For 4× encoders you also can assign default position if encoder skips pulses when it changes direction. For example, if your encoder send high level on both pins by default, define this:
If you are using different pinouts for the encoders on each half of a split keyboard, you can define the pinout (and optionally, resolutions) for the right half like this:
If the `_RIGHT` definitions aren't specified in your `config.h`, then the non-`_RIGHT` versions will be applied to both sides of the split.
Additionally, if one side does not have an encoder, you can specify `{}` for the pins/resolution -- for example, a split keyboard with only a right-side encoder:
Encoder mapping may be added to your `keymap.c`, which replicates the normal keyswitch layer handling functionality, but with encoders. Add this to your keymap's ``:
Using encoder mapping pumps events through the normal QMK keycode processing pipeline, resulting in a _keydown/keyup_ combination pushed through `process_record_xxxxx()`. To configure the amount of time between the encoder "keyup" and "keydown", you can add the following to your `config.h`:
Those who are adding new keyboard support where encoders are enabled at the keyboard level should include basic encoder functionality at the keyboard level (`<keyboard>.c`) using the `encoder_update_kb()` function, that way it works for QMK Configuator users and exists in general.
If you return `true` in the keymap level `_user` function, it will allow the keyboard level encoder code to run on top of your own. Returning `false` will override the keyboard level function, if setup correctly. This is generally the safest option to avoid confusion.
For example you can support two encoders using only 3 pins like this
#define ENCODERS_PAD_A { B1, B1 }
#define ENCODERS_PAD_B { B2, B3 }
You could even support three encoders using only three pins (one per encoder) however in this configuration, rotating two encoders which share pins simultaneously will often generate incorrect output. For example:
Here rotating Encoder 0 `B1 B2` and Encoder 1 `B1 B3` could be interpreted as rotating Encoder 2 `B2 B3` or `B3 B2` depending on the timing. This may still be a useful configuration depending on your use case