM7 // [!code focus]
#undef STM32_GPT_USE_TIM8 #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM7 TRUE // [!code focus]
#define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM8 TRUE #undef STM32_GPT_USE_TIM8 // [!code focus]
#define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM8 TRUE // [!code focus]
``` ```
::: tip ::: tip
Note: DAC1 (A4) uses TIM6, DAC2 (A5) uses TIM7, and the audio state timer uses TIM8 (configurable). Note: DAC1 (A4) uses TIM6, DAC2 (A5) uses TIM7, and the audio state timer uses TIM8 (configurable).
@ -95,23 +100,28 @@ only needs one timer (GPTD6, Tim6) to trigger the DAC unit to do a conversion; t
Additionally, in the board config, you'll want to make changes to enable the DACs, GPT for Timer 6: Additionally, in the board config, you'll want to make changes to enable the DACs, GPT for Timer 6:
```c ::: code-group
//halconf.h: ```c [halconf.h]
#define HAL_USE_DAC TRUE #pragma once
#define HAL_USE_DAC TRUE // [!code focus]
#define HAL_USE_GPT TRUE // [!code focus]
#include_next <halconf.h> #include_next <halconf.h>
``` ```
```c [mcuconf.h]
#pragma once
// mcuconf.h:
#include_next <mcuconf.h> #include_next <mcuconf.h>
#undef STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH1
#define STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH1 TRUE #undef STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH1 // [!code focus]
#undef STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH2 #define STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH1 TRUE // [!code focus]
#define STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH2 TRUE #undef STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH2 // [!code focus]
#undef STM32_GPT_USE_TIM6 #define STM32_DAC_USE_DAC1_CH2 TRUE // [!code focus]
#define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM6 TRUE #undef STM32_GPT_USE_TIM6 // [!code focus]
#define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM6 TRUE // [!code focus]
``` ```
### DAC Config ### DAC Config
@ -170,19 +180,25 @@ This driver uses the ChibiOS-PWM system to produce a square-wave on specific out
The hardware directly toggles the pin via its alternate function. See your MCU's data-sheet for which pin can be driven by what timer - looking for TIMx_CHy and the corresponding alternate function. The hardware directly toggles the pin via its alternate function. See your MCU's data-sheet for which pin can be driven by what timer - looking for TIMx_CHy and the corresponding alternate function.
A configuration example for the STM32F103C8 would be: A configuration example for the STM32F103C8 would be:
//halconf.h: ::: code-group
#define HAL_USE_PWM TRUE ```c [halconf.h]
#define HAL_USE_PAL TRUE #pragma once
#define HAL_USE_PWM TRUE // [!code focus]
#define HAL_USE_PAL TRUE // [!code focus]
#include_next <halconf.h> #include_next <halconf.h>
``` ```
```c [mcuconf.h]
#pragma once
// mcuconf.h:
#include_next <mcuconf.h> #include_next <mcuconf.h>
#undef STM32_PWM_USE_TIM1
#define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM1 TRUE #undef STM32_PWM_USE_TIM1 // [!code focus]
#define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM1 TRUE // [!code focus]
``` ```
If we now target pin A8, looking through the data-sheet of the STM32F103C8, for the timers and alternate functions If we now target pin A8, looking through the data-sheet of the STM32F103C8, for the timers and alternate functions
- TIM1_CH1 = PA8 <- alternate0 - TIM1_CH1 = PA8 <- alternate0

View File

@ -54,18 +54,25 @@ The ATmega16/32U2 does not possess I2C functionality, and so cannot use this dri
You'll need to determine which pins can be used for I2C -- a an example, STM32 parts generally have multiple I2C peripherals, labeled I2C1, I2C2, I2C3 etc. You'll need to determine which pins can be used for I2C -- a an example, STM32 parts generally have multiple I2C peripherals, labeled I2C1, I2C2, I2C3 etc.
To enable I2C, modify your board's `halconf.h` to enable I2C: To enable I2C, modify your board's `halconf.h` to enable I2C, then modify your board's `mcuconf.h` to enable the peripheral you've chosen:
```c ::: code-group
#define HAL_USE_I2C TRUE ```c [halconf.h]
#pragma once
#define HAL_USE_I2C TRUE // [!code focus]
#include_next <halconf.h>
``` ```
```c [mcuconf.h]
#pragma once
Then, modify your board's `mcuconf.h` to enable the peripheral you've chosen, for example: #include_next <mcuconf.h>
```c #undef STM32_I2C_USE_I2C2 // [!code focus]
#undef STM32_I2C_USE_I2C2 #define STM32_I2C_USE_I2C2 TRUE // [!code focus]
#define STM32_I2C_USE_I2C2 TRUE
``` ```
|`mcuconf.h` Setting |Description |Default| |`mcuconf.h` Setting |Description |Default|
|----------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------| |----------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|

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@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ The Serial driver powers the [Split Keyboard](../features/split_keyboard) featur
Serial in this context should be read as **sending information one bit at a time**, rather than implementing UART/USART/RS485/RS232 standards. Serial in this context should be read as **sending information one bit at a time**, rather than implementing UART/USART/RS485/RS232 standards.
::: :::
## Bitbang ## Bitbang
This is the Default driver, absence of configuration assumes this driver. It works by [bit banging]( a GPIO pin using the CPU. It is therefore not as efficient as a dedicated hardware peripheral, which the Half-duplex and Full-duplex drivers use. This is the Default driver, absence of configuration assumes this driver. It works by [bit banging]( a GPIO pin using the CPU. It is therefore not as efficient as a dedicated hardware peripheral, which the Half-duplex and Full-duplex drivers use.
@ -53,11 +51,15 @@ SERIAL_DRIVER = bitbang
#define SOFT_SERIAL_PIN D0 // or D1, D2, D3, E6 #define SOFT_SERIAL_PIN D0 // or D1, D2, D3, E6
``` ```
3. On ARM platforms you must turn on ChibiOS `PAL_USE_CALLBACKS` feature: 3. On ARM platforms you must turn on ChibiOS PAL callbacks:
* In `halconf.h` add the line `#define PAL_USE_CALLBACKS TRUE`. ```c
#pragma once
<hr> #define PAL_USE_CALLBACKS TRUE // [!code focus]
#include_next <halconf.h>
## USART Half-duplex ## USART Half-duplex
@ -117,8 +119,6 @@ For STM32 MCUs several GPIO configuration options can be changed as well. See th
4. Decide either for `SERIAL`, `SIO`, or `PIO` subsystem. See section ["Choosing a driver subsystem"](#choosing-a-driver-subsystem). 4. Decide either for `SERIAL`, `SIO`, or `PIO` subsystem. See section ["Choosing a driver subsystem"](#choosing-a-driver-subsystem).
## USART Full-duplex ## USART Full-duplex
Targeting ARM boards based on ChibiOS where communication is offloaded to an USART hardware device. The advantages over bitbanging are fast, accurate timings and reduced CPU usage; therefore it is advised to choose this driver over all others where possible. Due to its internal design Full-duplex is slightly more efficient than the Half-duplex driver, but Full-duplex should be primarily chosen if Half-duplex operation is not supported by the controller's USART peripheral. Targeting ARM boards based on ChibiOS where communication is offloaded to an USART hardware device. The advantages over bitbanging are fast, accurate timings and reduced CPU usage; therefore it is advised to choose this driver over all others where possible. Due to its internal design Full-duplex is slightly more efficient than the Half-duplex driver, but Full-duplex should be primarily chosen if Half-duplex operation is not supported by the controller's USART peripheral.
@ -179,34 +179,42 @@ For STM32 MCUs several GPIO configuration options, including the ability for `TX
4. Decide either for `SERIAL`, `SIO`, or `PIO` subsystem. See section ["Choosing a driver subsystem"](#choosing-a-driver-subsystem). 4. Decide either for `SERIAL`, `SIO`, or `PIO` subsystem. See section ["Choosing a driver subsystem"](#choosing-a-driver-subsystem).
## Choosing a driver subsystem ## Choosing a driver subsystem
### The `SERIAL` driver ### The `SERIAL` driver
The `SERIAL` Subsystem is supported for the majority of ChibiOS MCUs and should be used whenever supported. Follow these steps in order to activate it: The `SERIAL` Subsystem is supported for the majority of ChibiOS MCUs and should be used whenever supported. Follow these steps in order to activate it:
1. In your keyboards `halconf.h` add: 1. Enable the SERIAL subsystem in the ChibiOS HAL.
Add the following to your keyboard's `halconf.h`, creating it if necessary:
```c ```c
#define HAL_USE_SERIAL TRUE #pragma once
#define HAL_USE_SERIAL TRUE // [!code focus]
#include_next <halconf.h>
``` ```
2. In your keyboards `mcuconf.h`: activate the USART peripheral that is used on your MCU. The shown example is for an STM32 MCU, so this will not work on MCUs by other manufacturers. You can find the correct names in the `mcuconf.h` files of your MCU that ship with ChibiOS. 2. Activate the USART peripheral that is used on your MCU. The shown example is for an STM32 MCU, so this will not work on MCUs by other manufacturers. You can find the correct names in the `mcuconf.h` files of your MCU that ship with ChibiOS.
Just below `#include_next <mcuconf.h>` add: Add the following to your keyboard's `mcuconf.h`, creating it if necessary:
```c ```c
#pragma once
#include_next <mcuconf.h> #include_next <mcuconf.h>
#undef STM32_SERIAL_USE_USARTn #undef STM32_SERIAL_USE_USARTn // [!code focus]
#define STM32_SERIAL_USE_USARTn TRUE #define STM32_SERIAL_USE_USARTn TRUE // [!code focus]
``` ```
Where 'n' matches the peripheral number of your selected USART on the MCU. Where *n* matches the peripheral number of your selected USART on the MCU.
3. In you keyboards `config.h`: override the default USART `SERIAL` driver if you use a USART peripheral that does not belong to the default selected `SD1` driver. For instance, if you selected `STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART3` the matching driver would be `SD3`. 3. Override the default USART `SERIAL` driver if you use a USART peripheral that does not belong to the default selected `SD1` driver. For instance, if you selected `STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART3` the matching driver would be `SD3`.
Add the following to your keyboard's `config.h`:
```c ```c
@ -218,26 +226,36 @@ The `SIO` Subsystem was added to ChibiOS with the 21.11 release and is only supp
Follow these steps in order to activate it: Follow these steps in order to activate it:
1. In your keyboards `halconf.h` add: 1. Enable the SIO subsystem in the ChibiOS HAL.
Add the following to your keyboard's `halconf.h`, creating it if necessary:
```c ```c
#define HAL_USE_SIO TRUE #pragma once
#define HAL_USE_SIO TRUE // [!code focus]
#include_next <halconf.h>
``` ```
2. In your keyboards `mcuconf.h:` activate the USART peripheral that is used on your MCU. The shown example is for an STM32 MCU, so this will not work on MCUs by other manufacturers. You can find the correct names in the `mcuconf.h` files of your MCU that ship with ChibiOS. 2. Activate the USART peripheral that is used on your MCU. The shown example is for an STM32 MCU, so this will not work on MCUs by other manufacturers. You can find the correct names in the `mcuconf.h` files of your MCU that ship with ChibiOS.
Just below `#include_next <mcuconf.h>` add: Add the following to your keyboard's `mcuconf.h`, creating it if necessary:
```c ```c
#pragma once
#include_next <mcuconf.h> #include_next <mcuconf.h>
#undef STM32_SIO_USE_USARTn #undef STM32_SIO_USE_USARTn // [!code focus]
#define STM32_SIO_USE_USARTn TRUE #define STM32_SIO_USE_USARTn TRUE // [!code focus]
``` ```
Where 'n' matches the peripheral number of your selected USART on the MCU. Where *n* matches the peripheral number of your selected USART on the MCU.
3. In the keyboard's `config.h` file: override the default USART `SIO` driver if you use a USART peripheral that does not belong to the default selected `SIOD1` driver. For instance, if you selected `STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART3` the matching driver would be `SIOD3`. 3. Override the default USART `SIO` driver if you use a USART peripheral that does not belong to the default selected `SIOD1` driver. For instance, if you selected `STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART3` the matching driver would be `SIOD3`.
Add the following to your keyboard's `config.h`:
```c ```c
@ -254,8 +272,6 @@ Optionally, the PIO peripheral utilized for split communication can be changed w
The Serial PIO program uses 2 state machines, 13 instructions and the complete interrupt handler of the PIO peripheral it is running on. The Serial PIO program uses 2 state machines, 13 instructions and the complete interrupt handler of the PIO peripheral it is running on.
## Advanced Configuration ## Advanced Configuration
There are several advanced configuration options that can be defined in your keyboards `config.h` file: There are several advanced configuration options that can be defined in your keyboards `config.h` file:
@ -265,9 +281,11 @@ There are several advanced configuration options that can be defined in your key
If you're having issues or need a higher baudrate with serial communication, you can change the baudrate which in turn controls the communication speed for serial. You want to lower the baudrate if you experience failed transactions. If you're having issues or need a higher baudrate with serial communication, you can change the baudrate which in turn controls the communication speed for serial. You want to lower the baudrate if you experience failed transactions.
```c ```c
``` ```
Where *n* is one of:
| Speed | Bitbang | Half-duplex and Full-duplex | | Speed | Bitbang | Half-duplex and Full-duplex |
| ----- | -------------------------- | --------------------------- | | ----- | -------------------------- | --------------------------- |
| `0` | 189000 baud (experimental) | 460800 baud | | `0` | 189000 baud (experimental) | 460800 baud |
@ -287,8 +305,6 @@ This is the default time window in milliseconds in which a successful communicat
#define SERIAL_USART_TIMEOUT 20 // USART driver timeout. default 20 #define SERIAL_USART_TIMEOUT 20 // USART driver timeout. default 20
``` ```
## Troubleshooting ## Troubleshooting
If you're having issues withe serial communication, you can enable debug messages that will give you insights which part of the communication failed. The enable these messages add to your keyboards `config.h` file: If you're having issues withe serial communication, you can enable debug messages that will give you insights which part of the communication failed. The enable these messages add to your keyboards `config.h` file:

View File

@ -32,20 +32,27 @@ You may use more than one slave select pin, not just the `SS` pin. This is usefu
You'll need to determine which pins can be used for SPI -- as an example, STM32 parts generally have multiple SPI peripherals, labeled SPI1, SPI2, SPI3 etc. You'll need to determine which pins can be used for SPI -- as an example, STM32 parts generally have multiple SPI peripherals, labeled SPI1, SPI2, SPI3 etc.
To enable SPI, modify your board's `halconf.h` to enable SPI: To enable SPI, modify your board's `halconf.h` to enable SPI, then modify your board's `mcuconf.h` to enable the peripheral you've chosen:
```c ::: code-group
#define HAL_USE_SPI TRUE ```c [halconf.h]
#define SPI_USE_WAIT TRUE #pragma once
#define HAL_USE_SPI TRUE // [!code focus]
#define SPI_USE_WAIT TRUE // [!code focus]
#define SPI_SELECT_MODE SPI_SELECT_MODE_PAD // [!code focus]
#include_next <halconf.h>
``` ```
```c [mcuconf.h]
#pragma once
Then, modify your board's `mcuconf.h` to enable the peripheral you've chosen, for example: #include_next <mcuconf.h>
```c #undef STM32_SPI_USE_SPI2 // [!code focus]
#undef STM32_SPI_USE_SPI2 #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI2 TRUE // [!code focus]
``` ```
Configuration-wise, you'll need to set up the peripheral as per your MCU's datasheet -- the defaults match the pins for a Proton-C, i.e. STM32F303. Configuration-wise, you'll need to set up the peripheral as per your MCU's datasheet -- the defaults match the pins for a Proton-C, i.e. STM32F303.

View File

@ -35,8 +35,12 @@ You'll need to determine which pins can be used for UART -- as an example, STM32
To enable UART, modify your board's `mcuconf.h` to enable the peripheral you've chosen, for example: To enable UART, modify your board's `mcuconf.h` to enable the peripheral you've chosen, for example:
```c ```c
#undef STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART2 #pragma once
#include_next <mcuconf.h>
#undef STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART2 // [!code focus]
#define STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART2 TRUE // [!code focus]
``` ```
Configuration-wise, you'll need to set up the peripheral as per your MCU's datasheet -- the defaults match the pins for a Proton-C, i.e. STM32F303. Configuration-wise, you'll need to set up the peripheral as per your MCU's datasheet -- the defaults match the pins for a Proton-C, i.e. STM32F303.

View File

@ -160,15 +160,23 @@ To configure the DI pin for open drain configuration, add the following to your
Depending on the ChibiOS board configuration, you may need to enable SPI at the keyboard level. For STM32, this would look like: Depending on the ChibiOS board configuration, you may need to enable SPI at the keyboard level. For STM32, this would look like:
`halconf.h`: ::: code-group
```c ```c [halconf.h]
#define HAL_USE_SPI TRUE #pragma once
#define HAL_USE_SPI TRUE // [!code focus]
#include_next <halconf.h>
``` ```
`mcuconf.h`: ```c [mcuconf.h]
```c #pragma once
#undef STM32_SPI_USE_SPI1
#define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI1 TRUE #include_next <mcuconf.h>
#undef STM32_SPI_USE_SPI1 // [!code focus]
#define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI1 TRUE // [!code focus]
``` ```
The following `define`s apply only to the `spi` driver: The following `define`s apply only to the `spi` driver:
@ -213,15 +221,23 @@ The following `#define`s apply only to the PIO driver:
Depending on the ChibiOS board configuration, you may need to enable PWM at the keyboard level. For STM32, this would look like: Depending on the ChibiOS board configuration, you may need to enable PWM at the keyboard level. For STM32, this would look like:
`halconf.h`: ::: code-group
```c ```c [halconf.h]
#define HAL_USE_PWM TRUE #pragma once
#define HAL_USE_PWM TRUE // [!code focus]
#include_next <halconf.h>
``` ```
`mcuconf.h`: ```c [mcuconf.h]
```c #pragma once
#undef STM32_PWM_USE_TIM2
#define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM2 TRUE #include_next <mcuconf.h>
#undef STM32_PWM_USE_TIM2 // [!code focus]
#define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM2 TRUE // [!code focus]
``` ```
The following `#define`s apply only to the `pwm` driver: The following `#define`s apply only to the `pwm` driver:

View File

@ -42,38 +42,7 @@ You can define up to 32 macros in a `keymap.json` file, as used by [Configurator
### Selecting Your Host Keyboard Layout ### Selecting Your Host Keyboard Layout
If you type in a language other than English, or use a non-QWERTY layout like Colemak, Dvorak, or Workman, you may have set your computer's input language to match this layout. This presents a challenge when creating macros - you may need to type different keys to get the same letters! To address this you can add the `host_language` key to your `keymap.json`, like so: If you type in a language other than English, or use a non-QWERTY layout like Colemak, Dvorak, or Workman, you may have set your computer's input language to match this layout. This presents a challenge when creating macros — you may need to type different keys to get the same letters! To address this you can use [language-specific keycodes](reference_keymap_extras).
"keyboard": "handwired/my_macropad",
"keymap": "my_keymap",
"host_language": "dvorak",
"macros": [
["Hello, World!"]
"layout": "LAYOUT_all",
"layers": [
The current list of available languages is:
| belgian | bepo | br_abnt2 | canadian_multilingual |
| **colemak** | **croatian** | **czech** | **danish** |
| **dvorak_fr** | **dvorak** | **dvp** | **estonian** |
| **finnish** | **fr_ch** | **french_afnor** | **french** |
| **french_osx** | **german_ch** | **german** | **german_osx** |
| **hungarian** | **icelandic** | **italian** | **italian_osx_ansi** |
| **italian_osx_iso** | **jis** | **latvian** | **lithuanian_azerty** |
| **lithuanian_qwerty** | **norman** | **norwegian** | **portuguese** |
| **portuguese_osx_iso** | **romanian** | **serbian_latin** | **slovak** |
| **slovenian** | **spanish_dvorak** | **spanish_latin_america** | **spanish** |
| **swedish** | **turkish_f** | **turkish_q** | **uk** |
| **us_international** | **workman** | **workman_zxcvm** |
### Macro Basics ### Macro Basics

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@ -161,15 +161,23 @@ Note that the choice of timer may conflict with the [Audio](audio) feature.
Depending on the ChibiOS board configuration, you may need to enable PWM at the keyboard level. For STM32, this would look like: Depending on the ChibiOS board configuration, you may need to enable PWM at the keyboard level. For STM32, this would look like:
`halconf.h`: ::: code-group
```c ```c [halconf.h]
#define HAL_USE_PWM TRUE #pragma once
#define HAL_USE_PWM TRUE // [!code focus]
#include_next <halconf.h>
``` ```
`mcuconf.h`: ```c [mcuconf.h]
```c #pragma once
#undef STM32_PWM_USE_TIM4
#define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM4 TRUE #include_next <mcuconf.h>
#undef STM32_PWM_USE_TIM4 // [!code focus]
#define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM4 TRUE // [!code focus]
``` ```
The following `#define`s apply only to the `pwm` driver: The following `#define`s apply only to the `pwm` driver:
@ -187,15 +195,23 @@ Refer to the ST datasheet for your particular MCU to determine these values. For
Depending on the ChibiOS board configuration, you may need to enable general-purpose timers at the keyboard level. For STM32, this would look like: Depending on the ChibiOS board configuration, you may need to enable general-purpose timers at the keyboard level. For STM32, this would look like:
`halconf.h`: ::: code-group
```c ```c [halconf.h]
#define HAL_USE_GPT TRUE #pragma once
#define HAL_USE_GPT TRUE // [!code focus]
#include_next <halconf.h>
``` ```
`mcuconf.h`: ```c [mcuconf.h]
```c #pragma once
#undef STM32_GPT_USE_TIM15
#define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM15 TRUE #include_next <mcuconf.h>
#undef STM32_GPT_USE_TIM15 // [!code focus]
#define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM15 TRUE // [!code focus]
``` ```
The following `#define`s apply only to the `timer` driver: The following `#define`s apply only to the `timer` driver:

View File

@ -90,18 +90,22 @@ PS2_ENABLE = yes
PS2_DRIVER = interrupt PS2_DRIVER = interrupt
``` ```
In your keyboard config.h: In your keyboard `config.h`:
```c ```c
#define PS2_CLOCK_PIN A8 #define PS2_CLOCK_PIN A8
#define PS2_DATA_PIN A9 #define PS2_DATA_PIN A9
``` ```
And in the chibios specifig halconf.h: And in the ChibiOS specific `halconf.h`:
#pragma once
#define PAL_USE_CALLBACKS TRUE // [!code focus]
#include_next <halconf.h>
### USART Version {#usart-version} ### USART Version {#usart-version}

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Your computer keyboard has a processor inside of it, similar to the one inside y
QMK tries to put a lot of power into your hands by making easy things easy, and hard things possible. You don't have to know how to program to create powerful keymaps — you only have to follow a few simple syntax rules. QMK tries to put a lot of power into your hands by making easy things easy, and hard things possible. You don't have to know how to program to create powerful keymaps — you only have to follow a few simple syntax rules.
Not sure if your keyboard can run QMK? If it's a mechanical keyboard you built yourself chances are good it can. We support a [large number of hobbyist boards]( If your current keyboard can't run QMK there are a lot of choices out there for boards that do. Not sure if your keyboard can run QMK? If it's a mechanical keyboard you built yourself chances are good it can. We support a [large number of hobbyist boards]( If your current keyboard can't run QMK there are a lot of choices out there for boards that do.
::: tip Is This Guide For Me? ::: tip Is This Guide For Me?
If the thought of programming intimidates you, please [take a look at our online GUI](newbs_building_firmware_configurator) instead. If the thought of programming intimidates you, please [take a look at our online GUI](newbs_building_firmware_configurator) instead.

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ You can create `info.json` files at every level under `qmk_firmware/keyboards/<k
* A free-form text string describing the keyboard's manufacturer. This will be used as the USB manufacturer string. Can include Unicode characters, escaped to ASCII eg. `\u03A8` (Ψ). * A free-form text string describing the keyboard's manufacturer. This will be used as the USB manufacturer string. Can include Unicode characters, escaped to ASCII eg. `\u03A8` (Ψ).
* Example: `"Clueboard"` * Example: `"Clueboard"`
* `url` <Badge type="info">String</Badge> <Badge>Required</Badge> * `url` <Badge type="info">String</Badge> <Badge>Required</Badge>
* A URL to the keyboard's product page, []( page, or other page describing information about the keyboard. * A URL to the keyboard's product page, [QMK Keyboards]( page, or other page describing information about the keyboard.
* Example: `""` * Example: `""`
* `bootloader_instructions` <Badge type="info">String</Badge> * `bootloader_instructions` <Badge type="info">String</Badge>
* Instructions for putting the keyboard into a mode that allows for firmware flashing. * Instructions for putting the keyboard into a mode that allows for firmware flashing.

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@ -2,9 +2,31 @@
Keyboards are able to support a wide range of languages. However, this support is not actually achieved within the keyboard itself - instead, it sends numerical codes, which the operating system maps to the appropriate characters depending on the user's configured keyboard layout. By default (and per the HID spec), this is the US ANSI layout. For example, when a Swedish person presses the key with the `å` character printed on it, the keyboard is *actually* sending the keycode for `[`. Keyboards are able to support a wide range of languages. However, this support is not actually achieved within the keyboard itself - instead, it sends numerical codes, which the operating system maps to the appropriate characters depending on the user's configured keyboard layout. By default (and per the HID spec), this is the US ANSI layout. For example, when a Swedish person presses the key with the `å` character printed on it, the keyboard is *actually* sending the keycode for `[`.
Obviously, this can get confusing, so QMK provides language-specific keycode aliases for many keyboard layouts. These won't do much on their own - you still have to set the matching keyboard layout in your OS settings. Think of them more as keycap labels for your keymap. Obviously, this can get confusing, so QMK provides language-specific keycode aliases for many keyboard layouts. These are used in place of the `KC_` prefixed ones. They won't do much on their own - you still have to set the matching keyboard layout in your OS settings. Think of them more as keycap labels for your keymap. The language-specific keycode aliases are defined in the files listed in the [Keycodes Header](#header-files) column below.
Simply `#include` one of the keycode headers below at the top of your `keymap.c`, and assign the keycodes defined in the header in place of the `KC_` prefixed ones. ## Selecting Your Host Keyboard Layout
To select a host keyboard layout, simply `#include` one of the [keycode headers](#header-files) below at the top of your `keymap.c`. Example:
#include "keymap_japanese.h" // [!code focus]
Alternatively, if using `keymap.json`, add the `host_language` key as shown in the following example. The available languages are those with a _Sendstring LUT Header_ entry in one of the [Header Files](#header-files) tables.
"keyboard": "handwired/my_macropad",
"keymap": "my_keymap",
"host_language": "swedish", // [!code focus]
"layout": "LAYOUT_all",
"layers": [
## Sendstring Support ## Sendstring Support

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@ -112,9 +112,9 @@
{"matrix": [5, 1], "x": 1.25, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25}, {"matrix": [5, 1], "x": 1.25, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 2], "x": 2.5, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25}, {"matrix": [5, 2], "x": 2.5, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 6], "x": 3.75, "y": 5.25, "w": 6.25}, {"matrix": [5, 6], "x": 3.75, "y": 5.25, "w": 6.25},
{"matrix": [5, 10], "x": 10, "y": 5.25, "w": 1}, {"matrix": [5, 10], "x": 10, "y": 5.25},
{"matrix": [5, 11], "x": 11, "y": 5.25, "w": 1}, {"matrix": [5, 11], "x": 11, "y": 5.25},
{"matrix": [5, 9], "x": 12, "y": 5.25, "w": 1}, {"matrix": [5, 9], "x": 12, "y": 5.25},
{"matrix": [5, 12], "x": 13.25, "y": 5.5}, {"matrix": [5, 12], "x": 13.25, "y": 5.5},
{"matrix": [5, 13], "x": 14.25, "y": 5.5}, {"matrix": [5, 13], "x": 14.25, "y": 5.5},
{"matrix": [5, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 5.5} {"matrix": [5, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 5.5}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
"manufacturer": "FILCO",
"keyboard_name": "Majestouch Redux",
"maintainer": "Druah",
"bootloader": "atmel-dfu",
"build": {
"lto": true
"diode_direction": "COL2ROW",
"features": {
"bootmagic": true,
"extrakey": true,
"mousekey": true,
"nkro": true
"indicators": {
"caps_lock": "C1",
"scroll_lock": "C0"
"matrix_pins": {
"cols": ["A0", "A1", "A2", "F6", "F7", "E6", "F0", "F1", "F2", "B3", "B2", "B1", "F3", "F4", "C5", "C6", "C3"],
"rows": ["C2", "B4", "B5", "F5", "C7", "C4"]
"processor": "at90usb646",
"qmk": {
"locking": {
"enabled": true,
"resync": true
"url": "",
"usb": {
"device_version": "1.0.0",
"pid": "0x0003",
"vid": "0x444E"
"community_layouts": ["tkl_ansi"],
"layouts": {
"LAYOUT_tkl_ansi": {
"layout": [
{"matrix": [0, 0], "x": 0, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 2], "x": 2, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 3], "x": 3, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 4], "x": 4, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 5], "x": 5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 6], "x": 6.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 7], "x": 7.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 8], "x": 8.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 9], "x": 9.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 10], "x": 11, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 11], "x": 12, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 12], "x": 13, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 13], "x": 14, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [1, 0], "x": 0, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [1, 1], "x": 1, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [1, 2], "x": 2, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [1, 3], "x": 3, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [1, 4], "x": 4, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [1, 5], "x": 5, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [1, 6], "x": 6, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [1, 7], "x": 7, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [1, 8], "x": 8, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [1, 9], "x": 9, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [1, 10], "x": 10, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [1, 11], "x": 11, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [1, 12], "x": 12, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [1, 13], "x": 13, "y": 1.5, "w": 2},
{"matrix": [1, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [1, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [1, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 1.5},
{"matrix": [2, 0], "x": 0, "y": 2.5, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [2, 1], "x": 1.5, "y": 2.5},
{"matrix": [2, 2], "x": 2.5, "y": 2.5},
{"matrix": [2, 3], "x": 3.5, "y": 2.5},
{"matrix": [2, 4], "x": 4.5, "y": 2.5},
{"matrix": [2, 5], "x": 5.5, "y": 2.5},
{"matrix": [2, 6], "x": 6.5, "y": 2.5},
{"matrix": [2, 7], "x": 7.5, "y": 2.5},
{"matrix": [2, 8], "x": 8.5, "y": 2.5},
{"matrix": [2, 9], "x": 9.5, "y": 2.5},
{"matrix": [2, 10], "x": 10.5, "y": 2.5},
{"matrix": [2, 11], "x": 11.5, "y": 2.5},
{"matrix": [2, 12], "x": 12.5, "y": 2.5},
{"matrix": [2, 13], "x": 13.5, "y": 2.5, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [2, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 2.5},
{"matrix": [2, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 2.5},
{"matrix": [2, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 2.5},
{"matrix": [3, 0], "x": 0, "y": 3.5, "w": 1.75},
{"matrix": [3, 1], "x": 1.75, "y": 3.5},
{"matrix": [3, 2], "x": 2.75, "y": 3.5},
{"matrix": [3, 3], "x": 3.75, "y": 3.5},
{"matrix": [3, 4], "x": 4.75, "y": 3.5},
{"matrix": [3, 5], "x": 5.75, "y": 3.5},
{"matrix": [3, 6], "x": 6.75, "y": 3.5},
{"matrix": [3, 7], "x": 7.75, "y": 3.5},
{"matrix": [3, 8], "x": 8.75, "y": 3.5},
{"matrix": [3, 9], "x": 9.75, "y": 3.5},
{"matrix": [3, 10], "x": 10.75, "y": 3.5},
{"matrix": [3, 11], "x": 11.75, "y": 3.5},
{"matrix": [3, 13], "x": 12.75, "y": 3.5, "w": 2.25},
{"matrix": [4, 0], "x": 0, "y": 4.5, "w": 2.25},
{"matrix": [4, 2], "x": 2.25, "y": 4.5},
{"matrix": [4, 3], "x": 3.25, "y": 4.5},
{"matrix": [4, 4], "x": 4.25, "y": 4.5},
{"matrix": [4, 5], "x": 5.25, "y": 4.5},
{"matrix": [4, 6], "x": 6.25, "y": 4.5},
{"matrix": [4, 7], "x": 7.25, "y": 4.5},
{"matrix": [4, 8], "x": 8.25, "y": 4.5},
{"matrix": [4, 9], "x": 9.25, "y": 4.5},
{"matrix": [4, 10], "x": 10.25, "y": 4.5},
{"matrix": [4, 11], "x": 11.25, "y": 4.5},
{"matrix": [4, 13], "x": 12.25, "y": 4.5, "w": 2.75},
{"matrix": [4, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 4.5},
{"matrix": [5, 0], "x": 0, "y": 5.5, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 1], "x": 1.25, "y": 5.5, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 2], "x": 2.5, "y": 5.5, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 7], "x": 3.75, "y": 5.5, "w": 6.25},
{"matrix": [5, 10], "x": 10, "y": 5.5, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 11], "x": 11.25, "y": 5.5, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 12], "x": 12.5, "y": 5.5, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 13], "x": 13.75, "y": 5.5, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 5.5},
{"matrix": [5, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 5.5},
{"matrix": [5, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 5.5}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Copyright 2024 Druah (@Druah)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
* Esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10F11F12PScScrPse
* ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = BackspInsHomPgU
* Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] \ DelEndPgD
* Caps A S D F G H J K L ; ' Enter
* Shift Z X C V B N M , . / Shift
* CtrlGUI Alt Alt GUIMenuCtrl
[0] = LAYOUT_tkl_ansi(
KC_ESC, KC_F1, KC_F2, KC_F3, KC_F4, KC_F5, KC_F6, KC_F7, KC_F8, KC_F9, KC_F10, KC_F11, KC_F12, KC_PSCR, KC_SCRL, KC_PAUS,
KC_GRV, KC_1, KC_2, KC_3, KC_4, KC_5, KC_6, KC_7, KC_8, KC_9, KC_0, KC_MINS, KC_EQL, KC_BSPC, KC_INS, KC_HOME, KC_PGUP,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Majestouch Redux
A replacement PCB for the FILCO Majestouch TKL line of keyboards (and other keyboards) compatible with [Phantom TKL]( PCB spacing
* Keyboard Maintainer: [Druah](
* Hardware Supported: Majestouch Redux
* Hardware Availability: Private buy
Make example for this keyboard (after setting up your build environment):
make druah/majestouch_redux:default
Flashing example for this keyboard:
make druah/majestouch_redux:default:flash
See the [build environment setup]( and the [make instructions]( for more information. Brand new to QMK? Start with our [Complete Newbs Guide](
## Bootloader
Enter the bootloader in 3 ways:
* **Bootmagic reset**: Hold down the key at (0,0) in the matrix (the Escape/top left key) and plug in the keyboard
* **Physical reset button**: Briefly press the button on the back of the PCB labelled with "RESET"
* **Keycode in layout**: Press the key mapped to `QK_BOOT` if it is available

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
"manufacturer": "Amund Tenstad",
"keyboard_name": "tenstad",
"maintainer": "tenstad",
"bootloader": "rp2040",
"diode_direction": "ROW2COL",
"features": {
"bootmagic": true,
"extrakey": true,
"mousekey": true,
"nkro": true
"matrix_pins": {
"cols": ["GP29", "GP28", "GP27", "GP26", "GP15", "GP14"],
"rows": ["GP3", "GP4", "GP5", "GP6"]
"processor": "RP2040",
"split": {
"enabled": true,
"serial": {
"driver": "vendor"
"transport": {
"protocol": "serial"
"url": "",
"usb": {
"device_version": "1.0.0",
"pid": "0x0000",
"vid": "0xFEED"
"layouts": {
"LAYOUT_split_3x6_5": {
"layout": [
{"matrix": [0, 0], "x": 0, "y": 1.35},
{"matrix": [0, 1], "x": 1, "y": 0.95},
{"matrix": [0, 2], "x": 2.35, "y": 0.35},
{"matrix": [0, 3], "x": 3.35, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 4], "x": 4.65, "y": 0.4},
{"matrix": [0, 5], "x": 5.65, "y": 0.4},
{"matrix": [4, 5], "x": 12.25, "y": 0.4},
{"matrix": [4, 4], "x": 13.25, "y": 0.4},
{"matrix": [4, 3], "x": 14.55, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [4, 2], "x": 15.55, "y": 0.35},
{"matrix": [4, 1], "x": 16.9, "y": 0.95},
{"matrix": [4, 0], "x": 17.9, "y": 1.35},
{"matrix": [1, 0], "x": 0.1, "y": 2.35},
{"matrix": [1, 1], "x": 1.1, "y": 1.95},
{"matrix": [1, 2], "x": 2.4, "y": 1.35},
{"matrix": [1, 3], "x": 3.4, "y": 1},
{"matrix": [1, 4], "x": 4.65, "y": 1.4},
{"matrix": [1, 5], "x": 5.65, "y": 1.4},
{"matrix": [5, 5], "x": 12.25, "y": 1.4},
{"matrix": [5, 4], "x": 13.25, "y": 1.4},
{"matrix": [5, 3], "x": 14.5, "y": 1},
{"matrix": [5, 2], "x": 15.5, "y": 1.35},
{"matrix": [5, 1], "x": 16.8, "y": 1.95},
{"matrix": [5, 0], "x": 17.8, "y": 2.35},
{"matrix": [2, 0], "x": 0.2, "y": 3.35},
{"matrix": [2, 1], "x": 1.2, "y": 2.95},
{"matrix": [2, 2], "x": 2.45, "y": 2.35},
{"matrix": [2, 3], "x": 3.45, "y": 2},
{"matrix": [2, 4], "x": 4.65, "y": 2.4},
{"matrix": [2, 5], "x": 5.65, "y": 2.4},
{"matrix": [6, 5], "x": 12.25, "y": 2.4},
{"matrix": [6, 4], "x": 13.25, "y": 2.4},
{"matrix": [6, 3], "x": 14.45, "y": 2},
{"matrix": [6, 2], "x": 15.45, "y": 2.35},
{"matrix": [6, 1], "x": 16.7, "y": 2.95},
{"matrix": [6, 0], "x": 17.7, "y": 3.35},
{"matrix": [3, 5], "x": 6.85, "y": 3},
{"matrix": [3, 3], "x": 7.95, "y": 3.35},
{"matrix": [3, 4], "x": 5.6, "y": 3.95},
{"matrix": [3, 1], "x": 6.7, "y": 4.1},
{"matrix": [3, 2], "x": 7.8, "y": 4.45},
{"matrix": [7, 3], "x": 9.95, "y": 3.35},
{"matrix": [7, 5], "x": 11.05, "y": 3},
{"matrix": [7, 2], "x": 10.1, "y": 4.45},
{"matrix": [7, 1], "x": 11.2, "y": 4.1},
{"matrix": [7, 4], "x": 12.3, "y": 3.95}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
"keyboard": "handwired/tenstad",
"keymap": "default",
"layout": "LAYOUT_split_3x6_5",
"layers": [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# tenstad
[tenstad/keyboard]( - hand-soldered ergonomic split 3x6 keyboard with 5 thumb keys
* Keyboard Maintainer: [Amund Tenstad](
* Hardware Supported: RP2040 Zero
* Hardware Availability: [List of Parts]( from [AliExpress](
Make example for this keyboard (after setting up your build environment):
make handwired/tenstad:default
Flashing example for this keyboard:
make handwired/tenstad:default:flash
See the [build environment setup]( and the [make instructions]( for more information. Brand new to QMK? Start with our [Complete Newbs Guide](

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"manufacturer": "Zykrah",
"keyboard_name": "Pizza Pad",
"maintainer": "zykrah",
"processor": "RP2040",
"bootloader": "rp2040",
"diode_direction": "COL2ROW",
"dynamic_keymap": {
"layer_count": 6
"matrix_pins": {
"cols": ["GP1", "GP0", "GP7"],
"rows": ["GP6", "GP29", "GP28"]
"usb": {
"device_version": "0.0.1",
"pid": "0x5050",
"vid": "0x7A79"
"community_layouts": ["ortho_3x3"],
"layouts": {
"LAYOUT_ortho_3x3": {
"layout": [
{"matrix": [0, 0], "x": 0, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 1], "x": 1, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 2], "x": 2, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [1, 0], "x": 0, "y": 1},
{"matrix": [1, 1], "x": 1, "y": 1},
{"matrix": [1, 2], "x": 2, "y": 1},
{"matrix": [2, 0], "x": 0, "y": 2},
{"matrix": [2, 1], "x": 1, "y": 2},
{"matrix": [2, 2], "x": 2, "y": 2}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// Copyright 2024 Zykrah (@zykrah)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
[0] = LAYOUT_ortho_3x3(
KC_P7, KC_P8, KC_P9,
KC_P4, KC_P5, KC_P6,
KC_P1, KC_P2, KC_P3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Pizza Pad PCB
![Pizza Pad PCB](
A 3x3 PCB designed for the Idyllic Pretty Pad.
* Keyboard Maintainer: Zykrah
* Hardware Supported: Pizza Pad PCB (using a SEEED XIAO RP2040)
* Hardware Availability: [Mechstock](
Make example for this keyboard (after setting up your build environment):
make idyllic/pizzapad:default
Flashing example for this keyboard:
make idyllic/pizzapad:default:flash
See the [build environment setup]( and the [make instructions]( for more information. Brand new to QMK? Start with our [Complete Newbs Guide](
## Bootloader
Enter the bootloader in 3 ways:
* **Bootmagic reset**: Hold down the key at (0,0) in the matrix (usually the top left key or Escape) and plug in the keyboard
* **Physical reset button**: Briefly press both the `BOOT` and `RESET` buttons at the same time
* **Keycode in layout**: Press the key mapped to `QK_BOOT` if it is available

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
"manufacturer": "Hawtkeys",
"keyboard_name": "shorty",
"maintainer": "hawtkeys",
"bootloader": "rp2040",
"diode_direction": "ROW2COL",
"encoder": {
"rotary": [
{"pin_a": "GP28", "pin_b": "GP27"},
{"pin_a": "GP3", "pin_b": "GP4"}
"features": {
"bootmagic": true,
"encoder": true,
"extrakey": true,
"mousekey": true,
"nkro": true
"matrix_pins": {
"cols": ["GP14", "GP13", "GP12"],
"rows": ["GP11", "GP10", "GP9", "GP29", "GP2"]
"processor": "RP2040",
"url": "",
"usb": {
"device_version": "1.0.0",
"pid": "0x5400",
"vid": "0x5453"
"layouts": {
"layout": [
{"matrix": [3, 0], "x": 0, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [4, 0], "x": 2, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 0], "x": 0, "y": 1},
{"matrix": [0, 1], "x": 1, "y": 1},
{"matrix": [0, 2], "x": 2, "y": 1},
{"matrix": [1, 0], "x": 0, "y": 2},
{"matrix": [1, 1], "x": 1, "y": 2},
{"matrix": [1, 2], "x": 2, "y": 2},
{"matrix": [2, 0], "x": 0, "y": 3},
{"matrix": [2, 1], "x": 1, "y": 3},
{"matrix": [2, 2], "x": 2, "y": 3}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// Copyright 2023 QMK
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
[0] = LAYOUT(
KC_P7, KC_P8, KC_P9,
KC_P4, KC_P5, KC_P6,
KC_P1, KC_P2, KC_P3
const uint16_t PROGMEM encoder_map[][NUM_ENCODERS][NUM_DIRECTIONS] = {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Shorty Zero
![Shorty Zero by](
The Shorty Zero is a 3x3 customizable macropad designed for productivity, gaming, and creative workflows, featuring programmable keys and rotary knobs.
* Keyboard Maintainer: [Hawtkeys](
* Hardware Supported: Raspberry Pi Pico, Hawtkeys Shorty Zero PCB
* Hardware Availability: [Available @](
Make example for this keyboard (after setting up your build environment):
make shorty:default
Flashing example for this keyboard:
make shorty:default:flash
See the [build environment setup]( and the [make instructions]( for more information. Brand new to QMK? Start with our [Complete Newbs Guide](
## Bootloader
Enter the bootloader in 3 ways:
* **Bootmagic reset**: Hold down the key at (0,0) in the matrix (usually the top left key or Escape) and plug in the keyboard
* **Physical reset button**: Briefly press the button on the back of the PCB - some may have pads you must short instead
* **Keycode in layout**: Press the key mapped to `QK_BOOT` if it is available

View File

@ -64,13 +64,13 @@
{"label": ".", "matrix": [2, 9], "x": 9.75, "y": 2}, {"label": ".", "matrix": [2, 9], "x": 9.75, "y": 2},
{"label": "/", "matrix": [2, 10], "x": 10.75, "y": 2}, {"label": "/", "matrix": [2, 10], "x": 10.75, "y": 2},
{"label": "Shift", "matrix": [2, 11], "x": 11.75, "y": 2, "w": 1.75}, {"label": "Shift", "matrix": [2, 11], "x": 11.75, "y": 2, "w": 1.75},
{"label": "Ctrl", "matrix": [3, 0], "x": 0, "y": 3, "w": 1}, {"label": "Ctrl", "matrix": [3, 0], "x": 0, "y": 3},
{"label": "LAlt", "matrix": [3, 1], "x": 1.75, "y": 3, "w": 1}, {"label": "LAlt", "matrix": [3, 1], "x": 1.75, "y": 3},
{"label": "LGui", "matrix": [3, 2], "x": 2.75, "y": 3, "w": 1}, {"label": "LGui", "matrix": [3, 2], "x": 2.75, "y": 3},
{"label": "Space", "matrix": [3, 5], "x": 3.75, "y": 3, "w": 6}, {"label": "Space", "matrix": [3, 5], "x": 3.75, "y": 3, "w": 6},
{"label": "RGui", "matrix": [3, 8], "x": 9.75, "y": 3, "w": 1}, {"label": "RGui", "matrix": [3, 8], "x": 9.75, "y": 3},
{"label": "RAlt", "matrix": [3, 9], "x": 10.75, "y": 3, "w": 1}, {"label": "RAlt", "matrix": [3, 9], "x": 10.75, "y": 3},
{"label": "RCtrl", "matrix": [3, 11], "x": 12.5, "y": 3, "w": 1} {"label": "RCtrl", "matrix": [3, 11], "x": 12.5, "y": 3}
] ]
}, },
"LAYOUT_split_bars": { "LAYOUT_split_bars": {
@ -113,14 +113,14 @@
{"label": ".", "matrix": [2, 9], "x": 9.75, "y": 2}, {"label": ".", "matrix": [2, 9], "x": 9.75, "y": 2},
{"label": "/", "matrix": [2, 10], "x": 10.75, "y": 2}, {"label": "/", "matrix": [2, 10], "x": 10.75, "y": 2},
{"label": "Shift", "matrix": [2, 11], "x": 11.75, "y": 2, "w": 1.75}, {"label": "Shift", "matrix": [2, 11], "x": 11.75, "y": 2, "w": 1.75},
{"label": "Ctrl", "matrix": [3, 0], "x": 0, "y": 3, "w": 1}, {"label": "Ctrl", "matrix": [3, 0], "x": 0, "y": 3},
{"label": "LAlt", "matrix": [3, 1], "x": 1.75, "y": 3, "w": 1.5}, {"label": "LAlt", "matrix": [3, 1], "x": 1.75, "y": 3, "w": 1.5},
{"label": "LGui", "matrix": [3, 2], "x": 3.25, "y": 3, "w": 1}, {"label": "LGui", "matrix": [3, 2], "x": 3.25, "y": 3},
{"label": "Space", "matrix": [3, 3], "x": 4.25, "y": 3, "w": 2.25}, {"label": "Space", "matrix": [3, 3], "x": 4.25, "y": 3, "w": 2.25},
{"label": "Space", "matrix": [3, 7], "x": 6.5, "y": 3, "w": 2.75}, {"label": "Space", "matrix": [3, 7], "x": 6.5, "y": 3, "w": 2.75},
{"label": "RGui", "matrix": [3, 8], "x": 9.25, "y": 3, "w": 1}, {"label": "RGui", "matrix": [3, 8], "x": 9.25, "y": 3},
{"label": "RAlt", "matrix": [3, 9], "x": 10.25, "y": 3, "w": 1.5}, {"label": "RAlt", "matrix": [3, 9], "x": 10.25, "y": 3, "w": 1.5},
{"label": "RCtrl", "matrix": [3, 11], "x": 12.5, "y": 3, "w": 1} {"label": "RCtrl", "matrix": [3, 11], "x": 12.5, "y": 3}
] ]
} }
} }

View File

@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
{"matrix": [7, 6], "x": 14, "y": 3}, {"matrix": [7, 6], "x": 14, "y": 3},
{"matrix": [7, 7], "x": 15, "y": 3}, {"matrix": [7, 7], "x": 15, "y": 3},
{"matrix": [8, 0], "x": 0, "y": 4, "w": 1.5}, {"matrix": [8, 0], "x": 0, "y": 4, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [9, 0], "x": 1.5, "y": 4, "w": 1}, {"matrix": [9, 0], "x": 1.5, "y": 4},
{"matrix": [8, 1], "x": 2.5, "y": 4, "w": 1.5}, {"matrix": [8, 1], "x": 2.5, "y": 4, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [8, 3], "x": 4, "y": 4, "w": 7}, {"matrix": [8, 3], "x": 4, "y": 4, "w": 7},
{"matrix": [8, 5], "x": 11, "y": 4, "w": 1.5}, {"matrix": [8, 5], "x": 11, "y": 4, "w": 1.5},
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
{"matrix": [7, 6], "x": 14, "y": 3}, {"matrix": [7, 6], "x": 14, "y": 3},
{"matrix": [7, 7], "x": 15, "y": 3}, {"matrix": [7, 7], "x": 15, "y": 3},
{"matrix": [8, 0], "x": 0, "y": 4, "w": 1.5}, {"matrix": [8, 0], "x": 0, "y": 4, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [9, 0], "x": 1.5, "y": 4, "w": 1}, {"matrix": [9, 0], "x": 1.5, "y": 4},
{"matrix": [8, 1], "x": 2.5, "y": 4, "w": 1.5}, {"matrix": [8, 1], "x": 2.5, "y": 4, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [8, 3], "x": 4, "y": 4, "w": 7}, {"matrix": [8, 3], "x": 4, "y": 4, "w": 7},
{"matrix": [8, 5], "x": 11, "y": 4, "w": 1.5}, {"matrix": [8, 5], "x": 11, "y": 4, "w": 1.5},
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@
{"matrix": [7, 6], "x": 14, "y": 3}, {"matrix": [7, 6], "x": 14, "y": 3},
{"matrix": [7, 7], "x": 15, "y": 3}, {"matrix": [7, 7], "x": 15, "y": 3},
{"matrix": [8, 0], "x": 0, "y": 4, "w": 1.5}, {"matrix": [8, 0], "x": 0, "y": 4, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [9, 0], "x": 1.5, "y": 4, "w": 1}, {"matrix": [9, 0], "x": 1.5, "y": 4},
{"matrix": [8, 1], "x": 2.5, "y": 4, "w": 1.5}, {"matrix": [8, 1], "x": 2.5, "y": 4, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [8, 3], "x": 4, "y": 4, "w": 7}, {"matrix": [8, 3], "x": 4, "y": 4, "w": 7},
{"matrix": [8, 5], "x": 11, "y": 4, "w": 1.5}, {"matrix": [8, 5], "x": 11, "y": 4, "w": 1.5},
@ -685,7 +685,7 @@
{"matrix": [7, 6], "x": 14, "y": 3}, {"matrix": [7, 6], "x": 14, "y": 3},
{"matrix": [7, 7], "x": 15, "y": 3}, {"matrix": [7, 7], "x": 15, "y": 3},
{"matrix": [8, 0], "x": 0, "y": 4, "w": 1.5}, {"matrix": [8, 0], "x": 0, "y": 4, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [9, 0], "x": 1.5, "y": 4, "w": 1}, {"matrix": [9, 0], "x": 1.5, "y": 4},
{"matrix": [8, 1], "x": 2.5, "y": 4, "w": 1.5}, {"matrix": [8, 1], "x": 2.5, "y": 4, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [8, 3], "x": 4, "y": 4, "w": 7}, {"matrix": [8, 3], "x": 4, "y": 4, "w": 7},
{"matrix": [8, 5], "x": 11, "y": 4, "w": 1.5}, {"matrix": [8, 5], "x": 11, "y": 4, "w": 1.5},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Copyright 2024 Zykrah
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once

View File

@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
"keyboard_name": "Fuyu Hotswap",
"maintainer": "zykrah",
"manufacturer": "Zykrah",
"processor": "RP2040",
"bootloader": "rp2040",
"usb": {
"device_version": "0.0.1",
"pid": "0x4648",
"vid": "0x7A79"
"features": {
"bootmagic": true,
"extrakey": true,
"mousekey": true,
"nkro": true,
"rgb_matrix": true
"diode_direction": "COL2ROW",
"dynamic_keymap": {
"layer_count": 6
"matrix_pins": {
"rows": ["GP13", "GP12", "GP11", "GP10", "GP15", "GP14"],
"cols": ["GP29", "GP28", "GP27", "GP26", "GP25", "GP24", "GP23", "GP22", "GP21", "GP20", "GP19", "GP18", "GP17", "GP16", "GP2", "GP1", "GP0"]
"rgb_matrix": {
"animations": {
"alphas_mods": true,
"gradient_up_down": true,
"gradient_left_right": true,
"breathing": true,
"band_sat": true,
"band_val": true,
"band_pinwheel_sat": true,
"band_pinwheel_val": true,
"band_spiral_sat": true,
"band_spiral_val": true,
"cycle_all": true,
"cycle_left_right": true,
"cycle_up_down": true,
"rainbow_moving_chevron": true,
"cycle_out_in": true,
"cycle_out_in_dual": true,
"cycle_pinwheel": true,
"cycle_spiral": true,
"dual_beacon": true,
"rainbow_beacon": true,
"rainbow_pinwheels": true,
"raindrops": true,
"jellybean_raindrops": true,
"hue_breathing": true,
"hue_pendulum": true,
"hue_wave": true,
"pixel_rain": true,
"pixel_flow": true,
"pixel_fractal": true
"default": {
"val": 150
"driver": "ws2812",
"max_brightness": 200,
"layout": [
{"x": 112, "y": 32, "flags": 8},
{"x": 138, "y": 17, "flags": 8},
{"x": 112, "y": 2, "flags": 8},
{"x": 86, "y": 17, "flags": 8},
{"x": 86, "y": 47, "flags": 8},
{"x": 112, "y": 62, "flags": 8},
{"x": 138, "y": 47, "flags": 8},
{"x": 0, "y": 0, "flags": 2},
{"x": 16, "y": 0, "flags": 2},
{"x": 32, "y": 0, "flags": 2},
{"x": 48, "y": 0, "flags": 2},
{"x": 64, "y": 0, "flags": 2},
{"x": 80, "y": 0, "flags": 2},
{"x": 96, "y": 0, "flags": 2},
{"x": 112, "y": 0, "flags": 2},
{"x": 128, "y": 0, "flags": 2},
{"x": 144, "y": 0, "flags": 2},
{"x": 160, "y": 0, "flags": 2},
{"x": 176, "y": 0, "flags": 2},
{"x": 192, "y": 0, "flags": 2},
{"x": 208, "y": 0, "flags": 2},
{"x": 208, "y": 16, "flags": 2},
{"x": 208, "y": 32, "flags": 2},
{"x": 208, "y": 48, "flags": 2},
{"x": 208, "y": 64, "flags": 2},
{"x": 192, "y": 64, "flags": 2},
{"x": 176, "y": 64, "flags": 2},
{"x": 160, "y": 64, "flags": 2},
{"x": 144, "y": 64, "flags": 2},
{"x": 128, "y": 64, "flags": 2},
{"x": 112, "y": 64, "flags": 2},
{"x": 96, "y": 64, "flags": 2},
{"x": 80, "y": 64, "flags": 2},
{"x": 64, "y": 64, "flags": 2},
{"x": 48, "y": 64, "flags": 2},
{"x": 32, "y": 64, "flags": 2},
{"x": 16, "y": 64, "flags": 2},
{"x": 0, "y": 64, "flags": 2},
{"x": 0, "y": 48, "flags": 2},
{"x": 0, "y": 32, "flags": 2},
{"x": 0, "y": 16, "flags": 2}
"url": "",
"ws2812": {
"driver": "vendor",
"pin": "GP3"
"layouts": {
"LAYOUT_all": {
"layout": [
{"matrix": [0, 0], "x": 0, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 2], "x": 2, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 3], "x": 3, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 4], "x": 4, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 5], "x": 5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 6], "x": 6.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 7], "x": 7.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 8], "x": 8.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 9], "x": 9.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 10], "x": 11, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 11], "x": 12, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 12], "x": 13, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 13], "x": 14, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [1, 0], "x": 0, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 1], "x": 1, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 2], "x": 2, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 3], "x": 3, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 4], "x": 4, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 5], "x": 5, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 6], "x": 6, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 7], "x": 7, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 8], "x": 8, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 9], "x": 9, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 10], "x": 10, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 11], "x": 11, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 12], "x": 12, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 13], "x": 13, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [3, 13], "x": 14, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [2, 0], "x": 0, "y": 2.25, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [2, 1], "x": 1.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 2], "x": 2.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 3], "x": 3.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 4], "x": 4.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 5], "x": 5.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 6], "x": 6.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 7], "x": 7.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 8], "x": 8.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 9], "x": 9.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 10], "x": 10.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 11], "x": 11.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 12], "x": 12.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 13], "x": 13.5, "y": 2.25, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [2, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [3, 0], "x": 0, "y": 3.25, "w": 1.75},
{"matrix": [3, 1], "x": 1.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 2], "x": 2.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 3], "x": 3.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 4], "x": 4.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 5], "x": 5.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 6], "x": 6.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 7], "x": 7.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 8], "x": 8.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 9], "x": 9.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 10], "x": 10.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 11], "x": 11.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 12], "x": 12.75, "y": 3.25, "w": 2.25},
{"matrix": [3, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [4, 0], "x": 0, "y": 4.25, "w": 2.25},
{"matrix": [4, 2], "x": 2.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 3], "x": 3.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 4], "x": 4.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 5], "x": 5.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 6], "x": 6.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 7], "x": 7.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 8], "x": 8.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 9], "x": 9.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 10], "x": 10.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 11], "x": 11.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 12], "x": 12.25, "y": 4.25, "w": 1.75},
{"matrix": [4, 13], "x": 14, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [5, 0], "x": 0, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 1], "x": 1.25, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 2], "x": 2.5, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 6], "x": 3.75, "y": 5.25, "w": 6.25},
{"matrix": [5, 10], "x": 10, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 11], "x": 11.25, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 12], "x": 12.5, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 13], "x": 13.75, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 5.25},
{"matrix": [5, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 5.25},
{"matrix": [5, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 5.25}
"LAYOUT_tkl_ansi_numpad": {
"layout": [
{"matrix": [0, 0], "x": 0, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 2], "x": 2, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 3], "x": 3, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 4], "x": 4, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 5], "x": 5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 6], "x": 6.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 7], "x": 7.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 8], "x": 8.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 9], "x": 9.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 10], "x": 11, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 11], "x": 12, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 12], "x": 13, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 13], "x": 14, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [1, 0], "x": 0, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 1], "x": 1, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 2], "x": 2, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 3], "x": 3, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 4], "x": 4, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 5], "x": 5, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 6], "x": 6, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 7], "x": 7, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 8], "x": 8, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 9], "x": 9, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 10], "x": 10, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 11], "x": 11, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 12], "x": 12, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 13], "x": 13, "y": 1.25, "w": 2},
{"matrix": [1, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [2, 0], "x": 0, "y": 2.25, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [2, 1], "x": 1.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 2], "x": 2.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 3], "x": 3.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 4], "x": 4.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 5], "x": 5.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 6], "x": 6.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 7], "x": 7.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 8], "x": 8.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 9], "x": 9.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 10], "x": 10.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 11], "x": 11.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 12], "x": 12.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 13], "x": 13.5, "y": 2.25, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [2, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [3, 0], "x": 0, "y": 3.25, "w": 1.75},
{"matrix": [3, 1], "x": 1.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 2], "x": 2.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 3], "x": 3.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 4], "x": 4.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 5], "x": 5.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 6], "x": 6.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 7], "x": 7.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 8], "x": 8.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 9], "x": 9.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 10], "x": 10.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 11], "x": 11.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 12], "x": 12.75, "y": 3.25, "w": 2.25},
{"matrix": [3, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [4, 0], "x": 0, "y": 4.25, "w": 2.25},
{"matrix": [4, 2], "x": 2.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 3], "x": 3.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 4], "x": 4.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 5], "x": 5.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 6], "x": 6.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 7], "x": 7.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 8], "x": 8.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 9], "x": 9.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 10], "x": 10.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 11], "x": 11.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 12], "x": 12.25, "y": 4.25, "w": 2.75},
{"matrix": [4, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [5, 0], "x": 0, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 1], "x": 1.25, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 2], "x": 2.5, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 6], "x": 3.75, "y": 5.25, "w": 6.25},
{"matrix": [5, 10], "x": 10, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 11], "x": 11.25, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 12], "x": 12.5, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 13], "x": 13.75, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 5.25},
{"matrix": [5, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 5.25},
{"matrix": [5, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 5.25}
"LAYOUT_tkl_ansi_tsangan_numpad": {
"layout": [
{"matrix": [0, 0], "x": 0, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 2], "x": 2, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 3], "x": 3, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 4], "x": 4, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 5], "x": 5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 6], "x": 6.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 7], "x": 7.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 8], "x": 8.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 9], "x": 9.5, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 10], "x": 11, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 11], "x": 12, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 12], "x": 13, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 13], "x": 14, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [1, 0], "x": 0, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 1], "x": 1, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 2], "x": 2, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 3], "x": 3, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 4], "x": 4, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 5], "x": 5, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 6], "x": 6, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 7], "x": 7, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 8], "x": 8, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 9], "x": 9, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 10], "x": 10, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 11], "x": 11, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 12], "x": 12, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 13], "x": 13, "y": 1.25, "w": 2},
{"matrix": [1, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [1, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 1.25},
{"matrix": [2, 0], "x": 0, "y": 2.25, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [2, 1], "x": 1.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 2], "x": 2.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 3], "x": 3.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 4], "x": 4.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 5], "x": 5.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 6], "x": 6.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 7], "x": 7.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 8], "x": 8.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 9], "x": 9.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 10], "x": 10.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 11], "x": 11.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 12], "x": 12.5, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 13], "x": 13.5, "y": 2.25, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [2, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [2, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 2.25},
{"matrix": [3, 0], "x": 0, "y": 3.25, "w": 1.75},
{"matrix": [3, 1], "x": 1.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 2], "x": 2.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 3], "x": 3.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 4], "x": 4.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 5], "x": 5.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 6], "x": 6.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 7], "x": 7.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 8], "x": 8.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 9], "x": 9.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 10], "x": 10.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 11], "x": 11.75, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 12], "x": 12.75, "y": 3.25, "w": 2.25},
{"matrix": [3, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [3, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 3.25},
{"matrix": [4, 0], "x": 0, "y": 4.25, "w": 2.25},
{"matrix": [4, 2], "x": 2.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 3], "x": 3.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 4], "x": 4.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 5], "x": 5.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 6], "x": 6.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 7], "x": 7.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 8], "x": 8.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 9], "x": 9.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 10], "x": 10.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 11], "x": 11.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 12], "x": 12.25, "y": 4.25, "w": 2.75},
{"matrix": [4, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [4, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 4.25},
{"matrix": [5, 0], "x": 0, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [5, 1], "x": 1.5, "y": 5.25},
{"matrix": [5, 2], "x": 2.5, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [5, 6], "x": 4, "y": 5.25, "w": 7},
{"matrix": [5, 11], "x": 11, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [5, 12], "x": 12.5, "y": 5.25},
{"matrix": [5, 13], "x": 13.5, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.5},
{"matrix": [5, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 5.25},
{"matrix": [5, 15], "x": 16.25, "y": 5.25},
{"matrix": [5, 16], "x": 17.25, "y": 5.25}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Copyright 2024 Zykrah
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
[0] = LAYOUT_all(
KC_ESC, KC_F1, KC_F2, KC_F3, KC_F4, KC_F5, KC_F6, KC_F7, KC_F8, KC_F9, KC_F10, KC_F11, KC_F12, KC_PSCR, KC_SCRL, KC_PAUS,
[1] = LAYOUT_all(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
![FUYU HS 7U](
An F12 TKL Hotswappable H87-Compat Type-C PCB for the Geon F1-8K
* Keyboard Maintainer: [Zykrah](
* Hardware Supported: Fuyu HS 7u rev1, Fuyu HS 6.25u rev1
* Hardware Availability: [Github Repo](, [GEON Store](, [Cafege](
Make example for this keyboard (after setting up your build environment):
make zykrah/fuyu_hs:default
Flashing example for this keyboard:
make zykrah/fuyu_hs:default:flash
See the [build environment setup]( and the [make instructions]( for more information. Brand new to QMK? Start with our [Complete Newbs Guide](
## Bootloader
Enter the bootloader in 3 ways:
* **Bootmagic reset**: Hold down the key at (0,0) in the matrix (usually the top left key or Escape) and plug in the keyboard
* **Physical reset button**: Briefly short the `RST` and `GND` pads on the SWD header twice, or short the `BOOT` header and plug in keyboard
* **Keycode in layout**: Press the key mapped to `QK_BOOT` if it is available

View File

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ from enum import Enum
import re import re
import shutil import shutil
from subprocess import DEVNULL, TimeoutExpired from subprocess import DEVNULL, TimeoutExpired
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from pathlib import Path
from milc import cli from milc import cli
from qmk import submodules from qmk import submodules
@ -44,7 +46,35 @@ def _check_arm_gcc_version():
version_number = ESSENTIAL_BINARIES['arm-none-eabi-gcc']['output'].strip() version_number = ESSENTIAL_BINARIES['arm-none-eabi-gcc']['output'].strip()'Found arm-none-eabi-gcc version %s', version_number)'Found arm-none-eabi-gcc version %s', version_number)
return CheckStatus.OK # Right now all known arm versions are ok # Right now all known ARM versions are ok, so check that it can produce binaries
return _check_arm_gcc_installation()
def _check_arm_gcc_installation():
"""Returns OK if the arm-none-eabi-gcc is fully installed and can produce binaries.
with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
temp_file = Path(temp_dir) / 'test.elf'
args = ['arm-none-eabi-gcc', '-mcpu=cortex-m0', '-mthumb', '-mno-thumb-interwork', '--specs=nosys.specs', '--specs=nano.specs', '-x', 'c', '-o', str(temp_file), '-']
result =, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, input='#include <newlib.h>\nint main() { return __NEWLIB__ * __NEWLIB_MINOR__ * __NEWLIB_PATCHLEVEL__; }')
if result.returncode == 0:'Successfully compiled using arm-none-eabi-gcc')
cli.log.error(f'Failed to compile a simple program with arm-none-eabi-gcc, return code {result.returncode}')
cli.log.error(f'Command: {" ".join(args)}')
return CheckStatus.ERROR
args = ['arm-none-eabi-size', str(temp_file)]
result =, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None)
if result.returncode == 0:'Successfully tested arm-none-eabi-binutils using arm-none-eabi-size')
cli.log.error(f'Failed to execute arm-none-eabi-size, perhaps corrupt arm-none-eabi-binutils, return code {result.returncode}')
cli.log.error(f'Command: {" ".join(args)}')
return CheckStatus.ERROR
return CheckStatus.OK
def _check_avr_gcc_version(): def _check_avr_gcc_version():
@ -53,6 +83,34 @@ def _check_avr_gcc_version():
version_number = ESSENTIAL_BINARIES['avr-gcc']['output'].strip() version_number = ESSENTIAL_BINARIES['avr-gcc']['output'].strip()'Found avr-gcc version %s', version_number)'Found avr-gcc version %s', version_number)
# Right now all known AVR versions are ok, so check that it can produce binaries
return _check_avr_gcc_installation()
def _check_avr_gcc_installation():
"""Returns OK if the avr-gcc is fully installed and can produce binaries.
with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
temp_file = Path(temp_dir) / 'test.elf'
args = ['avr-gcc', '-mmcu=atmega32u4', '-x', 'c', '-o', str(temp_file), '-']
result =, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, input='int main() { return 0; }')
if result.returncode == 0:'Successfully compiled using avr-gcc')
cli.log.error(f'Failed to compile a simple program with avr-gcc, return code {result.returncode}')
cli.log.error(f'Command: {" ".join(args)}')
return CheckStatus.ERROR
args = ['avr-size', str(temp_file)]
result =, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None)
if result.returncode == 0:'Successfully tested avr-binutils using avr-size')
cli.log.error(f'Failed to execute avr-size, perhaps corrupt avr-binutils, return code {result.returncode}')
cli.log.error(f'Command: {" ".join(args)}')
return CheckStatus.ERROR
return CheckStatus.OK return CheckStatus.OK